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Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 43 (2012) 741750

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How the discovery of ribozymes cast RNA in the roles of both chicken
and egg in origin-of-life theories
Neeraja Sankaran
History of Science, Technology & Medicine Underwood International College, Yonsei University, 50 Yonsei-Ro, Seodaemun-Gu, Seoul 120-749, Republic of Korea

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Scientic theories about the origin-of-life theories have historically been characterized by the chicken-
Received 18 February 2012 and-egg problem of which essential aspect of life was the rst to appear, replication or self-sustenance.
Received in revised form 10 June 2012 By the 1950s the question was cast in molecular terms and DNA and proteins had come to represent the
Available online 9 August 2012
carriers of the two functions. Meanwhile, RNA, the other nucleic acid, had played a capricious role in ori-
gin theories. Because it contained building blocks very similar to DNA, biologists recognized early that
Keywords: RNA could store information in its linear sequences. With the discovery in the 1980s that RNA molecules
Origins of life
were capable of biological catalysis, a function hitherto ascribed to proteins alone, RNA took on the role of
the single entity that could act as both chicken and egg. Within a few years of the discovery of these cat-
RNA World alytic RNAs (ribozymes) scientists had formulated an RNA World hypothesis that posited an early phase
in the evolution of life where all key functions were performed by RNA molecules. This paper traces the
history the role of RNA in origin-of-life theories with a focus on how the discovery of ribozymes inu-
enced the discourse.
2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

When citing this paper, please use the full journal title Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences

1. Introduction Guerrier-Takada et al., 1983)brought RNA from a place of relative

anonymity as one in a large crowd of possibilities to center stage as
One of the prevalent ideas regarding the origins and evolution an important player in scenarios of the origin of life on earth.
of life on earth to have taken hold within the scientic community
has been that of the RNA World. First proposed in 1986 by Wal-
2. Historical and historiographic overview
ter Gilbert (1986) this model suggests that in the early years of
evolution, living systems, prior to the development of their current
2.1. The contemporary guises of a classic conundrum
biochemical makeup based on an interacting system of DNA and
proteins, consisted entirely of RNA molecules that alone performed
A 1971 paper by the Nobel-winning physical chemist Manfred
both major life functions of information storage and metabolism.
Eigen begins with the following snapshot of the status of origins-
Though not without opposition, this idea of an RNA World has en-
of-life research at the time:
dured in the decades since it was rst proposed and continues to
provide fertile ground for research and debate within the commu- The question about the origin of life often appears as a question
nities of scholars and researchers engaged in the issue of how life about cause and effect [. . .] As a consequence of the exciting
might have rst originated on earth (Dworkin et al., 2003; Copley discoveries of molecular biology a common version of the
et al., 2007; Branciamore et al., 2009; Fisher, 2010). This paper above question is: Which came rst, the protein or the nucleic
aims to show how the discoveries of hitherto unknown functions acid?a modern variant of the old chicken-and-the-egg prob-
of RNA molecules in contemporary living systems in the early lem. The term rst is usually meant to dene a causal rather
1980snamely enzymatic action or catalysis (Kruger et al., 1982; than a temporal relationship, and the words protein and

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742 N. Sankaran / Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 43 (2012) 741750

nucleic acid may be substituted by function and informa- to a nucleocentric view of life included rst, the observation that
tion. The question in this form, when applied to the interplay chromatin was an essential component of all known living beings,
of nucleic acids and proteins as presently encountered in the none of which had been known to survive without it, and second,
living cell, leads ad absurdum, because function cannot occur the relationship between the material of chromatin and life-pro-
in an organized manner unless information is present and this cesses such as fertilization and heredity (Minchin, 1912, p. 510).
information only acquires its meaning via the function for Minchins views were challenged by H. E. Armstrong, then pres-
which it is coding (Eigen, 1971, p. 465). ident of the chemistry section (B) of the Royal Society, during the
discussion session immediately following the address:
Eigens summary best encapsulates the chicken-and-egg situa-
tion that had beset origins of life research for some decades before I can not think of a naked mass of protoplasm, call it chromatin
the discovery of catalytic RNAs, which forms the pivotal moment in (stainable substance) or what you will, playing the part of an
the history described in this paper. But the problem Eigen de- organism; At most I imagine it would function as yeast zymase
scribed was just the latest iteration of the classic conundrum that functions. If it is to grow and be reproduced, the nuclear mate-
had plagued students of the nature and origins of life for centu- rial must be shut up along with the appropriate food materials
ries (Kamminga, 1980, p. 347). Quite literally the chicken-and- and such constructive appliances as are required to bring about
egg question is a question about origins of life that has it roots in the association of the various elements entering into the struc-
classical times. Although often associated with Aristotle, possibly ture of the organism. (Armstrong, 1913, pp. 539540).
because of his known experimental work on chicken embryology
The perception of life as the dichotomy that is evident in this
(Harr, 1983, pp. 2532) and his book On the Generation of Animals
early exchange persisted throughout the early twentieth century.
(Aristotle, 2004), the question is directly attributable to the rst
The geneticist H. J. Muller, for instance, was so rmly persuaded
century Roman philosopher and public intellectual Plutarch
that the basis of life was the gene that, at a 1926 symposium of
(Table-talk II 3.1-3, 635 e638 a). As a metaphor, the chicken-
the International Congress of Plant Sciences on the gene, the title
or-egg conundrum encapsulates the problems confounding various
of his address was The gene as the basis of life, (Muller 1929).
scientic theories about life and its origins for a long stretch of
Although he acknowledged the fundamental importance of metab-
time from the late nineteenth century until the mid 1980s.
olism to lifeI think that most biologists will agree that we cannot
Following in the wake of Darwins ideas about biological evolu-
speak of matter as living unless it has the property of growth, at
tion, late 19th-century advances in the newly developing sub-elds
least during a part of its career, (Muller, 1929, p. 914)he
of the life sciences such as microbiology, cell biology, and biochem-
argued that such growth was meaningless outside the context of
istry added much fuel to the debates concerning both issues of
the gene:
what life was and how it might have originated on earth. By the
early decades of the twentieth century, these different lines of In the evolution of living matter, there was probably not a form
investigation had given rise two distinct camps of thought about of protoplasm, ancestral to our present protoplasm, which
the issues (in a precursor to the chicken-and-egg situation de- already had the power of growth (or specic autocatalysis)
scribed by Eigen). On one side were those that emphasized the without containing genes (that is, without that exceptional
importance of the cells nucleus to life, and hence the functions form of specic autocatalyst which is able to mutate and still
of information and replication. On the opposite camp were those retain its specic autocatalytic function, as we know a chromo-
who gave primacy to the cytoplasm, and consequently, catalytic somal gene can). If this is true, it means that life did not occur
and metabolic activities (Kamminga, 1980, pp. 308330; Podolsky, before the gene (Muller, 1929, p. 916, emphasis added).
1996, p. 80). This dichotomy made its rst formal appearance in
Representing the opposing viewpoint around the same time
the scientic community at a session on the origins of life at the
was the Russian biochemist Alexander Oparin who accorded
1912 British Association for the Advancement of Science meeting
metabolism a clear priority in lifes functions (1924; 1938). Mean-
at Dundee (Podolsky, 1996, p. 81), where E.A. Minchin, a zoologist
while, J.B.S. Haldanewho along with Oparin is widely regarded as
from Oxford University, opened the discussion with an argument
one of the founding-fathers of the twentieth century schools of
favoring the nucleocentric view:
thought on chemical evolution and the origin of lifeclearly recog-
By most biologists the cytoplasm has been considered to repre- nized the dichotomy as reected in the way that he articulated the
sent the true living substance. [. . .] There are, however, many problem of the denition of life at the time:
reasons for believing that the chromatin-substance, invariably
Clearly we are in doubt as to the proper criterion for life.
present in the nucleus, or occurring as grains, chromidia, scat-
DHerelle1 says that the bacteriophage is alive, because, like the
tered in the cytoplasm, represents the primary and essential liv-
ea or the tiger, it can multiply indenitely at the cost of living
ing matter. [. . .] I regard the chromatin as the primitive living
beings. His opponents say that it can multiply only as long as
substance, and hold the view that the earliest forms of life were
its food is alive, whereas the tiger certainly, and the ea probably,
very minute particles of chromatin, round which in the course
can live on dead products of life. They suggest that the bacterio-
of evolution achromatinic substances were formed. Within the
phage is like a book or a work of art, which is constantly being
cytoplasmic envelopes thus produced the chromatin-grains
copied by living beings, and therefore only metaphorically alive,
increased in number. Organisms of the degree of structural
its real life being in its copiers. (Haldane, 1967 [1929], p. 249).
complexity of a true cell arose nally by concentration of the
chromatin-grains (chromidiae) into a compact organized mass, A decade later, in a commentary on the subject of the nature
the nucleus proper (Minchin, 1912, pp. 510511). and evolution of life, Jerome Alexander also identied the two nec-
essary and fundamental properties for all living organisms: Self-
Although his argument is articulated in terms of cellular com-
duplication and the ability to direct chemical change by catalysis
ponentschromatin (and hence nucleus) and cytoplasmMinchin
(Alexander, 1942, p. 252), though he did not necessarily accord any
was clearly according primacy to chromatin because of its per-
one function priority over the other. By the early 1950s the dichot-
ceived functions since virtually nothing was known about the
omy in considering origins of life, though still very much in exis-
material of chromatin at the time. His main reasons for adhering

