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Pease note: You may want to pause the audio after each item or in longer passages so that there is enough time to ‘complete each task. Chapter 1: Overview of Verb Tenses Exercise 4, p. 2. 1, Tcooked my own dinner lastnight, 2. I bought a textbook yesterday. 3. I get on the internet every day. 4, Lwill be home tonight. 5. Tam going to watch a movie this weekend, Exercise 6, p. 3- 1, At midnight last night, I was sleeping. 2. Right now Iam thinking about grammar. 3. Tomorrow I wil be sitting in class at this ime, 4. Tonighe at 9:00, Iwill be watching TV. 5, Last night at 9:00, I was watching TV. Exercise 8, p. 4. 1. Thuve dome my homework already 2. Before I went to bed last night, [had done all my homework. 3. By the time I finish this chapter, will have done several verb exercises. 4, Thave studied all she English verb tenses. ‘3. Before I began this class, {had studied all the English verb tenses. Exercise 15, p. 9. "Hoop. We hoped to sce you lst eck. oped ‘Stopped. The rain finally stopped. Stopped. Waiting. The taxi is waiting." Sitting, He's siting ina tax. Siting Scarred The movie started late, Stared ‘Happened. What happened yesterday? Happened. Planning, We're planning a birt parry. Planning Enjoyed. We enjoyed ou vacation. Enjoyed. Worred, We worried about you, Worried. ). Studying. I'm studying English. Studying. Exercise 18, p. 12. 1, We are renting an apartment in the city. 2) We prefered torent and see how we liked city life, 3. ‘The earthquake destroyed the town. 4. Our children vnted their grandparents. 5. We gained a little weight on our vacation. 6. I'm planning a short trip this summer. 7, Tm taking a few weeks off fom work. 8. Right now Iam replying to several emails. 9, Tm done. I replied tall of them, Chapter 2: Present and Past; Simple and Progressive Exercise 5, p. 15. 1. Hey, look out the window! It’s raining... 2. We geta lot of rain here 3, Besides the rain italso snows here afte... 4. Did you hear? We can go skiing this weekend. It’s snowing in the mountains... 5, We go hiking alot. We especially like to hike in the mountains... 6. Our son is spending some time in the mountains ... Exercise 12, p. 22. 1. Did she lose her notebook? 2. Did she forget her homewook? 3. Did she make a lot of mistakes on the writing test? 4. Did she write several words incorrectly? 5. Did she take another student’s homework to copy? 6 i 8 Did he do his homework? . Did he understand the homework? | Did he bring his homewerk to els? ). Did he get a good grade on the test? Did he know all the answers on the test? 11. Did she begin class on time? she speak clearly? she give a fair tase? 14, (Dia she spend extea time helping ner students? 15. Did she tell her students jokes? 16. Did she teach her students a song? 17. Did she sing with her students? USTENING scRIPT ABT Exercise 14, p. 23. id they the water? id they stand in the waves? i they fall down in the waves? 3. 4 5. Did they lie in the sun? ©. Did mey wear sunscreen? 17. Did they dig in the sand? 8. Did they build giant sandcastles? 9. Did they write their names in the sand? 10, Did they draw pictures in the sand? 11. Dil they hide their feet in the sand? 12, Did they sing songs? 13, Did some bees eting them? 14. Did they see the sunset? Exercise 16, p. 24. 1. Did she wake up sick? 2. Did she catch a cold? 3. Did hor head hurt? 4. Did she tke her temperature? 5. Did she have a fever? 6. Did she fe! bad? 7. Did she keep her pastas on? 8. Did she ie on the couch? 0. Did she sleep for several hours? 10. Did she dream about scary things? 11, Did she eat some chicken soup? 12, Did she speak tothe doctor? 13. Did she tke some medicine? 14, Did she read the instructions on the labeP> Exercise 18, p. 25. 1. Yesterday I felt 2. Yesterday Mr. Jones taught ... 3. Did you fill, 4. The children drew . 5. ‘The man hid . 6. One student withdrew it 8, 9. 0. When I was cooking dinner, burnt... Did you shrink .. . The audience wept . The plants grew... Exercise 19, p. 25. Pave I. A Scary Night Thad a terrible experience last night. You won't believe shat happened! & thief burst into my apartment while I was asleep. There I was, just sleeping peacefully when someone broke the glass in the sliding door! ‘The sound woke me up. I heard the sliding door open, s0 I reached for the phone by the bed and called the police. My voice shook as I told the operator there was an intruder in my home. hid in my bedroom closet while the thief was ‘exeeping around my office. Soon I heard sirens as the police sped to my building. From the crack in the closet door, I saw the thief as he ran outside with my computer. 