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Personal Essay

I came into this world fighting for my life: suffering from heart problems and rolling

veins. My mother gave birth to me at a very young age; my father was very young as well. They

hadnt even lived their lives yet--Age 13 and 17, respectively--just a couple of kids trying to see

what this world had for them. My grandparents didnt necessarily want me. My fathers

mother was one contribution to convincing my mother not to have an abortion. She told my

mom,Its your body, do what you think is right and what you want. No one can force you to

have an abortion. My father went through some hard times and developed bad habits. Being a

fatherless child, he did what his father did to him. He became a thief, alcoholic, and drug addict.

In fact, my earliest memory I can recall is the sight of red and blue lights flashing on the roof of

my father's car as we were being chased by police. In order for my mom to provide for me, she

ended up dropping out of school so she could take a job at a Chinese restaurant my father had

previously worked at. The owners name was Pat. Thats where my name comes from. We lived

with my grandmother, Rachel, at that time. I grew up without my father and when I did see him

it was intermittent and rare. My mother always had different guys around; so my father, being a

drunkard and very jealous individual, envied the men who spent time with her, resulting in my

father often becoming angry and destroying their property and belongings, fighting them, and

oftentimes becoming entangled with the law. When I was 7 years old, my mom and I were
homeless and we were living in her car, resulting in my moving in with my father. Although I

was no longer homeless, my life changed for the worse because my father was a violent drunk

and would sometimes abuse me if I talked back or was in his path of destruction. When I lived

with him I would often escape to my cousin James house. It was always very nice there, perhaps

not with materialistic things, but the people were more supportive and nurturing. James mom

would always make the best French toast in the morning for me and James. I spent most of my

time after school at his house. I never had many friends and I found myself withdrawing from

any social interaction because of what was going on outside of school and within my own

homelife. Eventually, someone contacted CPS for me, I was thrown back to my mom. When

my uncle Jeremy, one of the four Scott brothers, saw what was happening to me at a very young

age, he told me I was welcome any time at his home and that he would come pick me up

anywhere if needed. When I moved back in with my mom, we stationed in a back house by

Whitney Elementary. We lived there for about a year and then we moved to Elk Grove, which

was my favorite place Id ever lived. I lived in Elk Grove when I was only 5 years of age, the

reason I did not include this time period is because it was not very significant and I wasnt

conscious enough to understand my surroundings. My best friend is named Jonathan, I met him

back in kindergarten when I previously lived in Elk Grove. I was glad to be back, I met a lot of

interesting people that were primarily warm hearted, and my grades weren't bad. I spent my 6th
grade year at Markofer Elementary School until I was promoted to 7th grade, where I then

attended Joseph Kerr Middle School, maybe 2 miles from the elementary school. I later left

Joseph Kerr because I did not think I was in the wrong when I defended a female that had been

assaulted. I had merely pinned the kid and demanded he give her an apology after he punched

her. In the process his backpack ripped and he later told the office and they demanded I pay for a

new pack and serve multiple detentions. Between the transfer and summer break we moved into

Oak Park, a part of Sacramento that many would call a ghetto. I remember the first night there

as if it were yesterday. My mother did not have any money and we had absolutely no food. I

vividly remember driving by a fast food restaurant and having never felt so hungry in my

life--the smell of the food taunted and tortured me. I remember my mother as she broke down,

realizing the trouble we were going through. We ate nothing that night and slept on the

unfurnished floor we had moved to. Two days later our neighbor stabbed a police officer. This

was not where I wanted to be. Later in my life, perhaps two months or so, we moved over by Sac

City Community College near Hollywood Park. The middle school experience was exceptional

but I never had the opportunity to participate in extracurricular activities because I lived so far

away and our transportation was limited. That also limited my social life. Stability was foreign

for a large portion of my upbringing. My mother and I moved from our house on 22nd Avenue

in Hollywood Park when she met a man named Robert Jordan and we moved back to Elk Grove,
where I subsequently attended a charter school. We eventually were evicted after months of

false business promises made by my mothers new boyfriend. Robert made my mother work three

jobs, pay for rent and food, without ever trying to obtain financial employment. We then

relocated to Roberts grandmother's house in Lotus. Oh how things were looking good, I was still

going to the charter school in Sacramento and I had some fun hobbies. The transition between

schools were flawed and the charter school claimed that I had not completed the minimum

requirements but since I had not been kicked out at that time, I argued that I did complete the

minimum requirement. As result, I was forced to take the lowest level classes when I eventually

enrolled into El Dorado High School, hindering my future and closing a minute number of doors.

As with many things in my life, another downturn occurred when my mother was betrayed by

Robert and he stole almost all of our personal belongings. From here, things continued to spiral

downwards. We were once again homeless in the hills and jumping from one residence to

another. The lack of stability in my life worsened to that of pure chaos. In short terms, in

September of 2015 my mother chose to be with an abusive drug addict over me. Forcing me to

live on my own at the age of 16 with no form of transportation or financial income. Senior year

of high school I broke the chains that binded me for so long. I found a room to rent, got a job and

car. Which I eventually bought a second car and enjoy building them both. I've lived in 33

different places in my 17 years of life.

The greatest quality I have is my drive and perseverance. My childhood lacked much more

than that of most, but I thank this. It made me hungry for achievement, for winning, for being my

absolute best and achieving my potential against all odds. I use my drive to do just that,

whenever I pick something up, I usually become the best or close to it. As a result of having this

initiative and being a dedicated individual when I put my mind to something, I crave knowledge

as if it's a life source. I have a desire to be physically and psychologically ascendant. My largest

talents are thinking on my feet logically and rationally, and also endure events that are typically

strenuous. Something I see as an accomplishment I've done is breaking the pattern of my family.

No one in my family understands me for having a desire to be great and do something extreme

with my life. Especially the father chain, I've learned from my dad just exactly what not to do.

His father was never there for him and was abusive to him and his brothers. He hurt the Scott

brothers immensely, not only physically but mentally. He would pick a favorite and just leave

the others. This kind of role model is what my father grew up with, that's why I can't be mad at

him because he honestly didn't know how to be a father. Fortunately I was raised by my mother

the majority of the time. I can't pinpoint the exact age in the timeline of my life, but my mother

had this boyfriend when I was younger. He was a very smart man, well raised. His name was

Clinton. His parents were millionaires, that went to Harvard as did their son. But, It wasnt their

money that made them successful, it was their love and appreciation for their child and
community. He enjoyed playing golf, as did his dad. I was over at his parents house for Easter

with my mother and him. Clinton and his dad were getting along quite well, I'd never seen

something like it, I wanted that. So later that month Clinton took me to a driving range, we hit a

couple golf balls and I just had to ask him how his life was so "awesome." He was telling me a

bunch of stuff that I didn't really understand but what I did remember was,"knowledge is power,

and with power you can get just about anything in this world." It was nothing at the time but in

one ear out the other, but subconsciously that stuck with me, it sparked the flame of motivation

that was hiding inside me. Just a little inspiration and no one could stop me after that.

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