Felix dHerelle (1873-1949). French-Canadian microbiologist and one of the discoverers of bacteriophages (1917).
N. Sankaran / Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 43 (2012) 741750 743

tence, had transformed to reect the biological knowledge of the on primitive earth were divided on the fundamental issue of
times. As specic functions became explicitly mapped to specic whether life appeared on earth quite suddenly from nonliving mat-
types of moleculesinformation (genetic information) to DNA ter or emerged gradually through stages from non-living matter. At
and metabolism and catalysis to proteins, respectivelythe chick- the heart of this debate, he went on to argue, lay the signicance
en-and-egg question shifted correspondingly and settled into the ascribed by the two groups to dening life itself. Whereas this def-
form summarized by Eigen as quoted earlier. As observed by Laz- inition was of central importance to those who believe life arose
cano (2010, p.9), Attempts to understand the origin of life have suddenly, Keosian posited that for those who thought of lifes
been shaped by our burgeoning knowledge of DNA replication emergence as gradual, the drawing of a line between the inanimate
and protein biosynthesis. Whereas those who dened life as an and living systems was less pressing (Keosian, 1974, p. 285). His
active metabolizing system favored a protein-rst viewpoint argument is in accord with Kammingas account which shows
and believed that the earliest living beings were aggregates of pro- the earliest theories on the origins of life by such biologists and
tein enzymes capable of self-regulation (Podolsky, 1996, p. 80), thinkers as T.H. Huxley, Herbert Spencer, and Ernst Haeckel going
investigators who saw the basic function of life as an ability to directly to the issue of how living matterdubbed as protoplasm
duplicate subscribed to the notion of primordial organisms consist- (Huxley, 1870, pp. 1924)may have evolved from non-living
ing of genes or nucleic acids only (Ravin, 1977). The impasse would matter rather than dwelling on the question of the differences be-
remained rmly in place, until the unexpected discovery of the tween non-living and living beings (Kamminga, 1980, pp. 5284;
RNA catalysis. 1988, pp. 57).
Kammingas dissertation (1980, pp. 222328) analyzed in con-
2.2. Reprise: Origins-of-life research in the 20th century siderable detail the dominant role of Oparin in origin-of-life theo-
rizing during the 1920s and 1930s, which naturally weighted her
According to the historian Harmke Kamminga, who published analysis on the side of cytoplasmic or biochemical approach to
what was perhaps the rst, comprehensive account of the history the problem. But although she provided a thoughtful and valuable
of origins of life research, the earliest attempts toward scientic analysis of the contributions of a seminal gure in origins-of-life
inquiries on this topic can be dated to the 1860s when the discov- theorizing, the historian Podolsky, who investigated the topic a
eries and ideas of such gures as Charles Darwin and Louis Pas- decade later, made the valid observation that her focus resulted
teuron evolution from common descent and spontaneous in a neglect of the importance of viruses, which were important
generation respectivelybegan to spread among their peers (Kam- players for those on the opposing, nucleocentric side of the origins
minga, 1980; 1988). At rst, the work of these two men seems to debates (Podolsky, 1996, p. 83). Since the beginning of the 20th
have paradoxical implications for various theories of lifes origins. century, viruses have posed a conundrum to life scientists regard-
On the one hand, Darwins theory of evolution by natural selection ing their precise status in the living kingdom because of their abil-
suggested the existence, in the very distant past, of a common ity to exist as both non-living chemicals and living infectious
ancestor for all extant life forms on earth. In contrast, Pasteurs organisms, albeit as the latter only in the context of living hosts.
experiments, disproving the possibility of spontaneous generation, As Podolsky pointed out, their properties simultaneously rendered
indicated a like-begets-like situation whereby no organism could the viruses as a conceptual shorthand for the denition of life, an
come intro being without parents that it resembled to a large de- operational model, for the development of life, and nally, a con-
gree in gross appearance and behaviour. The conicting implica- ceivable primordial precursor to all later life forms (1996, pp.
tions of these ideas, Kamminga has argued (1980, pp. 79), led 8384).
different people to formulate theories about the origins of life dur- With his paper Podolsky not only lled the lacuna he had iden-
ing the late nineteenth century, which were not grounded as much tied in terms of the role of viruses in origins-of-life theorizing, but
in scientic investigations as in their creators conceptions about also illuminated the roles of other key gures among Oparins con-
the nature of life. In fact, she claims, questions and ideas about temporaries in this history, including those of Felix dHerelle, Jer-
the nature of life dominated the eld to such an extent that it ome Alexander, and J. B. S. Haldane. The paper also carried the
was only after the 1950s, with new experimental techniques and history of origins theorizing beyond the period covered by Kam-
information from different disciplines, that the question of the ori- minga and into the near-contemporary era. In fact, Podolskys pa-
gins of life shifted from an area of speculation to an active area of per seems to have heralded a Cambrian explosion of writings
experimental investigations (1981, p. 2). on the subject of the origins of life as identied in a 2000 review
Kammingas treatment drew a clear and persuasive distinction of the state of the eld by Strick. But whereas origins research
between the investigations on the chemical and biochemical ori- had experienced a dizzying growth, since the 1960s when NASA
gins of life on early earth and those on spontaneous generation became a large-scale patron of the eld, at the time he was writ-
(1981, p. 11), which other noted historians including John Farley ing, Strick hastened to point out that there were still very few ex-
(1972, 1974, 1977) and James Strick (1999) have often tackled un- tant works dealing with the subject in a substantially historical
der the same umbrella. One of the main reasons that Kamminga of- way (Strick, 2000, pp. 371372). Although he concluded his essay
fered for making this distinction was that the validity of Pasteurs with the hope that the books he was reviewing represented a very
ideas under the present conditions on earth did not contradict the exciting beginning to what we may hope will become a more
idea that a gradual transformation of carbon compounds into very developed area of study in history and philosophy of biology (p.
simple living systems must have taken place on primitive earth, 384), bibliographic searches on the topic more than a decade later
which would have had very different, albeit unknown, conditions still bear out his charge. Whereas the origins of life was then and
in comparison to the present (1981, p. 9). As the main focus of this continues to grow as a hot topic of research and discussion within
present paper lies in events after 1980, nearly a century after Pas- various disciplines of science and even philosophy, scholarship on
teur and the heat of the spontaneous generation debates, and the history of research in the eld remains relatively sparse.
which, moreover, have no antecedents in that controversy, this pa- In surveying the eld to choose the books to review, for instance,
per will also adopt Kammingas demarcation of research in the Strick mentioned nding only two (Dick, 1998; Fry, 2000) by
eld and not discuss the history of spontaneous generation any authors who treated the subject in a substantially historical
further. way in his assessment (2000, p.371), and even these works left
John Keosian, an investigator engaged in origins research, ob- large gaps in the history of the subject. Dicks book deals with the
served that the earliest schools of thought about the origins of life history of the search for extraterrestrial life, which, although a fas-
744 N. Sankaran / Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 43 (2012) 741750

