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Types of flows in pipes and how they influence energy losses in


Laminar flow:

Where the fluid moves slowly in layers in a pipe, without much

mixing among the layers.

Typically occurs when the velocity is low or the fluid is very


Turbulent flow

Opposite of laminar, where considerable mixing occurs,

velocities are high.

Laminar and Turbulent flows can be characterized and

quantified using Reynolds Number

established by Osborne Reynolds

and is given as

NR = =

Where NR Reynolds number

V velocity of flow (m/s)

D diameter of pipe (m)

density of water (kg/m3)

dynamic viscosity (kg/m.s)

kinematic viscosity (m2/s)

when units are considered NR is dimensionless.

NOTE Reynolds number directly proportional to velocity

& inversely proportional to viscosity!

NR < 2000 laminar flow

NR > 4000 Turbulent flow

For 2000 < NR < 4000 transition region or critical region
flow can either be laminar of turbulent difficult to pin down

More viscous fluid will tend to have laminar flow or lower

Reynolds number.

Reynolds numbers for some real-life examples

Blood flow in brain ~ 100

Blood flow in aorta ~ 1000

Typical pitch in major league baseball ~ 200000

Blue whale swimming ~ 300000000

Problem 8.1:

Determine the Reynolds number for

Glycerin at 25C

Pipe at D = 150 mm = 0.15 m

Velocity = V = 3.6 m/s

= 1258 kg/m3

= 0.96 Pa.s or (kg/m.s)

NR =

= 3.6 * 0.15 * 1258 / 0.96 = 708

Nr < 2000; therefore flow is laminar!

Friction losses in Pipes

Vary with laminar or turbulent flow

Energy equation can be given as

p1/ + z1 + v12/2g + hA hR hL = p2/ + z2 + v22/2g

where hA, hR, hL are the heads associated with addition,

removal and friction loss in pipes, respectively.

note that the terms are added on the LHS of the equation!

The head loss in pipes = hL can be expressed as

hL = f * (L/D) * v2/2g

- Darcys equation for energy loss (GENERAL FORM)

f friction factor
L length of pipe
D diameter of pipe
v velocity of flow

How do these factors affect losses???????????


Another equation was developed to compute hL under Laminar

flow conditions only

32 L V
hL =

- called the Hagen-Poiseuille equation

If you equate Darcys equation and Hagen-Poiseuille equation

Then we can find the friction factor f

64 64
f = =

Thus the friction factor is a function of Reynolds number!

Example Problem 8.4

Determine energy loss if

Glycerin at 25C
L = 30m
D = 150 mm = 0.15 m
V = 4.0 m/s

Density = 1258 k/m3

Dynamic viscosity = 0.96 Pa.s

First determine the Reynolds number to determine if it is

laminar flow

NR =

= 4.0 * 0.15 * 1258 / 0.96 = 786 < 2000 - Laminar flow

Therefore Darcys equation

hL = f * (L/D) * (v2/2g)

= 64/NR * (L/D) * (v2/2g)

= 13.2 m

Friction losses for Turbulent Flow

For Laminar flow we got a nice equation to compute the friction

factor dependent ONLY on Reynolds number!

In case of Turbulent flow friction factor computed based

on inside roughness of the pipe and Reynolds number!

Roughness is expressed as - Relative roughness = D/

(not the best way to express it!)

More rough pipe low D/

Less rough pipe high D/

Friction factor for Turbulent flow ~ Relative roughness &

Reynolds number
Roughness values for various pipes Table 8.2

Some Roughness values from Table 8.2

Material Roughness (m)

Plastic 3.0 x 10-7
Steel 4.6 x 10-5
Galvanized iron 1.5 x 10-4
Concrete 1.2 x 10-4

Question - **Why doesnt affect loss in laminar flow

conditions ?????????

The Moody Diagram

Developed to provide the friction factor for turbulent flow for

various values of Relative roughness and Reynolds number!

Curves generated by experimental data.

Key points about the Moody Diagram

1. In the laminar zone f decreases as Nr increases!

2. f = 64/Nr.
3. transition zone uncertainty not possible to predict -

4. Beyond 4000, for a given Nr, as the relative roughness term

D/ increases (less rough), friction factor decreases

5. For given relative roughness, friction factor decreases with

increasing Reynolds number till the zone of complete

6. Within the zone of complete turbulence Reynolds number

has no affect.

7. As relative roughness increases (less rough) the boundary

of the zone of complete turbulence shifts (increases)

If you know the relative roughness, Reynolds number

you can compute the friction factor from the Moody

Swamee and Jain converted the graph into an equation!
For the turbulent portion -
(less than 1% error)

f = 2
1 5.74
log + 0.9
3.7 ( D / ) N R

Example problem 8.5:
Determine friction factor if water at 160 F is flowing at 30
ft/s in an uncoated ductile iron pipe having an inside
diameter of 1.0 inch.

Determine Reynolds number:

NR = =

D = 1/12 = 0.0833 ft; V = 30 ft/s; = 4.38 x 10-6 ft2/s

NR = 5.70 x 105

So its turbulent flow, we will have to use Moody diagram

Determine relative roughness

for ductile iron pipe from table 8.2 in text = 8 x 10-4 ft

D/ = 0.0833/8 x 10-4
= 104, use 100 for moody diagram

Using those values and going into Moodys diagram, we get

f = 0.0038.

