2001 Gurgaddi Divas

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2001 Gurgaddi Divas

Theme - “ kwmix qau sIgwru kir jw pihlW kMqu mnwie ]

mqu syjY kMqu n AwveI eyvY ibrQw jwie ]”

slok mÚ 3 ]
kwmix qau sIgwru kir jw pihlW kMqu mnwie ]
mqu syjY kMqu n AwveI eyvY ibrQw jwie ]
kwmix ipr mnu mwinAw qau bixAw sIgwru ]
kIAw qau prvwxu hY jw shu Dry ipAwru ]
Bau sIgwru qbol rsu Bojnu Bwau kryie ]
qnu mnu saupy kMq kau qau nwnk Bogu kryie ] 1 ]

O bride (human soul), decorate yourself only after making sure that your Husband (Vaheguru)
will accept you. What if, your Husband (Vaheguru) decides against visiting you, all your self-
decoration will go to waste then. O bride (human soul), the most befitting decoration is when
your Husband (Vaheguru) is pleased with you. That alone is the most worthwhile decoration,
when your Husband (Vaheguru) is in love with you. Let the bride make the Fear of God her
decoration, joy her betel nuts to chew, and love of Husband (Vaheguru) her food. Surrender her
body and mind to her Husband (Vaheguru), and then only, O Nanak, she will be able to enjoy
the embrace of her Husband (Vaheguru). || 1 ||
p. 788

Awsw mhlw 5 ]
sMqw kI hoie dwsrI eyhu Acwrw isKu rI ]
sgl guxw gux aUqmo Brqw dUir n ipKu rI ] 1 ]
iehu mnu suMdir Awpxw hir nwim mjITY rMig rI ]
iqAwig isAwxp cwqurI qUM jwxu gupwlih sMig rI ] 1 ] rhwau ]
Brqw khY su mwnIAY eyhu sIgwru bxwie rI ]
dUjw Bwau ivswrIAY eyhu qMbolw Kwie rI ] 2 ]
gur kw sbdu kir dIpko ieh sq kI syj ibCwie rI ]
AwT phr kr joiV rhu qau BytY hir rwie rI ] 3 ]
iqs hI cju sIgwru sBu sweI rUip Apwir rI ]
sweI suohwgix nwnkw jo BwxI krqwir rI ] 4 ] 16 ] 118 ]

Become the slave of the Saints to gain spiritual experience, learn to lead this kind of life. Never
consider your Husband (Vaheguru), Who is the Master of all the virtues, far away from you. || 1
|| Dye this beautiful mind of yours with the fast color of Vaheguru’s Naam. Renounce your ego
of being clever and cunning, and always consider Vaheguru - the Sustainer of the world very
close to you. || 1 || Pause || Accept, whatever your Husband (Vaheguru) says, Let this be your

2001 Sri Guru Granth Sahib Gurgaddi Divas Page 1 of 14

decoration. Forsake the love of others, let this be your chewing of the betel leaf. || 2 || Enlighten
your mind with the lamp of the Guru’s Shabad, let this be your bed of Truth. Stand at the feet of
Vaheguru-Akalpurakh twenty-four hours a day with folded hands, then only you will be able to
meet Vaheguru-Akalpurakh. || 3 || She alone is cultured and embellished, and she alone is
extremely beautiful. She alone is the happiest bride, O Nanak, who is acceptable to the Creator
- Vaheguru-Akalpurakh. || 4 || 16 || 118 ||
p. 400

Awsw kbIr jI ] iqpdw ] iekqukw ]

kIE isMgwru imln ky qweI ] hir n imly jgjIvn gusweI ] 1 ]
hir myro ipru hau hir kI bhurIAw ] rwm bfy mY qnk lhurIAw ] 1 ] rhwau ]
Dn ipr eykY sMig bsyrw ] syj eyk pY imlnu duhyrw ] 2 ]
DMin suhwgin jo pIA BwvY ] kih kbIr iPir jnim n AwvY ] 3 ] 8 ] 30 ]

I have decorated myself to meet my Husband (Vaheguru). But I never could come close to God
(Vaheguru), the Life of the World, the Sustainer of the Universe. || 1 || The God (Vaheguru), is
my Husband, and I am His bride. The God (Vaheguru), who is present in everybody, is so great,
and I am merely a small little thing before Him. || 1 || Pause || Even though the bride (human
soul) and the Groom (Vaheguru) dwell together. They share the same bed, yet they are so far
away from each other that their union is difficult. || 2 || Blessed is the bride (human soul), who is
acceptable to her Husband (Vaheguru). Says Kabeer, she shall never be born again. || 3 || 8 ||
30 ||
p. 483

< siqgur pRswid ] Awsw Gru 6 mhlw 1 ]

mnu moqI jy ghxw hovY pauxu hovY sUq DwrI ]
iKmw sIgwru kwmix qin pihrY rwvY lwl ipAwrI ]1]
lwl bhu guix kwmix mohI ] qyry gux hoih n AvrI ]1] rhwau ]
hir hir hwru kMiT ly pihrY dwmodru dMqu lyeI ]
kr kir krqw kMgn pihrY ien ibiD icqu DryeI ]2]
mDusUdnu kr muMdrI pihrY prmysru ptu lyeI ]
DIrju DVI bMDwvY kwmix sRIrMgu surmw dyeI ]3]
mn mMdir jy dIpku jwly kwieAw syj kryeI ]
igAwn rwau jb syjY AwvY q nwnk Bogu kryeI ]4]1]35]

