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Author: Barbara H. Minor, DuPont Fluoroproducts

R410A and R407C Design and Performance

A Literature Review

Abstract Introduction
In response to concerns about ozone depletion, refrigerant Hydrouorocarbon (HFC) compounds have been essential
HCFC-22 is being phased-out under the Montreal Protocol. substitutes for ozone-depleting substances, an important
R410A and R407C have emerged as the leading HFC alterna- factor in the on-schedule implementation of the Montreal
tives to replace HCFC-22 in many applications. R407C was Protocol. Two mixtures have been identied, extensively
designed to have similar pressure and operating performance studied, and determined to be viable alternatives to HCFC-
to HCFC-22, and is therefore intended for use in new equip- 22, the current predominant refrigerant in air conditioning
ment without signicant design changes, or as a service applications. R-407C is a blend of HFC-32, HFC-125 and
refrigerant for existing equipment. R410A was designed to HFC-134a (23/25/52 wt%) and was specically designed to
operate at higher pressure and to provide the opportunity for closely match HCFC-22 performance with minimal design
reduced equipment size and increased energy efciency and changes. R410A is a blend of HFC-32 and HFC-125 (50/50
capacity. The purpose of this paper is to summarize industry wt%) specically designed for new equipment which could
experience using these refrigerants in air conditioning ap- take advantage of higher pressure and improved transport
plications from both a design and performance standpoint to properties to increase energy efciency.
better understand issues and opportunities for using R410A
and R407C.
In this paper, a literature review has been undertaken to Suzuki et al (1998) redesigned room air conditioners (duct-
investigate and summarize performance data and design free splits) using R410A to achieve higher energy efciency
improvements that have been realized for R407C and R410A than R22. The compressor was modied by redesigning
systems. Performance comparisons were primarily made the scroll structure and discharge, achieving 50% efciency
versus HCFC-22 at equal capacity. Performance data includes improvement. A new inverter was developed with better dc
both system testing and rigorous modeling work. The goal is voltage control. More detailed scroll design information is pro-
to help designers and equipment speciers assess perfor- vided in a paper by Ukai, Ito and Toda (1998). The indoor heat
mance and to offer ideas to improve and optimize system exchanger had several modications including new external
designs. Though this paper will not present exhaustive detail ns and improvements to the air blowing system which in-
of each test or design improvement, further information can creased capacity about 15%. The outdoor unit was improved
be found in the references. by decreasing the diameter of the heat exchangers from 9.52
mm to 8 mm. A new fan was developed with larger diameter
1. R410A Design blades as well as fewer blades to reduce fan power and pres-
R410A was designed to provide benet in energy efciency, sure loss. The layout of the heat exchanger was improved
capacity and system size by increasing system pressure by minimizing number of bends. Overall system COP for the
and taking advantage of thermodynamic and transport R410A system achieved was 5% higher than R22.
properties. Since R410A is a 50/50 weight percent blend of
Zheng et al (1998) used a model to optimize R410A design at
HFC-32 and HFC-125, this near-azeotropic mixture is about
different SEER ratings and compared system cost with R22.
5060% higher pressure than R22. This blend offers several
By reducing heat exchanger size and increasing compres-
advantages which have been exploited to improve system
sor efciency, equipment savings of $13/unit for 11 SEER to
designs lower viscosity, lower pressure drop, excellent heat
$50/unit for 14 SEER could be realized for a typical 3 ton a/c
transfer, and the opportunity to design smaller equipment
due to higher pressure. Following are summaries of design
improvements made with R410A. Design improvements in Furuhama et al (1999) described design changes made to
general focused on the compressor, heat exchangers and fan residential duct-free split systems for R410A. First, the inter-
systems. nal volume for a 2-cylinder rotary compressor was reduced by
30% and compressor dimensions optimized. Re-expansion
Burns et al (1997) designed unitary R410A air conditioners in
loss was minimized by reducing the top clearance volume
7.014.0 kW capacity range. Several design changes were
by 50%. Overall compressor efciency improved by 6%
implemented for 13 SEER (Seasonal Energy Efciency Ratio)
versus R22. Indoor heat exchanger size was also optimized
systems. To achieve standardization in manufacturing, the
for R410A and tube diameter was reduced 6.35 mm to
evaporator design was not changed from R22. However, due
55.5 mm. Heat exchanger modication resulted in another
to the higher capacity and improved heat transfer of R410A,
45% efciency improvement. Combined system efciency
the condenser size was reduced 1750%. Because R410A
improvements of 56% were demonstrated versus R22.
was operating at higher pressure, noise level was expected to
be higher, but actual measurements determined noise level Keller (1999) discussed design changes and eld trials for
to be about 2 dBa lower. This was attributed to lower com- R410A air-to-air heat pumps. Several modications were
pressor displacement volume and increased shell thickness. required to operate R410A at higher pressure and meet mini-
To achieve similar superheating and subcooling as R22, the mum burst pressure requirements. These included increased
R410A short tube orice diameter was reduced 13% for a 13 thickness of the compressor shell, accumulator, condenser
SEER unit. It was also noted that cyclic losses and sensible tubing, reversing valve and lter drier. Also addressed was an
heat factors were very similar for R410A and R22. issue of stratication of lubricant in the accumulator which
could result in excessive lubricant entrapment. This can occur
due to the miscibility and foaming characteristics of R410A
with polyol ester lubricants versus R22 with mineral oil or
alkyl benzene lubricants. The problem was solved with a des-
tratication device designed to ensure good oil return.

