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Global Unit Renewables

E.ON Wind Turbine Technology and Operations Factbook

September 2013
Global Unit Renewables
E.ON is one of the worlds largest investor-owned power and gas companies, with annual sales of
132 billion and more than 72,000 employees.
E.ON Climate & Renewables (EC&R), headquartered in Essen, Germany, is responsible for E.ONs industrial-
scale renewable energy activities. EC&R develops, builds and operates large renewable energy assets,
primarily in Europe and North America. Its technology portfolio covers onshore and offshore wind,
concentrating solar power (CSP), photovoltaic and biomass.
E.ON currently operates over 9 GW of renewable capacity including large hydro. This includes the worlds
second-largest onshore wind park in Roscoe, Texas (782 MW). With partners DONG Energy and Masdar,
EC&R operates London Array off the coast of Kent, the worlds largest offshore wind park.
Since its formation in 2007, EC&R has already invested more than 9 billion. While continuously expanding
its portfolio, it is EC&Rs ambition to further industrialize the sector and professionalize its operations, in
order to reduce the cost of renewable generation and make it ever more competitive. To this end, EC&R
works with a wide range of partners and is always open to discuss potential co-operation with committed
technical experts and financial investors alike.

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Introduction 2
Wind energy basics 3
Wind turbine technology description and economics 9
EC&Rs operations and maintenance strategy 25
Future of wind energy technology 38
Key facts on EC&R wind 44

Picture taken at E.ON Offshore Project - Robin Rigg (United Kingdom, 2009)

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Dear reader,
As the renewable energy source with the biggest growth and share in the energy mix, wind energy
is a key pillar of a cleaner energy future. Since the creation of E.ON Climate & Renewables in 2007,
E.ONs wind portfolio has grown from 400 MW to more than 4.6 GW in 2013 . With this factbook, we
aim to provide you with some insight into the science of wind turbine generation and technology,
together with our operations and maintenance strategy at E.ON.

First, we address the basics of wind energy: Where does the wind come from? What makes a
good site for a wind farm? Then we give an overview of wind turbine technology: How does a
wind turbine work? What are the main components of a wind farm? Finally, we introduce our
operations and maintenance strategy, and the main activities of E.ON Climate & Renewables.

Wind turbine technology is still in its infancy, and research and development is steadily undertaken to make wind energy
more competitive by reducing capital expenditure, and operations and maintenance costs. We conclude with a selection of
key facts about E.ON Climate & Renewables Wind: for example, did you know when the first E.ON wind turbine was built?

We have made every effort to create an interesting factbook. We hope that you will enjoy it, and that it will further
stimulate your interest, and inspire you to learn more about wind energy. We welcome your comments and feedback.

Kind regards,

Michael Lewis
COO Wind Power

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Wind energy basics
Interesting facts about wind
Rules of thumb

Wind speed Temperature

10% increase in wind speed leads to about 33% more Wind turbines produce 11% more power at -10C than at 20C
Hub height
Doubling of wind speed allows eight times higher
power production Average wind speed at 100 m can be up to 50% higher
than that at a height of 15 m
Blade length
Wind energy
20% increase in length leads to a power increase of 44%
Energy of air through a 80 m diameter rotor at 21 km/h
equals the energy of a small car driving at 160 km/h

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Wind formation is a complex global system
Coriolis effect, local effects and topography
Good to know
Wind is the movement of air, relative to the earths surface
Wind is the result of an air pressure difference between two points, and the
pressure difference is caused by differences in temperature
The sun, by heating the earths surface, is the main contributor to the
temperature difference and hence wind formation
Wind direction is mainly driven by three phenomena:
The earths rotation is one of the main 1 Coriolis effect deflects the wind to the right in the Northern hemisphere and
factors that influences wind direction to the left in the Southern hemisphere. The earths rotation means that wind
direction is not straight from the equator (hot air) to the poles (cold air)
2 Local effects are influenced largely by the time of day. During daylight hours,
land increases in temperature faster than water so air rises onshore and
cooler air replaces it causing wind from water to land. The opposite occurs at
night, when the land temperature falls quicker than that of the water
3 Topography (land shape and features) influences the wind significantly.
Obstacles such as trees and hills create turbulence, changing the wind speed
and direction

Wind is influenced by the time of day and

the temperature of sea and land

4 Source: Anders Persson, Jess Gmez Fernndez

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How is wind converted into electricity?
Physical principles
Good to know
Wind turbines extract kinetic energy from the air
Conversion to rotational movement using blades
Conversion to electrical energy with generator
Wind energy
Wind energy (E) of streaming air can be calculated as:

