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Test Review Chapter 17/18

Isolationism disarmament Kellogg-Briand Pact anti-


Totalitarian State Benito Mussolini Adolf Hitler Josef Stalin Francisco Franco

Fascist Party appeasement nonaggression pact Axis


Allied Powers Winston Churchill Munich Conference Atlantic


Hideki Tojo Good Neighbor Policy Battle of Midway Battle of

Coral Sea

Bataan Death March Douglas MacArthur internment genocide Sonar

D-Day Holocaust Yalta Conference Battle of the Bulge island


Harry Truman Iwo Jima Leyte Gulf Okinawa issei nissei


What was the focus of the Washington Conference?

Why were Americans in favor of isolationism?

How was Stalin different then Hitler?

Why did the U.S. Pass the Neutrality Laws?

Territory that Hitler took control over

Event that lead to the British and French declaring war on Germany

Goals of the Atlantic Charter

Events that lead to U.S. entering war

Strengths and Weakness of Allies and Axis entering WWII

Domestic steps taken by government during WWII

The Four Freedoms

Japanese Internment

Operation Overlord Ultimate cost of WWII

Battles in the Pacific

Decision to Drop Atomic bomb

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