If the mind of the bride (human soul) becomes an ornament consisting of pure pearls, her breath
become the thread to make a necklace of these pearls. And if she decorates her body with
compassion and tolerance, then the bride (human soul) will be able to become one with her
Beloved (Vaheguru). || 1 || O my Love, I am impressed by Your innumerable virtues; no one
else has Your kind of Virtues. || 1 || Pause || Those, who wear the garland of Vaheguru’s
Name, around their neck, and make His remembrance their toothbrush; and if they wear the
bracelet of the Service of the Creator (Vaheguru) around their wrist, then they will be able to
control their mind from wandering. || 2 || Those human souls, who make the Lord, the Slayer of

2001 Sri Guru Granth Sahib Gurgaddi Divas Page 2 of 14

demons, their ring, and take Vaheguru as their most precious silken clothes. The bride (human
soul) should saturate the braiding of her hair with patience, and apply the mascara of
Vaheguru’s color in her eyes. || 3 || If she lights up the lamp of spiritual wisdom in the house of
her mind, and makes her body the bed of the God (Vaheguru), then only, the King of spiritual
wisdom will come to her bed and become one with her. || 4 || 1 || 35 ||
p. 359

mhlw 3 ]
rwmklI rwmu min visAw qw binAw sIgwru ]
gur kY sbid kmlu ibgisAw qw sauipAw Bgiq BMfwru ]
Brmu gieAw qw jwigAw cUkw AigAwn AMDwru ]
iqs no rUpu Aiq Aglw ijsu hir nwil ipAwru ]
sdw rvY ipru Awpxw soBwvMqI nwir ]
mnmuiK sIgwru n jwxnI jwsin jnmu sBu hwir ]
ibnu hir BgqI sIgwru krih inq jMmih hoie KuAwru ]
sYswrY ivic soB n pwienI AgY ij kry su jwxY krqwru ]
nwnk scw eyku hY duhu ivic hY sMswru ]
cMgY mMdY Awip lwieAnu so krin ij Awip krwey krqwru ] 2 ]

If by singing the praises of God in Raamkalee raag you feel the presence of the Omnipresent
Vaheguru in you than this decoration (effort of singing in raga) is worthwhile. Consider that
Vaheguru has blessed you with the treasure of devotional worship, if your heart-lotus has
blossomed just by tuning in to the Shabad of the Guru. Doubts are dispelled, and this mind
woke up from sleep, because the darkness of ignorance is gone. The beauty of the person, who
is in love with her Lord (Vaheguru), is par excellence. Such a person always remembers her
Husband (Vaheguru) like a glorious bride. The manmukhs, who follow the instinct of their own
mind, do not know how to decorate themselves this way. They will go away from this world
wasting their whole lives. Those who decorate themselves without devotional worship of
(Vaheguru), will keep on coming back and forth into this world to suffer. They do not earn any
respect in this world; the Creator (Vaheguru) alone knows what will happen to them in the world
hereafter. O Nanak, the True (Vaheguru) is the only One who is free from the cycle of birth and
death, whereas the entire world comes and goes. He Himself has assigned good and bad tasks
to people; they only do what the Creator (Vaheguru) wants them to do. || 2 ||
p. 950

mhlw 3 ]
sbid rqy haumY geI soBwvMqI nwir ]
ipr kY BwxY sdw clY qw binAw sIgwru ]
syj suhwvI sdw ipru rwvY hir vru pwieAw nwir ]
nw hir mrY n kdy duKu lwgY sdw suhwgix nwir ]
nwnk hir pRB myil leI gur kY hyiq ipAwir ] 2 ]

2001 Sri Guru Granth Sahib Gurgaddi Divas Page 3 of 14

That bride (human soul) is glorious whose ego is gone after she puts into practice the Word of
the Guru. She always tries to do what pleases her husband (Vaheguru); that is how she
decorates herself. Her bed is always so beautiful, who enjoys the company of her Husband
(Vaheguru), because she is deeply in love with her husband. The Husband (Vaheguru) never
dies, and, therefore, the bride (human soul) never has any pain or sufferings; she always
remains a happy bride (human soul). O Nanak, the God (Vaheguru) has united her with Himself
because she developed unwavering love for the Guru. || 2 ||
p. 651

< siqgur pRswid ] mwrU vwr mhlw 5 fKxy mÚ 5

auTI JwlU kMqVy hau psI qau dIdwru ] kwjlu hwr qmol rsu ibnu psy hiB rs Cwru ] 3 ]

I rose in the early morning hours, O my Husband (Vaheguru), to have Your Vision. All the
worldly decorations like eye make-up, garlands of flowers, and the flavor of betel leaf are of no
avail, without seeing You. || 3 ||
p. 1094

mhlw 3 ]
kwjl PUl qMbol rsu ly Dn kIAw sIgwru ]
syjY kMqu n AwieE eyvY BieAw ivkwru ] 2 ]
mÚ 3 ] Dn ipru eyih n AwKIAin bhin iekTy hoie ]
eyk joiq duie mUrqI Dn ipru khIAY soie ] 3 ]