452 LISTENING SCRIPT ‘The police jumped out of their ears and followed the thief, but he managed to get away in a car that was ‘waiting for him.’The police got back in their cars and drove after him. Later [learned thar they caught the thief a few miles from my building, fel really frightened by allthis. It really upset me, as ‘you ean imagine. I think I'l stay ar my sister's house tonight. Pave I. ‘The thief entered quietly. . He opened a window. ‘The woman epoke with the intruder. The woman went Into her closet ‘The police caught the thief in the woman's apartment. ‘6. The woman felt relaxed at the end of the story. Exercise 20, p. 26. 1. Inetod, tried 6. missed, reached 2, helped, stopped 7. saved, smelled 3, described, wanted 8, watched, asked 4. invited, wanted 9. finished, robbed 5. believed, kissed Exercise 21, p. 27. 1. typed 4. replied 7. canceled 2. closed 5. succeeded 8. finished 3. rented 6. looked 9. counted Exercise 22, p. 27. 1. Olga bitnked (btinkuy, yawned (yawn’ay, ana stretched (stretch/v). 2. Mrs, Olsen mopped (mop/t) the kitchen floor, vacuumed (vacuum/d) the carpet, and dusted (@usvad) the furniture. 3. ‘The meeting started (starved) late and ended (enavaay earty, 4. My friend jumped Gump/t) up and down end yelled (ell) when she got the news. 5, The sirplane departed (deparvad) at Gand/ad at eight 6, When I asked (ask) the doctor about some ‘medication, he suggested (Sugeestad) a new one. sand landed. Exercise 29, p. 32. Fint Day of Clas Te was my fret day of class. I Gnally found the right room, The room was already full of students. (On one side of the room, students were talking to each, other in Japanese or Arabic. On the other side, students \were speaking in Spanish or Portuguese, Ie sounded like the United Nations. Some of the students, however, were sieting quietly by themselves, not talking to enyone. looked for an empty seat inthe last row and sat down, In a few minutes, the teacher walked into the room, and all the multilingual conversation suddenly stopped. Chapter 2 Chapter 3: Pertect and Perfect Progressive Tenses Exercise 2, p. 37. 2. 3 4 Exercise 10, . The Browns have decided to grow their own | I gave a speech to a lange a Lvrote « book. Have you ever . Tost my wallet. Have you ever... climbed a mountain last year. Have you ever «. jence. Have you Lrold a le. Have you ever. Tonce sang in public. Have you ever Trade on 2 matoreyele ance. Have you ever... drank Turkish coffee. Have you ever... Ttook 2 cooking class. Have you ever... shook hands with a famous person. Have you Thelped another person with English. Have you I slept in a tent. Have you ever... I drove a truck. Have you ever had a car accident. Have you ever . studied biology, Have you ever Tonce played a violin. Have you ever p.4l. vegetables. {e's past midnight, Where have you been? - Laura has offered to help us move into our new apartment. Is Nick in trouble again? What's he done this time? 5. Janet has traveled all over the world, J. ler parents have traveled 2 lot too. Exercise 11, p. 42. 1 2. “My teacher’ i the classroom, ‘Your teacher has already left All of the other teachers have already loft roo, You're late! Where have you been? 5. Susan has a guilty look on her face. Whats she done? Finally! The mail’s come. ‘My neighbors have lived in the same apartment for over thirty years, 3. Vicky's planning a trip to Brazil. 9. e's great ro see you. How have you been? India’s been an independent country since 1947. ‘The weather's very nice, >. The weather's been warm lately. . The children have fined their drawings. Ruth has read four novels so far this month, Chapters Exercise 18, p. 48. ‘A: Good to sce you! So, what have you been up to lately? B: Not too much. 've been taking i easy. ‘A: How nice! Glad to hear you haven't been working too hard. By the way, how are your parents? I hhavon’t seen chem for a while “They're doing great. They're traveling now that they're retired. \: How long have they been retired? Gosh, I don’t know. It's been a couple of years now. So, they've been traveling alot? ‘Yeah. They've been staying in warm, sunny places in the winter and spending summers here, What a great way to spend retirement! Pm glad to hhear they're enjoying themselves. B: ey @PEP Exercise 20, p. 49. 