Nonaka et al (2002) made several improvements to their Bivens and Denison (1996) tested R410A versus R22 in two
R410A room air conditioner design to increase energy ef- residential split 8.0 kW heat pumps. One heat pump was
ciency. These include development of a gas injection cycle equipped with a reciprocating compressor, the other a scroll
using a gas-liquid separator. This reduced the amount of compressor both with 33% less displacement than the R22
vapor entering the evaporator thereby increasing enthalpy compressor. Average energy efciency ratios for R410A were
difference and also the amount of total refrigerant being 14% higher for cooling and 23% lower for heating versus
circulated on the low side which reduced compressor work. R22. Modeling was then used to investigate energy improve-
Heat exchanger performance was also improved by redesign- ment potential by recircuiting the heat exchangers. It was
ing internal spiral grooved tubes, including reducing external found that recircuiting the evaporator from 4 to 3 circuits
pressure loss by lowering n height. The scroll compressor and the condenser from 5 to 3 circuits could increase energy
design was modied to an asymmetrical scroll shape which efciency another 2%.
allows compression to start earlier than conventional designs.
Oil ow was also increased to improve sealability of the Pande, Hwang and Rademacher (1996) tested a 7.0 kW
compression chamber. Indoor and outdoor fan designs and split heat pump with a reciprocating compressor comparing
grills were also improved to optimize air ow. Over a two year R410A and R22 and determining SEER and HSPF (Heating
period, R410A system COP was increased 5% while system Seasonal Performance Factor). Compressor displacement
weight was decreased 6%. was adjusted to give comparable capacities, though in reality
the resized compressors still demonstrated 46% higher
Hattori et al (2002) described changes to commercial air con- capacity for R410A versus R22. Overall, R410A SEER was
ditioning systems in the range of 22 to 28 kW. Designing at 2.6% higher than R22 and HSPF was 12% lower.
28 kW was more challenging due to higher R410A pressure,
but the problem was solved with a twin inverter rotary com- Triebe et al (1999) evaluated R410A performance using a
pressor design. The two rotary compressors also weighed test rig with a variable speed reciprocating compressor to
50% less than an equivalent scroll compressor. Using two match R22 capacity. The heat source inlet temperature in the
inverter driven compressors eliminated the on/off losses evaporator was varied from 0C to 15C. The heat sink was
associated with xed speed compressors. To stabilize oil set at 28C. The evaporator was divided and instrumented
ow to the twin compressors, they were designed to oper- in four sections. In testing, R410A required a compressor
ate at similar speeds to each other regardless of load. Other speed 38% lower than R22 due to its larger capacity. COP
system improvements to fans, heat exchangers and blowers for R410A varied from 6.8% to 13.5% higher than R22
contributed to a net overall COP improvement of 3040% depending on test conditions. The lower compressor speed
versus their R22 design, half of which was attributable to the for R410A helped increase capacity due to reduced frictional
compressor modications. losses. R410A also showed 17% higher heat transfer coef-
cient in the rst section of the evaporator and 12% higher
in the second section.
2. R410A Performance
Since R410A has about 50% higher capacity than R22, Chin and Spatz (1999) modeled a 12 kW split system air
references were selected where the performance com- conditioner which incorporated improved heat transfer
parison was on an equal capacity basis to R22. References coefcients for R410A (+55% evaporating and +15%
consistently show equivalent or better energy efciency of condensing). The number of heat transfer units (NTU) and
R410A systems versus R22 systems. effectiveness of the heat exchangers for R410A and R22
were calculated assuming cross-ow heat conguration. At
Linton et al (1996) tested R410A in a 10.5 kW residential
the design condition of 35C ambient temperature, energy
central heat pump using a scroll compressor versus R22 with
efciency of R410A was 2% higher than R22. At average op-
a reciprocating compressor. Since the R410A compressor
erating condition of 28C, energy efciency was 5% higher.
displacement was 66% of the reciprocating compressor, a
correction factor was used to compare on an equal capacity
basis. Over a range of conditions, the cooling COP of R410A
was 17% higher than R22 and the heating COP 07%

