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Relocation Of Utahs
The Utah state prison is one
of the two prisons mangaed
by the department of
corrections. Originally the
prison was built to replace
the sugarhouse prison that
closed down in the 1950s.
After just 66 short years the
prison is going to be
relocated with a vote of 62-
12 in 2015. The relocation
was over budget but was
approved to be located to I-
80 and 7200 West, West
Valley Utah. It is said that
the new prison will be built
in July of 2020. Salt lake city
won over 25 other options.
For 96 proberty
years Salt Lake value
cItywill skyrocket from the relocation but some people
who live less than 10 short miles away fear for their safety being so close
to a prison. They said the highest most important value was that the
Prison is easily accesiable for the public The draper locaton is often
known for its outdated and very old buildings. Whether there was a
location renewel or not the buildings are too old and would need to be
fixed. Some are wondering if the new location could be a castroprohy?
Dangerous and hazardous waste close by and the location is at a high risk
of flooding, earthquake damage, it is 25% percent wetlands and some feel
it may not be safe to house a prison in the area. Many protests have taken
place in hopes to shut down the relocation of Utahs Prison, so far none
have been successful and the plan to relocate is still a go. Salt Lake City
Mayor Ralph Becker and other city leaders said they are still considering all
Becker told the Deseret News there is a
options to stop the prison from coming to the capital, including filing a
concern that lawmakers have badly
underestimated the costs of developing
the site despite a change to the resolution
indemnifying the city from paying for costs
associated with the prison.
those are followed. She said hopefully the
relocation will come with following rules
and some new mangement and more
experieced officers.

Currently there is 401 women 5,468

male inmates inside Utahs correctional
facilities. Utahs state prison holds female
and male inmates in different units with
many other units ranging from minimum
security to supermax security as well as an
execution chamber. There are many
programs for inmates such as education,
substance abuse, and treatment for sex
offenders. Fun fact is that this was the
home for the famous serial killer Ted Bundy
until he was executed in Colorado.

The relocation is expensive and way

over budget and could cause some health
On adverage most prisons only get about issues along with some worried inmates
350 volunteers but the Utah state prison and surrounding areas of possible
has a growing 1,200. dangerous whether thats the wasteland or
safety of surrounding residental areas.
Although the relocation is well over
Inmates and employees have come forward
budget, the relocation was needed said
about how undated the prison is and that
former Inmate Terry Thayer. Inside the
the relocation would be a good thing, but
prison was outdated and very different from
some say that they should just stay in
the prison he was first at before being
Draper, Utah and continue to grow there
transferred to Utah. Prisons are obviously
while slowly fixing their buildings.
not supposed to be nice said Terry but this
Volunteers in the Salt Lake area are excited
one was very out of date and needed help.
because the drive is not as far and there
The buildings were all very old and slowly
will be more room for volunteering but
falling apart on the inside.
those who have been volunteering in
A former employee stated that the officers Draper are not satisified with the new
relocation in West Valley City Utah.
are mid-level and are against things that
havent changed in over thirty years. Other
officers will sell you out to the mid level
officers causing you to get in trouble for
their own well being. This same former
employee gave some advice to the Utah
Prison. Stating that it is ran horridly, if you
have rules follow them and enforce those
rules. Inmates or confused by the sets of
voer fourty rules when not even half of

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