The bride (human soul) has decorated herself with eye make-up, flowers on her head and with
the fragrance by chewing the betel leaf. But her Husband (Vaheguru) has not come near her
and all her efforts got wasted. || 2 || They are not fit to be called husband and wife, who merely
sit next to each other. They alone are true husband and wife, who have one light in two bodies.
|| 3 ||
p. 788

isrIrwgu mhlw 1 ]
iDRgu jIvxu dohwgxI muTI dUjY Bwie ] klr kyrI kMD ijau Aihinis ikir Fih pwie ]
ibnu sbdY suKu nw QIAY ipr ibnu dUKu n jwie ] 1 ]
muMDy ipr ibnu ikAw sIgwru ] dir Gir FoeI n lhY drgh JUTu KuAwru ] 1 ] rhwau ]
Awip sujwxu n BuleI scw vf ikrswxu ]
pihlw DrqI swiD kY scu nwmu dy dwxu ]
nau iniD aupjY nwmu eyku krim pvY nIswxu ] 2 ]
gur kau jwix n jwxeI ikAw iqsu cju Acwru ]
AMDulY nwmu ivswirAw mnmuiK AMD gubwru ]
Awvxu jwxu n cukeI mir jnmY hoie KuAwru ] 3 ]

2001 Sri Guru Granth Sahib Gurgaddi Divas Page 4 of 14

cMdnu moil AxwieAw kuMgU mWg sMDUru ] coAw cMdnu bhu Gxw pwnw nwil kpUru ]
jy Dn kMiq n BwveI q siB AfMbr kUVu ] 4 ]
siB rs Bogx bwid hih siB sIgwr ivkwr ]
jb lgu sbid n BydIAY ikau sohY gurduAwir ]
nwnk DMnu suhwgxI ijn sh nwil ipAwru ] 5 ] 13 ]

Cursed is the life of that bride (human soul), who is involved with someone other than her
Husband (Vaheguru). She is like a wall of sand that wears off day and night and crumbles
eventually. Without the Word of the Guru, peace and comfort does not come. Without Husband
(Vaheguru), pain and sufferings won’t go away. || 1 || O foolish bride, of what avail are your
decorations without your Husband (Vaheguru)? In this world, you shall not find any shelter and
support; in the world hereafter you shall suffer because of your false attachment to materialism.
|| 1 || Pause || The True (Vaheguru) Himself is the Great Farmer who is very knowledgeable;
He makes no mistakes. He prepares the ground first, and then plants the Seed of the True
Name in it. The Name grows, the nine treasures, and by His Grace, the hard labor becomes
fruitful. || 2 || What is the use of being very knowledgeable, if they fail to understand their Guru?
The manmukhs, who follow the instinct of their mind, are in utter darkness. These blind people
have forgotten the Naam of Vaheguru-Akalpurakh. They keep coming back and forth into this
world; their cycle of death and rebirth does not end and they keep on wasting their lives. || 3 ||
The bride (human soul) may buy sandalwood oil and perfumes, and apply them in great
quantities to her hair. She may sweeten her breath with betel leaf and camphor, but if this bride
is not acceptable to her Husband (Vaheguru), then all these decorations and hard work will be
of no avail. || 4 || Her enjoyment of all pleasures is futile, and all her decorations are useless.
Unless and until she practices the wisdom given in the Shabad of the Guru, how can she look
beautiful in the eyes of the Guru? O Nanak, blessed is that fortunate bride (human soul), who is
in love with her Husband (Vaheguru). || 5 || 13 ||
p. 18-19

BYrau mhlw 5 ]
moih duhwgin Awip sIgwrI ] rUp rMg dy nwim svwrI ]
imitE duKu Aru sgl sMqwp ] gur hoey myry mweI bwp ] 1 ]
sKI shyrI myrY gRsiq Anµd ] kir ikrpw Byty moih kMq ] 1 ] rhwau ]
qpiq buJI pUrn sB Awsw ] imty AMDyr Bey prgwsw ]
Anhd sbd Acrj ibsmwd ] guru pUrw pUrw prswd ] 2 ]
jw kau pRgt Bey gopwl ] qw kY drsin sdw inhwl ]
srb guxw qw kY bhuqu inDwn ] jw kau siqguir dIE nwmu ] 3 ]
jw kau ByitE Twkuru Apnw ] mnu qnu sIqlu hir hir jpnw ]
khu nwnk jo jn pRB Bwey ] qw kI rynu ibrlw ko pwey ] 4 ] 14 ] 27 ]

I was attached to things other than God (Vaheguru), but my Lord felt pity on me and decorated
me Himself. He enhanced my beauty by blessing me with the gift of His Name. He freed me
from all my pains and sorrows. For, the Guru has become my Mother and Father. || 1 || O my
friends and companions, my household is full of bliss as I am with my Husband (Vaheguru).
Vaheguru has become merciful to me and made me to realize the importance of being with my

2001 Sri Guru Granth Sahib Gurgaddi Divas Page 5 of 14

Husband (Vaheguru). || 1 || Pause || The fire of greed that was burning in me is extinguished,
and all my desires are fulfilled. The darkness of my attachment to materialistic things (Maya) is
dispelled and the Divine Light of spiritual understanding has come to stay with me. I can hear
the melodious musical sound of the peace giving Word of God (Shabad). I am amazed and
wonder-struck by the Perfect Grace of the Perfect Guru. || 2 || The company of a person, who is
blessed with the realization of the Lord (Vaheguru), is a step in the right direction. Consider that
person full of all virtues and all kind of treasures, who is blessed by The True Guru with the gift
of Naam, the Name of the Lord (Vaheguru). || 3 || That person who gets to know his Lord and
Master (Vaheguru), his/her mind and body are soothed by the sweet remembrance of His
Name. Says Nanak, only a rare few blessed ones will be able to attain the dust of the feet of
those humble people whose actions are pleasing to God (Vaheguru). || 4 || 14 || 27 ||
p. 1143