3. R407C Design 4. R407C Performance
Since R407C was specically designed to match R22 pres- R407C was designed to match as closely as possible R22
sure characteristics and performance, there were fewer pressure and performance to allow a smooth transition with
references citing design changes implemented for R407C. minimal designed changes and retrots of existing equip-
References primarily focused on use of brazed plate heat ment. References below show these parameters have been
exchangers and other investigations of counter-ow circuitry met with performance within about 5% of R22.
to take advantage of R407C temperature glide.
Bivens and Denison (1996) tested R407C versus R22 in two
Chitti and Bivens (1998) evaluated brazed plate heat exchang- residential split 8.0 kW heat pumps. One heat pump was
ers with R407C. Brazed plate designs facilitate implementa- equipped with a reciprocating compressor. The other heat
tion of counter-ow congurations. A 12.4 kW capacity indus- pump used a scroll compressor and an accumulator. The
trial chiller with brazed plate heat exchangers and scroll com- energy efciency ratio during cooling and heating was 35%
pressor was evaluated under many test conditions. R407C lower for R407C versus R22. A computer model was then
had an average of 5.6% higher cooling capacity and 0.3% used to investigate the impact of using counterow heat
higher energy efciency compared with R22. Since R407C is exchangers to take advantage of R407C temperature glide.
not an azeotropic mixture, circulating composition was also Improvements of 57% in energy efciency were predicted.
evaluated, but did not change signicantly (25.1/25.9/49.0 Using a liquid-suction heat exchanger (LSHX) could provide
wt% R32/R125/R134a versus nominal 23/25/52 wt%). an additional 2% improvement.

