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Research Policy 29 2000.


Technology transfer and public policy: a review of research and

Barry Bozeman
School of Public Policy, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA 30332 USA


My purpose is to review, synthesize and criticize the voluminous, multidisciplinary literature on technology transfer. To
reduce the literature to manageable proportions, I focus chiefly not exclusively. on recent literature on domestic technology
transfer from uniersities and goernment laboratories. I begin by examining a set of fundamental conceptual issues,
especially the ways in which the analytical ambiguities surrounding technology transfer concepts affect research and theory.
My literature review follows and I emphasize technology transfers impact and effectiveness. I employ a Contingent
Effectiveness Model of Technology Transfer to organize the literature. As the models name implies, it assumes that
technology effectiveness can take a variety of forms. In addition to examining the more traditional effectiveness criteria-
those rooted in market impacts- the model considers a number of alternative effectiveness criteria, including political
effectiveness, capacity-building. q 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Technology transfer; Public policy; Research; Theory

In general, the process of commercializing intel- The neophyte is the one who is not confused. Any-
lectual property is very complex, highly risky, one studying technology transfer understands just
takes a long time, cost much more than you think how complicated it can be. First, putting a boundary
it will, and usually fails. US Congress, Commit- on the technology is not so easy. Second, outlin-
tee on Science and Technology, 1985, p. 12. ing the technology transfer process is virtually im-
possible because there are so many concurrent pro-
cesses. Third, measuring the impacts of transferred
technology challenges scholars and evaluators, re-
1. Introduction quiring them to reach deep down into their research
technique kit bag. Why? The impacts are usually
In the study of technology transfer, the neophyte numerous and they are almost always difficult to
and the veteran researcher are easily distinguished. separate from other parts of organizational life. In
many instances, determining the meaning of technol-
) ogy transfer effectiveness proves daunting. In-
Center for Science, Policy, and Outcomes, 201 Pennsylvania
Avenue, SE, Washington, DC 20003, USA. Tel.: q1-202-543-
deed, much of my analysis assumes multiple, some-
4031; fax: q1-202-542-4621; internet address: http:rrrum.pp. times conflicting, definitions of technology transfer effectiveness..

0048-7333r00r$ - see front matter q 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 4 8 - 7 3 3 3 9 9 . 0 0 0 9 3 - 1
628 B. Bozemanr Research Policy 29 (2000) 627655

The challenges notwithstanding, the topic tech- international technology transfer e.g., Robinson,
nology transfer has spurred great interest among 1988.. That body of work also receives little atten-
academic researchers and policy-makers. Among tion here.
some indicators of technology transfers ascension My approach focuses on technology transfers
are the following. impact and effectiveness. A Contingent Effective-
Since 1980, the US Congress has passed no less ness Model of technology transfer is developed
than eight major policy initiatives dealing with subsequently and used in organizing the literature.
technology transfer and means of promoting it; The model considers a number of determinants of
similar trends have occurred in other nations effectiveness, including various characteristics of the
Lederman, 1994; Fujisue, 1998; Licht and Ner- technology, the transfer agent and the technology
linger, 1998.. recipient. But the most important point of the model
At least one journal, the Journal of Technology as its name implies. is that technology transfer
Transfer, is devoted exclusively to technology effectiveness can have several meanings, including
transfer and several professional organizations market impacts, political impacts, impacts on person-
include technology transfer in their mission state- nel involved and impacts on resources available for
ment. other purposes and other scientific and technical
Technology transfer agent is a job title now objectives.
listed in many government employee and civil Before reviewing findings in the literature, a cou-
service manuals all around the world. ple of tasks help clear the way. Section 2 considers
During the past 2 decades, the terms technology fundamental conceptual issues, focusing on the ways
transfer or technology diffusion have ap- in which the analytical ambiguities surrounding tech-
peared in the titles of hundreds of articles and nology transfer concepts affect research and theory.
books. 1 Then, we turn to brief consideration of the differ-
The latter indicator of technology transfers im- ences in institutional context between the two types
portance or perhaps fashionableness. seems to me of technology producers and transfer agents exam-
especially relevant to the task of reviewing literature. ined here universities and government laborato-
When hundreds of different voices are heard and ries.
scores of definitions provided, a concept begins to
lose meaning. One means of dealing with the ca-
cophony is to parse the technology transfer literature. 2. Conceptual issues in technology transfer
This reiew focuses chiefly on recent literature on 2.1. Defining technology
domestic technology transfer from uniersities and
goernment laboratories. There is a prodigious body In many instances, definitional controversies can
of work on transfer within the private sector, from be quickly resolved by simply relying on dictionar-
one company to the next. Most of this work is not ies. This is not one of those instances. The unabridged
considered here. Albert Links paper in this volume Websters 1989, p. 1872. offers just three defini-
considers much of that literature and other overviews tions of technology, none of which sets definitional
are available e.g., Zhao and Reisman, 1992.. Simi- controversies to rest. Technology is defined as: 1.
larly, there is a venerable tradition of research in the science or study of the practical industrial arts;
2. the terms used in a science, technical terminol-
ogy; 3. applied science. None of the major works on
A search on the topic technology transfer in the Georgia technology transfer uses any of these definitions of
Tech card catalog, focusing on the years 19751999, found 579 technology. Works on technology transfer generally
technology transfer books and monographs published in the pe- focus on technology as an entity, not a study and
riod. An on-line search of academic journals focusing on articles certainly not any specific applied science. The most
with technology transfer found 1032 published articles during
the period 19901999. These are crude indices of interest in
common view of technology is a tool, and then
technology transfer but, nonetheless, underscore the difficulties of discussions proceed as to just what type of tool
making sense of rapidly growing, highly fragmented literature. qualifies as technology.
B. Bozemanr Research Policy 29 (2000) 627655 629

