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2.1 Materials 7

2.2 Methods 8-

2.3 Procedure 10






The aim of these experiments conducted is to study the effects of volume on the
pressure of the gas at constant temperature which relates Boyles Law equation and
the effects of temperature on the pressure of the gas at constant volume which
relates Gay-Lussacs Law equation.

An experimental set up was prepared to study the relationship between pressure and
volume at constant temperature for Boyles law. In this experiment, the volume of the
closed cylinder are manipulated to study the effect towards the pressure of the gas.
Next, another experimental set up was prepared at the same time to study the
relationship between pressure and temperature at constant volume. This time, the
temperature of the gas was manipulated in order to study the effect on the pressure
of the constant volume of gas contained in the hollow copper ball.

Based on the data obtained by conducting the experiment, a graph which relates
pressure (kPa) with volume (m 3) and pressure (kPa) with temperature (K) were
plotted. Then, using the graphs plotted, the Boyles law and Gay-Lussacs law theory
can be studied and verify. The results of these experiments clearly proven that both
Boyles law and Gay-Lussacs law are true and can be applied in ideal gas

1.0 Introduction

The objective of this experiment was conducted is mainly to study the effects of
volume on the pressure of the gas at constant temperature which relates Boyles
Law equation and the effects of temperature on the pressure of the gas at constant
volume which relates Gay-Lussacs Law equation.

The pressure of a gas is influences by both volume and temperature of the gas itself
at which it is measured. The relationship between the volumes of a gas with it
respective pressure at constant temperature are theorize by Boyles Law. On the
other hand, the relationship between the temperatures of a gas with it respective
pressure at constant volume are theorize by Gay-Lussacs Law [1].

The equation of ideal gas is given as:

PV =nRT [2] (equation


Where P = pressure (kPa)

V = volume (m3)

n = no.of mol (mol)

R = universal gas constant (J/mol K)

T = temperature (K)

Boyles Law

Boyles Law states that the pressure of a gas is inversely proportional to its volume,
and vice versa if only the temperature of the gas is kept constant [3]. This simply
means that when the volume of the gas decreases, the pressure of the gas
increases, and vice versa.

As the experiment is carried out in an enclosed container and the temperature is

held constant at room temperature, the terms n, R, and T of the ideal gas equation
will eventually remain constant. This can be simplified and detonate the terms
nRT =C , where C is a constant. The ideal gas equation can be simplified as:

PV =C (equation 2)

V , C is constant

The equation can be further simplified as pressure is inversely proportional to its

volume at constant conditions:


As the volume of the closed container decreases, the gas molecules in the container
have lesser space to move around and therefore, it collides among themselves and
against the wall more often. Thus, the rate of collision increase and as a results, the
pressure of the gas increase due to the change of momentum between gas
molecules [1]. The experiment was conducted at room temperature and the
temperature in the closed syringe are assumed to be constant at room temperature
throughout the whole experiment.

Gay-Lussacs Law

Gay-Lussacs Law states that the pressure of an ideal gas is directly proportional to
its absolute temperature if only the volume of the gas are held constant [4].

As the experiment was carried out at a constant volume, the terms n, R, and V of the
ideal gas equation will eventually remain constant. The ideal equation can be
simplified as:

P nR
=C ,C is (equation 3)


From the derived equation, it states that pressure is directly proportional to

temperature at constant volume. This statement could be explained whereas the
temperature of a constant volume gas rises, the kinetic energy between molecules of
the gas will increases rapidly, thus, the rate of collision between molecules increase.
As a result of this phenomena, the pressure of the gas inside of the enclosed system

Figure1. Idealize graph of pressure against volume. [5]

Figure2. Idealize graph of pressure against temperature. [6]

2.0 Experimental Design

Figure 3. Boyles Law experiment set up.

Figure 4. Gay-Lussacs Law experiment set up.

2.1 Materials and Apparatus

Boyles Law Experiment

Bourdon pressure gauge with valve
Retort stand with clamps

Gay-Lussacs Experiment

Hollow copper ball

Bourdon pressure gauge with valve
Water bath
Retort stand with clamps

2.2 Methods

Boyles Law experiment

The experiment is set up as in Figure 1. A syringe which acts as a closed cylinder

with a movable pistol is connected to the bourdon pressure gauge via a valve. The
volume in the syringe is first adjusted to 60 cm 3 and the pressure of the gas was
determined via the bourdon pressure gauge. The volume of the syringe is slowly
compress to 50 cm3 followed by 40 cm3, 30 cm3, and 20 cm3. The pressure of the
bounded gas was determined and recorded simultaneously after each compression.
The compression stopped at 20 cm 3 as it is incompressible any further. The
experiment was conducted for another two trials to minimize possible errors and to
obtained an average values.

Based on the data obtained, the pressure displayed by bourdon gauge in bar was
converted to Pascal. Next, a graph of pressure against its respective volume of gas
and a graph of pressure against its respective reciprocal volume of gas were plotted
separately. The relationship between pressure and volume of gas at constant
temperature which relates Boyles Law could be able to be identified with the aids of
the plotted graphs.