1. Suaan got tothe doctors office at 9:00 a. It is now 9:30, and she's tli the waiting room. 2. Alex! arrived inthis countey last month. fe bought ‘motorcycle right away and uses i to get around town. 3, Joe will soon make his decision about which job touake. 4. Mika is stuck in rush-hour traffic. She's going to be late for her first day of work at a new job. She left home at 7:00 and now it's 8:30, 5. Andrew and Donna ae in the middle of a chest ‘match. They’re get tired and would like some Juneh. Their chess match started three hours ago. Exercise 25, p. 52. ‘Tm sorry we missed the meeting. We had forgotten about it 2. ‘The movie had already begun by the time we got there, 3. Tcouldn’t change my schedule. Thad already planned my day. 4, Tgot home late. My roommate had already gone tobed. Exercise 26, p. 53. 1. Wehad never seen it, He had never seen it They had 2, Wegot home late. The children had already fallen asleep. 3. My roommates had finished dinner by the time T got home. 4, My roommates hed dinner early. 5. We couldn't drive across the river. The flood hed. washed away the bridge. 6. You were at Jim's at 8: before that? 7. Thad never visited there before. Pl like to £0 Thad a good time, Where had you been USTENING SCRIPT 453 Exercise 27, p. 53. 1, You're anew student, aren't you? How long’ve you been in this country? 2. You must mist your old neighbor. How long had you known Mr. Kim before he moved away? 3. You're looking for Jack? Jack has left. He isn’t here. 44, We were late, and Natasha had fef by the time we got there 5. Unfortunately didn’t have my cell phone with me ‘when we got lost eft it at home. 6. Since we'te teachers, we have the summers off and do. lot of traveling, We'd like to travel to Africa next, Talk about tong macriaget! Can you belive that Mr, and Mrs. Cho have been married for 65 years? 8. Serena's an amazing chef. She's created so many new and popula dishes that it’s almost impossible to get a reservation at her restaurant. Exercise 28, p. 54. Ai Pleasant Surprise Last night Amy got home from work two hours fate. Usually she's home by 7:30, but last night she didn’t get ‘there until almost 9:30. When she gat home, her hushand, Jamal, had already eaten dinner and was washing the dishes. With a worried tone in his voice, he asked her where she'd been. She told ‘him she'd had to work late and then, on her way home, there'd been a big accident that had slowed traffic to a crawl. He asked her why she hadn't called. She said she'd forgatten to recharge her cell phone, ¢o che couldn't call him, ‘Jamal smiled warmly and said that he was just glad that she was safely home. Then he offered to make her dinner — which she gratefully accepted. A home-cooked ‘meal sounded wonderful. I'd been a long day! Exercise 33, p. 58. 1. Yoko has recenty learned 10 ski. 2. Yoko has been learning how to ski 3. Mia has worked as an auto mechanic, bur she prefers other types of work, 4, Jon has been traveling since he received his job promotion a manth ago. 5. Jon had been working in sales when he became vice-president for human resources Chapter 4: Future Time Exercise 3, p. 61. 1. Let’s go to the beach. The children enjoy going there 2, Yes, Pim gure they'll enjoy its 3. The children’ll enjoy going to the beach. 4. We meet at the library every Wednesday night for ur book club, 5. We'll meet you in the reference section ofthe library. 454 LSTENING SCRIPT ‘Where'l I find informacion on organic gardening? 7. You'll find the information you're looking for inthe gardening section of our bookstore, 8, These books have the information you're looking for. Enereise 5, p. 62. 1. You'll need to turnin all your assignments by tomorrow. 2. We'll review forthe final exam on Monday. 3. The tell have 50 questions 4. There'll be 50 questions on the exam. 5. You'll nave the whole Nour to complete the test. &. Tea long exam. Sorry, hut nobody finish early. 7, Tell be a lot of work. Study hard! 8. The results" be avilable in my office the next das. Exercise 6, p. 62. 