Graphic Organizer

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Name: Period: Date:

Directions: For this activity, you will create a scene by scene timeline for Merchant
of Venice. This timeline will help you to see the parallel plots that exist within the
play and will also help you see different themes and patterns throughout the
scenes. For each scene, you must list the characters that appear in that scene, give
a brief summary of what happens in that scene, and correctly identify where the
scene takes place. The more detailed the summary, the more points you will
receive. Also, for each act, I would like you to choose a minimum of 2 scenes where
you see one of the themes represented that we have discussed in class and make a
note of them. For these special scenes, give me a 1-2 sentence explanation of why
you think that themes exists in that scene. Dont forget to be creative (5 extra credit
points for the most creative)! Hint: Use different colors to better see patterns within
the play! Use for help with this assignment.
1.1 1.2 1.3 2.1
Characters: Antonio, Characters: Portia, Characters: Bassanio, Characters: Morocco,
Salerio, Solanio, Bassanio Nerissa Shylock, Antonio Portia
Summary: Antonio is Summary: Nerissa asks Summary: Antonio Summary: Prince
worried about his ships, about Portias many borrows money from declares that he wants to
Bassanio asks Antonio for suitors, Portia says she Shylock for Bassanio attempt to win Portias
money to woo Portia hates them all Setting: Venice hand by choosing a casket
Setting: Venice Setting: Belmont Theme: Outsiders- Setting: Belmont
Theme: Money Even Shylock is a Jew, and
when discussing love, therefore an outsider of
money is the topic of Venice.
conversation, the entirety
of the city revolves
around money.
2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5
Characters: Lancelot, Characters: Lancelot, Characters: Gratiano, Characters: Shylock,
Gabbo, Bassanio, Jessica Lorenzo, Salerio, Solanio, Lancelot, Jessica
Leonardo, Gratiano Summary: Lancelot tells Lancelot Summary: Shylock
Summary: Shylocks Jessica that he will soon Summary: Lorenzo plans leaves Jessica alone at his
servants wish to work for begin to work for to run away with Jessica house, unaware of her
Bassanio instead of Bassanio and defy Shylocks plans to leave.
Shylock Setting: Venice wishes Setting: Venice
Setting: Venice Setting: Venice
Theme: Downfall of
Shylock Beginning of
the his downfall as Jessica
plans to runaway
Name: Period: Date:

2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9

Characters: Gratiano, Characters: Portia, Characters: Salerio, Characters: Nerissa,
Salerio, Lorenzo, Jessica, Morocco Solanio Portia, Aragon
Antonio Summary: Morocco Summary: They are Summary: Aragon
Summary: Jessica and picks the wrong casket talking about Antonio and chooses the wrong casket
Lorenzo run away, Jessica (gold) Bassanios (silver), Portia gets word
takes money from Setting: Belmont relationship/parting that Bassanio is coming
Shylock Theme: Commodification Setting: Venice Setting: Belmont
Setting: Venice By choosing the Gold
Theme: Downfall of casket, Morocco makes
Shylock Jessica takes Portia into an
money from Shylock, object/money
multiple losses for him.
3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4
Characters: Solanio, Characters: Portia, Characters: Shylock, Characters: Portia,
Salerio, Shylock, Tubal Nerissa, Gratiano, Antonio, Solanio Nerissa, Jessica, Lorenzo
Summary: Shylock is Bassanio Summary: Shylock Summary: Portia and
mad he lost his money, Summary: Bassanio demands his pound of Nerissa plan to go to
Jessica; commodifies chooses the right casket flesh from Antonio Venice in disguise
Jessica (Lead), bad news arrives Setting: Venice Setting: Belmont
Setting: Venice about Antonio Theme: Disguises the
Theme: Commodification Setting: Belmont women only have power
Shylock sees Jessica as if they are disguised as
an asset of his rather than men.
his daughter.
3.5 4.1 4.2 5.1
Characters: Jessica, Characters: Everyone Characters: Portia, Characters: Everyone by
Lancelot, Lorenzo (but Jessica and Lorenzo) Nerissa, Gratiano, Shylock
Summary: Jessica is Summary: Portia and Bassanio Summary: Return to
saved by Lorenzo, Nerissa saves Antonio, Summary: Gratiano and Belmont, Portia and
Jessica speaks highly of Shylock is punished Bassanio give up their Nerissa reveal
Portia Setting: Venice rings to disguised Portia themselves, give rings
Setting: Belmont Theme: Disguises the and Nerissa back, Portia sends
women only have power Setting: Venice Antonio away
is they are disguised as Theme: Disguises same Setting: Belmont
men. as previous scene

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