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School: High school Lucian Blaga

Teacher : Rotari Irina
Date: April 4, 2017
Class : 3C
Time: 45 minutes

Lesson topic: We went shopping yesterday.

Lesson type: Lessons of fixation of knowledge and of developing skills and abilities.
Lesson approach: mixed ability teaching

Lesson aim: 2.4. Producing simple questions and answers about shopping on the basis of spoken models
3.4. Understanding the general meaning of a simple short text.
3.5. Identifying simple descriptions of familiar everday actions.
3.7. Reading a simple short familiar text, and demonstrating comprehension by appropriate fluency, stress, intonation, sense, groups and

Lesson objectives: By the end of the lesson the pupils will be able to:

Identify the irregular verbs;

Produce simple sentences using irregular verbs;
Learn new words and structures;
Find new information in the text and accomplish some tasks;

Techniques: listening, discussions, explanation;

Classroom organisation: lockstep, group work, individual work, mixed ability class;
Teaching aids: work sheets, blackboard and chalk;
Stages of Objectives Teachers Activity Pupils Activity Methods/Tec Materials Evaluatio Time
the lesson hniques n
Evocation 1.Pupils greet the
1.Teacher greets the pupils: teacher:
Good morning.
Good morning. Stand up please. Thank Conversation Oral
you. You may take your sits. I am wonderfull. communic 2 min
I am ok, thank you. ation
How are you today? I am very fine I am good.
thank you. I am very good, thank

We have to write 10
sentences with irregular copybooks 6 min
verbs and to do the
Tell me please who is absent today? exercises from Work
Remind me what was your homework 1.I took a taxi to the
for today? airport.
2.That was when
we spoke.
3.One person gave me
his last chocolate.
4.I was in class
Lets begin with sentences. Please, read yesterday.
your sentences. 5.We began class at 8:30
a.m. yesterday.
6.They bought a new car
last summer.
7.You did your
homework last weekend.
8.I ate lunch at 12:00
9.She got a new doll.
10. They saw a big
elephant at zoo.

Ok, thank you.

Write please the date and the topic in 2 min

your copybooks. Today is the 4th of
April, classwork. They went shopping copybooks
Realisatio 5 min
n of sense Look at exercise 3 page 79 and try to
make sentences using the pictures and Angela went shopping
- Produce the words. yesterday.
simple Angela didnt have a
sentences Who is ready? Rise your hand please. lesson yesterday.
using irregular Angela bought a new
verbs; doll yesterday.
Angela didnt make a Work in pairs
sandwich yesterday.
Angela saw a plane
1.Maria was at the circus
yesterday. Individual books 6 min
2.Alex bought a new car work
last month.

3.Sandy went shopping

Translate the sentences (Appendix nr. last week.
4.George saw a big house
1.Maria a fost ieri la circ.
last year.
2.Alex a cumprat o maina nou luna
5.Alisa didnt come to
3.Sandy a mers la cumprturi
school yesterday.
sptmna trecut.
6.Maria made a doll.
4.George a vzut o cas mare anul
7.Sandu had a plane.
5.Alisa nu a venit ieri la coal.
6. Maria a fcut o ppu.
7. Sandu a avut un avion.
A: Did you go shopping
B: Yes, I went with my Books
Now read please the dialogue from
sister. 5 min
exercise 4.
A: Did you go to the toy
B: No, we didnt. We
went to the sweet shop.
A: Did you buy
B: We did. We bought a
box of chocolates.
Sheet of
1.I saw a movie paper
2.I didnt see a play
Look please at the exercise and arrange yesterday.
the words to form sentences.(Appendix 3.She washed her car. 5 min
nr. 2)
4.He played the violin.
2.Arrange the sentences and translate
them. 5.They went to school.
1.a movie I yesterday saw .
The Selfish Giant (Part
2. see didn't I yesterday a play. I)
3. washed her She car. There was a large lovely
garden. The grass was
4. the violin played He . green and soft. 9 min
- Learn new 5. went to school They . The flowers were
words and beautiful like stars. The
structures; Read please the text from exercise 5 and children were happy to
- Find new translate it. play there when the
information in Giant was not at home.
the text and And he wasnt at home
accomplish for seven years.
some tasks; One day the Giant came
back. He saw the
children in his garden
and didnt like it. He
made a high wall all
round the garden. The
children had nowhere to
Reflexion Write the homework from the Individual work copybooks 2 min
blackboard: to answer the question on
the end of the text, to read the text very
well and to write the exercises from
Work book page 78.
Feedback -to evaluate the You are very active today, so give me
work of the please your agendas and I will put you
pupils marks. 2 min
Thank you for the lesson.
See you. Good bye Good bye

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