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Perspective April 13, 2017

Yellow Fever Once Again on the Radar Screen in the Americas

CatharineI. Paules, M.D., and AnthonyS. Fauci, M.D.

our arthropod-borne viruses (arboviruses) have fecting areas in close proximity to
recently emerged or reemerged in the Americas, major urban centers where yellow
fever vaccine is not routinely ad-
spreading rapidly through populations that had ministered. This proximity raises
not previously been exposed to them and causing concern that, for the first time in
decades, urban transmission of
substantial morbidity and mortal- or jungle, cases, since the typical yellow fever will occur in Brazil.
ity.1 The first was dengue, which transmission cycle occurs between As we have seen with dengue,
reemerged to cause widespread forest mosquitoes and forest- chikungunya, and Zika, A. aegypti
disease predominantly in South dwelling nonhuman primates, mediated arbovirus epidemics can
America and the Caribbean in the with humans serving only as in- move rapidly through populations
1990s. This epidemic was fol- cidental hosts. In this ongoing with little preexisting immunity
lowed by West Nile virus in 1999, outbreak, health authorities have and spread more broadly owing
which has since become endemic reported 234 confirmed infec- to human travel. Although it is
in the continental United States, tions and 80 confirmed deaths highly unlikely that we will see
and chikungunya in 2013, which as of February 2017.2 Confirmed yellow fever outbreaks in the con-
continues to cause disease, pre- infections have occurred in the tinental United States, where mos-
dominantly in the Caribbean and Brazilian states of Minas Gerais, quito density is low and risk of
South America. Most recently, Zika Esprito Santo, and So Paulo (see exposure is limited, it is possible
virus emerged in Brazil in 2015 map), and hundreds of additional that travel-related cases of yellow
and spread through infected travel- cases remain under investigation. fever could occur, with brief pe-
ers to more than 60 countries The high number of cases is out riods of local transmission in
and territories in the Americas, of proportion to the number re- warmer regions such as the Gulf
including the United States. ported in a typical year in these Coast states, where A. aegypti mos-
Over the past several weeks, a areas. quitoes are prevalent.
fifth arbovirus, yellow fever virus, Although there is currently no It is also conceivable that yel-
has broken out in Brazil, with the evidence that human-to-human low fever outbreaks may occur in
majority of the infections occur- transmission through Aedes aegypti the U.S. territories, just as the re-
ring in rural areas of the country. mosquitoes (urban transmission) cent Zika epidemic reached Puerto
These are referred to as sylvatic, has occurred, the outbreak is af- Rico, causing a significant out-

n engl j med 376;15 April 13, 2017 1397

The New England Journal of Medicine
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Copyright 2017 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
PERS PE C T IV E yellow fever in the americas

that fact in 1900. Subsequently, doses and the long time needed to
mosquito-control efforts and bet- produce additional vaccine made
ter sanitation practices virtually this outbreak difficult to control.
eliminated yellow fever from the To prevent a similar occurrence
United States and other nonen- in Brazil or in future yellow fever
demic areas of the Americas, al- outbreaks, early identification of
though sporadic outbreaks of vary- cases and rapid implementation
ing magnitude continued to occur of public health management and
in tropical regions where the dis- prevention strategies, such as mos-
Minas Gerais,
375 cases Esprito ease was endemic.4 quito control and appropriate vac-
So Paulo, Santo, In 1937, virologist Max Theiler cination, are critical.
5 cases 109 cases
developed a live attenuated yellow Early recognition may be dif-
Rio de Janeiro, fever vaccine that is still in use ficult in countries such as the
3 cases
today and that provides lifetime United States, where most physi-
immunity in up to 99% of vac- cians have never seen a case of
cinees, according to the World yellow fever and know little about
Confirmed Cases of Yellow Fever in the Current
Health Organization (WHO). Ex- the clinical manifestations. Typi-
tensive vaccination campaigns cally, yellow fever is suspected on
Data are from the Brazilian Ministry of Health.
combined with effective vector- the basis of clinical presentation
control strategies have significant- and confirmed later, since defin-
break there and leading to thou- ly reduced the number of yellow itive diagnosis requires testing
sands of travel-related cases and fever cases worldwide. However, available only in specialized labo-
more than 250 locally transmitted localized outbreaks continue to ratories. The clinical illness mani-
cases in the continental United occur in parts of Africa and Cen- fests in three stages: infection,
States. In an era of frequent inter- tral and South America, resulting remission, and intoxication.3 Dur-
national travel, any marked in- in an estimated 84,000 to 170,000 ing the infection stage, patients
crease in domestic cases in Brazil severe cases and 29,000 to 60,000 present after a 3-to-6-day incuba-
raises the possibility of travel- related deaths per year, according tion period with a nonspecific
related cases and local transmis- to the WHO. febrile illness that is difficult to
sion in regions where yellow fever Beginning in December 2015, distinguish from other flulike dis-
is not endemic. In light of the a large urban outbreak of yellow eases. High fevers associated with
serious nature of this historically fever occurred in Angola and sub- bradycardia, leukopenia, and trans-
devastating disease, public health sequently spread to the Demo- aminase elevations may provide a
awareness and preparedness are cratic Republic of Congo, causing clue to the diagnosis, and pa-
critical, even for individual cases. 961 confirmed cases and 137 tients will be viremic during this
Yellow fever most likely origi- deaths. In addition, cases related period.
nated in Africa and was imported to travel from those countries This initial stage is followed by
into the Americas in the 1600s.3 were noted in nonendemic areas a period of remission, when clin-
It claimed hundreds of thousands such as China, raising concern ical improvement occurs and most
of lives in the 18th and 19th cen- about international spread of dis- patients fully recover. However,
turies. The Philadelphia yellow ease. During the outbreak, the 15 to 20% of patients have pro-
fever epidemic of 1793, for exam- worlds emergency vaccine stock- gression to the intoxication stage,
ple, killed approximately 10% of pile reserved for epidemic response in which symptoms recur after
the citys population and prompt- was exhausted, prompting health 24 to 48 hours.3 This stage is
ed the federal government to flee authorities to immunize inhab- characterized by high fevers, hem-
the city. In 1881, Cuban epidemi- itants of some areas using one orrhagic manifestations, severe
ologist Carlos Finlay proposed that fifth of the standard dose in or- hepatic dysfunction and jaundice
yellow fever was a mosquito- der to extend the vaccine supply.5 (hence the name yellow fever),
borne infection. The U.S. Army Since vaccination is the mainstay renal failure, cardiovascular abnor-
physician Walter Reed and a Yel- of epidemic response, the limited malities, central nervous system
low Fever Commission verified number of stockpiled vaccine dysfunction, and shock. Antibod-