Sahal 1981; 1982. is one of the few theorists 2.3. Stability and transformation rules
who has written about alternative concepts of tech-
nology and the confusion owing to poorly specified Even after agreement on the demarcation of a
concepts. He refers to technology as configura- technology, the technology may change. Indeed, it is
tions, observing that the transfer object, the tech- likely to change since many technologies are not
nology, must rely on a subjectively determined but stable. When has it changed so much that it is a
specifiable set of processes and products. Simply different technology? In some cases a technology is
focusing on the product is not sufficient to the study changed because there is an active attempt by its
of transfer and diffusion of technology; it is not users or creators to change it. In other cases, the
merely the product that is transferred but also knowl- technology is changed by either by characteristics of
edge of its use and application. This approach re- its use or by changes in the physical and social
solves a major analytical problem: the difference setting within which the technology exists. That is,
between technology and knowledge transfer. By Sa- the technology is adapted through personalized ap-
hals concept the two are not separable when a plication Jervis, 1975., based on some combination
technological product is transferred or diffused, the of unique needs Klein and Crandall, 1991. and tacit
knowledge upon which its composition is based is knowledge Teese, 1977; Howells, 1996.. When the
also diffused. Without the knowledge base the physi- functions and application environment changes, does
cal entity cannot be put to use. Thus, the knowledge that affect the meaning of the technology or its
base is inherent, not ancillary. transfer?

2.4. Defining technology transfer

2.2. Demarcating the transfer object
Once one deals with the difficulties of defining
Whether technology transfer or knowledge trans- the technology, defining technology transfer pre-
fer, a perpetual challenge is demarcating the transfer sents a bit less of a challenge. Nevertheless, there are
object from its environment. Sahal 1981. uses the many uses of the term technology transfer.
example of the Stirling engine. Which specific com- Roessner in press. p. 1., in his overview of tech-
ponents and which specific characteristics of its use nology transfer, defines the concept as the move-
does one consider when specifying the transfer ob- ment of know-how, technical knowledge, or technol-
ject? Which specific characteristics demarcate it from ogy from one organizational setting to another. But
all other engine technologies? Sometimes this ques- after providing this straightforward definition, he
tion is easily answered, sometimes not. For technolo- goes on to note:
gies that are highly standardized and delivered in a
standard socio-technical package, demarcation is not The term has been used to describe and analyze
an important conceptual problem. But for technolo- an astonishingly wide range of organizational and
gies that exist in considerable variation, one faces a institutional interactions involving some form of
challenging task of demarcation Argote et al., 1990; technology-related exchange. Sources of tech-
Lam, 1997.. Since relatively few technologies are nology have included private firms, government
transferred in invariant form, failure to specify the agencies, government laboratories, universities,
transfer object can lead to considerable confusion. nonprofit research organizations, and even entire
The confusion often is greatest when there is primar- nations; users have included schools, police and
ily a social aspect to the technology. Arguably, a fire departments, small businesses, legislatures,
social technology is never transferred in invariant cities, states and nations. . . . Within single organi-
form. Transferring a budget and accounting innova- zations such as large, research-intensive private
tion or a new social learning technology implies an firms, technology transfer has been used to de-
important demarcation problem. If the technology scribe the processes by which ideas, proofs-of-
transfer fails, is it because a different social technol- concept, and prototypes move from research-re-
ogy has been transferred or is it because the technol- lated to production-related phases of product de-
ogy has been less successful in a different setting? velopment.
630 B. Bozemanr Research Policy 29 (2000) 627655