Awsw mhlw 3 ]
dohwgxI mhlu n pwien@I n jwxin ipr kw suAwau ]
iPkw bolih nw invih dUjw Bwau suAwau ] 1 ]
iehu mnUAw ikau kir vis AwvY ]
gur prswdI TwkIAY igAwn mqI Gir AwvY ] 1 ] rhwau ]
sohwgxI Awip svwrIEnu lwie pRym ipAwru ]
siqgur kY BwxY cldIAw nwmy shij sIgwru ] 2 ]
sdw rwvih ipru Awpxw scI syj suBwie ]
ipr kY pRyim mohIAw imil pRIqm suKu pwie ] 3 ]
igAwn Apwru sIgwru hY soBwvMqI nwir ]
sw sBrweI suMdrI ipr kY hyiq ipAwir ] 4 ]
sohwgxI ivic rMgu riKEnu scY AliK Apwir ]
siqguru syvin Awpxw scY Bwie ipAwir ] 5 ]
sohwgxI sIgwru bxwieAw gux kw gil hwru ]
pRym iprmlu qin lwvxw AMqir rqnu vIcwru ] 6 ]
Bgiq rqy sy aUqmw jiq piq sbdy hoie ]
ibnu nwvY sB nIc jwiq hY ibstw kw kIVw hoie ] 7 ]
hau hau krdI sB iPrY ibnu sbdY hau n jwie ]
nwnk nwim rqy iqn haumY geI scY rhy smwie ] 8 ] 8 ] 30 ]

The ill-fated brides (human souls) will not be able to reach the Mansion of their Husband
(Vaheguru), nor will they be able to relish the taste of His presence. There is no sweetness in
their speech, they do not know the art of humility, and they are in love with some one else. || 1
|| How can this mind come under control? It is held in check through Guru’s Grace and it comes
back home when the instructions of spiritual wisdom are used. || 1 || Pause || He Himself
adorns the lucky brides (human souls) by awakening His love and affection in them. They
accept and live according to the Sweet Will of the True Guru and embellish themselves with the
decoration of Naam. || 2 || The bed of the heart of these brides (human souls) is always ready
for their Husband (Vaheguru) and they enjoy Him (Vaheguru) forever. They are so absorbed in
the Love of their Husband (Vaheguru) that they only feel contented if they are in His close

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company. || 3 || Spiritual wisdom is the greatest everlasting decoration and a big name for the
bride. She is extremely beautiful and she is the queen among all, because she enjoys the love
and affection of her Husband (Vaheguru). || 4 || The True (Vaheguru), the Unseen, the Infinite,
has infused His Love among the brides, who are close to Vaheguru. They serve their True
Guru, with true love and devotion. || 5 || The brides, who are close to Vaheguru have adorned
themselves with the necklace of virtues. They apply the perfume of their love for Vaheguru to
their body, and within their mind they keep the jewel of Vaheguru’s virtues well protected. || 6 ||
Those who are imbued with devotional worship are the most exalted ones. Their social status
and honor is because of their attachment to Shabad. Without the Naam of Vaheguru, all are low
class, like maggots in manure. || 7 || Everyone is full of ego, the ego does not go away without
the Shabad of the Guru. O Nanak, those who are imbued with the Naam of Vaheguru lose their
ego; they remain absorbed in the True Lord - Vaheguru. || 8 || 8 || 30 ||
p. 426

mhlw 3 ]
ibnu sbdY suDu n hoveI jy Anyk krY sIgwr ]
ipr kI swr n jwxeI dUjY Bwie ipAwru ]
sw kusuD sw kulKxI nwnk nwrI ivic kunwir ] 2 ]
pauVI ] hir hir ApxI dieAw kir hir bolI bYxI ]
hir nwmu iDAweI hir aucrw hir lwhw lYxI ]
jo jpdy hir hir idnsu rwiq iqn hau kurbYxI ]
ijnw siqguru myrw ipAwrw ArwiDAw iqn jn dyKw nYxI ]
hau vwirAw Apxy gurU kau ijin myrw hir sjxu myilAw sYxI ] 24 ]

Without the Word of the Guru (Shabad), the bride (human soul) can not get purified, even
though she may adorn herself with all sorts of decorations. She does not know the value of her
Husband (Vaheguru), because she is attached to someone other than her Husband. She is
impure, and ill mannered. O Nanak, she is the most evil woman among all women. || 2 ||
Grant me Your Mercy, Vaheguru, so that I may always recite Your Bani. May I always keep You
in my mind, keep uttering Your Name, and earn this profit. I am a sacrifice to those who
remember the Name of Vaheguru, day and night. May I have a vision of those who act upon the
teachings of my Beloved True Guru? I am a sacrifice to my Guru, who has united me with my
Vaheguru, my friend, my very best friend. || 24 ||
p. 651-652

< siqgur pRswid ] Punhy mhlw 5

sKI kwjl hwr qMbol sBY ikCu swijAw ] solh kIey sIgwr ik AMjnu pwijAw ]
jy Gir AwvY kMqu q sBu ikCu pweIAY ]
hirhW kMqY bwJu sIgwru sBu ibrQw jweIAY ] 3 ]
ijsu Gir visAw kMqu sw vfBwgxy ] iqsu bixAw hBu sIgwru sweI sohwgxy ]
hau suqI hoie AMicMq min Aws purweIAw ]
hirhW jw Gir AwieAw kMqu q sBu ikCu pweIAw ] 4 ]