1, (Nextin the news: ‘The United Nations is gotng to vote on the naw trede resolution tomorrow afternoon, 2. The election's almost here I think I'm going to (gonna) vote for Carol Johnson. I like her. 3. Good evening, ladies and gentleman. [cis clear that our town has a number of problems, What are we igoing to do to make our town a batter place to live? Ta like to offer afew suggestions this evening. 4. Oh, no! We're out of gas, We're in the middle of nowhere, It’s past midnight. Yikes! What're we going to (gonna) do? dng about your plans for the summer. What are you going to do? 2. Can you help me out? I've got to get this letter in the mail by noon. ‘Tell me again, Why are you leaving work early? Dar this flashlight doesn’t work. 5. Here's the broom. What did you want it for? Chapter 5: Review of Verb Tenses Exerelse 4, p. 78. ‘A Sty Mtsake When I got home to my apartment lastnight, I took out iy key to open the door as usual. As always, I put it in the Jock, but the door didn’t open. I tried my Key again and ‘again with no hick, So I knocked on the doce for my wife to let me in, Finally the door opened, but I didn’t see my wife on the other side. Isaw a stranger. [had been trying to get into the wrong apartment! I quickly apologized and went to my avin, H felt very stupid about what Uhiad done. Exercise 8, p. 80. 1, Flight 907 landed at 8:06 Pm. 2. Tewas evening, and Greg sas home alone. He was lying on his couch in the living room. He had been listening to classical music for almost an hour. Chapters 4 and 5 ‘3. This wer weather fs getting very tiresome. Irs been saining for days. 4. On the way to the theater, we gor stuck in traffic, so vwe were late. The concert was just starting as we walked in 5, Janice is interested in learning to fly a emall plane. ‘She's had two lessons $0 far. 6. There was a robbery at the bank ten minutes ago, and the police still haven't come. By the time they ‘get here, the thief" be far away. Chapter 6: Subject-Verb Agreement Exercise 3, p. 85. 1. idefa! 4. ugha! 7. winhlow! 2. writes 5. steepist 8. pagelor! 3. rob/a! 6. locks! 9. months! Exercise 5, p. 86. Cats sloop sighteen houre a day. 2 reopee come in many shapes and stzes. 3. by reading sentences 4, The cafeteria serves good sandwiches. 5. Our teacher encourages us to speak English outside of class. ©, ‘When Jack has a cold, he coughs and sneezes. Exercise 9, p. 88. 1, The student 2, The students 3. Bach student... 4. Every student - 5. Every student in Mrs. Walker's classes... 6. The students and teacher 7. Every student and teacher... 8, Ench student and teacher Exercise 15, p. 91. 1. Still hungry? There’ some leftovers in the fridge. 2. Ifyou want more to eat, there's an appl left over from lunch. 3. Don't leave yet. There're email messages walting for your response, Excuse me. There's someone on the phone for you. need your help. Is there a place we could go to alle [think there're extra chairs in the halhiay. ‘Moving isa lot of work. Is there anything I can do tohelp? eae ‘Chapters 6 and 7 Chapter 7: Nouns Exercise 14, p, 108. 1. Joseph and Rob are taxi drivers. 2. "Tey’ee drivers. They drive tne for «living. 3. Marla and her sister have good Jobs."They’re office managers. 4. Managers ofbig offices have alot of responsibilities. 5. Tdon’t enjoy traveling in aitplanes anymore, The seats are getting smeller and smaller. 6. Aigplane seats are getting more and more ‘uncomfortable, don’t you think? 7. Schools often offer lot of after-school activities for students, 8. Anna enjoys school activities such as playing on the soccer team and being in the debate club Exercise 23, p. 117. |. My boss has unreasonable expectations. ‘This is not an easy situation to deel with, feel uneasy about this situation, ‘This isa difficult situation. ‘My boss has made an unreasonable request. ‘The speaker presented a complicated problem. ‘The speaker presented complicated problems, ‘The presentation was uncomplicated. Exercise 30, p. 121, Computer Bugs ‘When there is a problem with a computer, we often say we have a “computer bug.” OF course, i's not a real insect, It refers to a technical difficulty we are having. ‘The exprestion actually goes back to" Thamas Edison, ‘who was a famous inventor. When he Was Working on his, first phonograph, he had a lot of problems. He attributed the problems to an imaginary insect that had hidden inside the machine. He is quoted in a newspaper as saying there was “a bug” in his phonograph. This was in 1889, and it is the first recorded use of the word bug in such a context, Exercise 39, p. 128. 