As Zhao and Reisman 1992. note in their review ous example, at least in the US, is the extent to
of the technology transfer literature, the definition of which the growth curve for research on technology
technology transfer differs substantially from one transfer has closely mimicked the growth curve for
discipline to the next. They observe that economists policies and government activities related to technol-
Arrow, 1969; Johnson, 1970; Dosi, 1988. tend to ogy transfer. This policy context is reviewed in
define technology on the basis of the properties of Section 3.
generic knowledge, focusing particularly on vari-
ables that relate to production and design. According
to Zhao and Reisman 1992. p. 14., sociologists 3. Institutional change and the technology trans-
Rogers, 1962; Rogers and Shoemaker, 1971. tend to fer research agenda
link technology transfer to innovation and to view
technology, including social technology, as a de- Before about 1980, the vast majority of research
sign for instrumental action that reduces the uncer- on technology transfer focused on cross-national
tainty of causeeffect relationships involved in technology transfer, especially the transfer of tech-
achieving a desired outcome. Anthropologists Fos- nology from industrialized nations to less developed
ter, 1962; Service, 1971; Merrill, 1972. tend to view nations. While cross-national technology transfer
technology transfer broadly within the context of continues to receive a great deal of interest both with
cultural change and the ways in which technology respect to public policy Correa, 1994. and academic
affects change. research Reddy and Zhao, 1990; Grupp, 1994., the
In sheer volume, the greatest number of technol- 1980s witnessed many new thrusts in domestic tech-
ogy transfer-related publications has been produced nology transfer policy and an accompanying empha-
by management scholars. According to Zhao and sis among researchers.
Reisman, those from the business disciplines tend to In the early 1980s, the research agenda began to
focus on stages of technology transfer, particularly shift to domestic technology transfer, particularly in
relating design and production stages, as well as works by US authors. In the US, the 1980s and early
sales, to transfer e.g., Teese, 1976; Lake, 1979.. 1990s bore witness to vast changes in public policy
Management researchers are more likely than others pertaining to technology transfer and competitive-
to focus on intrasector transfer Rabino, 1989; Chiesa ness Rahm, 1992; Papadakis, 1994.. But the 1980s
and Manzini, 1996. and on the relation of technology trend for a more aggressive role for government in
transfer to strategy Laamanen and Autio, 1996; supporting technology transfer was not confined to
Lambe and Spekman, 1997.. Recently, researchers the US e.g., Irvine et al., 1981; Crow and Nath,
Hagedoorn, 1990, 1995; Niosi, 1994; Niosi and 1990, 1992; Fujisue, 1998.. Major social and politi-
Bergeron, 1992; Mowery et al., 1996; Kingsley and cal changes inevitably attract the attention of re-
Klein, 1998. have focused extensively on alliances searchers and the study of technology transfer is no
among firms and how alliances pertain to the devel- exception.
opment and transfer of technology.
In sum, technology transfer is defined in many 3.1. Politics and technology policy paradigms
different ways, according to the discipline of the
research, but also according to the purpose of the Elsewhere Bozeman, 1994; Crow and Bozeman,
research. While the search for a canonical definition 1998., I describe the history of US technology policy
is futile, attention to definitions promotes some un- in terms of three competing paradigms, the market
derstanding of differences among research traditions. failure paradigm, the mission paradigm, and the
Much about the course of technology transfer cooperative technology paradigm. See Rothwell and
research and theory can be understood in terms of Dodgson 1992. for a description of the evolution of
attempts to deal with thorny conceptual problems. A technology policy paradigms in Europe.. Since this
very different sort of influence on research trends is approach helps succinctly to organize the vast sweep
public policies and other social changes affecting the of technology policy history, a modified version of
environment for technology transfer. The most obvi- the conceptual device is used here. Table 1 summa-
Table 1
Three competing technology policy models
Market failure Mission Cooperative technology
Core assumptions
1. Markets are the most efficient allocator of 1. The government role should be closely tied to 1. Markets are not always the most efficient
information and technology. authorized programmatic missions of agencies. route to innovation and economic growth.
2. Government laboratory role limited to market 2. Government research and development R&D. 2. Global economy requires more centralized

B. Bozemanr Research Policy 29 (2000) 627655

failures such as extensive externalities; high transaction is limited to missions of agencies, but not planning and broader support for civilian
costs; and information distortions. Small, mission confined to defense. University R&D supports traditional technology development.
domain, chiefly in defense. Universities provided basic roles of land grant universities such agricultural
research, in line with private sector under-supply or engineering extension, manufacturing assistance and
due to market failure inability to appropriate directly contract research for defense or energy research.
the results of basic research..
3. Innovation flows from and to private 3. Government should not compete with private 3. Government laboratories and universities can
sector, minimal university or government role. sector in innovation and technology. play a role in developing technology, especially
But a government or university R&D role is a pre-competitive technology, for use in the
complement. private sector.

Peak influence
Highly influential during all periods 19451965; 1992present. 19921994

Policy examples
De-regulation; contraction of government role; Creation of energy policy R&D, agricultural labs, Expansion of federal laboratory roles
R&D tax credits; capital gains tax roll back. and other such broad mission frameworks. and university role in technology transfer and
Little or no need for federal laboratories except in cooperative research and other technology-based
defense support. economic development programs.

Theoretical roots
Neo-classical economics Traditional liberal governance with broad Industrial policy theory,
definition of government role. regional economic development theory.