2001 Sri Guru Granth Sahib Gurgaddi Divas Page 7 of 14

O my friend, I have decorated myself with everything: eye make-up, garlands and betel-leaves. I
have embellished myself with the sixteen different types of decorations, and applied the
mascara to my eyes. All my efforts will be worthwhile if my Husband Vaheguru comes to my
home. O Vaheguru ! Without my Husband, all these adornments will go to waste. || 3 || Very
fortunate is she, within whose heart - home the Husband Lord abides. She is totally adorned
and decorated and she is fortunate in real sense. I sleep in peace, without anxiety in the hope
that the desire of my mind will be fulfilled. O Vaheguru ! When my Husband came into the home
of my heart, I obtained everything. || 4 ||
p. 1361

Awsw mhlw 1 ]
pyvkVY Dn KrI ieAwxI ] iqsu sh kI mY swr n jwxI ]1]
shu myrw eyku dUjw nhI koeI ] ndir kry mylwvw hoeI ]1] rhwau ]
swhurVY Dn swcu pCwixAw ] shij suBwie Apxw ipru jwixAw ]2]
gur prswdI AYsI miq AwvY ] qW kwmix kMqY min BwvY ]3]
khqu nwnku BY Bwv kw kry sIgwru ] sd hI syjY rvY Bqwru ]4]27]

The bride (human soul) is so grossly attached to the world (her parent’s house), that she never
cared to get to know her Husband (Vaheguru) and obtain any knowledge of the customs and
traditions of His House. || 1 || My Husband is the One and One alone and there is no other like
Him. He always bestows His Grace on every one. A union with Him can be attained through His
Grace only. || 1 || Pause || The bride (human soul) shall realize the Truth about her Husband
(Vaheguru) by moving into her in-law’s house (i.e. By getting detached from the world). When I
reached the state of equipoise, I came to know about my Husband (Vaheguru). || 2 || Such a
wisdom comes by Guru’s Grace only. Then only the bride (human soul) becomes pleasing to
the Mind of the Husband (Vaheguru). || 3 || Says Nanak, she who decorates herself with the
Love and the Fear of God, enjoys the company of her Husband (Vaheguru) forever. || 4 || 27 ||
p. 357

< siqgur pRswid ] slok syK PrId ky

kvxu su AKru kvxu guxu kvxu su mxIAw mMqu ]
kvxu su vyso hau krI ijqu vis AwvY kMqu ] 126 ]
invxu su AKru Kvxu guxu ijhbw mxIAw mMqu ]
ey qRY BYxy vys kir qW vis AwvI kMqu ] 127 ]

What is that word, what is that virtue, and what is that magic mantra? What are those clothes,
which I can wear to captivate my Husband (Vaheguru)? || 126 || Humility is the word,
forgiveness is the virtue, and sweet speech is the magic mantra. Wear these three robes, O
sister, and you will be able captivate your Husband (Vaheguru). || 127 ||
p. 1384

sUhI mhlw 5 ]
igRhu vis guir kInw hau Gr kI nwir ] ds dwsI kir dInI Bqwir ]

2001 Sri Guru Granth Sahib Gurgaddi Divas Page 8 of 14

sgl smgRI mY Gr kI joVI ] Aws ipAwsI ipr kau loVI ] 1 ]
kvn khw gun kMq ipAwry ] suGV srUp dieAwl murwry ] 1 ] rhwau ]
squ sIgwru Bau AMjnu pwieAw ] AMimRq nwmu qMbolu muiK KwieAw ]
kMgn bsqR ghny bny suhwvy ] Dn sB suK pwvY jW ipru Gir AwvY ] 2 ]
gux kwmx kir kMqu rIJwieAw ] vis kir lInw guir Brmu cukwieAw ]
sB qy aUcw mMdru myrw ] sB kwmix iqAwgI ipRau pRIqmu myrw ] 3 ]
pRgitAw sUru joiq aujIAwrw ] syj ivCweI srD Apwrw ]
nv rMg lwlu syj rwvx AwieAw ] jn nwnk ipr Dn imil suKu pwieAw ] 4 ] 4 ]

By the grace of Guru I assumed full control of my mind’s household. I am now the head of the
household. My Husband Vaheguru has made the ten sense organs my slaves. I have decorated
my house with all the faculties of spiritual virtues. I am now waiting anxiously for the arrival of
my Husband Vaheguru. || 1 || What Glorious Virtues of my Beloved Husband Vaheguru should I
describe? He is the Wisest of all, most beautiful, merciful and the Destroyer of evil. || 1 || Pause
|| I have adorned myself with the decoration of Truth, and have applied the mascara of the Fear
of God to my eyes. I have the Ambrosial Naam, the Name of the Vaheguru as the betel-leaf in
my mouth. If the Husband Vaheguru comes home, the bride (human soul) achieves all the
happiness and comforts. Than only my decoration with bracelets, robes and ornaments are
worthwhile. In other words all my spiritual efforts of decorating myself outwardly have become
worthwhile. || 2 || By the charms of my virtues, I have enticed and fascinated my Husband
Vaheguru. He is now under my control, because the Guru has dispelled all my doubts. The
mansion of my heart is far elevated from the vices. My Lord has renounced all other brides and
made me His favorite bride. || 3 || The sun of spiritual awakening has arisen, and its bright light
is shining. I have prepared the Bridal Bed with utmost care and enormous faith. My ever new
and fresh Darling Beloved has come to be with me. O Servant Nanak, my Husband Vaheguru
has arrived and granted me everlasting peace and joy. || 4 || 4 ||
p. 737