E = mv

where m = mass of the air and v = air speed

Power extracted by the turbine can be calculated as:
Wind turbines converting energy Pturbine = r vcp
in the wind to electricity
The Power Coefficient (cp) is the efficiency or the proportion of kinetic energy
= density of the air extracted by the turbine. This is limited to a maximum of 0.59 as described by
r = radius of the rotor Betz law
v = air speed
cp = Power Coefficient

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Maximum turbine efficiency is 59.3%
Betz law
Summarised derivation of Did you know?
Betz law in four steps In 1919, the physicist Betz proposed a theoretical maximum to the amount of
1 energy that can be extracted from the wind. This maximum is 59.3%
If 100% of the wind energy was extracted, then the air at the back of the
turbine would be stationary. This would prevent further flow and hence no
electrical energy could be generated
Similarly, if the air leaving the trailing edge of the turbine remained at the
2 same velocity as the air entering the turbine then no energy would have been
Using basic equations and physical
relationships, power extracted (p) can
extracted either
be related to power in wind entering The optimum situation is therefore that some, but not all, of the energy in the
turbine (p0). wind is extracted
3 Current, conventional wind turbine designs are between 30 and 40% efficient
so are not close to disproving Betz law

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Knowing site conditions is key to the selection of the right turbine
technology and for determining actual availability
Good to know
Site conditions influence the wind turbine model selection and the wind
farm design
The best conditions for wind power are when the wind blows steadily without
any turbulence
Specific site conditions are determined by During the development phase of a project, wind characteristics are measured
four factors
on site by a met mast
Good sites Wind turbines are categorised into six IEC1 classes ranging from I, II and III
(wind speed), and A, B and C (turbulence)
Turbine classes are determined by average wind speed, extreme 50-year gust,
and turbulence
Load factors, defined as the total electrical energy produced in reality
compared with the maximum theoretical production, vary between 20%
and 50% for wind farms

The speed of the wind is not the only

criteria for identifying a good site

IEC is the International Electrotechnical Commission, an organisation which creates international standards on a variety of technical topics 7

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Power curves and Weibull distributions are essential for forecasting energy yield
Wind analysis
Good to know
1 The Weibull distribution is a site specific, continuous wind speed distribution
2 The power curve shows the electricity production across the entire wind speed
range. It is specific for each wind turbine generator
The Weibull curve and the power curve are combined to determine the power
density at site hence the average load factor and the annual energy yield
1 The Weibull distribution shows the Energy yield is a measure of the amount of energy converted into electricity by
probability of each wind speed a wind turbine/farm
Wind turbines typically operate when the wind blows between 3 m/s (cut-in
limit) and 25 m/s (cut-out limit)
Anemometers and ultrasonic wind sensors, placed on top of the turbines
measure, monitor and record the wind speed. This data is primarily used for
the control and operation of the turbines

2 The power curve shows the electricity

generated at varying wind speeds

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Wind turbine technology description and economics
Wind turbine technology developed significantly in size and height
from 2001 to 2013

Project Pico Gallo, Spain Bowbeat, UK Sand Bluff, USA London Array, UK
Technology Onshore Onshore Onshore Offshore
Year of 1st generation 2001 2002 2008 2013
Turbine type Made AE-46 Nordex N60 Gamesa G87 Siemens 3.6
Installed capacity 24.4 MW 31.2 MW 90 MW 630 MW
Turbine power 0.66 MW 1.3 MW 2.0 MW 3.6 MW
Rotor diameter 46 m 60 m 87 m 120 m
Hub height 45 m 50 m 78 m 87 m

Source: EC&R Wind farms 9

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Onshore wind farms and capital expenditure break-down
From wind turbine generator to the grid
Wind farm part Capital expenses1 Illust
Wind turbines 70% 4
Inter-array cables 7% 3

Substations 4% 2
Export lines 2%
Site access 7%
Construction work 10%
and foundation 1
Total capital expenses for the
construction of an onshore wind farm

1 Wind turbine generators Wind turbines transform wind energy into electricity. Turbines are usually clustered into rows
in order to provide the optimum balance between availability and value for money
2 Inter-array cables Transport the electricity generated by the wind turbine to the substation or the grid
(in absence of substation)
3 Substations Use transformers to increase the voltage to reduce transmission losses
4 Export lines Transport the electricity from the wind farm to the grid
5 Site access New roads and road reinforcements

