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Preventive Maintenance

Why Preventive Maintenance? check accepted industry best practices

Maintaining equipment service records
Preventive maintenance is predetermined work
performed to a schedule with the aim of preventing Scheduling replacement of components at the
the wear and tear or sudden failure of equipment end of their useful service life
components. Preventive maintenance helps to: Acquiring and maintaining inventories of:
least reliable components
Protect assets and prolong the useful life of
critical components
production equipment
components scheduled for replacements
Improve system reliability
Replacing service-prone equipment with more
Decrease cost of replacement reliable performers
Decreases system downtime
Reduce injury By introducing the element of planning into your
maintenance function, you are likely to reduce your
Mechanical, process or control equipment failure repair and manpower requirements.
can have adverse results in both human and
Exploratory maintenance to anticipate and
economic terms. In addition to down time and the
prevent breakdowns. Diagnostic measures to
costs involved to repair and/or replace equipment
analyze your plant requirements include:
parts or components, there is the risk of injury to
operators, and of acute exposures to chemical and/ Operating and performing specifications
or physical agents. of equipment
Past experience with components:
Preventive maintenance, therefore, is a very
important ongoing accident prevention activity, inspection records
which you should integrate into your operations/ servicing records
product manufacturing process. replacement frequency
inspected component failures
Regularly scheduled lubrication program:
What is Involved? identify lubrication points on equipment
To be effective, your preventive maintenance colour code in order to identify
function should incorporate the following elements: lubrication frequency
consult manufacturer and accepted industry
Planned replacements of components designed best practices to establish schedule
around the following:
Reliability of components (equipment failure is
usually caused by its least reliable component)
check manufacturers information
Preventive Maintenance

Identifying Maintenance Hazards ill fitting personal protective equipment

complex procedures
The hazards associated with maintenance activities
can be classified as follows:
Many of these hazards are interrelated. Examine
Safety Hazards your process, the layout of your process area, and
the process equipment used, to determine the exact
nature of the hazards likely to be encountered
equipment during your maintenance activities. For example,
tools maintenance work carried out in confined spaces
Electrical carries a greater risk of critical injuries and acute
live equipment exposures to chemical and physical agents.
Pneumatic These risks are associated with equipment and
Hydraulic materials in the space itself and from nearby
operations. Fatalities are quite common.
Controlling Maintenance Hazards
slippery floors
working at heights Ideally, the hazards likely to occur during
maintenance activities should be addressed in the
Health Hazards planning stage.

Chemical Agents
Process Selection
process chemicals
cleaning solvents Depending on the nature of the process, special
precautions may be needed to protect workers when
unexpected reaction products
disassembling and cleaning equipment. Consider
this factor when you make a decision to select one
other chemical agents process over another.
Physical Agents
Also consider the following factors which
contribute to the level of risk of your
vibration maintenance activities:
How easy temporary structures are to erect
Ergonomic Hazards How easy they are to access
Biomechanical Support and reassembly of components of large
lifting, pushing, pulling (manual handling) scale equipment
stretching, ending (to reach hard to access Use of hoists and mobile working platforms
areas) Safe use of ladders especially near live electrical
Work/process design equipment
poorly designed tools How much disassembly is required to access
hard to access work locations affected equipment

2011, Safe Workplace Promotion Services Ontario,

publicly known as Workplace Safety & Prevention Services.
1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 |
Preventive Maintenance