cinating subject in its own right, merely displaces the question of strands. This single-stranded conguration of RNA renders them
lifes origins rather than actually grappling with the issue. Although more exible than the rigid DNA helix, and this uidity, combined
more relevant in terms of subject, Frys book was, by her own with the greater ability of ribose over deoxyribose to form internal
admission, intended for readers interested in science (Fry, 2000, bonds, allows RNA greater freedom to fold up and assume various
p.2), rather than for historians and, consequently, did not go too kinds of secondary structure (Saenger, 1984, p. 556; Pace and
deeply into the historiography and historical analysis of debates. Marsh, 1985, pp. 112113).
Meanwhile, Podolskys contribution, as important as it proved Both DNA and RNA store information in the form of the linear
in illuminating the role of viruses in origins theorizing, was incom- sequences of their purine and pyrimidine bases, the two strands
plete in that it did not deal with other important playersboth hu- of DNA carrying complementary rather than identical bases. Mean-
man and otherwisethat were also omitted by Kamminga. One while, other functions, particularly those of the different functional
player of particular signicance, which is the focus of this paper, types of RNA, depend on the three-dimensional congurations of
is the macromolecule RNA, which was mentioned by Podolsky, the molecules. In this respect RNA molecules are more akin to pro-
but conned to the conclusion of his account (1996, pp. 122 tein molecules, the catalytic functions of which had long been rec-
126), mostly to provide a context for the viral role in origins re- ognized to lie in their three dimensional shapes, determined by the
search. Fry similarly touched on RNA relatively briey towards way in which the molecule is folded.
the end of her book (Fry, 2000, Chapter 11), which ends around From the vantage position of hindsight, it is easy to understand
the period during which RNA was just becoming prominent. how RNA, with its free hydroxyl group on the ribose and ability to
fold and form tertiary structures similar to proteins, can form cat-
3. RNA alytic sites, which the rigid DNA cannot pull off with equal ease
(Saenger, 1984, p. 556). But as molecular biologists Norman Pace
Of all the molecules of modern molecular biology, RNA has and Terry Marsh recalled a little over two years after the discovery
undoubtedly occupied the most capricious position in the history of the ribozymes, It had long been presumed that only proteins
of the subject, waxing and waning in its perceived importance could provide catalytic functions, although there was no reason
throughout the twentieth century as a player in lifes basic activi- for this presumption beyond the time-honored observation that
ties in comparison to DNA and proteins. Many working scientists enzyme activities, when puried had always proven to be pro-
will admit that through the late 1940s and 1950s, when they were teins (1985, p. 97). This observation had led scientists to solidify
working out the biochemical details of lifes basic processes, they their vision of a perceived division of labourespecially once they
did not consider RNA to be as important in the system. As various had gured out what DNA looked like and how it worked (Keyes,
laboratories uncovered more information about the fundamental 1999, p. 2)of lifes functions, and further emphasized the dichot-
importance of RNA over the next decade, however, they were com- omy between the two camps of the origins debates. DNA was held
pelled to reexamine their earlier assessment and acknowledge the to be the carrier of all informationencoded into the sequence of
centrality of RNA in biology (Sharp, 2009). For example, looking its baseswhile proteins constituted the workforce of life, execut-
back on the shifting landscapes of molecular biology, biologist and ing their metabolic functions through catalysis. The greater com-
science-writer Maura Flannery noted that, plexity and variety in protein structure seemed to corroborate
their ability to handle the more complex metabolic activities in
While it is impossible to do science, or anything else without comparison to those of the nucleic acids.
making some basic assumptions, still, suppositions do at times So entrenched among the molecular biologists was the idea of
come back to haunt scientists. Assuming that DNA was a dumb the division of labour in biology, that the discovery of catalytic
molecule is one of the most famous, but right up there is the activity by RNA molecules in the early 1980s was completely
idea that RNA plays second ddle to DNA. Repeatedly in the his- unexpected, according to Pace and Marsh (1985, p. 97). Neither
tory of molecular biology assumptions about RNA have been their team, which was headed by Sydney Altman at Yale Univer-
proven wrong as slowly the versatility of RNA has become more sity, nor Thomas Cech and his team at the University of Colorado,
and more evident (Flannery, 2003, p. 216). were even looking for such RNA-based enzymatic activity when
Structurally, RNA molecules are made of linked building blocks they stumbled upon it. Cechs group was studying various aspects
called nucleotides, similar, but not identical, to those that make up of the expression such as the transcription, splicing and further
DNA molecules. In both types of nucleic acids, the basic nucleotide processing of ribosomal RNA genes in a protozoan organism called
building block consists of a sugar molecule, a phosphate group and Tetrahymena thermophila. They noticed that the RNA precursor of
one of four nitrogenous bases known as the purines and pyrimi- the ribosomal RNA grew smaller in size without losing its function,
dines. Alternating sugar and phosphate molecules form the back- which indicated that it was undergoing degradation in the absence
bone of the polynucleotide strand and the bases protrude from of any protein enzymes. Through a series of experiments they
this backbone The main differences between the two types of nu- found that an intron sequence in the RNA molecule was responsi-
cleic acids lie in the sugar molecules that make up their backbones. ble for catalyzing its own excision (Kruger at al., 1982; Atkins et al.,
Whereas RNA contains a sugar called ribose in its backbone, DNA 2000, p. 6). The group dubbed the catalytic RNA as ribozymes to re-
contains a deoxyribose sugar, which differs from ribose in that it ect both their chemistry and enzymatic activity, i.e.ribonucleic
lacks a hydroxyl group on its third carbon. This seemingly small enzymes (Kruger et al., 1982, p. 154) and the name stuck. Mean-
difference contributes signicantly to the nal form of the nucleic while, Altmans team at Yale University, had been investigating
acid, as it provides the basis of the capacity of the sugars to form the processing of transfer RNA (tRNA) molecules in bacteria, using
chemical bonds with other components of the nucleic acid chain Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis as models for their experi-
(Saenger, 1984, p. 556). Another difference between the two nu- ments. As early as 1977 Altmans laboratory had reported that
cleic acids is that RNA molecules contain a uracil (U) base instead the RNA component of Ribonuclease P was essential for the en-
of the T or thymine base in DNA. The differences in the composi- zyme to function (Stark et al.), and in 1983 they conrmed that
tion results in, among other features, a single-stranded form for it was this essential RNA moiety and not protein that carried the
most RNA molecules, in comparison to the famed double helix of catalytic properties of the enzyme (Guerrier-Takada et al., 1983).
DNA, which is the result of the formation of chemical bonds be- In both cases the laboratories worked under the assumption
tween complementary bases (A with T and G with C) in its two that only proteins were capable of catalysis. Cechs laboratory,
for instance, noted in their paper that the investigators specically
N. Sankaran / Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 43 (2012) 741750 745