1. T don’t really ike much salt on my food. 2. Thave along plane ride ahead of me. 3. Mr. Hong arrived in Canada only a few days ago. Hee never studied Rnglish, Think he knows haw to say “hell,” but T haven't head him say any other English words 4, Talk to Mr. Hong's daughter. She studied English in schoo! before they emigrated. Ifyou speak slowly, shell understand you, and you can have a ‘anvorcation with her 5. Linda is in Mexico, but she cant speak Spanish. She can't finda job. She's almost out of money. USTENING SCRIPT 495 6. Billy tas loving parents and grandparents, He's healthy and happy. He has cousins and friends to play with. He's a lucky litle boy. 7. Me. Perez doesn’t know how to be a goad boss, He has a bad temper and yells at people all the time about nothing. Chapter 8: Pronouns Exercise 10, p. 139. 1. Where's Kim? Az Tdon’t know, I haven’t seen him this morning. B: T think he's in the restroom. : T'm looking for him too. Di Ask his assistant. He'll know: E: Have you tried looking in his office? I know he's not there much, but maybe he'll surprise you. 2. The Nelsons are giving their daughter a motorcycle for graduation, A: Hmmm, Does she like motorcycles that much? Really? Is she a motoreyele rider? 3: Thay an ode gif. I wonder whe ehey were he's already had an accident. E: I'm not a fan of motorcycles. Cars just don’t see them in trafic. Fr Tthink i's a wonderful gift! I've had mine for years, and it’s been great. Exercise 20, p. 146. 1. Hey Jon, I See you nally cleaned your apartment. How did you find the time to do it 2. Do you like my dress? I made it... 3, We were going to take a trip with our cousins, but the plans got so complicated that we finally decided to goby... My brother has an antique car. He restored it... Mr. and Mss, Paterson sre planning to sell theie hhouse,"They are going to put an ad fn the paper and sell it My sister in aw isan architect. She designed her office... Exercise 30, p. 151. 1. This coffe is delicious. Could I please have another cup? 2. The coffee isn’t inthis grocery bag, so Il look in the other one, 3, There are supposed to be ten chairs in the room, but 1 count only five. Where are the others? 4, Noylet’s not use this printer, Le’ use the other one, 456 USTENING SCRIPT 5, Bob is nickname for Robert. Others are Rob and Robbie. 6. The shy is clearing. Ie's going to be another beautiful day. Exercise 34, p, 154, 1, The teacher asked the atuclents the same question. One after another they gave the wrong answer. 2, Me. and Mrs. Clark lead such busy lives that they see each other only on weekends. 3. Mr. Perez is doing fine, Susan spoke with him just the other day. 4. A: Thave w sceret about Danny anel me, Let me euess. You're engaged! Yes! But it's a secret, We haven’s told anyone other than you. Have you sent party invitations yer? ‘Everyone except Jan knows about the surprise pany. 2 a 5. Ay B: Chapter 9: Modals, Part 1 Exercise 7, p. 161. 1, This « non-smoking restaurant, Would you rind puting out your cigarette? 2, ‘The music’s awfully loud. Would you mind if ‘tured it down? 3. I's getting cool in here. Would you mind closing the window? 4. Tean’t reach the sale and pepper. Would you mind passing i to me? 3. Tean'e tal now., ind if I called you back? Exercise 17, p. 166. Situation 1: Class registration Here is some important informetion you need for cass registration next Mondas. Ifyou are a new student. you will need to register in person. Bring some form of photo ID, such as a passport or driver's license, or you cannot, register. Ifyou are a returning student, you can register online or in person. Situation 2+ Class changes and euition Ifyou want to change classes next week, you need to do 30 in person. You cannot do this online. Also, itis very ‘important that you pay your tuition in full by the second. week of classes, which is the deadline for payment, or you will have to drop your classes. Exercise 24, p. 169, «The key’s in the desk drawer, but it’s not necessary to lock the front door when you leave. 2. When you apply fora visa, it’s very important that you show proof of citizenship. . Tes a good iden to arrive atthe aisport carly tomorrow. The security lines will be long. }- Only airline passengers with boarding passes will be allowed into the boarding area, Chapters Bonds Exercise 26, p. 170. 1. Your sisteris broke now because she spent all her money carelessly. 