10 1
Figures based on an exemplary EC&R wind farm

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Offshore wind farms and capital expenditure break-down
How does an offshore wind farm work?
Offshore wind turbines benefit from a Wind
1 turbine (50-55% of total capital expenditure)
stronger and steadier wind compared Power of modern offshore wind turbines varies between 2 to 6 MW. EC&R is
with onshore wind farms. currently an owner of the biggest offshore wind farm in the world, London Array
They can operate at full power up to with a total installed capacity of 1000 MW
45% of the time. Foundations
2 (10-15% of total capital expenditure)
There are four main foundation concepts for offshore wind turbines; their
7 Onshore substation grid connection point selection depends on seabed conditions, water depth and turbine size
Array cables (5% of total capital expenditure)
6 Wind turbines are connected to the offshore substation via array cables. Cables
HV export cable
Optional HVDC offshore substation

are usually buried between 1 m and 3 m below the seabed

4 offshore substation (5% of total capital expenditure)
The export voltage is increased by the substation which reduces the current and
1 hence reduces losses
High voltage export cables (5% of total capital expenditure)
Offshore substations are usually connected to shore with two export cables.
This allows a large amount of electricity to be exported whilst also providing
4 redundancy in case of one cable failing
3 Installation
6 and logistics (12-17% of total capital expenditure)
2 During construction, specialized vessels are required eg heavy lift and cable
laying vessels
3 Offshore
7 substation (3% of total capital expenditure)
substation The voltage is increased for a second time to between 130 and 400 kV before the
connection to the electricity grid
Source: EC&R wind farms 11

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Six main components contribute ~80% to turbine cost
Wind turbine generator cost breakdown
1 23% Blades
1 2 13% Gearbox
3 13% Generator
4 5% Converter
5 4% Transformer
6 25% Tower

3 And also...
Foundations add significant
cost, particularly offshore (jacket
foundations at Alpha Ventus ~850 t
of steel each)
6 Logistics and assembly a major
cost component offshore (~15-20%)

12 Source: Vestas

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Extracting energy from the wind
Rotor and blades
Good to know...
In the most common wind turbine design, there are three blades. This design
is called three-bladed horizontal axis wind turbine:
More blades improve efficiency only marginally
Fewer blades increase rotation speed (noise) and material stress
Gearbox and transmission size acceptable
Rotor diameter varies normally between 70-140 m
Commonly blades are made of fiber glass and carbon fiber and weight up to 13 t
Nowadays rotor blades dimensions Those materials have good fatigue characteristics and the advantage of being
can be as big as football fields lightweight, strong and inexpensive
With a 164 m rotor (eg turbine model V164-8.0 MW), a turbine produces three times
more energy than with a 90 m rotor (eg turbine model V90-3.0 MW)

Open air blades storage

Source: EC&R 13

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Ensuring that most of the wind energy is captured
Pitch and yaw system
Pitch system
The pitch orients the rotor blades in order to capture the maximum wind
energy and protect the turbine against high speed wind
The pitch system is also the main brake for the wind turbine
Pitch offsets effect on wind turbine generation1

a 1 offset can decrease energy yield by 1%

Yaw system
Schematic representation of
pitch and yaw systems The yaw orients the rotor to face into the wind
The wind direction is continually monitored by sensors at hub height
Yaw offsets effect on wind turbine generation2:

10 offset leads to 6% decrease in power

20 offset leads to 17% decrease in power

3D bottom view of a yaw system3

14 1
Based on calculation at one offshore EC&R site, 2 Based on theoretical formula, 3 Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0

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Translating the power from rotor to generator
Drive train
Good to know... 1 Drive train with gearbox
There are two main types of drive trains: Advantages
1 Drive train with gearbox Less expensive generator
2 Drive train without gearbox (also direct drive) Generators able to operate at 1500 rpm (more common)
In most wind turbines the drive train is made of the Considerations
mainshaft and the gearbox Failure of gearbox possible with high cost impact
The mainshaft connects the blades and the gearbox/ This is the most common design
generator. It rotates at the same speed as the rotor
The gearbox increases the rotation speed of the rotor
according to generator requirements 2 Drive train without gearbox
No gearbox (15% of turbine costs)
Increased reliability due to reduced moving parts
Full converter and sophisticated control needed to
compensate low generator speed
Complete rotor removal in case of component failure in
highly integrated system
Wind turbine in a workshop being inspected

Source: EC&R wind turbine, gearbox workshop 15

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Converting the energy in the turbine rotation to electrical energy
Good to know... 1 Doubly fed induction generator
Electricity is produced when a magnetic field rotates Advantages
within the stator (the static part of the generator) Cheaper than permanent magnet designs
The different generator concepts produce this magnetic Doubly fed induction generators are a common and well
field in different ways but ultimately produce electricity proven technology
using the same principles
Gears are usually required, leading to potential failure
and maintenance costs
This is the most common design