Hazen-William formula

Alternate formula to compute head loss due to friction

Applicable for

- Water
- D larger than 2 inches and less than 6ft
- Velocity should not exceed 10 ft/s

The formula is unit-specific

For SI units

hL = L 0.63
0.85 A C h R

Q = 0.85 A C h R 0.63 s 0.54

Where R hydraulic radius = area/perimeter of pipe.
Ch Hazen Williams Coefficient
and s slope gradient of the pipe.

Head Additions and Losses due to Pumps and Motors

Bernoullis Energy equation can be given as

p1/ + z1 + v12/2g + hA hR hL = p2/ + z2 + v22/2g

where hA, hR, hL are the heads associated with addition, removal
and friction loss in pipes, respectively.


represents the system in reality (not idealized conditions)

hA head/energy additions due to pumps.

hR head/energy removal due to motors.

hL head losses due to friction and losses due to fittings, bends,


MAJOR LOSSES motors, friction loss

MINOR LOSSES valves, fittings, and bends


hL = K * v2/2g

thats what we saw before with respect to Darcys Equation.

Example Problem 7.1: Finding TOTAL head loss due to
friction, valves, bends etc.


Water moving in the system

Q = 1.20 ft3/s

Calculate TOTAL head loss due to valves, bends, and pipe


How should we proceed???????????

Apply the General Energy Equation for pts 1 and 2!

p1/ + z1 + v12/2g - hL = p2/ + z2 + v22/2g

cancel out the terms

p1/ + z1 + v12/2g - hL = p2/ + z2 + v22/2g

and we get

hL = (z1- z2) - v22/2g

(z1- z2) = 25 ft

How do we find v2???

Area of 3 inch dia pipe = 0.0491 ft2

v2 = 1.20 / 0.0491 = 24.4 ft/s

hL = 25 (24.4)2/2*32.2 = 15.75 ft

Example Problem 7.2: - Now we will introduce a Pump and
determine the energy added by a pump!

Q = 0.014 m3/s
Fluid Oil at Sg = 0.86; = 0.86 * 9.81 = 8.44 kN/m3
hL = head loss due to friction, fittings, etc. = 1.86 Nm/N
Energy added by Pump????????????????????

Apply the General Energy Equation for pts. A and B!

pA/ + zA + vA2/2g + hA - hL = pB/ + zB + vB2/2g

Rearrange the equation!

hA = hL + (pB pA) / + (zB zA) + (vB2 - vA2 ) / 2g

(pB pA) / = (296-(-28))/8.44 = 38.4 m

(zB zA) = 1.0 m

How will you find velocities?????

Area at A = 0.004768 m2
Area at B = 0.002168 m2

vA = 2.94 m/s
vB = 6.46 m/s

plug all terms back in the original equation

hA = hL + (pB pA) / + (zB zA) + (vB2 - vA2 ) / 2g

and hA = 1.86 + 38.4 + 1.0 + 1.69 = 42.9 m or 42.9 N.m/N

Power supplied by Pumps

Power of the pump = energy being transferred

PA = hA * W (where W is the weight flow rate)

= hA * *Q

SI units of power = watt (W) = 1.0 N.m/N or 1.0 Joule

US units of Power = lb-ft/s

1 horsepower = 1 hp = 550 lb-ft/s

1 hp = 745.7 Watt

Efficiency of the Pump

= (Power delivered to the fluid/ Power supplied to the pump)

= (PA/PI)

Example Problem 7.3: Determine the efficiency of the Pump

PI = 3.85 hp

Q = 500 gal/min of oil = 1.11 ft3/s

of oil = 56.0 lb/ft3

What is PA????

And what is efficiency (em) ????

So how do you proceed????????????????????

Apply the General Energy Equation for pts 1 and 2!

p1/ + z1 + v12/2g + hA = p2/ + z2 + v22/2g

Rearrange the equation!

hA = (p2 p1) / + (z2 z1) + (v22 - v12 ) / 2g

lets solve for each term

m = 13.54*62.4 = 844.9 lb/ft3

pressure difference using the manometer

p1 + o y + 20.4*m 20.4*o - o y = p2

(p2 p1) / o = (m*20.4 / o) 20.4

= (844/56 -1) * 20.4 = 24.0 ft

Elevation difference is zero!

Find out the velocity head term???

A1 = 0.2006 ft2
A2 = 0.0884 ft2

V1 = 5.55 ft/s

V2 = 12.6 ft/s

(v22 - v12 ) / 2g = 1.99 ft

Substituting the terms

hA = (p2 p1) / + (z2 z1) + (v22 - v12 ) / 2g

hA = 24.0 + 0 + 1.99 = 25.99 ft

PA = hA * o *Q = 25.99 * 56.0 * 1.11 = 1620 lb-ft/s

= 1620/550 = 2.95 hp

em = 2.95/3.85 = 0.77

We have the answer!

Similarly, Power delivered to motors

PR = hR * *Q

Efficiency of the motor

= (Power output/ Power delivered by fluid)

= (PO/PR)


1. 7.7M
2. 7.13M
3. 8.1E
4. 8.33E


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