2. Your friends went to Hawaii over vacation. They had good time. You didn’t go with them, and now you fs sorry. 3. Jack had too much coffee, and now he can't sleep. 4, The lie get told ie. She got into a lot of trouble. Chapter 10; Modals, Part 2 Exercise 9, p. 184, Situation: Tom and his young son, Bil the roof. “Tom: TL vonder what that noize is, Billy: Ie may be a bird. ‘Tom: It can't be a bitd. Its running across the roof. Birds don’t run across roofs. Billy: Wel, some birds do. It could be a big bird that’s ‘running fast, ‘Tom: No, think it must be some kind of animal. It ‘might be a mouse. Billy: Iesounds much bigger than a mouse. It may be ‘dragon! ‘Tom: Son, it couldn't be a dragon. We don’t have any dragons around here. They exist only in storybooks. Billy: Tt could be a litle dragon that you don’t know ‘about. ‘Tom: Well, I suppose it might be some kind of li Billy: PM go took. ‘Tom: ‘That's a good idea. Billy: Guess what, Dad. I's rat! Exercise 21, p. 192. Whats wrong? Your parents look upset 1. We should ask them, 2) We shouldn't ask them, 3. You may have upser them, 4, You should try to find ou. 3. Maybe you shoutdn’t nave stayed out so tate. 6. You'd better have a good excuse for being late. 7. You could have told them what you planned to do. 8. You must have known your behavior would cause problems. Exercise 31, p. 199. . The secretary can help you. 2. My mother can’t speak English. . My friend can meet you atthe aigport. Me. Smith ean answer your question, ‘We can’t come to the meeting. 9. Can't you come? You can take that course. Chapters 10 and 11 8. 1ean’t cook. 9. Tean’t drive astick-shift car. 10, Ourson can count to tea, Exercise 33, p. 200. An Bsporinant it Heoan Dehawior A researcher in human behavior conducted an experiment, First she talked to a group of four-year-old. “How many of you cen dance?” All of the chikdren raised their hands. “How many of you can sing?” All ofthe hands shot up. “And finally, how many of you can draw?” Every childs hand waa rene. ‘Next the researcher went to a college class of twenty- five students in their lare teens and early twenties, “How many of you can dance?” she asked. About a third of the students mised their hands. “How many of you can sing?” Some hands were rived, bur fewer than were raised for the frst question. “How many of you can draw?” Only nwo hands went up. Exercise 44, p. 208. 1, Carlos was planning to come to the party, but he didn’t show up. Itwas a great parry. There was delicious food, and we danced until midnight. 2. Thave a whole lor of material I need to review before the exam, but I just don't feel like studying this afternoon. 3, ‘Tony’ aver an hour late for our mesting."Thar's nat tke him, T hope nothing bad has happened, 4. Rick was supposed to be at work ently tody to train his new assistant, but he woke up with a high fever. He can't even get out of bed. 45. ‘The teacher called on Sonya in class yesterday, but she kept looking out the window and didn’t respond. Chapter 11: The Passive Bxerelse 10, p. 216. ‘A famous architect hes been asked to design the new brary. 2. There was a group of noisy kids at the movie theater. They had been told several times to leave. 3. Iwas ignored by the salesclerk while she spemt five minutes taking on the phone 4. After the speech, the audience will ask the speaker follow-up questions 5, The staffs planning a retirement party for Dr, Wilson. 6, Since the beginning of the modem industrial age, ‘many of the natural habitats of plants and animals have been altered or destroyed by human development. LUSTENING SCRIPT 487 Exercise 15, p. 219. | ‘How Chocolate Is Made Chocolate is made from the seeds of roasted cocoa ‘beans. After the seeds have been roasted, the inside of the sced is pressed into a liquid. This liquid is called ‘hocolate liquor. The Kiquor contains fat, which is separated from the llquor. After tis has been done, a sold is left. This sold, which is known as cocoa cake is {round up and becomes unsweetened cocoa. This isa very bitter chocolate. To make it taste better, other substances such as cocoa butter and sugar will be added late. Exercise 22, p. 224. The 2004 Indian Ocean Taenasti In 2004, several countries that border the Indian Ocean, including Indonesia, Thailand, India, Malaysia, ‘and Somalia, were hit by an earthquake and subsequent tsunami. (As