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Digital Unit Plan Template

Unit Title: Baroque: An Imperfect Pearl Name: Michelle Chung

Content Area: Art Grade Level: 11&12
CA Content Standard(s)/Common Core Standard(s):
Visual Art (9-12 Proficient)

1.1 Identify and use the principles of design to discuss, analyze, and write about visual aspects in the environment and in works of art.
1.3 Research and analyze the work of an artist and write about the artist's distinctive style and its contribution to the meaning of the work.
1.5 Analyze the material used by a given artist and describe how its use influences the meaning of the work.
2.2 Prepare a portfolio of original two-and three-dimensional works of art that reflects refined craftsmanship and technical skills.
3.1 Identify similarities and differences in the purposes of art created in selected cultures.
5.2 Create a work of art that communicates a cross-cultural or universal theme taken from literature or history.

Visual Art (9-12 Advanced)

1.3 Analyze their works of art as to personal direction and style.

1.4 Research two periods of painting, sculpture, film, or other media and discuss their similarities and differences, using the language of the visual
1.8 Analyze the works of a well-known artist as to the art media selected and the effect of that selection on the artist's style.
2.4 Demonstrate in their own works of art a personal style and an advanced proficiency in communicating an idea, theme, or emotion.
3.3 Investigate and discuss universal concepts expressed in works of art from diverse cultures.

Big Ideas/Unit Goals:

How does art reflect the society and the historical culture?
How do personal cultural traditions and political contexts influence the meaning in a work of art?
How is human diversity related to the visual arts and artists?
Name some artists from the Baroque period and a few of their works.
What makes Baroque Art Baroque?
How can different art periods be distinguished?
How can the subject matter of art work be empowered?
What influences creative expression?
Do artists have any responsibility to their audiences?
What is the difference between a thoughtful and a thoughtless critique?
Unit Summary:
In this unit, students will use their observation and interpretation skills to analyze elements in Baroque art, explore the relationship and distinguish artistic
style with Renaissance art, and recognize the functional and symbolic significance of the decorative arts. Students will be learning about the history, society,
and culture of the period and how artists of the time reflect the Baroque style in their artworks. Students will be continuously engaged in partner and
classroom discussions, as well as many other activities that will allow students to have a closer understanding of, not only the Baroque, but also, the art
world itself in a bigger perspective. Students will learn to make mixed media art pieces in any form and create an artwork that highlights and reflects the
characteristics associated with the decorative arts of the Baroque period. Students will reflect their understanding and reflection of the Baroque art period
and its decorative arts, and will demonstrate their understanding on their own art work. Before and after creating an artwork, each student will be proposing
and stating their artist proposals and artist statement; artist proposals will be written for his or her decorative art plan with a simple sketch to be approved
by the teacher, and artist statement will be written as a presentation of the students artwork. The unit will be closed with in-class verbal critique; students
will present their art pieces to other students to give and receive thoughtful and valid feedbacks to and from other classmates.