iqlµg mÚ 1 ]
ieAwnVIey mwnVw kwie kryih ] AwpnVY Gir hir rMgo kI n mwxyih ]
shu nyVY Dn kMmlIey bwhru ikAw FUFyih ] BY kIAw dyih slweIAw nYxI Bwv kw kir sIgwro ]
qw sohwgix jwxIAY lwgI jw shu Dry ipAwro ] 1 ]
ieAwxI bwlI ikAw kry jw Dn kMq n BwvY ] krx plwh kry bhuqyry sw Dn mhlu n pwvY ]
ivxu krmw ikCu pweIAY nwhI jy bhuqyrw DwvY ] lb loB AhMkwr kI mwqI mwieAw mwih smwxI ]
ienI bwqI shu pweIAY nwhI BeI kwmix ieAwxI ] 2 ]
jwie puChu sohwgxI vwhY iknI bwqI shu pweIAY ] jo ikCu kry so Blw kir mwnIAY ihkmiq hukmu cukweIAY ]
jw kY pRyim pdwrQu pweIAY qau crxI icqu lweIAY ] shu khY so kIjY qnu mno dIjY AYsw prmlu lweIAY ]
eyv khih sohwgxI BYxy ienI bwqI shu pweIAY ] 3 ]
Awpu gvweIAY qw shu pweIAY Aauru kYsI cqurweI ] shu ndir kir dyKY so idnu lyKY kwmix nau iniD pweI ]
Awpxy kMq ipAwrI sw sohwgix nwnk sw sBrweI ] AYsy rMig rwqI shj kI mwqI Aihinis Bwie smwxI ]
suMdir swie srUp ibcKix khIAY sw isAwxI ] 4 ] 2 ] 4 ]

2001 Sri Guru Granth Sahib Gurgaddi Divas Page 9 of 14

O foolish and ignorant bride (human soul), why are you so proud? Why don’t you enjoy the Love
of your Vaheguru in your own home? Your Husband Lord is so close to you, O foolish bride,
why do you search for Him outside? Apply the mascara of the Fear of God (Vaheguru) in your
eyes and decorate yourself with the Love of the God (Vaheguru). Then only you shall be known
as a devoted and committed bride (soul), when you earn the love of your Husband (Vaheguru).
|| 1 || What can the silly young bride do, if she is not acceptable to her Husband (Vaheguru)?
She may plead and implore a number of times, yet, such a bride shall not be able to reach the
Lord (Vaheguru). Without the Grace of God (Vaheguru) nothing is obtained, however much she
may run around frantically. She is intoxicated with greed, pride and egotism, and heavily
engrossed in Maya. This young bride (human soul) is so foolish that she does not realize that
these are not the ways to come close to the Eternal Husband (Vaheguru). || 2 || Go and ask the
ways and means to become one with Vaheguru from those brides (human souls), who are close
to their Spouse (Vaheguru). Accept the Will of the Lord with a smiling face; get rid of your own
cleverness and self-will. Then only you will be able to get the true wealth of His Love that will
link your consciousness to His feet. Follow the directions of your Husband (Vaheguru) and
surrender your body and mind to Him. This is the kind of perfume you should apply to yourself.
So speaks the bride (human soul) who is pleasing to her Husband, O sister, in this way, the
Husband (Vaheguru) is obtained. || 3 || The Husband (Vaheguru) is obtained by giving up your
selfhood. It is as simple as that. All other tricks are of no use. When the Gracious Glance of the
Husband (Vaheguru) falls upon the bride (human soul), that day is historic, because that is
when the bride obtains her Husband (Vaheguru) as if she got all the nine treasures of the world.
She, who is loved by her Husband (Vaheguru), is the true bride (human soul). O Nanak, she is
the real queen. Thus she is imbued with the color of His Love, intoxicated with equipoise, and
always absorbed in His Love. She is most beautiful, glorious and brilliant and she is most
distinguished and extremely wise. || 4 || 2 || 4 ||
p. 722

mhlw 1 ]
sBy kMq mhylIAw sglIAw krih sIgwru ] gxq gxwvix AweIAw sUhw vysu ivkwru ]
pwKMif pRymu n pweIAY Kotw pwju KuAwru ] 1 ]
hir jIau ieau ipru rwvY nwir ] quDu Bwvin sohwgxI ApxI ikrpw lYih svwir ] 1 ] rhwau ]
gur sbdI sIgwrIAw qnu mnu ipr kY pwis] duie kr joiV KVI qkY scu khY Ardwis ]
lwil rqI sc BY vsI Bwie rqI rMig rwis ] 2 ]
ipRA kI cyrI kWFIAY lwlI mwnY nwau ] swcI pRIiq n quteI swcy myil imlwau ]
sbid rqI mnu vyiDAw hau sd bilhwrY jwau ] 3 ]
sw Dn rMf n bYseI jy siqgur mwih smwie ] ipru rIswlU nauqno swcau mrY n jwie ]
inq rvY sohwgxI swcI ndir rjwie ] 4 ]
swcu DVI Dn mwfIAY kwpVu pRym sIgwru ] cMdnu cIiq vswieAw mMdru dsvw duAwru ]
dIpku sbid ivgwisAw rwm nwmu aur hwru ] 5 ]
nwrI AMdir sohxI msqik mxI ipAwru ] soBw suriq suhwvxI swcY pRyim Apwr ]
ibnu ipr purKu n jwxeI swcy gur kY hyiq ipAwir ] 6 ]
inis AMiDAwrI suqIey ikau ipr ibnu rYix ivhwie ] AMku jlau qnu jwlIAau mnu Dnu jil bil jwie ]
jw Dn kMiq n rwvIAw qw ibrQw jobnu jwie ] 7 ]

2001 Sri Guru Granth Sahib Gurgaddi Divas Page 10 of 14

syjY kMq mhylVI sUqI bUJ n pwie ] hau suqI ipru jwgxw iks kau pUCau jwie ]
siqguir mylI BY vsI nwnk pRymu sKwie ] 8 ] 2 ]

