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Puja Patel

Level III Internship

What do you see as the purpose of the Code of Ethics and Principles of Professional

Conduct of the Education Profession of Florida?

The Code of Ethics and Principles of Professional Conduct provides guidelines on

how to maintain a climate of equality and professionalism in the classroom. It is useful

resource to review and it will help me become a better teacher as I am able to reflect and

see how my actions effect my students and their learning. The purpose of the Code of

Ethics is to set clear boundaries that ensure that teachers are keeping the students best

interest in mind, focusing on growth and development in a professional manner.

What is a specific detailed example from this semester when you demonstrated

being an ethical educator? How is each specific example connected to the Code of


One of the guidelines is to be aware of the importance of maintaining the

respect and confidence of students which I believe is an important guideline because if

students do not feel comfortable in their learning environment then sharing and

participation will lack. I have demonstrated being an ethical educator by trying to ensure

that whenever a student is speaking all other students are listening closely to what he/she

is saying. There have been multiple scenarios when a student will want to participate and

share their ideas but students will talk over said student. This has happened throughout

the year and I try a range of strategies to make sure students are being respectful to each

other. I will pause the student trying to speak and then wait for the rest of the class to

focus on the student speaking. I think taking the time to make sure students are being

attentive towards their peers is important and it can build confidence because students

would be more willing to participate if they felt a sense of community in the classroom.
Puja Patel
Level III Internship
The Code of Ethics says that an individual shall take reasonable precautions

to distinguish between personal views and those of any educational institution or

organization with which the individual is affiliated. I believe I have accomplished

this by keeping my personal views to myself. I did a lesson on voting and students

will mention presidential candidates. I made sure to keep my personal views

private, like who I would vote for during the presidential election because I did not

want students to conform to my thinking just because I am their teacher and they

see me a role model and authority figure.

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