Need for temporary hoisting equipment Hazards identification

Need for personal protective equipment Selection and specification of personal
Housekeeping hazards created at floor level by protective equipment:
the presence of dismantled components appropriate for the hazard
proper fit
Equipment Selection Selection and specification of tools to be used:
The process you select will determine the type of right tool for the job
equipment you will be using. However, consider the in good condition
following: appropriate for the environment (e.g., non-
Reliability: sparking tools in flammable atmospheres)
manufacturers data ergonomic design
in-plant operating experience Step-by-step procedure for disassembly
trade association data Step-by-step checklist for inspection of
Ease of access to serviceable parts components (to establish a baseline for
Ease of disassembly reliability)
Complexity of repair procedures Identification of hazards associated with sub-
Ease of frequency of required lubrication procedures:
Manufacturer/supplier follow-up: entering and working in confined spaces
welding in open and confined spaces
availability of parts
removing insulation
availability of service time
handling and using solvents
Developing Procedures erecting temporary structures
When servicing equipment, hazards not related to using portable equipment
your process operation are likely to be introduced. using ladders
For this reason, it is important to prepare written abrasive blasting
servicing procedures that include the following: painting
A clear, step-by-step procedure, in checklist Erection and disassembly of scaffolding and
form, for controlling hazardous energy: (For an other temporary platforms
example see CSA Z460-05 Control of Hazardous Disassembly of small-scale equipment
Energy, Figure D1) Reassembly of small-scale equipment
1. Preparing for shutdown Support and disassembly of large scale
2. Shutting down machine, process or equipment
3. Isolating energy to the machine, process or Examine each procedure thoroughly to ensure that
equipment the least hazardous method is selected, and that all
precautions necessary to complete the job safely are
4. Applying lockout devices
5. Controlling stored energy (de-energization)
6. Verification of isolation
7. Release from lockout control

2011, Safe Workplace Promotion Services Ontario,

publicly known as Workplace Safety & Prevention Services.
1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 |
Preventive Maintenance

Keep records of all your maintenance activities, In the course of their daily work, members of the
indicating the machine(s) involved, the part(s) maintenance crew travel throughout the plant,
involved, type of maintenance and date on becoming familiar with every machine and process.
which performed. If properly selected and trained, they can do much
to identify and correct unsafe conditions.
In small companies, the maintenance staff may
Training also be responsible for inspecting and maintaining
Maintenance personnel are often involved in a portable power tools, extension cords, and the like.
complex and changing set of problems. Therefore, If so, special procedures and training are needed.
they need more thorough training in accident
Train equipment operators to recognize the signs
prevention than regular workers.
of impending failure, such as abnormal noise,
Serious consequences to maintenance and other excessive vibration, declining or abnormal output,
workers can result from not following established and to report these immediately to their supervisor.
maintenance procedures (e.g., use of work
permits, lockout procedures, confined space
entry procedures). Ensure that your maintenance Legislation
personnel are well trained in, and can demonstrate
The following Regulations made under the
that they understand, all relevant procedures.
Occupational Health and Safety Act contain
Also provide training in: provisions that deal with maintenance:
Hazard identification Industrial Establishments (R.R.O. 851/90)
Selection, use, and care of equipment, machine Control of Exposure to Biological or Chemical
tools, personal protective clothing/equipment, Agents (R.R.O. 833/90)
etc., required to be used Workplace Hazardous Materials Information
First-aid and life-saving techniques System (R.R.O. 860/90)
The hazards of and control methods for Designated Substances
substances which may be encountered in the
workplace, such as: Certain sections of the Ontario Fire Code may also
irritating, toxic or corrosive dusts be applicable to maintenance activities.
fluids Workplace Safety & Prevention Services 2011.
Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS)
How to inspect chains, blocks, fall protection grants permission to approved end users to reproduce this
devices and ropes document in whole or in part, provided its intended use
is for non-commercial, educational purposes and that full
How to secure loads acknowledgement is given to the WSPS. Approved end
Understanding stresses users are firms registered with the Workplace Safety and
Insurance Board. WSPS reserves the right to extend this
permission to other stakeholders and interested parties by
It is a good practice to call the maintenance crew express written permission upon application. WSPS extends
together at the start of each job, in order to discuss no warranty to materials amended or altered by the end user.
Under no circumstances is this document, or any portion
the hazards involved and the method of doing it thereof, to be duplicated for purposes of sale or for external
safely. reproduction or distribution.

Revised: July 2011

2011, Safe Workplace Promotion Services Ontario,

publicly known as Workplace Safety & Prevention Services.
1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 |

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