went looking for proteins in the system they were studying (Kruger more credence to idea of a period in the early biosphere when
et al., 1982, p. 147) and Altman stated quite explicitly thatthe both the information needed for life and the enzymatic activity
RNA moiety alone [. . .] was not believed to be capable of perform- of living organisms were contained in RNA molecules (Dworkin
ing catalytic functionk (Guerrier-Takada et al., 1983, p. 849). It et al., 2003, p. 125). A scant three years after the rst descriptions
wasnt until their experiments denitively showed the retention of RNA catalysis had appeared in print, Walter Gilbert coined the
of enzymatic activity upon destroying the protein component of phrase RNA World, to describe a phase in the evolution of life
the molecule and the loss of enzymatic activity with the destruc- which, he proposed, existed before the evolution of living systems
tion of RNA that they were persuaded of the catalytic abilities of into their modern protein-DNA forms (Gilbert, 1986).
RNA (Atkins et al., 2000, p. 6). In both laboratories, however, the
evidence from the experiments was quite clear. The enzymatic 4. RNA in prebiotic earthantecedents and early ideas
processes under scrutiny were very denitely being catalyzed by
RNA and not proteins. Although discovery of ribozymes in the 1980s (Kruger et al.,
Once they accepted the evidence, Altmans group were quick to 1982; Guerrier-Takada et al., 1983) undoubtedly had a profound
make the following observation: impact on the shaping of various origin-of-life theories that came
Except for a trivial reason, novelty, should we be surprised that after, the molecules were, in a manner of speaking, the physical ba-
an RNA molecule is an enzyme? There are relatively few chem- sis for a putative entity that had been proposed many decades ear-
ical constraints on the macromolecular nature of catalytic sur- lier by Leonard Troland (Kamminga, 1986, pp. 45; Keosian, 1974,
faces. Proteins are enzymes; carbohydrates can be altered to pp. 285286). A professor of psychology from Harvard University,
be catalytic agents (Breslow, 1982); RNA can have catalytic who also sustained a productive career in theoretical and applied
capabilities, Guerrier-Takada et al., 1983, p. 855). physics, Troland published articles on philosophical issues which
came from a denite philosophical position, a form of psychical
Regardless of the nal aims of the Cech and Altmans groups monism tempered by acceptance of physico-chemical explanations
respective projects, the implications of the existence of these mol- at the scientic level, (Beebe-Center, 1932, p. 817). These philo-
ecules in contemporary living systems for understanding life in an sophical ideas are manifest in the sequence of papers on lifes ori-
earlier era were compelling enough merit mention by both groups gins in which he laid out his ideas for the necessary criteria for life
in the discussion sections of their papers. The nding of self-splic- to have originated, (Troland, 1914; Troland, 1916; Troland, 1917).
ing RNA adds a new dimension to discussions about possible roles Trolands conception of the essential unit for life was that of a ge-
for RNA early in evolution. In a primordial organism, with a very netic enzyme, a molecule that had the ability to regulate various
limited genome and few enzymes, self-arranging RNA might have life activities by catalysis and possess the ability to catalyze its
allowed the creation of a diversity of sequences from a single own duplication (i.e. autocatalysis) thereby regulating the activi-
RNA molecule, proposed the Colorado group (Kruger et al., 1982, ties of the next generation as well. As he explained:
p. 155), speculating on the course of early evolution and the devel-
opment of genetic variation. It has for some years been my conviction that the conception of
The conjectures from Altmans group made an even stronger, enzyme action or of specic catalysis, provides a denite, gen-
more explicit case for RNA as a player in early life: eral solution for all of the fundamental biological enigmas:
the mysteries of origin of living matter, of the source of varia-
If proteins were relative latecomers in the evolution of macro- tions, of the mechanism of heredity and ontogeny, and of gen-
molecules, then primeval manipulations of nucleic acids may eral organic regulation. .. Catalysis is essentially a
have been carried out entirely or predominantly by catalytic determinative relationship, and the enzyme theory of life, as a
nucleic acids themselves. The remnants of these early, impor- general biological hypothesis, would claim that all intra-vital
tant, biological events may be apparent in the reaction of RNA- or hereditary determination, is in the last analysis, catalytic
ase P, in the processing of some rRNAs, in ribosomes [. . .] and (1917, p. 327).
undoubtedly in other reactions catalyzed by RNA that remain
to be identied, (Guerrier-Takada et al., 1983, p. 855). At rst glance this explanation might seem to present the basis
for a cytoplasmic, protein-rst rather than nucleic acid (and thus,
The implications of the discovery of catalytic RNA elicited an RNA) rst view of the origin of life because at the time Troland pro-
immediate response from the wider scientic community and revi- posed these ideas, catalysis, and indeed all biological functions
talized the origins of life discourse. Virtually overnight it seems, were assumed to reside in proteins. But he explicitly sided with
RNAs image underwent a dramatic change, from something of a the nucleocentric view of the origin of life, stressing the impor-
country cousin in the world of molecular biology to the entity that tance of an autocatalytic molecule or a genetic enzyme for the
could have been the start of it all (Lewin, 1986, p. 545). The dem- creation of the rst primitive cell-like system that was capable of
onstration that RNA could act as an enzyme simplied the assump- both reproduction and metabolism:
tions required of a rudimentary, self-replicating entity (Pace and
Marsh, 1985, p. 97). True, the intial evidence from both laboratories Let us suppose that there suddenly appears at some point in the
furnished proof for what was essentially a single type of catalytic ocean body one molecule of a catalytic substance [that] has a
activity for RNAnamely the breaking of a specic type of chemical further specic catalytic effect upon the reaction which was
bond, called a phosphodiester bond, between successive units in a responsible for its own initial production. [. . .] Such an agent,
nucleic acid chainbut the very fact of catalysis in one instance doubly specic, may be called a genetic enzyme and for this pri-
raised the possibility of the existence of more ribozymes, both in meval exemplar of the species we may employ the name
number and in variety. Others will undoutedly emerge, predicted protase.
Pace and Marsh (1985, p. 111), who even proposed a scheme for a The result of the production of one molecule of protase in the
possible self-replicating RNA (1985, pp. 113115). ocean waters can easily be seen. [. . .] further molecules will be
In less than a year their prophesy came to pass, as scientists be- formed about the original oneat a constantly increasing rate.
gan to furnish data indicating other types of enzymatic acitivity for But, simultaneously, there will also be formed an envelope
RNA, such as the formation of RNA chains from its basic nucleotide [. . .]. This is the picture afforded by the theory of enzymes of
building blocks (Cech, 1986). The existense of such enzymes gave the genesis of the rst and most primitive living cell. The gen-
eral plan of the cell is that of all cells, the mass of protase
746 N. Sankaran / Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 43 (2012) 741750