Gay-Lussacs Law experiment

The experiment is set up as in Figure 2. A hollow copper ball which contains a fixed
amount of gas (atmospheric air) was connected to a bourdon gauge via a needle
valve. With the aid of the retort stand, the hollow copper ball is slowly placed into the
water bath and water is filled into the water bath so that the hollow copper ball was
immersed more than half of it. Next, the water bath was heated to 50 oC by adjusting
the adjustment knob. Once the water bath reached 50 oC as indicated by the
indicator light, the temperature of water bath was cross checked using a
thermometer. The pressure of the bourdon gauge is now adjusted to 0 bar. This
temperature and pressure was taken as initial value.

The experiment proceeded with heating the water bath to 55 oC, 60 oC, 65 oC, and 70
C. The pressure inside the hollow copper ball was determined and recorded
simultaneously after each heating. Based on the data obtained, the pressure which
were displayed by bourdon gauge in bar was converted to Pascal. Next, a graph of
pressure against its respective temperature was plotted. The relationship between
pressure and temperature of gas at constant volume which relates Gay-Lussacs
Law could be able to be identified with the aid of the plotted graph.

2.3 Procedures

Boyles Law Experiment

1. The experiment was set-up as shown in Figure 3.

2. A syringe was connected to a bourdon gauge.
3. The initial volume of the syringe is set to 60 cm 3.
4. The pressure of the gas in the syringe is determined via the bourdon gauge
and recorded.
5. The volume of the syringe is slowly compressed to 50 cm 3, 40 cm3, 30 cm3,
and 20 cm3.
6. The pressure of the gas is determined simultaneously after each compression
and recorded.
7. Steps 3 to 6 is repeated for two additional times to obtained an average data.
8. The results were tabulated as in Table 1.

Gay-Lussacs Law Experiment.

1. The experiment was set-up as shown in Figure 4.

2. A closed metal with constant volume are placed into the water bath.
3. The temperature of the water bath was set to 50 o C using the heater and
checked by using a thermometer.
4. After the temperature of the water bath is constant, the pressure of the gas
was determine using the bourdon gauge and recorded.
5. Step 3 to 4 were repeated by setting the temperature of water bath to 55 oC,
60oC, 65oC, 70oC, 75oC, 80oC, and 85oC respectively.
6. The results were tabulated in Table 3.

3.0 Results and Calculations

Boyles Law

Table 1: Table of tabulated data of Volume of gas (cm 3) with respective gauge
Pressure (bar).

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Average Data
3 3 3
V(cm ) Pgauge(bar) V(cm ) Pgauge(bar) V(cm ) Pgauge(bar) V(cm3) Pgauge(bar)
20 1.00 20 1.05 20 1.00 20 1.02
30 0.60 30 0.65 30 0.60 30 0.62
40 0.25 40 0.30 40 0.25 40 0.27
50 0.05 50 0.08 50 0.05 50 0.06
60 0.00 60 0.00 60 0.00 60 0.00

Table 2: Table of Volume of gas (m3) with respective absolute Pressure (kPa).

Average Data
V(m ) Pabsolute(kPa)
0.00002 205.97
0.00003 165.45
0.00004 129.99
0.00005 108.72
0.00006 102.64

Table 3: Table of reciprocal Volume of gas (m -3) with respective absolute Pressure

Average Data
V(m3) 1/V (m-3) Pabsolute(kPa)
0.00002 50000.00 205.97
0.00003 33333.33 165.45
0.00004 25000.00 129.99
0.00005 20000.00 108.72
0.00006 16666.67 102.64

Pressure against Volume

aph 1. Graph of absolute pressure (kPa) against volume (m3).

Pressure against reciprocal of Volume

f(x) = 0x + 49.36

aph 2. Graph of absolute pressure (kPa) against reciprocal of volume (m-3).

Gay-Lussacs Law

Table 4: Table of tabulated data of Temperature of gas ( oC) with respective gauge
Pressure (bar).

T (oC) Pgauge(bar)
50 0.000
55 0.025
60 0.050
65 0.075
70 0.080

Table 5: Table of Temperature of gas (K) with respective absolute Pressure (kPa).

T (K) Pabsolute(kPa)
323 102.64
328 105.17
333 107.71
338 110.24
343 110.75

Pressure against Temperature

f(x) = 0.43x - 34.49

aph 3. Graph of absolute pressure (kPa) against temperature (K).