632 B. Bozemanr Research Policy 29 (2000) 627655

rizes the three technology policy paradigms. My form R & D in service of well-specified missions in
focus is chiefly on the cooperative technology which there is a national interest not easily served by
paradigm as it relates closely to technology transfer. private R & D. In the US, the most important element
of the mission technology policy paradigm is defense
and national security-related R & D, but such mis-
3.1.1. The market failure technology policy paradigm sions as energy production and conservation,
The market failure technology paradigm is based medicine and public health, space, and agriculture
on familiar premises: the free market is the most have expanded the role of universities and federal
efficient allocator of goods and services and, left to laboratories.
its own devices, an unfettered market will lead to The mission paradigm has long been prominent in
optimal rates of science production, technical change most industrialized nations Allen et al., 1978; Led-
and economic growth. The market failure policy erman, 1994., including even those, such as Japan
paradigm recognizes that there may be a role for Chiang, 1995., that allegedly are quite different in
government in science and technology policy when structure Crow and Nath, 1990; Bozeman and
there are clear externalities i.e., that benefits cannot Pandey, 1994.. In the mission paradigm, there is, in
be captured in the market.; when transactions costs addition to a definition of the roles of government
are extremely high; and when information is unavail- R & D performers, a widespread recognition of the
able or there are distortion in information so that unique ability of government to marshal resources
market signals are not clear. and to influence events in such a way as to foster
According to the market failure paradigm, the technology development and innovation Chiang,
government role in technology transfer should chiefly 1991..
be limited to removing barriers to the free market,
through appropriate intellectual property policies, free
trade agreements, neutral impact taxation, and lim- 3.1.3. The cooperatie technology policy paradigm
ited regulation of enterprise. The chief role of uni- The cooperative technology policy paradigm fea-
versities is not as a broker of technology or a com- tures an active role for government actors and uni-
mercial competitor but an educator and a provider of versities in technology development and transfer.
public domain research. As Rosenberg and Nelson According to this paradigm, governments role can
1994. and others Geiger, 1986, 1993; Lee, 1998. be as a research performer, including supplying ap-
point out, US universities were, throughout most of plied research and technology to industry, or as a
their history, practical in orientation, emphasizing broker, developing policies affecting industrial tech-
engineering and technical craft more than basic re- nology development and innovation. Thus, the coop-
search. Following World War II, US universities erative technology paradigm is an umbrella term for
evolved into the top tier of the worlds basic science a set of values emphasizing cooperation among sec-
performers. Universities are now viewed as the chief tors Larsen and Wigand, 1987; Wigand and
source of basic research and, indeed, market failure Frankwick, 1989. industry, government, and uni-
theory suggests that this is as it should be. versity and cooperation among rival firms in
development of pre-competitive technologies and
infratechnologies Link and Tassey, 1987..
3.1.2. The mission technology paradigm In the US, the cooperative technology paradigm
In the US, the mission paradigm has for many has been extremely controversial in that it goes
years influenced the government technology policy against the strong market ethos that has permeated
role, including early efforts in agriculture research not only science and technology policy but most
and extension and setting of standards and intellec- realms of public policy. Like the market failure
tual property policy Dupree, 1986., but the mission paradigm, cooperative technology has established its
paradigm has been most influential in the post-World own myths, many of them not yet having been tested
War II period Reingold, 1994.. The mission by research Geisler, 1997.. While the waters are
paradigm assumes that the government should per- clouded by bold claims for inter-sector partnerships
B. Bozemanr Research Policy 29 (2000) 627655 633

e.g., Kearns, 1990; Wilde and Cooper, 1990; Felsenstein, 1994; Brown, 1999. and technology
Schriesheim, 1994., there is also some evidence to incubators Mian, 1994..
support the notion that inter-sector cooperation often The legislative initiatives enabling the cooperative
succeeds in creating technology-based value e.g., technology policy paradigm have been reviewed
Brown et al., 1991; Brown and Wilson, 1992; Boze- thoroughly elsewhere Bozeman and Coker, 1992;
man et al., 1995; Spann et al., 1995.. Perhaps the Hill and Roessner, 1997; Crow and Bozeman, 1998;
strongest intellectual rationale for the cooperative Roessner, in press.. Lee 1994. pp. 263264. cata-
technology paradigm is provided by Kash and Rycroft logs most of the legislation from the cooperative
Kash and Rycroft, 1994; Rycroft and Kash, 1994.. technology policy paradigm. Taken together, these
They take the controversial at least in the US. policy changes fueled interest in inter-sector technol-
position that a government technology planning and ogy development and transfer policies and created a
coordinating role can augment productivity and inno- cottage industry among academic researchers inter-
vation. ested in explaining and evaluating the policies and
In the US, the 1980s and early 1990s was a period their impacts. Table 2, adapted from Lee 1994. and
in which the dominant market failure paradigm re- updated, presents major technology policy legisla-
ceived its strongest challenge. Challenges to market tion.
failure thinking included policies changing patent As Table 2 shows, the most significant US public
policy to expand the use of government technology policies for domestic technology transfer were pro-
Patent and Trademark Laws Amendment, 1980., mulgated during the 1980s. However, the study of
relaxing anti-trust regulations, promoting cooperative government-sponsored domestic technology transfer
R & D BayhDole; National Cooperative Research certainly began long before. Previous studies focused
Act of 1984., developing cooperative research cen- on such policies as the spin-off activities of NASA
ters and consortia Devine et al., 1987; Berman, e.g., Rosenbloom, 1965; Doctors, 1969, 1971;
1990; Dill, 1990; Smilor and Gibson, 1991.; and Chakrabarti and Rubenstein, 1975. and technology
altering guidelines for disposition of government- transfer from the federal government to state and
owned intellectual property Bagur and Guissinger, local governments e.g., Feller and Menzel, 1977;
1987; Gillespie, 1988; Powell and Owen-Smith, Lambright, 1979.. Before the 1980s many other
1998.. nations were already actively pursuing a domestic
The cooperative technology development policies cooperative technology policy and researchers docu-
having attracted the most attention are those pertain- mented and evaluated those efforts e.g., Allen et al.,
ing to the use of federal laboratories as a partner in 1978; Gummett and Gibbons, 1978.. But the deluge
the commercialization of technology Rahm et al., of US federal legislation during the 1980s and early
1988; US General Accounting Office, 1989; Kelley, 1990s provided a major spur to technology transfer
1997.. A variety of public policies reviewed below. research in the US and elsewhere.
freed the US federal laboratories from previous limi- The cooperative technology policies described in
tations on the disposition of federally produced or this section depend greatly on universities and gov-
sponsored intellectual property and actively encour- ernment laboratories. The logic is simple: universi-
aged technology transfer through cooperative R & D ties and government labs make, industry takes. To be
agreements CRADAs.. sure, many policies involve co-production of tech-
At the same time as federal policy was shifting to nology and various forms of collaboration between
a cooperative technology paradigm, the US state industry and either government or universities. But
governments and intergovernmental policies were the central point of cooperative technology policies
emphasizing technology-based economic develop- is clear: putting universities and government labora-
ment programs Roessner and Wise, 1994; Storper, tories to greater use as progenitors of technology and
1995. through manufacturing extension Wyckoff applied science. The logic of this objective depends,
and Tornatzky, 1988; Shapira, 1990. and univer- then, on the suitability of universities and govern-
sityindustry partnerships Rosenberg and Nelson, ment laboratories to the task. Section 4 examines
1994; Kingsley and Farmer, 1997., science parks briefly the respective institutional contexts of univer-
634 B. Bozemanr Research Policy 29 (2000) 627655