Assessment Plan:
Entry-Level: Formative: Summative:
Discussion #1: What are some universal Online quiz on Baroque artists and A decorative art project
concepts expressed in works of art artworks Typed artist statement
from diverse time periods? Characteristics of Baroque art In-class art work presentation and verbal critique
Discussion #2: What do I know about flashcards
the Baroque art? Baroque and Renaissance webercise
Typed artist proposal
Art project sketch
Lesson 1 (Teacher Lecture)
Students Learning Objective: Acceptable Evidence: Lesson Activities:
Students will be introduced to the Baroque arts Before the lecture starts, through the The lesson starts with a brief in-class discussion which
such as the visual and cultural aspects of the discussion students should know or will allow students to activate prior knowledge as well as
Baroque art period, its history, artists and their learn their peers about some universal making connections to the important lecture points by
artworks, and characteristics. concepts expressed in the art period. discussing important hints when observing a new art
During the lecture, students are period that one has no knowledge of. The teacher will
expected to pay attention to the give a visual and audio lecture presentation on the
lecture so that all the blanks of the Baroque art period. Meanwhile, students will take notes
worksheet is filled. on the worksheet as the lecture goes. After the lecture is
After the lecture, students should have finished, the students will share their answers with their
their guided notes completed. The partner. Then, the whole class will go over the responses
answers may vary, however, when the to make sure everyone is on a similar pace.
question asks about facts, correct
answer should be written after pair-
and-share and in-class discussion.
Lesson 2 (Webercise/ iPad Lesson)
Student Learning Objective: Acceptable Evidence: Lesson Activities:
Students will be provided with useful websites students answers should include Students will research Baroque and Renaissance periods
that the teacher provided, or other, to conduct higher order thinking skills; students of painting, sculpture, and other media to be able to
research on both the Baroque and Renaissance are expected to perform skills in discuss their similarities and differences. Before
era, so that they will be able to answer the recognizing the information, responding to the questions, students should spend a fair
questions that the teacher listed on the understanding and interpreting the amount of time to conduct research. Then, students will
webercise. context, transferring from one setting have time to make their response to the questions, which
to another, identifying parts, seeing are asking not only historical facts, but also asking to
related order, and putting parts formulate and support a position on the aesthetic value
together to form a new whole. of a specific work of art and employ the conventions of
Students responses should include art criticism in writing about works of art. The evaluation
evidence of not only the knowledge rubric will be provided so that students can grasp a
historical facts of two different art better sense of scoring standards.
periods but also aesthetic valuing, as
well as the understanding of the role
and development of the visual arts
throughout the time period.
Lesson 3 (Graphic Organizer)
Student Learning Objective: Acceptable Evidence: Lesson Activities:
Students will discuss how they will reflect the The students are expected to prepare a well- Students will read the textbook chapters notified by the
visual and cultural aspects in their own work by planned goal mountain graphic organizer to teacher to solely focus on the Baroque period, artists,
organizing and identifying six different ideas meet the purpose of the unit lesson. Students and artworks as their inspiration. Students will
they will incorporate in their artwork. Students should incorporate multiple ideas and independently fill out a graphic organizer according to
will read textbook chapters that the teacher perspectives to develop a concept of an art the reading materials and their own thoughtful opinions.
provided to illustrate their planning on their project. Correct answers as well as students The goal mountain worksheet will be used for personal
artist proposals and artwork sketches. understanding and knowledge of Baroque art goal to brainstorm and make decisions on the students
traits should be reflected on the graphic artistic proposal, and sketch for the upcoming art project.
organizer. Students will place the goal at the top of the mountain,
decide what is required to achieve the goal, and write it
under the goal. The scoring rubric is also attached so
that students can successfully plan their graphic

Unit Resources:
Reading material:

How did the Baroque movement start?
How to recognize Baroque art?
A step by step demonstration of a decorative art painting
What are the trait of the Baroque art period?
These videos present famous paintings, artists, and their art styles in the Baroque art period.

Calloway, Stephen. Baroque Baroque: The Culture of Excess. London: Phaidon, 2000. Print
This book examines the culture of excess in all its 20th-century manifestations and provides a celebration that is truly Baroque in its richness and variety. A
wealth of photographs taken from all areas of excess arts and the media is available in this book.

Carl, Klaus H. & Victoria Charles. Baroque Art (Art of Century Collection). N.p.: Parkstone International, 2009. Print.
This book contains images encompassing the Baroque arts of painting, sculpture, and architecture. A complete and didactic insight into this passionate period
in the history of art will be found in this book.
Toman, Rolf & Achim Bednorz. Baroque: Architecture, Sculpture, Painting. Ko ln: H.f. ullmann, 2013. Print.
This book illustrates an in-depth study of moving works of art from various European countries. It exposes the sensual beauty of these objects as well as the
Baroque artists' allegorical representation of religious beliefs.

Penelope J.E. Davies & Water B. Denny. Jansons History of Art: The Western Tradition. Pearson. 2010. Print.
Chapter 19,20, and 21 will cover the Baroque art period.
Useful Websites:
Digital Interatives:
This jeopardy game will provide students with a fun and interactive way to review content related to the Baroque art.
This website provides a quiz that is composed of a number of questions related to the Baroque art history.
This Baroque Art Trivia Quiz asks students ten questions mostly on the Baroque artists and the time period itself.
This website provides a lot of reading materials, video lectures, practice questions, and quizzes on the Baroque art in the Catholic Italy, Spain, Flanders,
France and in the Protestant north. This tool will be a great help to overview and understand Baroque art in depth

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