Chapter - 16 Digestion and Absorption: Unit - 5 Human Physiology

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Alpha- stunners

Unit 5

Chapter 16
Digestion and Absorption

Food is our basic requirement of all living organisms. The component of

food are carbohydrates, proteins and fat. Vitamins and minerals are also
required but in small quantity.

The process of absorption of these components in our body by

converting these complex components into simpler components is called

Digestive system

Alimentary canal Digestive glands


Mouth Salivary glands

Oral cavity o Parotid gland
o Palate o Sublingual gland
o Tongue o Submaxillary gland
o Teeth Liver
Pharynx pancreas
Stomach Cardiac, fundic and pyloric
Large intestine Caecum, Colon, Rectum
Small intestine Duodenum, Jejunum, Ileum

Alpha- stunners
Alpha- stunners

Alimentary canal (it begins with mouth)

It leads to buccal cavity or oral cavity. Oral cavity has number
of teeth and a muscular tongue. Teeth are embedded in jaw
and this attachment is called thecodent.
In human beings two sets of teeth occur:-
Permanent teeth and temporary teeth. This dentition is called
diphyodent. Total number of teeth in human being are 32.
These are divided into three parts:
o Incisors (I)
o Canine (pm)
o Canine (c)
o Molars (m)

These are represented by dental formula of 2123/2123 .

The hard opening of mouth called chewing surface of teeth,

made of enamel, help in mastication of food. The tongue is
freely movable muscular organ attach to frenulum. Tongue
has small projections which help as tasting food called

It is a common passage for food and air. oesophagus and
trachea open into pharynx. Epiglottis is an organ or a flap
which prevent entry of food into glottis. Glottis is an region
where wind pipe open.
It is a long tube passing through neck, thorax and diaphragm
and lead to J shape region called stomach.
4.Small intestine
It consists of three parts

Cardiac portion in Fundic and pyloric both opens in the

which region of small intestine.
oesophagus This region is first region of
5.Small intestine small intestine.
It is a;so a distinguished into here regions

Alpha- stunners
Alpha- stunners
o U shaped duodenum :- it is closing of stomach region.
o Ileum:- it opens into large intestine. It consists of caecum,
colon and rectum.
Caecum small blind sac host some symbiotic
micro-organisms. It opens into colon
Colon it is divided into three parts
I. Ascending
II. transverse
III. descending it opens into rectum
The walls of alimentary canal posses four layers from
oesophagus to rectum. They are:-
Serosa outermost layer mde of mesothelium.
Muscularis formed by smooth muscles, arranged in inner
circular and outer longitudinal layer.
Sub mucosa formedof loose connective tissue, glands are
Mucosa innermost layer, forms villi, helps in lubrication
by secreting mucus.

Digestive glands
These include

1) salivary gland:
Mainly produces saliva. It is produced by three parts:- the
parotids(the cheeks), the sum mandibular (lower jaw), and the
sub linguial (below the tongue). These are present in buccal
Liver: it is the largest gland of body. Hepatic lobules are
structural and functional units of liver containing hepatic cells.
Each lobule is covered by a thin connective tissue sheath
called Glissons capsule. Bile is secreted by hepatic cells,
pass through hepatic duct and store in a thin muscular sac
called gall bladder. Gall bladder and hepatic duct combine and
form bile duct.

Alpha- stunners
Alpha- stunners

Digestion of food
The process of digestion of food start from the buccal cavity it
performs two major function mastication and facilitation. Mucus in
saliva helps in lubricating and forming bolus. The bolus goes to
pharynx and then to oesophagus by swallowing. Then food passes
to stomach here starch is converted into maltose by the help
salivary amylase. Stomach stores food for 4 5 hours. Gastric
juices get mixed with food and this is then called chyme. then
proteins are converted into amino acids and dipeptides,
polysaccharides into disaccharides. Fat into monoglycerides and
nucleic acid into nucleosides. It all happen into stomach
(duodenum). Then undigested food pass into large intestine and it
gets stored in rectum as fecal matter.
Absorption of digestion food
absorption of substance takes place in different place in different
parts of alimentary canal like mouth, stomach, small intestine and
large intestine.

Mouth Stomach Small intestine Large

Certain drugs Absorption of Principal organ for Absorption of
coming in water, simple absorption of water, some
contact with the sugars, and nutrients. The minerals and
mucosa of alcohol etc. take digestion is drugs takes
mouth and lower place. completed here and place.
side of the the final products of
tongue are digestion such as
absorbed into glucose, fructose,
the blood fatty acids, glycerol
capillaries lining and amino acids are
them. absorbed through the
mucosa into the
blood stream and

Alpha- stunners

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