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My Characters Morality/Immorality

Use this document to outline and draft your creation for the Crucible Mini-Project.

Please refer to your Project Overview for the rubric and your due dates.

Directions: Read the selected passages for your chosen character. Gather evidence from
these passages that demonstrate your characters morality or immorality. What are some
character actions that point to him or her having a good or bad sense of morality?

Example: Tituba

They Say I Say

I dont compact with no Devil!...(terrified, she This quote demonstrates Titubas sense of
falls to her knees). No, no, dont hang Tituba! morality because x, y, and z.
I tell him [the Devil] I dont desire to work for
him, sir (47). This quote demonstrates Titubas sense of
morality because she tries to maintain her
claim that she did not commit the sin of
meeting the Devil and therefore, she is

To Hale, Tituba says, [I would be]...a good This quote demonstrates Titubas sense of
Christian woman...Oh, yes, sir, I dont desire morality because it describes her strong
to hurt little children...I love God with all my Christian faith and her belief that a good
bein (47). person doesnt hurt children. Titubas terrified
confession to Hale reveals her genuine desire
to be a good person.

However, her sense of morality might be

more complicated than just trying to be a
good person. She later tells a lie to shift the
blame from her own self to someone else,
which is not a noble action.

My Character Name: Abigail

They Say I Say

Let either of you breathe a word, or the edge This shows Abigail is immoral because she is
of a word, about the other things, and I will willingly to commit violence to the girls who
come to you in the black of some terrible were dancing in the woods that night.
night Pg. 20

Let you beware, Mr. Danforth. Think you to This shows that Abigail is immoral because
be so mighty that the power of Hell may not she is threatening Mr. Danforth, who is the
turn your wits? Beware of it! pg. 113 judge of the town. She also said he better
watch out the Devil might come to him. She is
willing to threaten a judge.

Sometimes I wake and find myself standing This shows that Abigail is immoral because
in the open doorway and not a stitch on my she is lying and accusing Tituba of witchcraft.
body! I always hear her laughing in my sleep. She twisted the justice system in Salem,
I hear her singing her Barbados songs and which good and innocent people are accused
tempting me with- pg. 44 and convicted by those who arent honest.

Checkpoint: Ms. Zhang must approve your They Say/I Say before you can move onto
writing your Outline.

Outline of My Argument

Directions: Make sure to fill out the correct outline: One Character or Two Characters.
One Character

Outline of My Argument

Thesis: In The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, Abigail Williams-the main character is an immoral
character. She is a wicked, confident girl who lies to get whatever she wants. Evil is shown
through Abigail in many ways but her main way to show evil is by threatening others no matter
who they are.

Point 1: When all the girls who were in the woods that night all go to Bettys room to see if
she would wake up. Abigail lets them know what she could do to them if they say a single
word about what they did in the woods. This is showing how evil she is.

Evidence: In the book she states Let either of you breathe a word, or the edge of a word,
about the other things, and I will come to you in the black of some terrible night

Point 2: She influences her skill in manipulation, she shows that by threatening Mr. Danforth
who is the judge of the town. Claiming that the power of Hell may affect him soon. She makes
people believe that she is doing Gods work. She now sees herself as almost being invincible.
If anyone tries to harm her she knows that she can accuse them of witchcraft.

Evidence: In the book she states Let you beware, Mr. Danforth.Think you to be so mighty
that the power of Hell may not turn your wits? Beware of it!

Point 3: Abigail insists shes is a good girl to Reverend Hale, and then admits that Tituba was
conjuring spirits and that she made Abigail drink blood. She only did that so the people in town
wouldnt think of her doing witchcraft. She tried to switch the attention on her to Tituba.

Evidence: In the book she states Sometimes I wake and find myself standing in the open
doorway and not a stitch on my body! I always hear her laughing in my sleep. I hear her
singing her Barbados songs and tempting me with-

Two Characters

Outline of My Argument

Character 1: Character 2:

Thesis: Thesis:

Point 1: Point 1:

Evidence: Evidence:

Point 2: Point 2:

Evidence: Evidence:
Point 3: Point 3:

Evidence: Evidence:

Draft of My Creation:*

*Remember, this creation can take the format of:

A two voice poem
A rap battle
Two opposing stump speeches
A traditional persuasive essay
If you want to do a format that isnt listed, come talk to Ms. Zhang about it!

Start here:
In The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, Abigail Williams-the main character is an immoral
character. She is a wicked, confident girl who lied to get whatever she wants. Evil is shown
through Abigail in many ways but her main way to show evil is by threatening others no matter
who they are.
She shows evil when all the girls who were in the woods that night all go to Bettys room
to see if she would wake up. Abigail lets them know what she could do to them if they say a
single word about what they did in the woods. In the book she states, Let either of you breathe
a word, or the edge of a word, about the other things, and I will come to you in the black of
some terrible nights. pg. 20
Another way she shows evil is when she influences her skill in manipulation. She shows
that by threatening Mr.Danforth who is the judge of the town. Claiming that the power of Hell
many affect him soon. She makes people believe that she is doing Gods work. She now sees
herself as almost being invincible. If anyone tries to harm her she knows that she can accuse
them of witchcraft. In the book she states, Let you beware, Mr. Danforth. Think you be so
mighty that the power of Hell may not turn your wits? Beware of it! pg. 113
The last way she shows evil is when she insists she is a good girl to Reverend Hale, and
then admits that Tituba was conjuring spirits and that she made her drink blood. She only said
that so the people in town wouldnt think of her doing witchcraft. She tried to switch the attention
on her to Tituba. In the book she states, Sometimes I wake and find myself standing in the
open doorway and not a stitch on my body! I always hear her laughing in my sleep. I hear the
singing her Barbados songs and tempting me with- pg. 44
Overall I think the most immoral character in The Crucible is Abigail Williams. She is very
wicked and a manipulative girl. She mainly does this to get her own way. Overall she threatens
many people in town and thats how she shows her evilness throughout the book.

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