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Art 21: Michael Ray Charles

As an artist Michael Ray Charles examines the

emotional presence of past history, specifically
investigating the racial stereotypes of African
Americans portrayed in society through
advertisement, products, and the media. His style is
rooted from his early studies in illustration and
design, which translates to the graphic paintings that
mimic an advertisement design oriented piece
illustrating different examples of African American

Adapted Lesson Plan:

Given an artist presentation on Michael Ray Charles and a brief interdisciplinary study of
advertisement and propaganda throughout history, students will make linoleum cuts and use the
printmaking process to create their own advertisements that promote awareness of social issues that
are unbiased.

Skill Objectives:
Students will effectively carve linoleum depicting social issue advertisement and print on paper using
ink and the printmaking process.

Concept Objectives:
Students will research social issues and choose a topic to depict as an advertisement that brings
awareness to public.

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