Table 2
Major technology policy legislation of the 1980s and 1990s
BayhDole Act of 1980 PL 96-517.: permits universities and small business to obtain title to inventions funded by the federal
government so as to license inventions.
StevensonWydler Technology Innovation Act 1980. PL 96-480.: requires federal laboratories to establish technology transfer offices
and to set aside funds for technology transfer.
Small Business Innovation Development Act of 1982 PL 97-219.: requires federal agencies to provide special set aside funds for small
business R & D.
Cooperative Research Act of 1984 PL 98-462.: eliminates treble damage of anti-trust so that firms, universities and federal laboratories
can engage in joint pre-competitive R & D.
Federal Technology Transfer Act 1986. PL 99-502.: authorizes national laboratories to enter into cooperative R & D agreements
CRADAs. and negotiate licensing agreements.
Executive Orders 12591 and 1218 of 1987: promotes commercialization of federal technology.
Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988 PL 100-418.: renames the National Bureau of Standards as the National Institute
for Standards and Technology and expands its mission; establishes centers for transferring manufacturing technology.
National Competitiveness Technology Transfer Act of 1989 PL 101-189.: extends CRADA authority to all federal laboratories,
including weapons labs.
Defense Authorization Act of 1991 PL 101-510.: establishes model programs for linking defense laboratories with state and local
government and small businesses; provides Defense Manufacturing Technology Plan.
Defense Authorization Act of 1993 PL 103-160.: renames the Defense Advanced Research Projects Administration and authorizes
dual-use technology programs for industrial application.

sity and government laboratory research and the compared to 51% of government labs. Whereas 70%
comparative advantage of the settings. of university laboratories view basic research as a
major mission, 42% of government laboratories do
and only 11% of industry labs.. The findings for
4. Universities and government laboratories as a technology transfer to industrial organizations indi-
setting for technology transfer cated that 40% of university laboratories were in-
volved in technology transfer and 52% of govern-
4.1. Uniersities and goernment laboratories as ment laboratories. University and government labora-
technology transfer settings: fundamentally alike in tories differed as well in the composition of their
all unimportant respects? technical work, but, again, not so dramatically as one
might suppose. University laboratories devoted 44%
Anyone who has spent time in both universities of their activity to publishing scientific research,
and government laboratories need not be told that the compared to 36% in government labs. Each lab type
two are in some ways vastly different from one devoted only 2% of its activities to production of
another. Moreover, in todays political climate uni- patents and licenses and each devoted 8% to produc-
versities and government laboratories often find tion of algorithms. In both universities and govern-
themselves direct competitors for resources National ment laboratories and industry laboratories as well.
Academy of Sciences, 1995.. the dominant technical disciplines are not the basic
In our study of US R & D laboratories, Michael research mainstays physics and chemistry, but
Crow and I Crow and Bozeman, 1998. provide data medicine and engineering.
contrasting university and government laboratories. Government laboratories and universities share
The statistical evidence shows that many of the important features. In both university and the larger
differences between university and government labo- government laboratories, the reward system is largely
ratories are differences of degree. In a study of more based on scientific publications, not commercial ac-
than 1200 university, industry and government labo- tivity. Some federal laboratories have something
ratories, we found that 23% of university laboratories equivalent to an academic tenure process. While in
view technology development as a major mission, the past, MS-level scientists were much more com-
B. Bozemanr Research Policy 29 (2000) 627655 635