2 Full converter with permanent magnet

No excitation losses
Used with full converter for greatest grid support
A generator works in the same way as a wire moving in a capabilities
magnetic field
The generator is a single point of failure and makes up 10% Rare earth materials needed for the magnets are not
of the turbine cost for a conventional drive train abundant and their cost is volatile


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Providing sophisticated control for the modern turbines
Good to know... 1 Partially rated converter
Converters are power electronic devices that are used to Advantages
control the output power of a wind turbine generator Allows compliance with most network codes
Converter technology is evolving all the time but they Cheaper than a full converter for same turbine output
remain a complicated and expensive component
Double fed injection generators can not always comply
with all grid codes
This is the most common design

2 Full converters
Protect the turbine from mechanical shocks caused by
electrical faults on the grid
Enable turbines to provide better support for the grid than
the other concepts
Are expensive and complicated, especially for higher powers
This is becoming increasingly popular

Power converter for wind turbine application

Source: EC&R Spain 17

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Standing tall in the harshest conditions
Good to know...
Steel towers have been the preferred option for wind turbines so far
However, towers close to and exceeding 100 m tall can suffer from a resonant
frequency problem, which usually is mitigated via the controller
Designing out this problem is causing huge increases in tower costs for larger
turbines, since the diameter cant exceed 4.5 m (approx) due to transportation
Section of concrete wind turbine tower
Hybrid solutions (concrete and steel) do not suffer from the same resonance
being lifted into place
problem, and are therefore a possible solution for taller turbine design
Novel solutions are in development, eg steel towers with shell segments,
which enables transportation even when more than 6.5 m in diameter, since
the circumference is made by multiple shell segments

Steel wind turbine tower

18 Source: EC&R Sweden

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No single foundation type is suitable for all site conditions
Onshore foundations

Spread foundation Skabersj site in Sweden Foundation during construction

Good to know...
The foundation has the role of counter balancing the bending moment produced by the wind
It is the link between the tower and the ground

1 Spread foundation 2 Piled foundation

consists of a big plate to spread the loads to the ground is similar to the spread foundation with additional piles
weights up to 1000 t and is up to 5 m deep into the ground
made exclusively of reinforced concrete can reach up to 40 m in depth
must withstand tension and shear stress ensures a good connection between the foundation
Adapted for strong and stiff soils ie soil with low elasticity
plate and the piles for distributing the loads
Adapted for soft soils ie soil with high elasticity

Source: EC&R Sweden 19

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Offshore foundations create more challenges than onshore
foundations leading to more complex technical solutions

Steel structure Re-enforced concrete Heavy steel structure Laterace steel structure
Max. water depth = 25 m Max. water depth = 30 m Max. water depth = 35 m Max. water depth = 45 m
Limited to 3.6 MW turbines Suitable for 5 MW turbines Suitable for 5 MW turbines Suitable for 5 MW turbines
Most used foundation Good experience Little experience Little experience

Good to know...
Water depth and consistency of the seabed determine the choice of foundation. So far, there is no universal foundation
type suitable for all kinds of seabed conditions
With a share of 75% in 2011, monopile foundations were the most commonly used foundation type, followed by gravity
foundations with a share of 21%
Significant research and development are still necessary to develop a more cost-efficient concept for production at
industrial scale (See section Future of wind energy technology)

20 Source: EC&R UK

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Increasing the voltage to reduce losses
Onshore transformers
Good to know...
Transformers are found in the wind turbines themselves and in substations
They are used to increase the voltage of the exported electricity which reduces
losses and increases overall energy efficiency
Usually, each turbine has its own small transformer and these are then
connected to a central substation
The substation increases the voltage for a second time using another larger
transformer, which transforms the electricity from multiple turbines to the
Substation transformer 30/132 kV at Sierra transmission voltage
de Tineo (Onshore wind farm Spain) The harsh conditions that wind turbines often operate in are undesirable for
dry-type transformers, the type found within turbines. This presents unique
In the future, transformers may not be needed for each and every turbine if
the voltage at which the electricity is generated is increased. This could reduce
capital expenditure for a wind farm

Circuit breaker at Roscoes

substation transformer

Source: EC&R Spain, Roscoe wind farm 21

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Increasing the voltage to reduce losses
Offshore substation transformers
Good to know...
A substation increases the WTG array voltage (ca. 33 kV) to transmission
voltage (>132 kV) in order to lower losses
It is located offshore because the losses and cost of cables from the WTG to an
onshore substation would be prohibitive or simply physically not possible
E.ON has unmanned substations so living accommodation is not required for
personnel on the platform
Depending on the seabed conditions and depth a monopile, jacket, tripod or
Offshore substation at Robin Rigg gravity foundation would be used
Generally, due to the size of offshore wind farms, two transformers are
installed and some redundancy or increased reliability is provided

