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Assignment 4 EDUC 390 Educational measurement and evaluation Ellen S.

Interpretative Questions (15 points)

Answer all questions below according to the explanation has

A plants leaves need make up its leaf system to work together. To make food,
leaves use air, water and the energy of sunlight. This process is called
photosynthesis. And plants need Carbon dioxide is a gas in enters the
plant through tiny holes on the underside of leaves. Water passes from soil
through roots and stem and into ach leaf. The leaves change the carbon
dioxide and water into sugar and
oxygen. Oxygen goes out from the
plant through the same tiny holes
on the lower surface of the leaves.
The plant uses the sugar to live
and grow. However, leave is main
part in plants.

1. List the main parts of most plants

2. How does a leaf help a plant live


3. List each function of every part of leaf


Answer key :
Assignment 4 EDUC 390 Educational measurement and evaluation Ellen S.K

1. Leaf, stem, flower and roots

2. To make food, leaves use air, water and the energy of sunlight. This
process is called photosynthesis. And plants need Carbon dioxide is a gas
in enters the plant through tiny holes on the underside of leaves.
Water passes from soil through roots and stem and into ach leaf.
The leaves change the carbon dioxide and water into sugar and oxygen
Oxygen goes out from the plant through the same tiny holes on the lower
surface of the leaves. The plant uses the sugar to live and grow.

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