mon in the federal laboratories than in universities sity collaboration increases are also indicated by the
where they are virtually non-existent., today a PhD fact that 6% of all academic publications in 1995
is a de facto requirement for employment in many were with industry scientists. This figure represents
federal lab positions. Federal laboratory and univer- about 10,000 scientific and technical articles, a sig-
sity scientists read the same journals, attend the same nificant percentage of the 439,000 world-wide publi-
conferences and are generally well aware of one cations National Science Board, 1998a.. Perhaps the
anothers work. Nobel laureates can be found in most noteworthy indicator of academic commercial
relative abundance in both settings. Generally, fed- activity is patenting and licensing. In 1982, US
eral laboratories are more likely to be managed universities filed 458 patents, 70% by the largest 100
hierarchically and on a departmental basis and to universities. By 1995, 1860 patents were filed by
have more bureaucratic procedures and red tape universities and the percentage by the largest 100
Crow and Bozeman, 1989; Bozeman and Crow, had gone down to 50%, indicating greater depth and
1991b., but the work itself if not the administration. breadth of patenting activities.
tends to be quite similar. The commercial activities of government labora-
Both universities and government laboratories tories have grown similarly during the same period.
have greatly stepped up their commercial activities While CRADAs are not an entirely valid measure of
during the past 15 years. Cohen et al. 1998. provide commercial activity or value, they do indicate techni-
some recent data on universities interaction with cal linkages. Between 1992 and 1995, 1553 CRADAs
industry see also Cohen et al., 1993.. In the brief were registered between the Department of Energy
period between 1991 and 1993, gross royalties from laboratories and other partners, mostly industrial
101 universities licenses grew from US$163 million firms. The Department of Defense labs, with 1001
to US$318 million. In 1980, only 25 US universities CRADAs were also quite active National Science
had technology transfer offices, but by 1990 there Board, 1998a.. Interestingly, the lowest numbers for
were more than 200. all laboratories were in 1995, signaling a declining
The share of university R & D supported by indus- interest in CRADAs, perhaps as an indirect result of
try has increased. In 1970, only 2.6% of university the election of a majority Republican Congress,
R & D was supported by industry, but by 1990 that largely unsympathetic to the cooperative technology
percentage was up to 6.9, much of it to the new policy paradigm.
universityindustry R & D centers created during the
past 2 decades. As of 1990, there were an estimated 4.2. Uniersity s. federal laboratory: comparatie
1056 universityindustry R & D centers Cohen et adantage
al., 1993.. Cohen et al. attribute this increase in
universityindustry R & D to a number of factors The major comparative advantage of federal labo-
including provisions of the BayhDole Act permit- ratories is their ability to perform interdisciplinary
ting universities to obtain patent rights from feder- team research, always difficult at universities, orga-
ally sponsored research, a decline in government nized as they are on the same disciplinary lines as
funding for university R & D, and government pro- they have been for the past 50 years. A second major
grams creating such industryuniversity centers as advantage of the federal laboratories, especially the
the NSF Science and Technology Centers and Engi- national labs, is that extremely expensive, often
neering Research Centers. unique, scientific equipment and facilities are located
One straightforward index of industryuniversity on their premises. The user facilities at federal
technical activity is the amount of university R & D laboratories are designed explicitly to share re-
funded by government. While the federal govern- sources and these user facilities can be an important
ment continues to provide the vast majority of R & D instrument for technology transfer Bozeman et al.,
funding for universities, during the period 1991 to 1999..
1997, industry support rose 20% to US$1.05 billion, The most obvious advantage of universities over
representing 6.5% of all basic research expenditures federal laboratories is a vitally important one
National Science Board, 1998b.. Industryuniver- students. The presence of students makes a remark-
636 B. Bozemanr Research Policy 29 (2000) 627655

able difference in the output, culture and utility of many faculty scientists and the companies they work
research. In recommending that federal funding for with. Roessner et al. 1998. found that the single
science and technology give strongest emphasis to most important benefit to industry from participation
academic institutions, the Committee on Criteria for in the NSF Engineering Research Centers, according
Federal Support of Research and Development of the to the industrial participants themselves, is the ability
National Academy of Sciences 1995. p. 20. con- to hire ERC students and graduates. In some cases,
cluded that university R & D funding supports pro- the vast benefits accruing from students are enjoyed
duction of well prepared scientists and engineers by government laboratories, but chiefly at such insti-
who not only will be the next generation of faculty, tutions as Lawrence Berkeley Lab or Ames Labora-
but who will also work productively in, and transfer tory, those actually located on university campuses.
technology to, industry and government. We shall return to this issue subsequently in a dis-
In our intensive case studies of basic research cussion of the role of scientific and technical hu-
projects Bozeman et al., 1999., the results for gov- man capital Bozeman and Rogers, 1998a,b; Boze-
ernment laboratories and universities were remark- man et al., forthcoming..
ably similar except for the value added of students.
Students are sometimes to their disappointment. a
reservoir of cheap labor supporting university re- 5. Contingent Effectiveness: a model for organiz-
search, bartering their below market wage rate for ing the technology transfer literature
training. More important for present purposes is that
students are a means of technology transfer through During the past 10 years, the research on univer-
postgraduate job placements. and they often provide sity and government technology transfer has grown
enduring links as the social glue holding together enormously. To organize the literature and the

Fig. 1. Contingent Effectiveness Model of technology transfer.

B. Bozemanr Research Policy 29 (2000) 627655 637

Table 3
Dimensions of the Contingent Effectiveness Model
Dimension Focus Examples
Transfer agent The institution or organization Government agency, university, private firm,
seeking to transfer the technology. characteristics of the setting, its culture,
organization, personnel.
Transfer medium The vehicle, formal or informal by License, copyright, CRADA,
which the technology is transferred. person-to-person, formal literature.
Transfer object The content and form of what is Scientific knowledge, technological device,
transferred, the transfer entity. process, know-how, and
specific characteristics of each.
Transfer recipient The organization or institution Firm, agency, organization, consumer, informal group,
receiving the transfer object. institution and associated characteristics.
Demand Factors market and non-market. Price for technology, substitutability,
environment pertaining to the need for the relation to technologies now used,
transferred object. subsidy, market shelters.