Offshore substation at London Array

22 Source: EC&R UK

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Transporting electricity is much more complicated than you may have thought
Offshore cables
1 Copper or aluminium conductors with 7 Cross linked polyethylene (XLPE) insulation
longitudinal water barrier 1 Function: Electrical separation between
Function: Carry current 7 conductors and ground
2 Inner-and outer semiconductor layers 8
8 Copper wire screen
Function: Spread electrical stress evenly 3 9 Function: Carry short-circuit current/
4 equalizing electrical stress/gathers leakage
3 Fibre optic cables 10
Function: Provide communication between 5 and capacitive current
wind turbines/substation(s) and the onshore
control room 9 Water swelling tape
11 Function: Longitudinal water barrier
4 Aluminium foil
Function: Radial water barrier
10 Cable filler elements
5 Outer high-density polyethylene sheath Function: Maintains the stability of the
Function: Mechanical protection of the single cable geometry
cable cores
11 Bedding layers/galvanized steel wires
6 Outer yarn covering filled with bitumen compound
Function: Maintain the corrosion protection of Function: Protect cable from mechanical
the steel armouring during installation damage during installation and operation
Diameter: 123 mm
Good to know...
Submarine power cables transport the wind farm energy production to the shore
The diagram above describes a typical submarine power cable and the functions of the cable elements

Source: Prysmian (tech.spec. Krehamn submarine cable) 23

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Feeding in the electricity into the grid
Connection to the grid
Nacelle Good to know...
Electrical energy is transmitted from the wind farm to consumer via an
Wind currents electrical network or grid
National grid
Transformer power lines The substation is the connection point of the wind farm to the grid
During the development of a wind farm, the developer will obtain a grid
connection agreement from the network operator
Wind turbines are becoming increasingly capable of supporting the grid,
reducing the need for additional reactive compensation which is expensive
Power substation
Due to increasing wind capacity and intermittency of production, grid congestion
Simplified view of the connection from becomes more frequent causing curtailment of wind farms
the turbine to the grid Improving the integration of wind power is a key element for making energy
of the future cleaner and better

Wind turbines in the energy landscape

24 Source: E.ON Technology & Innovation

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EC&Rs operations and maintenance strategy
EC&R currently owns a portfolio of more than 4.8 GW renewables
capacity across Europe and North America

Key facts
Assets with 4,831 MW total capacity
12.3 TWh electricity produced in 2012,
equivalent to demand of 3m homes1
Office location
Global #8 in onshore wind
Capacity (MW)
Global #3 in offshore wind Onshore wind
Active in 11 countries Offshore wind
862 employees, 31 nationalities

Production equivalent based on average annual consumption of 4,000 kWh per home. Figures as of 30 June 2013 unless stated otherwise; rounded. Includes 68 MW PV capacity in operation in France, Italy and the US. 25
Includes 50 MW CSP capacity in operation in Spain

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Our wind portfolio: A diversified young fleet and with industrial size

Fleet age Turbine manufacturer Fleet size

11-25 years Others Below 10 MW
6-10 years 0-2 years Manufacturer E Manufacturer A 56% Between
10-25 MW

Above Between
91% Manufacturer B
100 MW 25-50 MW
3-5 years Manufacturer D Manufacturer C 50-100 MW

More than 2/3 of our wind More than 90% of our wind capacity More than 50% of our wind capacity
capacity has been commissioned consists of 5 wind turbine manufacturers consists of wind farms with an
in the last 5 years installed capacity above 100 MW

We focus on developing, building and operating industrial-scale projects in the US and in Northern Europe
We aim to accelerate our capital rotation through portfolio measures and partnership models
Onshore US: We aim to develop 400 MW new capacity per year on average, of which we build 200 MW ourselves
Onshore Europe: We aim to develop 240 MW new capacity per year on average, of which we build 150 MW ourselves
Offshore: We aim to develop and build 150 MW offshore wind capacity per year on average

26 Note: Attributable figures for Q2 2013

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Besides CAPEX reduction, lower OPEX and increase energy yield
also contribute to make wind power more competitive
LCOE structure: Example onshore wind LCOE reduction measures
Alternative suppliers, eg from Asia
Fit-for-purpose design, new tower materials
Major potential in hardware costs
Standardized, integrated design approach
O&M contract modules and 3rd party providers
Predictive and smart maintenance
Hands-on O&M service concepts
SCADA Smart EC&R/EC&R Control Rooms
O&M strategy outlook Global spares framework/global warehousing
in following pages
Best practice sharing across whole fleet
OPEX 30% Global benchmarking and global steering of fleet
Energy yield:
Best location for turbine (micro-siting)
We aim to reduce onshore wind LCOE by Higher availability
25% and offshore wind by 40% by 2015
Improved average performance
We pursue ambitious targets to reduce the wind power
generation costs