constituting the nucleus and the surrounding catalyzed sub- led to the rst cellular life forms on our planet, (1994, p. xiii)
stance, the cytoplasm (Troland, 1916, p. 380). did not include this paper.
One reason for this odd omission could be that by the 1960s
It seems clear from his language that for Troland, the primary
when this conference was held, the famously versatile and poly-
dening criterion for life was the function of catalysis rather than
math Haldane was no longer active in biochemistry and molecular
the molecules that carried out the task. Indeed, in his detailed
biology, his primary interests having shifted to population genetics
explanation he never mentioned chemical entities such as proteins
and statistics. Haldanes main research contributions to the ques-
or DNA, and relied entirely on function and the cellular location of
tion of the origins of life dated to the 1920s and 1930s (Kamminga,
the early molecules. His notion of a dual function residing in a single
1980, pp. 246250), which contribution was certainly included as
entity that was given esh with the discovery of autocatalytic ribo-
noted. Consequently, it seems that in the 1960s Haldanes ideas
zymes (Gilbert, 1986). Cechwhom Podolsky sees as the modern-
were not disseminated beyond the immediate environs of the con-
day successor to Troland, (Podolsky, 1996, p. 126)recounted the
ference. An otherwise prolic writer for different audience levels,
following incident soon after his laboratorys discovery,
Haldane himself does not seem to have made any efforts to publi-
I was invited to speak at an Origins of Life Club at UCLA; the cize or expand his ideas through further writings. His proposal for
audience was very excited by our work and very polite, but it RNA as the primordial molecule was challenged immediately at the
became clear that I did not know much about the chicken- very same meeting, as indicated in the conference proceedings
and-egg problem of origins. That experience was an incredible (Haldane, 1965, p. 16). For instance, the German virologist Gerhard
stimulus to become knowledgeable. Only then did I understand Schramm argued that there was no need for differentiating be-
that a lot of scientists had been more-or-less waiting for the tween DNA and RNA and that the earliest life forms had a more
discovery of ribozymes! (Cech, 2012). primitive type of nucleic-acid. Although he readily accepted Sch-
ramms argument, Haldane pointed out that his speculations in-
Trolands emphasis on the importance of autocatalysis for life
cluded not only the origin of life in the past, but also the
was echoed in Mullers gene theory of life (1929). As Muller saw
specications for the rst synthetic organism in the future, and
it, growth, which he deemed as an essential property of life in-
that RNA was the most likely candidate for the latter (Haldane,
volves autocatalysis, inasmuch as the substances that grow must
1965, p. 16). Yet another reason for the lack of attention to Hal-
so affect some of the surrounding materials that the latter are
danes paper may be that the later theories that do consider RNA
transformed into end-products some of which are identical in com-
as a possibility do not stem from his line of argument and seem
position with the former substances (Muller, 1929, p. 914). But
to be rooted instead in ideas that carry echoes of Trolands concep-
although he postulated that the rst autocatalyst must have been
tions of life in terms of catalysis.
a gene (1929, p. 916) Muller did not in this 1929 paper discuss
In his review article about RNA evolution and the origins of life,
or even speculate about the material basis of the gene at that time.
Gerald Joyce (1989, p. 217), a noted researcher and commentator
As he would explain later although believing in the importance
on contemporary research on the topic, cited the work of a physi-
and multiplicity of specic enzymes in protoplasmic reactions,
cian-turned-theoretical-biologist Henry Quastler, in the lineage of
and the dependence of their presence on genes, I believed it illegit-
propositions for early life being composed entirely of RNA. Quas-
imate to identify genes with enzymes, and too early to decide in
tler, an Austrian radiobiologist who emigrated to the United States
what then known category of chemical substances (if any) genes
sometime during the 1940s and worked at the University of Illinois
belonged, (Muller, 1966, p. 497).
Laboratory of Control Systems and Argonne National Laboratory,
Autocatalysis, however, seems to have taken a back seat with the
was especially interested in applying mathematics in the guise of
discovery of DNA as the material basis for genes (Avery, MacLeod, &
information science toward understanding living systems (Kay,
McCarty, 1944). With the growing understanding of its chemical
1998, p. 509). He cast the origins-of-life question primarily as a
structure over the next decadeculminating in the proposal of the
problem of the emergence of order or organization, as is evident
famed double helix model for its structurethere was as discussed
from the title of his book on the subject, The emergence of biolog-
earlier, a consolidation of the separation of functions of replicative
ical organization (Quastler, 1964). Published posthumously, this
information and catalysis to DNA and proteins respectively. It was
book was a revision of his lecture notes for a course on the appli-
also during this time that status of RNA in molecular biology under-
cation of theoretical and mathematical approaches to the study
went dramatic changes with many peaks and valleys; poised at one
of biology, and looked at the question from a probabilistic perspec-
time as the most likely candidate for the gene, it had by the 1950s
tive. Staking his territory for discussion at the outset of the book,
been relegated to the position, as Flannery (1991, p. 438) observed,
Quastler conceded that of the many possible propositions for
a mere middle-man between DNA and protein, even as information
explaining lifes origins from its nonliving precursors, not all were
about its structure, forms and function continued to be produced.
subject to scientic inquiry. Of those that are, the most attractive
The rst person to explicitly propose a role for RNA in originat-
is the proposition that nonliving components have assumed a con-
ing life was J. B. S. Haldane, during a 1963 conference on the origins
guration compatible with life through some lucky accident
of life (Haldane, 1965). His conception of the rst living organism
(Quastler, 1964, p. 1).
was that of the rst system capable of reproduction, and his
Like other theorizers, Quastler prefaced his discussion of origins
main reason for considering RNA appears to have been one of ef-
theories with a working denition of life. To be compatible with
ciency or simplicity. According to him, the greater complexity of
life, a conguration must combine metabolic activity with stability,
DNAa double helix in contrast to RNAs single strandsuggested
even adaptability, and it must be able to reproduce itself from avail-
that it was an adaptation to increase the complexity of the system
able components (1964, p. 1). Whereas his denition of life gives
[i.e. primordial living being] rather than part of the primitive sys-
due deference to the dichotomy of lifes functions in origins theoriz-
tem itself (Haldane, 1965, p. 15). What is puzzling however, is
ing noted by Kamminga, and even conforms to the division of la-
the fact noted by Kamminga in her analysis (1980, p. 250), that de-
bourof metabolism to proteins and reproduction/replication to
spite Haldanes being inuential and well-known gure in origins-
nucleic acidshis theory for the emergence of life does not trans-
of-life research, his 1965 paper on the role of RNA has been largely
pose this dichotomy to the problem of lifes origins as other theories
overlooked in the of the later literature on this subject. Even Dea-
did. Indeed, Quastler engaged with the chicken-and-egg problem of
mer and Fleischakers comprehensive compilation of more that
origins research only in molecular terms, while treating the func-
forty papers focussing on the physico-chemical processes that
tional dichotomy that earlier researchers had struggled with as a
N. Sankaran / Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 43 (2012) 741750 747