All are brides of the Husband (Vaheguru); all decorate themselves to please Him. If they have
done all this merely to show off, then their red robes are of no use. His Love is not obtained
through hypocrisy. The false show off will lead you nowhere. || 1 || This is the way, the Husband
(Vaheguru) picks and enjoys the bride (Human soul). He likes those dutiful brides, who are
pleasing to Him and He decorates them to His Taste. || 1 || Pause || Such brides get themselves
decorated with the Word of the Guru (Gurshabad) and surrender their mind and body to their
Husband (Vaheguru). With folded hands, they wait on Him, and offer their True prayers. They
are drenched in the Love of their Darling (Vaheguru), they live according to the Will of the True
One. They are imbued with His Love and are dyed in the color of His Love. || 2 || The bride who
recognizes nothing else except His (Vaheguru) Name is the real maid of her Beloved Lord
(Vaheguru). True Love is never broken and a Union with the True One stays firm forever. I am a
sacrifice to such a bride (Human soul) forever, who is always attuned to the Word (Shabad)
from the bottom of her heart. || 3 || The bride, who puts into practice the teachings of the True
Guru, shall never become a widow. The Eternal Husband (Vaheguru) is Most Beautiful; His
Body is ever so fresh and new. The True One (Vaheguru) is neither born nor dies. His Gracious
Glance always falls upon the dutiful bride (human soul) and He continually enjoys that bride,
who lives, in His Will. || 4 || For such a bride pleasing her Husband (Vaheguru) is more
important than braiding her hair to look beautiful and decorating herself with His Love is
preferred to the wearing of fancy clothes. To permeate God (Vaheguru) in the consciousness is
like applying the essence of sandalwood on her. To open the door of one’s super-
consciousness (Dasvaan duaar) is like entering the Temple of the Truth (Vaheguru). She likes
to wear the beautiful necklace of Vaheguru’s Naam to enlighten her heart by lighting the lamp of
the Shabad. || 5 || She is the most beautiful among women because she has her forehead
shining with the Jewel of Vaheguru’s Love. Her glory and her wisdom are magnificent because
her love for the Infinite Vaheguru is True. She does not care for anyone else except her Beloved
Vaheguru, as She has infinite love for the True Guru. || 6 || O bride (human soul), why are you
wasting the entire night of your life by sleeping under the intoxication of Maya. It will not be easy
spend the entire life without your Husband (Vaheguru). Let those limbs and that body burn to
ashes, which does not have Vaheguru in their heart. Without Vaheguru’s Name this mind burns
in the fire of vices and wealth is also of no use. If the Husband (Vaheguru) does not come close
to His bride, then her youthfulness passes away in vain. || 7 || The Husband (Vaheguru) is very
close to her, but the bride (human soul) is deep asleep, and so she misses the opportunity to be
one with Him. While I am deep asleep under the influence of Maya, my Husband - Vaheguru is
ever awake. Whose advice should I seek to get rid of my sleep? The True Guru is the only one
who can unite the bride (human soul) with her Husband (Vaheguru), and when she starts living
in the Fear of God (Vaheguru), O Nanak, Her love for Vaheguru becomes her companion. || 8 ||
2 ||
p. 54

2001 Sri Guru Granth Sahib Gurgaddi Divas Page 11 of 14

sloku mhlw 3 ]
sUhb qw sohwgxI jw mMin lYih scu nwau ]
siqguru Apxw mnwie lY rUpu cVI qw Aglw dUjw nwhI Qwau ]
AYsw sIgwru bxwie qU mYlw kdy n hoveI Aihinis lwgY Bwau ]
nwnk sohwgix kw ikAw ichnu hY AMdir scu muKu aujlw KsmY mwih smwie ] 1 ]

The red-robed woman is a true bride (human soul), only if she accepts the True Name of
Vaheguru. She has pleased her True Guru, and thus got herself totally beautified, because she
has no one else other than Vaheguru to look unto. Embellish yourself with the decorations that
will never stain and the love of God Vaheguru will increase day and night. O Nanak, what are
the characteristics of the true bride, who is in love with her Husband? Within her resides the
Absolute Truth (Vaheguru); her face is bright and radiant with the power of Naam, and she is
always in tune with her Husband (Vaheguru). || 1 ||
p. 785

mhlw 3 ]
lokw vy hau sUhvI sUhw vysu krI ] vysI shu n pweIAY kir kir vys rhI ]
nwnk iqnI shu pwieAw ijnI gur kI isK suxI ] jo iqsu BwvY so QIAY ien ibiD kMq imlI ] 2 ]

O people! I am in red, dressed in red robes. But my Husband (Vaheguru) can not be realized
merely by wearing any robes; I have tried and tried all kind of robes. O Nanak, they alone will be
able to realize their Husband (Vaheguru), who pay attention to and put into practice the
Teachings of the Guru. Whatever pleases Him, happens. In this way, the Husband (Vaheguru)
is met. || 2 ||
p. 785

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ]
sRvnI sunau hir hir hry Twkur jsu gwvau ]
sMq crx kr sIsu Dir hir nwmu iDAwvau ] 1 ]
kir ikrpw dieAwl pRB ieh iniD isiD pwvau ]
sMq jnw kI ryxukw lY mwQY lwvau ] 1 ] rhwau ]
nIc qy nIcu Aiq nIcu hoie kir ibnau bulwvau ]
pwv mlovw Awpu iqAwig sMqsMig smwvau ] 2 ]
swis swis nh vIsrY An kqih n Dwvau ]
sPl drsn guru BytIAY mwnu mohu imtwvau ] 3 ]
squ sMqoKu dieAw Drmu sIgwru bnwvau ]
sPl suhwgix nwnkw Apuny pRB Bwvau ] 4 ] 15 ] 45 ]