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O&M costs account for ~ 60% of total OPEX1
This is what we can influence through our O&M strategy
Onshore Annual Operational Onshore Annual Operations & Illust
Expenditure (OPEX) split Maintenance (O&M) cost split

Good to know...
The term Operational Expenditure (OPEX) covers all activities during the operational life of a wind farm
WTG service contracts, maintenance and inspection represent the main O&M costs
EC&R aims to break these costs up into different contractual modules
Unscheduled maintenance eg repair of major components that fail unexpectedly has a significant impact on O&M costs

OPerational EXpenditure annual figures (2013 projection) from representative EC&R Wind Onshore sites with different age, location and wind turbine technology
Other Opex (non-O&M) controllable eg land lease, royalty payments, Community, Marketing & PR and miscellaneous
28 3
Other Opex (non-O&M) non-controllable eg business rates, property taxes, electrical export and transmission fees, decommissioning provisions
Others covers WTG repairs and improvements, parts, consumables & tools, infrastructure and miscellaneous

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O&M strategy: Our key beliefs and rationale for future active
management of our assets
Key beliefs
We believe in the capabilities of our own in-house expertise and technicians
Our own O&M capability is already high and we are aiming to gain even more knowledge
We will take on more responsibility as an active asset manager
With our operational experience, we will provide support and input for project development, construction and
procurement within EC&R

We will build up in-house expertise throughout mixed/hybrid teams
Our gained knowledge will allow us to choose self-performed O&M
We can leverage our global fleet size and scale to share knowledge and capture greater benefits
We will be more OEM independent
Higher level of control over our own assets will allow us to increase our assets availabilities and drive down O&M costs in
the long-run


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By applying active asset management, O&M cost can be
significantly reduced
COD Years 2-5 Years 3-6 Year 25
Warranty period Post warranty
Initially more
expensive due to
additional internal
O&M activities, staff
training cost

EC&R active
O&M approach
Only slight year-on-year increase for post-warranty life (20 years).
Hands-off approach Increased cost control through:
Cost (OEM dependent) O&M Initiative: Active O&M approach:
Modular O&M contracts Mixed teams
Smart maintenance Competitive market penetration
Competitive market penetration

Yr. 3 to 6: first major
warranty: no
Main cost driver: components failures Yr. 4 to 7 until 25: more components fail including main components
or only minor
Failure rate/spare with cost attributable (gearbox, generator, blades, frequency converters)
repair costs
replacement to the operator, mainly
attributable to
smaller components


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O&M strategic activities: Active asset management is applied
throughout various initiatives within EC&R

Hands-on O&M
O&M contract modules/
service concepts Predictive Smart
framework agreements
(incl. mixed teams, maintenance/CMS maintenance
and 3rd party providers

EC&R fleet Unscheduled

Spares strategy/global
engineers/best maintenance Warehousing concept
spares framework
practice sharing model

Fleet analysis and

Energy Yield SCADA Smart EC&R EC&R Control Room
fleet performance

We will gain higher level of control to increase availabilities and drive down O&M costs significantly


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Active asset management
O&M contract modules/3rd party O&M service
providers and hands-on O&M service concepts
Concept Rationale and benefit
O&M contract modules/3rd party providers:
Efficiency and transparency increase with standard
modular contract
Customizing service modules to EC&Rs demand by being
able to contract only required modules
Supporting market penetration by contracting different
modules to different suppliers including 3rd party
Hands-on O&M service concepts:
Full service Modular contract
Build-up internal O&M know-how via mixed teams
contract (As-Is) (Target)
In-source O&M activities for suitable sites

Joint scheduled maintenance

with OEMs and EC&Rs

We are significantly increasing transparency in O&M contracts and service


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Active asset management

Condition based maintenance: Predictive maintenance

and smart maintenance
Concept Rationale and benefit
Predictive maintenance:
Oil analysis
4-steps-approach for meeting EC&Rs global predictive
maintenance strategy ensuring lowest cost operations

Example %
of Sites*

Condition monitoring 10 Risk based monitoring

25 Advanced CM1

75 Condition monitoring

100 Oil analysis

Advanced and
risk based monitoring
Smart maintenance:
Challenging and optimizing maintenance manuals and
processes based on plant condition not time
Using alternative tools and techniques (eg main shaft
clamp, etc.)