non-issue. In his view, information was a later arrival than function, Meanwhile, RNA seems to have appeared next as an explicit and
a result of a process that he described as an accidental choice serious contender in origin scenarios in the publications from two
remembered, (Quastler, 1964, p. 16). For the working of the pre- independent sources working on similar problems: one in a book
biological polynucleotide system, almost all base sequences are by the biophysicist Carl Woese (1967, pp. 179195), and the other
equally effective (1964, p.15) he claimed. Information or meaning in a pair of papers by Francis Crick (1968) and Leslie Orgel (1968).
did not emerge until the accident of a particular single strand These scientists were looking into origins of the genetic codethat
becoming the ancestor of the system, i.e. through the stability prop- special relationship between proteins and nucleic acids that
erties of the system descended from that particular single strand, equates specic triplet combinations of nucleotides (called codons)
(1964, p. 16), in much the same manner that information was cre- with specic amino acids and thus enables genes to be expressed
ated during the setting of a combination for a new number lock: and replicatedand the translation apparatus. As Woese expli-
cated the problem:
It does not matter how the combination was originally selected.
[. . .] What matters is that before the combination is set into the In the past a good deal of attention centered about the contro-
lock, every number sequence is exactly as good as every other versy of whether proteins or genes came rst. This, I think, is
one (namely, no good!), and after it has been set, one sequence missing the main point. A gene without any gene expression
is useful and all others are useless. Thus the choice of a sequence is meaningless. And proteins without enzymatic function are a
and the subsequent implementation of the choice by setting the far cry from the proteins of the cell of today. Obviously the exis-
lock have created information (Quastler, 1964, pp. 1617). tence of both genes and true enzymes require the existence of a
translation apparatus. Thus the question of which came rst,
On the molecular front, Quastler considered the origins ques-
gene or protein, is not the important one. It is how the gene-
tion in terms of the mathematical probabilities of the appearance
protein relationship, that is, translation, arose (Woese, 1967,
of the macromolecules responsible for these functions of life. His
p. 189).
hypothesis for the emergence of a living system from the rich
hot salty sea of building blocks on early Earth began, like the ideas Speculating about how this association between codons and
of others, with a consideration of the transition from organic mol- amino acids might have evolved in the absence of any obvious
ecules to organized cellular structure in several steps, the rst of cast-and-mold relationship between the two, Woese, Crick and Or-
which was likely the formation of macromolecules similar to gel homed in on the chicken-and-egg problem posed by the con-
those found in living things (Quastler, 1964, p. 7). Although he temporary nucleic acid-protein systems. Orgel and Crick
conceded that proteins, or rather amino acids, could indeed be recounted later (1993, p. 238) that already in 1968 they had sug-
formed, and in turn themselves form simple polypeptides under gested that the priority problem could be solved if, early in evolu-
conditions presumed to resemble those on early Earth, he never- tion, polynucleotides had acted as catalysts (Crick, 1968, p. 372).
theless discounted them as the primary candidates for being lifes Woese speculated that, at these early stages polynucleotide catal-
earliest molecules becausenobody has yet envisaged a mecha- ysis could even have been as important as any catalytic activity
nism by which proteins formed by accident could be replicated manifested by the other major biopolymer, polypeptides, (1967,
(Quastler, 1964, p. 7). Since a known mechanism of replication ex- p.186). These scientists also speculated briey that RNA might
ists for polynucleotides, he added, it is more plausible to consider have arisen before DNA because this simplied the process of
the possibility that the formation of polynucleotides constituted translation by eliminating the transcription step of modern sys-
the rst step in the emergence of life. The specic candidate that tems (Crick, 1968, pp. 37137). Unable to nd a way out of the
he postulated in this scenario was a single-stranded polynucleo- absolute requirement for RNA in the process of translation (Pace
tide (1964, p. 8), which, in the mid-1960s, simply translated as and Marsh, 1985, p. 97), these early speculators about lifes origins
RNA. As Quastler went on to explain in further detail: on Earth saw RNA replication as a central requirement for process-
ing genetic information (Orgel and Crick, 1993).
It does seem likely that nucleic acid systems would have arisen
Perhaps in the face of the lack of physical or experimental evi-
in the primeval soup of building blocks, and that their emer-
denceabetted in part by the assumption that RNA catalysts did
gence would rapidly transform the ambient into the habitat of
not exist in contemporary living organisms (Robertson and Joyce,
well-dened and stable molecular systems which compete with
2012, p. 1) as well as the idea that the question of which nucleotide
each other and exhibit mutability and rudimentary adaptability
came rst was perhaps not that important (Orgel, 1968, p. 382)or
(Quastler, 1964, p. 14).
their own involvement in other, more pressing research problems,
Joyces reference to Quastler and RNA notwithstanding, a quick none of these scientists published their ideas about nucleotide-dri-
glance at the citation history2 of Quastlers theories (which would ven catalysis further. Nor did their papers provide immediate
constitute a fascinating study in their own right) reveals them to inspiration for others. Altman (2012), for instance, recalls that I
have not excited as much comment from his contemporaries en- know I read the Crick and Orgel papers when they were originally
gaged in origins-of-life research as from those interested in the published but they had little effect on me at that time.
applications of information theory to biology. Although nearly 100 Meanwhile, Crick and Orgel never entirely gave up speculating
sources that have cited Quastler, very few researchers before Joyce on the topic of lifes origins. In 1973, for instance, they published
cited him in the context of origins research, and even then, not nec- an article discussing their ideas about directed panspermia, the
essarily in connection with RNA (Salisbury, 1971 and Chernavskii & idea that earths rst living organisms were deliberately transmit-
Chernavskaya, 1975). A recent resurgence of interest in the implica- ted to the earth by intelligent brings on another planet, (Crick and
tions of Quastlers theories seems evident in a sudden appearances in Orgel, 1973, p. 341). Outlandish as the idea may seem3- and the
the past decade of references to his work (Chernavskii, 2000; Carrier, authors do admit to signicant hurdles to testing their hypotheses
2004), although again, these papers are not primarily engaged with and ideasthe paper offers a valid counterargument to the claim
the RNA aspect of his arguments. that panspermia merely displaces the problem of origins without