propositions flowing from it, I provide a Contin- ply, the model says that the impacts of technology
gent Effectiveness Technology Transfer Model. 2 transfer can be understood in terms of who is doing
The model focuses on effectiveness, a perspective the transfer, how they are doing it, what is being
well-matched to a literature so often motivated by transferred and to whom.
the search for what works. Table 3 elaborates the dimensions of the Contin-
Fig. 1 presents the elements of the Contingent gent Effectiveness Model and Table 4 describes
Effectiveness Model of technology transfer. The briefly the effectiveness criteria associated with the
Contingent Effectiveness Model draws its name from model. The major assumption of the Contingent
its assumption that parties to technology transfer Effectiveness Model is no single notion of effective-
have multiple goals and effectiveness criteria. The ness makes much sense, either theoretically or practi-
model includes five broad dimensions determine ef- cally. Unfortunately, many studies of technology
fectiveness: 1. characteristics of the transfer agent, transfer never make clear what is meant by effective-
2. characteristics of the transfer media, 3. charac- ness and seem simply to assume that we all hold
teristics of the transfer object, 4. the demand envi- some unspecified unitary concept of effectiveness
ronment, and 5. characteristics of the transfer recipi- see Rahm and Hansen, 1998, for an elaboration of
ent. These dimensions are not entirely exhaustive but this point.. This assumption is wrong, as we have
are broad enough to include most of the variables shown with both statistical e.g., Bozeman and Coker,
examined in studies of university and government 1992; Coursey and Bozeman, 1992; Bozeman, 1994.
technology transfer activities. The arrows in the and case study e.g., Bozeman and Fellows, 1988;
model indicate relations among the dimensions Bozeman et al., 1999. evidence. In recognition of the
broken lines indicate weaker links.. To put it sim- importance of effectiveness issues, Section 7 is de-
voted entirely to understanding technology transfer
research and theory in terms of very different, even
The simple organizing scheme was first developed by Boze- contradictory, effectiveness concepts.
man and Fellows 1988. in an attempt to understand the very
different outcomes from a set of technology transfer case studies;
it was then tested in a set of research studies Bozeman and 6. Technology transfer literature: a focus on de-
Coker, 1992; Bozeman and Crow, 1991a.; Michael Crow and I terminants of effectiveness
Crow and Bozeman, 1998. modified the model and used it to a
series of research findings from the National Comparative Re-
search and Development Project. This version of the model is,
Given the vastness of the technology transfer
nonetheless, considerably different than its progenitors, having literature, even the subset of the literature on univer-
included additional effectiveness categories. sity and government technology transfer, my review
Table 4
Technology transfer effectiveness criteria
Effectiveness criterion Focus Relation to research and practice

B. Bozemanr Research Policy 29 (2000) 627655

Out-the-Door Based on the fact that one organization Extremely common in practice, uncommon as
has received the technology provided by an evaluation measure except in studies measuring
another, no consideration of its impact. degree of participation in technology transfer..
Market Impact Has the transfer resulted in a commercial impact, Pervasive in both practice and research.
a product, profit or market share change?
Economic Development Similar to Market Impact but gauges effects on a Pervasive in both practice and research.
regional or national economy rather than a
single firm or industry.
Political Reward Based on the expectation of political reward Pervasive in practice, rarely examined in research.
e.g., increased funding. flowing from participation in
technology transfer.
Opportunity Costs Examines not only alternative uses of resources but A concern among practitioners,
also possible impacts on other than technology transfer. rarely examined except in formal benefitcost studies.
missions of the transfer agent or recipient.
Scientific and Technical Considers the impacts of technology transfer on the A concern among practitioners,
Human Capital enhanced scientific and technical skills, technically-relevant rarely examined in research.
social capital, and infrastructures e.g., networks, users groups.
supporting scientific and technical work.
B. Bozemanr Research Policy 29 (2000) 627655 639

emphasizes not only particularly important findings faculty role in technology-based regional economic
but also more recent ones. A further limitation I development and increasing faculty interaction with
focus chiefly on empirical research. Readers inter- industry scientists. Faculty were much less enthusias-
ested in intrasector, cross-national, conceptual and tic about business partnerships with industry and a
older literature should consult general reviews of the more market-driven university. Lee points out that
literature e.g., Godkin, 1988; Zhao and Reisman, university commercial activities usually do not have
1992; Geisler, 1993.. high yield Feller, 1990. and often involve consider-
The review is organized by dimensions of the able risks. This echoes the conclusion of Rosenberg
Contingent Effectiveness Model. We begin with re- and Nelson 1994. p. 346. that it is ill-advised to
search on the characteristics of the technology trans- try to get university researchers to work on specific
fer agent, an issue already introduced in Section 5 practical problems of industry . . . u.niversity re-
pertaining to the institutional contexts of universities searchers are almost always insufficiently versed in
and government laboratories. the particulars of specific product markets to make
good decisions about appropriate tradeoffs. Lee
6.1. Characteristics of the transfer agent 1996. concludes that the chief concern of his aca-
demic respondents is a Faustian bargain, trading
A broad issue in characteristics of the transfer income and research support for new work norms
agent is the nature of the institution, its history and that threaten academic integrity. Despite reserva-
culture. Indeed, a good proportion of the work on tions, however, most academic respondents are will-
technology transfer deals with just this one question: ing to cross cultures and have greater, if cautious,
How does the institutional culture of the university collaboration with industry.
government laboratory. affect its ability to conduct The motives of academics involved in technology
technology transfer? transfer were examined by Rahm 1994. in her study
Much of the research on university technology of researchers in the top 100 research universities.
transfer focuses on the culture of the university e.g. She received responses from more than 1000 aca-
Daniels, 1994; Larsen and Wigand, 1987., including demic researchers and then distinguished between
resistance of university faculty to some of the pre- 254 university-bound researchers, those not par-
requisites of proprietary work. Some studies suggest ticipating in technology transfer, and 759 spanning
organizational and professional changes enabling researchers. The spanning researchers tend to initi-
closer academic and industry collaboration. Et- ate communications with firms and are much more
zkowitz 1994; 1998. has conducted interview-based likely to have informal links with firms. Seventy-five
studies of the nature of the entrepreneurial academic percent of the spanning researchers engage in con-
scientists and the institutional culture that gives rise sulting 26% university-bound. and 80% of the span-
to the capitalization of knowledge. Ertkowitz finds ning researchers have students in industry whom the
considerable change in the norms of academic sci- contact regularly 18% for university-bound.. Simi-
ence, resulting in an environment much more con- larly, spanners are more likely to participate in re-
ducive to industrially relevant work. To a large search consortia, extension services, incubators, and
extent this is due to new forms of linkage arising cooperative R & D.
from externalization of industry research and various Slaughter and Rhoades 1996. focused on the
cooperative R & D organizations which have prolifer- university as a setting for cooperative technology
ated in the past decade. development, drawing a link between competitive-
A somewhat less sanguine view is taken by Lee ness policies of the last 2 decades and changes in
1996., who conducted field interviews with faculty academic science and technology. They examined
and administrators involved in universityindustry aggregate time series data and concluded that the
relations and a representative survey of university external policy environment of cooperative technol-
faculty. He received responses from 986 faculty ogy and competitiveness is having effects on the
representing all major disciplines and a variety of structure of academic work, including salary distribu-
university types. He found strongest support for a tions by field and faculty research choices and re-
640 B. Bozemanr Research Policy 29 (2000) 627655