We drive for condition based instead of time based maintenance

Source: Drawings on Condition Monitoring from Bachmann Monitoring GmbH 33

Advanced Condition Monitoring

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Active asset management
EC&R fleet engineers/best practice sharing
and unscheduled maintenance model
Concept Rationale and benefit
EC&R internal global
Best practice sharing:
structure of fleet EC&R internal global engineers pool structured along
engineers OEM technology (ie Technical Fleet Managers for Vestas,
GE, Siemens etc.)
Global Operators Forums on bi-monthly basis to
exchange knowledge/experiences and to decide on
operational issues
Unscheduled maintenance model:
Establishing a global unscheduled maintenance model
to apply common forecast approach across the fleet
Derivation of risk assessment, cost comparisons, spare
parts supply needs, etc.

Examples of EC&Rs unscheduled maintenance tools

We globally steer our fleet by turbine technologies and harvest our knowledge


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Active asset management

Spares strategy/global spares framework

and warehousing concept
Concept Rationale and benefit
Spares strategy/global spares framework:
Frameworks with 3rd party suppliers and parts-OEMs
Hubs at stock
Implementation of global framework agreements for
strategic spare parts (eg gearboxes, etc.)
Warehousing concept:
Elaboration on where central warehouses are needed
and where not (esp. offshore and in onshore US sites)
Small warehouse at Northern Assessment on the safety stock level of spares and
European Onshore site cluster between strategic components, general spares
and consumables

Central warehouse concept

for big components in
Southern Europe

We leverage our global fleet size and scale to share knowledge and capture greater benefits


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Active asset management
Fleet analysis: Fleet performance and energy yield

Concept Rationale and benefit

Fleet analysis and fleet performance:
Analysis of our assets on a fleet-wide basis to
continuously identify low performing turbines
Delivery of fleet-wide common reporting, analysis
expertise and services
Energy yield:
Increase availability and efficiency improvements by
modifications and upgrades
Part of regular inspections to ensure that fleet
operations are continuously improving

We analyze, benchmark and challenge the whole fleet to continuously improve our performance


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Active asset management

SCADA Smart EC&R and EC&R Control Room

Concept Rationale and benefit

Global OEM-independent SCADA system to ensure
efficient operation and control of the entire fleet
Centralized Integration of all SCADA data onto one single Business
SCADA system Process Database
Automated fleet-wide operational reports on yearly/
quarterly/monthly/weekly basis
EC&R Control Room:
2 EC&R owned and operated control rooms- Coventry
for Europe and Austin for US sites- monitoring all EC&R
operated sites
Global real-time monitoring and control to realize full
benefits of large-scale deployment

EC&R North
American Control
Room in Austin

We make use of and aim to gain even more knowledge about our O&M capabilities


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Future of wind energy technology
EC&R contributes to improve wind energy technology in its area of expertise

Evolution of wind energy Evolution of wind turbine size

Variety of wind technologies from onshore to airborne
installed capacity in the world
wind turbines

Motivation Focus
EC&R is working with Technology & Innovation (T&I) to EC&R and Technology & Innovation have a broad value and
make wind energy more competitive. Reducing cost is vital business oriented program with the main focus on where
and both improving performance of existing assets as well EC&R can bring its own expertise, for example:
as new types of assets, updates of existing wind turbine 1 Optimize & drive down O&M cost
technologies or completely new wind energy concepts, can
2 Reduce CAPEX eg novel offshore foundations
contribute significantly.


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1 Optimize & drive down O&M cost
T&I project examples

Offshore structure and foundation affected by scour Advanced Condition Monitoring pre-commercial trial

Scour Prevention System Advanced Condition Monitoring (ACM)

Situation Situation
Many offshore turbines are exposed to scour which causes structure instability ACM has been developed and proven very beneficial for our CCGT fleet: this
Existing solution is rock dumping around the fundament but that is expensive project is to test its applicability to wind turbines
and it needs to be done every 3-6 years Complication
Complication Benefits case needs to be proven under real operating conditions
The existing solution, rock dumping, is costly, can cause wear on cables and scour Resolution
tends to occur around the dumped area Provide a rationale for whether ACM should be applied generally across the
Resolution fleet; and if so how
Car tires connected like a mat around the monopile can reduce the cost Potential
compared to the current solution ACM can help reducing unplanned unavailability
Scour Prevention System has the potential to reduce lifetime cost significantly
and lower carbon footprint in comparison with existing methods

Source: Technology & Innovation 39

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1 Optimize & drive down O&M cost
T&I project examples

Predictive gearbox model (EOH1)

