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Learning Support Plan for Jacob

Background information

The school counsellor believes there is a possibility of Jacob having Autism

Spectrum Disorder.

Jacobs mother does not speak English and his father works overseas.

Jacob has difficulty working in groups particularly when the work relates to
mathematics. He will become upset if he is not able to work in a certain corner
of the classroom.

Jacob has little interest in any topics that are not related to robots.

More information could be obtained from Jacobs Kindergarten and year 1

teacher about his behaviour in previous years. Information could also be
obtained by having meetings with Jacobs parents.
The student as a learner:
Based on teacher knowledge of student and conversations between teacher(s), student and

Known strengths:
Addition and subtraction

Numeral identification

More information could be found through observation, previous assessments,

talking to previous classroom teachers and from talking to Jacob.

Areas for development (general):

Working in groups

Following classroom rules

Attitude/enthusiasm for maths

What issues may be affecting learning (physical, emotional,

Possible Autism Spectrum Disorder

Talking and distracting others in group settings

Uninterested in the topic

Believes maths is dumb

Engages most when:

Interested in the topic, ie Robots

Topics other than maths

In a particular corner of the classroom

In 1-1 setting with teacher

When the lessons are well structured and routine

Engages least when:

Uninterested in the topic

In a group setting
SCU Primary School Student

Support Plan outline

Name: Jacob Class: 2 Term: 2 Teacher: Maddie Bailey

Where is the student now?

Support mode: Individual Small Group Community Tutor Peer Tutor Team teaching Home Based
Time Frame: 5 weeks

IEP Focus:
Where is the student going?
1. KLA objectives of this plan:
The objective of this plan is to engage Jacob in mathematics lessons in order to improve in the areas of place value using whole numbers, addition and
subtraction, in particular, using a jump strategy to improve counting by 10s and 100s and determining multiples and factors of whole numbers.

2. Other (identified or possible issues affecting learning e.g. health, cognitive, social):
The object of this plan is to provide Jacob with opportunities to work in very small groups to improve social skills and working in a group skills.

How is the student going to get there?

1. (Teaching and Learning strategies for this plan related to KLA outcomes; notes only specific details on Action Plan and appended detail)
a. To improve place value using whole numbers a variety of hands on and ICT activities will be provided as paired tasks for Jacob.
b. To improve counting by 10s and 100s Jacob will be taught the jump strategy for addition and subtraction and will practice this skill using 2, 3,
4 and 5 digit numbers.
c. To improve multiplication and division Jacob will use digital resources and hands on activities to determin multiples and factors of whole

2. Other
Jacob will be partnered in mathematics lessons that require group work with another student that he is comfortable with.
When group work is upcoming the teacher must inform students well in advance and provide details of how it will happen. Teacher will pair
students/place them in groups.

How will I know when the student is there? (Indicators)

Jacob will improve on the SENA 2 test by 1 level in counting by 10s and 100s, place value and combining and partioning.

Jacob will be observed to be more comfortable and relaxed in group activites and will not distract other students.

Review: Date: Who?

The review will include the classroom teacher, parents and school counsellor and will be conducted as a meeting. The meeting will include the results of
this IEP as well as where to go next and feedback from the parents about changes in behaviour and what they would like to happen next.

Pre-assessments (enter prior to commencement of plan) Post assessment
Who? Tool Results Who? Tool Results
SENA 2 Assessment See appendix 1 for Classroom teacher SENA 2 Assessment Will be obtained at
results end of 5 week period.
SCU student
Student PLP/IEP Action Plan Student:

Areas and Strategies: List basic details of specific strategies for KLA and Other needs. Full detail as Operation and
Objectives (from necessary should be appended. School policy requires that enough detail should be provided Monitoring:
to allow a casual teacher or community helper to implement the strategies.
previous section) when/who/how
All KLA strategies should link with the teaching program for the class in the IEP time frame.

When doing pair work

ensure Jacob is allowed to
Students will work in pairs rather than groups. Make all students aware that they will be working in pairs be in favourite corner.
that the teacher chooses. (Teacher)

Jacob to be paired with Mitchell H as he is familiar and comfortable with him.

Start lessons with group discussion about place value and expanded notation. Inform whole class of plan
before the lesson starts so
Show digital resource (link 1 below) there are no suprises.
In pairs students will use ipads/computer with the digital resource opened and will take it in turns to
make a number using while the other student writes the number down and converts it to expanded
notation. Make sure the digital resource is set to HIDE number so that students are looking at the blocks.
Observe how Jacob
Jacob should have access to the teacher to ask questions as much as possible. interacts with partner and
if he stays focussed on
the task (Teacher)

When teaching jump strategy for addition and subtraction focus on only addition or subtraction per Observe how Jacob
lesson so that Jacob can grasp each concept separately. responds to reward
system. (ALL staff)
Explain and model the jump strategy using 2 digit problems on the whiteboard.
Using number lines and a worksheet students to practice the jump strategy individually.
Observe Jacobs progress
Reward Jacob for completing task and following classroom rules. and behaviour when
working individually.

Assist Jacob where

possible. Offer help.
Observe how Jacob
responds to reward
Students to work in pairs these lessons. system. (All staff)

1c Discuss with students what is expected of them throughout the lesson and what will be happening.

As a whole class discuss, define and model factors and multiples. Obeserve Jacobs interest
in activities (Teacher)
Once an understanding of the concept has been grasped use digital resource 3 and play the game with
the whole class. Reward Jacob for participation in whole class discussion. Allow time for processing when
asking questions.

Jacob to work with James T.

Allow Jacob to work in preferred corner.

Use factor and multiple cards and as pairs ask students to work out the answers and use clothes pegs to
mark their andwers. See appendix 2 for more information.

Throughout lesson use Jacobs reward chart to reinforce good behaviour.

Throughout the 5 weeks Jacob should be paired/grouped with familiar students .

Teacher to inform class of upcoming lessons and when group work will occur. All staff in the room to
uphold and moitor and
Visual and tactile resources to be used to engage Jacob in the learning and avoid distracting other. collect data on Jacobs
2a & b Jacob should be continually praised when working in pairs and when answering questions.

Jacob should be observed as much as possible and be consistently reminded of the classroom rules.

Jacob should be praised when following classroom rules.

A reward system that is robot themed is to be implemented during the 5 weeks to manage behaviour
during group work and mathematics. See appendix 3 for example and explanation of use.

When certain behaviours are displayed ie distracting others etc an ABC form should be filled out to assist
with data collection. See appendix 4 for ABC sheet.

N.B. If appropriate, reference to any appended documents.

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