Analysis on Google Scholar conducted by author and last accessed Feb. 18, 2012.
On the occasion of Orgels seventieth birthday, a former colleague James Ferris remarked that I have always felt that this paper had a major tongue-in-cheek component,
(1997, p. 433). That Ferris may not have been off the mark is suggested in a quip by Crick in a letter to the British biologist Peter Medawar, Nice of you to think of Panspermia for
Vogue (curiously enough,we did originally consider Playboy), (1977a).
748 N. Sankaran / Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 43 (2012) 741750

really addressing it, and also shows the authors continued emphasis had long known about the abundance of RNA in ribosomes, until
on the importance of catalysis, for origins scenarios: the 1990s they had assumed that the RNA was present merely to
provide the scaffolding on which the protein enzymes conducted
For all we know there may be other types of planet on which
their duties of catalyzing the formation of peptide bonds between
the origin of life ab initio is greatly more probable than on
successive amino acids in the growing chain. However, in 1992 re-
our own. For example, such a planet may possess a mineral,
sults from the laboratory of Harry Noller indicated that the RNA
or compound, of crucial catalytic importance, which is rare on
component played a much more integral role in catalyzing pep-
Earth, (Crick and Orgel, 1973, p. 341342, emphasis added).
tide-bond formation than had been understood earlier (Noller
Thus, while Crick and Orgel maintained their interest in the et al., 1992), eventually leading Cech (2000) to title one of his arti-
eld and held on the idea of the importance of catalysisRNA cles The ribosome is a ribozyme.
was no more or less a contender for the spotlight than any of the With additional evidence from elds such as structural and syn-
numerous other candidates and theories put forward at the time. thetic biology it became clear that ribozymes are not mere relics of
That proteins still held the pride of place as biological catalysts is lifes distant past, but continue to function as key players in its fun-
evident from Cricks explanation in a personal letter of the possi- damental processes even today. In this respect RNA molecules now
bility that the rst enzymes consisted of a folded RNA molecule to function as a focal point for origins theorizing by RNA world pro-
which a small peptide (e.g. a tripeptide) had adsorbed, the peptide ponents in much the same way that Podolsky (1996, pp. 8384)
doing the chemistry of the catalysis, (Crick, 1978). As they showed viruses to have done for the nucleocentrists earlier. Just
acknowledged in their 25-year retrospective on past speculations as viruses were used variously by different theorizers, as meta-
about RNA and the origins of life: phors for life, as operational and ahistorical models for originating
life de novo and as primordial precursors of modern living beings,
How clearly did we anticipate the exciting experimental discov-
RNA in the post-ribozyme era has taken on multple meanings in
eries of the last decade? We must confess that we did not antic-
different contexts.
ipate them at all! We discussed a number of hypothetical
The obvious metaphorical use of RNA as chicken-and-egg aside,
schemes for the origins of our genetic system and touched on
different examples suggesting operational and phylogenetic roles
each of the major features of the RNA world hypothesis. How-
for RNA abound in the scientic literature. Chela-Floris (1994), a
ever, we did not ourselves search for, nor did we encourage oth-
theoretical physicist and more recently, Fisher (2010), a biologist
ers to search for, relics of the RNA world in contemporary
have proposed that viroids (RNA-containing virus-like obligate
organisms. We took it for granted that RNA-based catalysis
parasites of plants) and RNA viruses that can be found today may
was necessarily less efcient than protein-based catalysis, and
be relics or vestiges of an ancient RNA world. Their speculations re-
consequently that RNA catalysts had been superseded by pro-
vive a place for viruses in the origins theories, albeit in quite the
tein enzymes in every case. The same assumption led us to
opposite capacity than that of maintaining the dichotomy in the
underestimate the potential complexity of an RNA world (Orgel
eld as they had in the early-to-mid twentieth century (Podolsky,
and Crick, 1993, p. 238).
1996, p.125). Another idea is that the modern metabolic setup of
RNA, thus, receded to the wings for a time, and did not come un- living cells might be a palimpsest overwritten on an ancestor
der the spotlight again as a prominent player in origins scenarios originally made of RNA (Benner et al., 1989). In their paper, Benner
until after the discovery of ribozymes. et al. (1989, p. 7054) also offer a model for the breakthrough
organism, or the last putative ancestor to use only RNA for both
catalysis and information, thereby showing both phylogenetic
5. Conclusion: Origins in the wake of the RNA World and operational roles for RNA in origins scenarios. Elsewhere syn-
thetic biologists have synthesized RNA molecules that its creators
Evidence for the existence and even the centrality of RNA-based suggest may be used for designing hypothetical RNA-based living
catalysis in modern life forms continued to mount since the systems in the so-called RNA world, (Saito and Inoue, 2009, p.
announcement of the rst ribozymes (Joyce, 1989; Noller et al., 398), providing a type of operational or analogical system for con-
1992; McGinness and Joyce, 2003; Ma and Yu, 2006), providing temporary origins theorizers that Podolskys nucleocentrists might
support for the notion of the RNA World hypothesis and keeping have only dreamed of in the 1920s and 1930s.
it alive and well, in origins of life debates (Meyers et al., 2008). To what purpose are such advances? The recent achievements
The primary evidence for an RNA world comes from the roles of in synthetic biology cant help bring to mind Haldanes long-ago