Situation Resolution
The cost of wind turbine gearbox replacement, particularly off-shore Create a predictive failure models for wind turbine gearboxes based on
is significant Equivalent Operating Hours
Complication Potential
Our currently installed Conditioning Monitoring Systems (CMS) cannot If we can predict gearbox wear/damage and replace prior to Class III and IV
forecast far in advance the likely failures in sufficient time to schedule failure, E.ON can better schedule replacement campaigns

40 Source: Technology & Innovation

Equivalent Operating Hours

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1 Optimize & drive down O&M cost
T&I project examples

Pitch Optimization Air Density Schematic view of the LiDAR

Pitch optimization Yaw optimization

Situation Situation
Optimum energy yield of a turbine depends on a number of factors, a key Currently we rely on OEM anemometry to detect wind direction and
one being correct blade pitch angle at a given air density, which varies misaligned yaw from inaccurate wind direction readings reduces turbine
seasonally production
Complication Complication
Optimum yield conditions are only achieved at a few operational points This project is to evaluate solutions to improve wind direction alignment
during the year. For some turbines the pitch angle is referenced from a using retro-fitted modifications eg LIDAR solutions
look-up table based on static air density calibrated at commissioning
Resolution Increase energy yield of existing EC&R turbines by optimizing yaw using eg
The objective of the project is to increase the power output of the wind retro-fitted LIDAR solutions
turbines by calculating new pitch tables specifically optimized for the site
climatic conditions and recalibrating the turbines accordingly
Improving yaw alignment will increase the power output of existing
Potential turbines and reduce loads induced by turbulence
Optimized pitch tables will increase energy yield as the turbine adapts its
pitch strategy to the prevailing air density

Source: Technology & Innovation 41

Projects in early stage

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2 Reduce CAPEX
Novel offshore foundations

Keystone twisted Jacket Suction bucket Floating concepts

New offshore foundations

Situation Resolution
Offshore wind CAPEX needs to come down and foundations and their Build confidence in and accelerate the development of the most
installation represent a significant share promising options by conducting met mast scale demonstrations and, if
With sites further from shore and deeper water the standard options - successful, full scale demonstration
gravity and monopile - might not always be the optimal solutions Potential
Complication The ambition is to be able to install wind farms further offshore to
Many novel ideas and concepts exist, but many are at early stages and harness higher wind speeds and produce more electricity to a lower cost
some potentially lead to cost increases

42 Source: Technology & Innovation Center

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How big can a wind turbine become?

The big question is: What will be the limit to

wind turbine size increase?
Since the wind industry started to take off, there has
been a race to increase turbine size and power. With
hub heights now well over 100 metres, this trend is still
Various companies have turbine designs of up to 10 MW
but few turbines with capacity above 6 MW have been
constructed up to 2012
Larger turbines mean you do not need as many turbines
for the same energy output allowing for cost reduction
There will be a limit beyond which the costs and
technical limits associated with building larger and
larger turbines become prohibitive

Vestas V164 -8.0 MW model with a 164 m rotor diameter


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Key facts on EC&R wind
Interesting facts about our wind business

London Array, UK Roscoe, USA Scroby Sands, UK

Did you know?

EC&R has a presence in 10 countries
EC&R operates almost 3,000 wind turbines
Approximately 10,000 blades are regularly inspected
The highest wind turbines of the EC&R fleet are 169 m high (blade included)
The oldest EC&R wind farm was built in 1992
EC&R owns and operates the worlds 2nd largest onshore cluster Roscoe, Inadale, Champion and Pyron (782 MW)
Jointly with partners DONG and Masdar, EC&R operates the worlds largest offshore wind farm London Array (630 MW)


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The future of EC&R wind business
Our wind plans for the future
Make further multi-billion euro investments to grow our operating capacity to more than 8 GW by 2020
Drive industrialization, cost reduction and higher output to make renewables more competitive, eg wind:
Onshore wind: Develop 640 MW and build 350 MW p.a. on average, reduce costs by 25% by 2015
Offshore wind: Develop and build 150 MW p.a. on average, reduce costs by 40% by 2015
Add value with develop & sell and build, sell & operate approaches

Our ambition: To make clean energy better


29Aug13_WindTurbine_factbook.indd 45 19/09/2013 14:28

Global Unit Renewables

This document may contain forward-looking statements based on current assumptions and forecasts made by E.ON
management and other information currently available to E.ON. Various known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other
factors could lead to material differences between the actual future results, financial situation, development or performance
of the company and the estimates given here. E.ON does not intend, and does not assume any liability whatsoever, to
update these forward-looking statements or to conform them to future events or developments.

E.ON Climate & Renewables GmbH

Brsseler Platz 1
45131 Essen


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ECR 09/2013
E.ON Climate & Renewables GmbH Brsseler Platz 1 45131 Essen

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