Suzuki et al (1998) designed packaged central air conditioners Linton et al (1996) tested R407C in a 10.5 kW residential
with R407C. A new scroll compressor was developed with central heat pump using a reciprocating compressor. To ap-
higher efciency and low noise by optimizing the variable proximate cross counter-ow, the evaporator was inverted.
turning mechanism radius of the turning scroll. The outdoor The relative cooling capacity and COP in the original evapora-
heat exchanger heat transfer area and the fan diameter tor conguration ranged from 46% lower than R22. When
were increased. For condensation, the air ow was directed the evaporator was inverted, the cooling capacity was 4%
opposite to the refrigerant to take advantage of R407C tem- lower to 1% higher and the COP was 14% lower than R22.
perature glide. Performance tests indicated R407C energy However, inverting the evaporator resulted in a heating per-
efciency was 6% higher than R22 in cooling mode and formance penalty of 38% capacity and 79% efciency.
equivalent in heating mode.
Biancardi et al (1997) evaluated effect of fractionation of
Marques and Domanski (1998) used a computer model to R407C in an 8.6 kW heat pump with a scroll compressor.
evaluate the benet of using counter-ow heat exchangers During the tests, 25% of the refrigerant charge was leaked
to take advantage of R407C temperature glide and achieve then relled, repeating three times. A total of two cooling
glide matching. They studied several different counter-ow mode and four heating mode tests were conducted. System
and cross counter-ow congurations for the condenser leaks were performed when the heat pump was operating
and evaporator. Counter-ow provided the most benet. and also when idle. Results showed the circulating refrigerant
The predicted COP improvement was 7.1% in cooling mode composition stayed close to the initial composition in each
and 3.6% in heating mode versus R407C using cross-ow test. The worst case composition change occurred during va-
conguration. por side leaks when the system was idle, but the impact on
capacity and energy efciency was determined to be small.
Bailly and Jurkowski (1999) studied chillers tted with brazed
plate heat exchangers versus tubular heat exchangers. The Wei, Lin and Wang (1997) conducted a drop-in test of R407C
system used R407C and a polyol ester oil. The cooling capac- in a 3.5 kW duct-free split air conditioner. The unit was
ity was 710% higher with brazed plate heat exchangers, the equipped with a rotary compressor and capillary tube. It was
rejected heat from the condenser was up to 5% higher and tested at standard, overload and low temperature conditions.
the power consumption was 7% lower. Overall, the energy Overall the cooling capacity was 3% lower for R407C versus
efciency (EER) was up to 16% higher than R407C using a R22 and the COP 4% lower.
tubular design.

