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Matthew Pimblett

Do Fossil Fuels Cause Cancer in Humans?

Fossil fuels have been harmful to humans and the environment the day they were created.

But just how harmful are they? In 1998, diesel particulate matter was deemed toxic to people and

to the environment by the California Air Resource Board, CARB. This particulate matter (PM)

would find its way into a human bodys blood stream and would never leave. Because it cannot

be taken out of the human body, it is extremely dangerous. Fossil fuel emissions have been

studied for decades and every study has come to the same conclusion, diesel particulate matter

has a direct effect on the human body to cause cancer. Diesel emissions are a form of air

pollution that can be mitigated, if the proper steps are taken, but cannot be eradicated globally

unless every country on Earth comes to an agreement to stop using fossil fuels. This is obviously

a bit of a stretch, but it can be done nonetheless. Since fossil fuels cause cancer, they have been

placed on the grade 1 chemical list, meaning that they are a deadly chemical. This is relevant

to everyone because these fumes spread across the atmosphere on a global scale. The exposure to

diesel particulate matter will be much higher in urbanized places like New York or Beijing, but

the contamination continues to spread so long as humans continue to consume fossil fuels in

everyday life. Mitigating the exposure to fossil fuels is very easy, but it is a very slow process.

Traveling on less busy streets or wearing a mask over the mouth can help lessen the inhalation of

diesel particulate matter. Fossil fuels are a serious problem and need to be addressed.
Matthew Pimblett

Do Fossil Fuels Cause Cancer in Humans?

I. Introduction

A. Fossil fuels are dangerous to humans and the environment.

B. Diesel emissions can be mitigated.

C. Subheadings

1. What the public needs to know

2. What the studies show

3. Support and mitigation

4. POPs and their effects

5. How to eradicate

II. First Subheading: What the Public Needs to Know

A. Diesel fumes are toxic

B. Cannot eliminate fumes from the body

III. Second subheading: What the Studies Show

A. Fossil fuels are a leading cause of lung cancer

B. Particulate matter

IV. Third Subheading: Support and Mitigation

A. Donors, sponsors, and support organizations

B. Harmful gases moving from indoors to outdoors

C. Simple steps will help mitigate

V. Fourth Subheading: POPs and Their Effects

A. Persistent organic pollutants

B. Pollution of the food humans eat

C. Mental health disorders

VI. Fifth Subheading: How to Eradicate

A. Small steps

B. One world with the same goal

VII. Conclusion

A. Fossil fuels are harmful and cause cancer

Date Completed

February 8 Research Topic Proposal

February 10 Researched first 3 sources

February 14 Researched next 3 sources

February 17 Researched next 3 sources

February 23 Researched next 3 sources

March 28 Introduction Completed

April 14 Completed first 2 subheadings

April 17 Completed next 3 subheadings

April 19 Complete conclusion and abstract

April 23 Complete and turn in final product

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