1398 n engl j med 376;15 April 13, 2017

The New England Journal of Medicine

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Copyright 2017 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
PE R S PE C T IV E Yellow Fever in the Americas

ies may be detected during this cent outbreak in Brazil highlights This article was published on March 8, 2017,
stage; however, viremia has usu- this phenomenon. If the current
ally resolved. Case-fatality rates outbreak leads to urban spread 1. Fauci AS, Morens DM. Zika virus in the
range from 20 to 60% in patients through A. aegypti mosquitoes, Americas yet another arbovirus threat.
N Engl J Med 2016;374:601-4.
in whom severe disease develops, clinicians should adopt a high 2. Brazilian Ministry of Health. Surveillance
and treatment is supportive, since index of suspicion for yellow fe- update. February 2017 (http://portalsaude
no antiviral therapies are current- ver, particularly in travelers re-
ly available.3,4 turning from affected regions. -da-saude-atualiza-casos-notificados-de-febre
Yellow fever is the most severe As with all potentially reemerg- -amarela-no-pais-2).
arbovirus ever to circulate in the ing infectious diseases, public 3. Gardner CL, Ryman KD. Yellow fever:
a reemerging threat. Clin Lab Med 2010;30:
Americas, and al- health awareness and prepared- 237-60.
An audio interview
with Dr. Fauci is
though vaccination ness are essential to prevent a re- 4. Monath TP, Vasconcelos PF. Yellow fever.
campaigns and vec- surgence of this historical threat. J Clin Virol 2015;64:160-73.
available at
5. Wu JT, Peak CM, Leung GM, Lipsitch M.
tor-control efforts Disclosure forms provided by the authors Fractional dosing of yellow fever vaccine to
have eliminated it from many are available at extend supply: a modelling study. Lancet
areas, sylvatic transmission cycles 2016;388:2904-11.
From the Office of the Director, National
continue to occur in endemic Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, DOI: 10.1056/NEJMp1702172
tropical regions. The most re- National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD. Copyright 2017 Massachusetts Medical Society.
Yellow Fever in the Americas

The Perils of Trumping Science in Global Health

The Perils of Trumping Science in Global Health

The Mexico City Policy and Beyond
NathanC. Lo, B.S., and Michele Barry, M.D.

D uring his first week in office,

President Donald Trump re-
instated an executive order ban-
the Mexico City Policy is a stark
example of evidence-free policy-
making that ignores the best sci-
tually at odds with both the pro-
life agenda and a prochoice
approach that promotes compre-
ning U.S. aid to any international entific data, resulting in a policy hensive access to womens repro-
organization that supports abor- that harms global health and, ductive health education. Rescind-
tion-related activities, including ultimately, the American people. ing the policy should therefore
counseling or referrals. The so- In policymaking, the devil is in be a winwin for antiabortion
called Mexico City Policy collo- the details, and ignoring scien- and prochoice groups. Moreover,
quially referred to as the global tific data on the effectiveness of the consequences of reinstating
gag rule on womens reproduc- particular policies results in faulty this funding ban are farther-
tive health is allegedly intended decision making. In addition to reaching than family planning.
to reduce the number of abor- increasing abortion rates, the re- Trumps aggressive extension of
tions around the world, in accor- instatement of the Mexico City the policy will damage other hall-
dance with an antiabortion agen- Policy is likely to result in increases mark U.S. programs by defund-
da. Scientific evidence suggests, in maternal deaths and will en- ing integrated health programs
however, that the policy achieves danger childrens health around that promote global maternal and
the opposite: it significantly in- the world.1-3 By restricting access child health and HIV-prevention
creases abortion rates.1 The policy to modern contraception, the pol- efforts, including provision of ac-
defunds and in so doing, in- icy will lead to preventable deaths cess to condoms, HIV clinics, and
capacitates organizations that from pregnancy-related complica- family-planning counseling.1,2
would otherwise provide educa- tions, increased reliance on unsafe First announced by the Reagan
tion and contraceptive services to abortions, and higher rates of un- administration in 1984 at the
reduce the frequency of unintend- safe sex (permitting HIV transmis- Second International Conference
ed pregnancies and the need for sion, for example).2 on Population (held in Mexico
abortions.1 The reinstatement of In these ways, the policy is ac- City), the global gag rule has been

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Copyright 2017 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

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