With my ears, I hear the God’s Name and I sing the Praises of my Lord and Master. May I place
my hands and my head upon the feet of the saintly people, and keep the Name of Vaheguru
deep down in my heart. || 1 || Have pity on me, O Merciful God, and bless me with the dust of
the feet of the Saintly people so that I may apply it on my forehead. I may seek from You this

2001 Sri Guru Granth Sahib Gurgaddi Divas Page 12 of 14

kind of wealth and success. || 1 || Pause || May I become the lowest of the lowly, absolutely the
lowest and offer my humble prayer. I may wash their feet, renounce my self-conceit and remain
always in the Congregation of Your devotees. || 2 || I may never forget the Lord (Vaheguru)
even for a moment and may never leave You to go anywhere else. Obtaining the Fruitful Vision
of the Guru, I may relinquish my pride and attachment. || 3 || I may embellish myself with truth,
contentment, compassion and sense of duty. I may follow the example of a true bride, O Nanak,
and become the favorite of my Husband (Vaheguru). || 4 || 15 || 45 ||
p. 812

< siqgur pRswid ] iqlµg mhlw 1 Gru 3

iehu qnu mwieAw pwihAw ipAwry lIqVw lib rMgwey ]
myrY kMq n BwvY colVw ipAwry ikau Dn syjY jwey ] 1 ]
hMau kurbwnY jwau imhrvwnw hMau kurbwnY jwau ]
hMau kurbwnY jwau iqnw kY lYin jo qyrw nwau ]
lYin jo qyrw nwau iqnw kY hMau sd kurbwnY jwau ] 1 ] rhwau ]
kwieAw rM|ix jy QIAY ipAwry pweIAY nwau mjIT ]
rM|x vwlw jy rM|Y swihbu AYsw rMgu n fIT ] 2 ]
ijn ky coly rqVy ipAwry kMqu iqnw kY pwis ]
DUiV iqnw kI jy imlY jI khu nwnk kI Ardwis ] 3 ]
Awpy swjy Awpy rMgy Awpy ndir kryie ]
nwnk kwmix kMqY BwvY Awpy hI rwvyie ] 4 ] 1 ] 3 ]

This body (fabric) is conditioned by Maya, and is dyed with the color of greed. My Husband
(Vaheguru) is not pleased with this kind of dress O my Love, how can the bride (human soul) go
to bed with Him? || 1 || I am a sacrifice, O Dear Merciful Lord; I am a sacrifice to You. I am a
sacrifice to those who utter Your Name. Unto those who utter Your Name, I am forever a
sacrifice. || 1 || Pause || If the body needs to be dyed, O my Love, then the best color to dye it
with is the color of Vaheguru’s Naam. And if the Dyer to dye this body is the Lord Master
Himself, the beauty of such a finished product can not be explained. || 2 || Those whose
dresses are so dyed, O Beloved, their Husband (Vaheguru) is always with them. May I be
blessed with the dust of those humble beings, O Dear Lord. Says Nanak, this is my prayer. || 3
|| He Himself creates, and He Himself imbues us. He Himself bestows His Glance of Grace. O
Nanak, if the bride (human soul) becomes pleasing to her Husband (Vaheguru), He Himself
unites her with Him. || 4 || 1 || 3 ||
p. 721-722

mwJ mhlw 5 ]
ijqu Gir ipir sohwgu bxwieAw ] iqqu Gir sKIey mMglu gwieAw ]
And ibnod iqqY Gir sohih jo Dn kMiq isgwrI jIau ] 1 ]
sw guxvMqI sw vfBwgix ] puqRvMqI sIlvMiq sohwgix ]
rUpvMiq sw suGiV ibcKix jo Dn kMq ipAwrI jIau ] 2 ]
AcwrvMiq sweI prDwny ] sB isMgwr bxy iqsu igAwny ]

2001 Sri Guru Granth Sahib Gurgaddi Divas Page 13 of 14

sw kulvMqI sw sBrweI jo ipir kY rMig svwrI jIau ] 3 ]
mihmw iqs kI khxu n jwey ] jo ipir myil leI AMig lwey ]
iQru suhwgu vru Agmu Agocru jn nwnk pRym swDwrI jIau ] 4 ] 4 ] 11 ]

O my friends, Wedding songs in praise of Vaheguru-Akalpurakh are sung in that house, in

which the bride (human soul) gets united with her Husband (Vaheguru). Happiness and Joy are
always in that house, where the Husband (Vaheguru) Himself decorates His bride (human soul).
|| 1 || She is virtuous, and she is very fortunate; she is all-knowledgeable, tenderhearted and a
favorite bride (human soul) of her Husband. That bride (human soul) is beautiful, wise, and
witty, just because she is the beloved of her Husband (Vaheguru). || 2 || She is a person of high
character and distinguished because she has chosen to decorate herself with the Guru’s
wisdom. She is the one who belongs to the most respected family and she is the one who has
many brothers, who is dyed with the color of her Husband’s Love.|| 3 || Her greatness cannot be
described, who has become one with her Husband (Vaheguru). Servant Nanak! The marriage of
that bride (human soul) is eternal, whose Husband is Inaccessible and Incomprehensible and
whose only Support of life is the Love of Vaheguru.|| 4 || 4 || 11 ||
p. 97-98

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