Sample calculations

Boyles Law

Pabsolute =P gauge + Patmosphere


Patmosphere (bar) = 1.01325 bar

1 bar = 101.3 kPa = 101 300 Pa

1 cm3 = 0.000001 m3

Average Data at Pgauge = 1.02bar, 20 cm3

Pabsolute = Pgauge + Patmosphere

= 1.02 bar + 1.01325 bar

= 2.0333 bar

= 205.97 kPa

20 cm3 = 20 x 0.000001

= 0.00002 m3

Gay-Lussac Law

Given T (K) = T (oC) + 273K

At 50 oC, 0 bar

T (K) = 50 + 273

= 323K

Pabsolute = Pgauge + Patmosphere

= 0 bar + 1.01325 bar

= 1.01325 bar

= 102.64 kPa

4.0 Discussion

Boyles Law

Based on the results plotted from graph 1, it is clearly observed that as the volume of
the gas increases, the pressure eventually decreases. Thus, the equation that states
pressure is inversely proportional to its volume are verified.


The shape graph also assembles the theoretical graph as shown in Figure 1 where it
is an inversely proportional graph. The imperfect shape of the graph might due to
some minor errors which occurred during the experiment was conducted and in this
experiment, the gas is assumed to be ideal and constant at room temperature.
Based on the results obtained from graph 2, it is able to conclude that absolute
pressure is direction proportional to reciprocal of volume where:


The linear line of graph 2 did not touches or intercept at 0 kPa and 0 m -3 compared to
theoretical graph are due to the fact that the experiment was carried out starting at
an initial volume fixed at 20 cm 3 instead of starting at volume of 0 cm 3. Besides,
based on the equation of the linear line provided in graph 2, the y-intercept obtained
is 49.362. Suppose that the y-intercept of an ideal experiment should intercept at 0,
however, errors might have occurred in this experiment which caused an imprecise
data of experiment results.

The results obtained for Boyles law experiment could be explained. As the
experiment was carry on, the volume of the closed syringe was compressed. By
doing so, the volume of the closed syringe eventually decreases, leaving the gas
molecules in the container have lesser and lesser space to move around. The gas
particles in the syringe now collides among themselves and against the wall more
frequently. Thus, the rate of collision increase and resulting in an increase of gas
pressure due to the change of momentum between gas molecules.

Gay-Lussacs Law

Based on the graph plotted from graph 3, it is clearly seen that the absolute pressure
of the gas is directly proportional to its temperature at constant volume. Thus, Gay-
Lussacs Law are verified.


The shape of the graph also assembles the shape of the theoretical graph as shown
in Figure 2 where it shows a directly proportional graph. The reason for the linear line
that it does not touches or intercept at 0 kPa and 0 oC it due to the fact that the
experiment was started initially at 50 oC instead of 0 oC. The initial temperature of the
experiment was set to 50 oC and the pressure at that particular temperature was set
initially to 0 bar using the bourdon pressure gauge.

The results obtained for Gay-Lussac law could also be explained. The temperature
of the constant gas in the hollow copper ball was manipulated and increased as the
experiment was carried on. As the temperature of the constant gas rises, the kinetic
energy between the gas particles will eventually increases. Since the experiment
was carried out in an enclosed system, the gas molecules will not escaped but it will
collide against the wall of the copper ball more frequently. Thus, the rate of collision
between the gases molecules increase. As a result of this phenomena, the pressure
of the gas inside of the enclosed system increases.

5.0 Conclusion

By conducting the experiment, we are able to study and verify two of the ideal gas
law which includes Boyles law and Gay-Lussac law which relates pressure and
volume at constant temperature as well as pressure and temperature at constant
volume respectively. In order to prove that both of the equations are true, different
graph are required to be plotted based on the data obtained by conducting the

To prove Boyles law equation, two graph are plotted by using pressure against its
respective volume and pressure against its reciprocal volume. For Boyles law
experiment, the volume of gas were manipulated at constant temperature to
investigate it effects towards pressure.

On the other hand, to prove Gay-Lussac law equation, a graph of pressure against
its temperature are plotted. In Gay-Lussacs law experiment, the temperature of the
gas were manipulated at constant volume in order to study the effect towards its
respective pressure.

In conclusion, the results obtained by conducting the experiment have shown that
the pressure of the gas is inversely proportional to the volume of gas at constant
temperature or pressure of gas is directly proportional to the reciprocal of its volume.
Boyles law explains and theorize that an inverse relationship between the pressure
and volume of a gas at constant temperature.

Besides, Gay-Lussac law was also verified since the results shown that pressure is
directly proportional to its temperature at constant volume.

6.0 Refferences

[1] G. R. Delpierre and B. T. Sewell, BOYLE'S LAW, Boyle's law. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 01-Oct-2016].
[2] R. N., Ideal Gas Law, Ideal Gas Law. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 01-Oct-
[3] Boyle's law, , Boyle's Law Formula, What is Boyle's Law? [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 01-
[4] L. M. A., Gay Lussac's Law, Gay Lussac's Law, 2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 01-Oct-2016].
[5] C. K.-12 Foundation, CK-12 Foundation, CK-12 Foundation, Nov-2016. [Online].
[Accessed: 01-Oct-2016].
[6] F., Frazer does Physics, : November 2011, 2011. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 01-Oct-2016].
[7] Smith, J. M., Van Ness, H.C., Introduction to Chemical Engineering
Thermodynamics, McGraw Hill, New York, 7th Edition, 2005.


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