RNA in modern cells; these are considered relics or molecular suggestion that even if we were able to create an RNA-based living
fossils from an earlier living system, according to one example system de novo from non-living precursors, we would not have ob-
(Jeffares et al., 1998, p. 18) from the growing body of literature tained any real proof for what happened billions of years ago, only
on the subject (Lahav, 1993; Gordon, 1995; Schwartz, 1995; Hor- what might have happened (Haldane, 1965, p. 16). Well, Haldanes
gan, 1996; Di Giulio, 1997; Wattis and Coveney, 1999; Forterre, hypothetical situation has more or less come to pass and we are, as
2005; Spirin, 2005; Gesteland et al., 2006; Bielski and Tencer, predicted, no closer to knowing how life originated, which raises or
2007; Chen et al., 2007; Copley et al., 2007; Lucrezia et al., 2007; rather revives, the question of Why, should the problem of ori-
Yarus, 2011). Naturally the model is not without its share of holes, gins of life be even approached by scientists. While there is no con-
and the RNA World hypothesis has its share of detractors and nay- crete answer, the fact remains that the question of origins is one
sayers (Waldrop, 1989; Gibson, 1993; James and Ellington, 1995; that has never failed to engage the mind at a deep philosophical le-
Andras and Andras, 2005; Vlassov et al., 2005; Lupi et al., 2006; vel (Ruse, 1997). Scientists persist in their search for possibile
Monnard, 2007; Vasas et al., 2010). Rather than making the issue explanations for how life might have begun, justied purely, it
vanish however, these arguments and the responses to them have might seem, in terms of the intellectual challenge and philosophi-
only served to reinforce the dynamism of the hypothesis and the cal satisfaction grappling with such problems provide. Crick, for in-
RNA World has proven more robust than many earlier and contem- stance, once confessed in a letter to his philosopher friend Georg
poraneous origin theories. The ribozymes in the ribosomes, the Kreisel that, In fact the origin of life may be one of those scientic
sites for translation of the genetic code into the amino acid chains problems which may take a very long time to yield a satisfactory
of protein in all known cellular life forms on earth, have played answer and indeed may never do so, (1977b). That the discovery
their role in fueling the RNA World discussions. Although scientists of ribozymes drew him back to the eld despite his views on the
N. Sankaran / Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 43 (2012) 741750 749

intractable nature of the problem offers but one reason as to why Chernavskii, D. S., & Chernavskaya, N. M. (1975). Some theoretical aspects of the
problem of life origin. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 50(1), 1323.
the RNA world has endured in the capricious, confusing and oft-
Copley, S. D., Smith, E., & Morowitz, H. (2007). The origin of the RNA world: co-
contentious world of origin of life theorizing. evolution of genes and metabolism. Bioorganic Chemistry, 35, 430443.
Crick, F. (1968). The origin of the genetic code. Journal of Molecular Biology, 38,
Acknowledgments Crick, Francis. Letter from Francis Crick to Peter Medawar (April 21, 1977). <http://>; 1977a.
Crick, F. Letter from Francis Crick to Georg Kreisel (December 2, 1977). Retrieved from
This paper has been some dozen years in the making, beginning <>; 1977b.
as a topic for a methods paper in graduate school. Thanks then, Crick, Francis H.C. Letter from Francis Crick to Georg Kreisel (March 17, 1978). <http://
must rst be offered to Yale University professors John Harley>; 1978.
Crick, F. H. C., & Orgel, Leslie. E. (1973). Directed panspermia. Icarus, 19, 341346.
Warner who taught the course and Bill Summers who suggested
Deamer, D. W., & Fleischaker, G. R. (Eds.). (1994). Origins of life: The central concepts.
that the paper was worth attempting to publish (in a much revised Boston, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
form naturally). A heartfelt thanks is also due to Dr. Prof. Heiner Dick, S. J. (1998). Life on other worlds: The 20th century extraterrestrial life debate.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Fangerau of the University of Ulm for hosting me in his laboratory
Di Giulio, M. (1997). On the RNA world: evidence in favor of an early
during the summer of 2010 while I conducted library research with ribonucleopeptide world. Journal of Molecular Evolution, 45(6), 571578.
partial support from the American University in Cairo postodoctp- Dworkin, J. P., Lazcano, A., & Miller, S. (2003). The roads to and from the RNA world.
ral research fellowship. A version of the paper was presented at the Journal of Theoretical Biology, 222, 127134.
Eigen, M. (1971). Selforganization of matter and evolution of biological
2011 annual meeting of the British Society of the History of Sci- macromolecules. Die Naturwissenschaften, 58, 465523.
ence, travel to which was partially supported by funds from Yonsei Farley, J. (1972). The spontaneous generation controversy (18591880): British and
University. The paper was developed further and presented at the German reactions to the problem of abiogenesis. Journal of the History of Biology,
5, 285319.
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India in Jan 2012 as part of Farley, J. (1974). The initial reactions of French biologists to Darwins Origin of
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to thank Dr. Nanjundiah and graduate students at the Institute for Farley, J. (1977). The spontaneous generation controversy from descartes to oparin.
Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
the rousing discussion that followed and which greatly enhanced Ferris, J. P. (1997). The prebiotic Leslie Orgel: Some of his contributions to our
subsequent iterations of the paper. Colleagues and friends at large, understanding of the origins of life. Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres,
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