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Name: ________________________________________________________________ May 2017

Hydrology Vocabulary Sheet

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Surface Tension Tightness across the surface of water that is caused
by polar water molecules pulling on each other
Universal Solvent The ability of water to dissolve many substances

Cohesion When a water molecule sticks to other water

Adhesion When water molecules stick to other substances

Density a measure of the mass of a substance per volume

Buoyancy the ability of a fluid to put an upward force on an
object that is immersed in the fluid
Specific Heat the amount of energy needed to raise the
temperature of 1 kg of a substance by 1 degree
Hydrosphere the part of Earth that contains water

Salinity the measure of how salty water is

Glacier a mass of ice and snow

Aquifer A rock layer that stores water and allows water to

flow through it
Groundwater water located underground

Water Table The top of the zone of saturation

Permeable Rock Rock that has large enough pores to hold water

Oceanography the study of oceans

Upwelling The movement of colder, nutrient-rich waters from

the deep ocean into shallow areas.
Intertidal Zone The area that stretches from the highest point of
high tide to the lowest point of low tide
Neritic Zone The part of the ocean containing the shelf and the
coral reef
Oceanic Zone The deepest darkest part of the ocean

Sonar a method of determining the depth of the ocean

Benthos organisms that live on or near the ocean bottom

Nekton are free-swimming organisms that can move

independently of currents
Plankton are tiny organisms that are moved by ocean currents

Estuary where salty ocean water mixes with fresh water

from rivers
Pollutant any substance that can harm the environment or
make it unusable for organisms

Point source pollution pollution that comes from a single identifiable

Non-point source pollution pollution that comes from many places or a
source that is not easily identified
pH measures how acidic or basic water is
Turbidity a measure of how clear water is
Bio-indicators are organisms or parts of organisms that are used
to assess ecosystem health
Aquatic Water
Terrestrial Land

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