you may already know, a tsunami isa giant ‘ocean wave.) In just a few short hours, millions of lives, were changed forever. The earthquake was measured at 9.3 on the Richter scale. Ic was the fourth largest ‘earthquake since 1900 and the second largest chat has ‘ever been recorded on the Richter scale. The quake was followed by four giant waves as high as, 100 feet (or 30 meters). Whole villages were destroyed, ‘Thousands of people were swept out 10 sea, and many others died due to lack of medical care. In total, almost 300,000 people were killed, and 1.3 million people were left homeless. Aftershocks from the earthquake continued for sovoral days. ‘Tragically, the damage could have been lessened if there had been a tsunami early-werning system. Such a system already exists for the Pacific Ocean, but it doesn’t reach to the Indian Oceen. Since the tsunami disaster, ‘governments have been working together to develop an. ‘carly-wwarning system 20 that Southeart Asia will not ‘experience such destruction again from a tsunami Exercise 30, p. 230. |. Water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen. Tam not acquainted with Dr. William's books. . I'm finally accustomed to living here. You're so busy I think you're involved in too many 5, Are you prepared for the next rest? 6. Mr. and Mrs, Miller are devoted to each other. 7. Pm concerned abour my grondfacher’s health 8. Are you satisfied with your progress? Exercise 43, p. 237. 1. Excuse me. Your application form has some missing information. 2. As the owner of her own design business, Carol works rd to have sesfied customers. 3. After the earthquake, frightened residents were afraid to sleep indoors for several days. 458 USTENING SCRIPT 4, T think James will be single forever, He's just not the marrying type. 5, The aizplane pilot had 2 few scary moments when, lightning hit his plane. 6, ‘The finished product was exactly what the client had asked for. Exercise 44, p. 238. 1. When I ride on a roller coaster, my heart pounds with excitement. The ride is. During the ride feel “The art museum has en exhibit that people are upset about. People who vist the museum are. People say thatthe exhibits ‘My parents enjoy talking with my fiend, Macia. ‘They find her- ‘Maria gets along well with my parents. She shins they are. . Not ane ofthe eden eosld understand Profeeor Steven's explanations. Whenever he expllns a math problem, the students become more . . His explanations are teriby. Exercise 47, p. 239. The Olympic Games ‘The Olympic Games began more than 2,000 years ago {in Olympia, x small town in Greece. The games were ‘established for two purposes. One was to showease the physical qualities and athletic performances ofits young, ‘men. Ar that time, only Greek males were allowed to ‘compete. In fact, women were not even permitted to ‘watch the games, and the only spectators were men. The other goal was to encourage good relationships among Greek cities. People of other nationalities were not invited to participate. ‘The winner of each event was crowned with a wreath, made of olive leaves. Adaitionally, his statue could be placed in Olympia for al to tee. Winning athletes were treated as heroes when they returned to their cities because with their victory, they brought fame and honor to their hometowns. Chapter 12: Noun Clauses. Exercise 11, p. 248, 1. A: Irs a beautiful day. Let's walk over to Lakeside sk. Ie's mot far from heey ine? B: Gosh, I don’t know how far iis 2, A: Do you want to walk to the farmers’ market with sme tomorrow morning? They have lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. Gee, I don't know, Maybe, How for ii? 3. A: That was 0 terible moviel B: Tagree.T don’t know why we watched the whole thing. Chapter 12 4. A: Lwatched an awful movie on TY last night. Exercise 19, p. 278. é B: Well ificwas awful, why did you wateh i? 1, Tmet the man who's going to become the new 5. A: Is Jean going to be 9 50 his yar ‘manager of our department. Rr acn' hen lead wives sabes tape 2. Tknow someone who's never flown in an airplane. et 3. talked to the man whose wife was inthe ear Z accident on Fifth Stret yettorday. he's i the eA vases sot: Ee gall oneaes abort te hospital, but she's going to be okay. ppronuinciun oF tat Wort) 4. [forget the name ofthe woman who's going to eal B: Which one?

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