Vaisman (1998) conducted a computational comparison using Kim, Shin and Kim (2001) studied a residential window air
a model equipped with condenser and evaporator units and a conditioner with a rotary compressor and investigated the
rotary compressor. At 95F ambient, R407C cooling capacity effect of using a liquid suction heat exchanger. In the baseline
was 3.8% higher and COP 1.6% lower. At 104F, capacity case, the cooling capacity of R407C was 15% lower than
was 2.8% higher and COP 10.7% lower. R22 and the energy efciency 5% lower. They attributed
this to a lower average evaporating temperature and higher
Triebe et al (1999) evaluated R407C performance using a compression ratio. When a liquid suction heat exchanger
test rig with a variable speed reciprocating compressor to was used, R22 energy efciency increased 2% and R407C
match R22 capacity. The heat source inlet temperature in the increased 13%.
evaporator was varied from 0C to 15C. The heat sink was
set at 28C. The evaporator was divided and instrumented in Rakesh et al (2003) conducted an exergy analysis using a 0.5
four sections. In testing, R407C required a compressor speed kW heat pump water chiller test stand. A semi-hermitic recip-
17% greater than R22. COP for R407C varied from 3.8% to rocating compressor designed for R22 was used. The exergy
6.8% lower than R22 depending on test conditions. In the efciency of the refrigerant cycle was 46% lower for R407C
rst evaporator section, heat transfer coefcients were simi- than R22. The exergy efciency of the compressor was about
lar for R407C and R22. In the second section, R407C was 7% 57% lower. They concluded new R407C heat pump chiller
lower and 6% lower in the third section. systems could be designed to achieve higher energy efcien-
cy than R22 provided the compressor was redesigned.
Gopalnarayanan et al (2000) conducted R407C drop-in tests
using a 12.3 kW, 12 SEER R22 heat pump equipped with In summary, R407C energy efciency and capacity in drop-in
a reciprocating compressor and TXVs for both cooling and tests is on average 5% lower than R22. With design improve-
heating. The indoor heat exchanger was parallel cross ow ments such as counter-ow heat exchange, performance can
in cooling mode and counter cross ow in heating mode. be equivalent or better than R22. Impact of R407C fraction-
The outdoor unit was cross ow at all times. The only change ation has minimal impact on performance even after leaking
during the drop-in test was to replace the mineral oil lubricant and recharging several times.
with polyol ester and refrigerant charge size optimization.
The R407C charge was 6% lower than R22. Several condi- 5. LCCP Analysis
tions were measured to allow an SEER and HSPF (heating Results of this literature review have been used to update
seasonal performance factor) value to be determined. R407C an LCCP (Life Cycle Climate Performance) analysis by A. D.
had equivalent cooling mode SEER compared with R22 and Little (2002). A baseline 12 SEER R22 air conditioning system
about 3% lower HSPF. in the Atlanta area was chosen to do this analysis. A. D. Little
assumptions of a 2%/yr refrigerant leak rate, end-of-life loss
Figure 1. LCCP Analysis Atlanta of 15% and average electrical generation rate of 0.65 kg CO2 /
kWh were used. However, A. D.
Little assumed electrical consump-
tion of R22, R407C, R410A and CO2
were equal. Brown, Kim and Doman-
ski (2002) report energy efciency
losses for CO2 in stationary could
be 40% or more compared to R22.
Therefore, energy use compared to
R22 was adjusted for the analysis
as follows: equivalent usage for
R407C equipment, 2% less energy
use for R410A, and a 40% increase
in energy use for CO2. Results in
Figure 1 show comparable LCCP for
R22 versus R410A and R407C and
signicant environmental benet for
these HFC alternatives versus CO2

Conclusions Burns, L., Hoffmann, L., Schuster, D., 1997. R410A Experi-
R410A and R407C have been extensively studied by the ences in Unitary Air Conditioner Systems, Refrigeration,
HVAC&R industry in many regions of the world and found Vol 72, No. 834, p. 369374.
to be effective and efcient alternatives to HCFC-22 in air
Chin, L., Spatz, M., 1999. Issues Relating to the Adoption of
conditioning and heating systems. Designers have been able
R410A in Air Conditioning Systems, Int. Cong. Of Re-
to take advantage of excellent R410A performance character-
frigeration: Refrigeration into the Third Millennium, 20th,
istics to design high efciency systems which demonstrate
Sydney, Australia, Vol 2., Paper 179.
reduced environmental impact. And R407C has proved to be
a good match for current HCFC-22 designs which is facilitat- Chitti, M. Bivens, D., 1998. Performance of R-407C and
ing the transition away from HCFCs. HCFC-22 in Chillers with Brazed Plate Heat Exchangers,
Proc. of International Refrigeration Conference at Purdue,
West Lafayette, p.1318.
I would like to acknowledge Don Bivens and Dave Bateman Furuhama, K., Motohashi, H., Hayano, S., Sano, T., 1999.
for their assistance compiling literature references for this Alternative Refrigerants in Air-Conditioners for Residential
review. and Commercial Use, Proc. Of Sixth International Energy
Agency Heat Pump Conference, Berlin.

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ing, Foam, solvent, Aerosol Propellant, and Fire Protection ASHRAE Joint Conference, Dublin.
Applications, Final Report to the Alliance For Atmospheric
Policy. Hattori, H., Yamamoto, M., Ishizama, M., Yamashita, T., Chu-
ma, Y., Ueno, K., 2002. Development of Retail Facility and
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Fitted with Exel Plate and Tubular CIAT Exchangers, Int. and Environmental Technology, Kobe, p. 510.
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