wards. They suggest that the new policies are divi- ways. For example, a study of federal laboratories in
sive for university scientists, opening up new and New Mexico Radosevich, 1995. found a significant
deep fissures between sciences and engineering and shortage of risk capital. Arguably, geographic loca-
arts and letters. tion is in that case only indirectly related to technol-
Rahm et al. 1988. examined university and gov- ogy transfer success, but as a general factor may take
ernment laboratories technology transfer activities on some importance.
and the extent to which the characteristics of the lab
could explain participation in technology transfer. 6.2. Characteristics of the transfer media
Focusing on questionnaire and telephone survey data
from 665 respondents they found that the composi- One transfer medium recently prominent in the
tion of university and government laboratories R & D literature, because recently prominent in public pol-
affects their technology transfer participation. Both icy, is the CRADA. Since the passage of the Federal
universities and government laboratories emphasiz- Technology Transfer Act, the US multiprogram, na-
ing basic research as a mission are less likely to be tional laboratories, among others, have been permit-
involved in technology transfer with the negative ted to develop cooperative research agreements and
relationship being much more pronounced among to negotiate licenses. In 1989, the National Competi-
government labs.. Those involved in technology de- tiveness Technology Transfer Act extended that au-
velopment are considerably more likely to be en- thority to the weapons laboratories. One of the latest
gaged in technology transfer but, again, the finding efforts to study the effects of CRADAs is the study
is much stronger for government labs. of Ham and Mowery 1998. of Lawrence Livermore
For both settings, the strongest predictor of tech- National Laboratory CRADAs. Ham and Mowery
nology transfer participation was having a diversity focused on five CRADA cases based on diverse
of research missions. Those who were narrowly fo- technologies, including, for example, improving the
cused, regardless of the nature of the focus, were less recording density of disk drive heads and commer-
likely to be engaged in technology transfer than cializing high-precision amplifiers. The projects had
those laboratories with diverse, multiple missions. considerable range in size less than US$250,000 to
For government laboratories, a focus on scientific more than US$20 million. and varied from 14 to 48
articles was associated negatively with technology months in duration. In assessing the success Market
transfer participation no association was found for Impact criteria. of the CRADA projects, Ham and
university labs.. Mowery found several transfer agent characteristics
In a later study based on survey data from 189 fundamental to success including degree of bud-
government laboratories, Bozeman and Coker 1992. getary and managerial flexibility of the projects, the
found that three different types of effectiveness re- commitment and interaction of the collaborating par-
lated to the attributes of the transfer agent, but in ties, the laboratory researchers familiarity with the
different ways. Number of licenses related chiefly to firms needs. With respect to transfer recipient char-
the size of the lab; getting technologies out the door acteristics, the firms ability to absorb and apply the
was best explained in terms of the missions of the results of the collaboration proved to be of great
laboratories and the composition of their R & D; importance.
Market Impact, measured in terms of commercial- In their conclusions, Ham and Mowery argue
ized technology, was best explained by research persuasively that quantitative estimates of the direct
diversity and degree of commercial orientation of the benefits of these CRADA-based projects is unrelia-
lab. ble and distorted. One of the reasons why Ham and
The geographic location of the transfer agent may Mowery are less sanguine about direct quantitative
in some instances be important. While one study estimates of benefits is that most of the benefits
found very little relationship between nearly 100 accruing are indirect and generic. Thus, the trans-
government laboratories geographic location and fer recipients indicated that the CRADA con-
their success in technology transfer Coker, 1994., tributed to their overall technical capabilities, rather
geography may determine destiny in some important than benefiting any single product p. 670. and the
B. Bozemanr Research Policy 29 (2000) 627655 641

chief benefit to the government lab was improved lab facilities, lab visits and formal information dis-
ability to assess the technical needs of potential semination through publications. By far the most
commercial partners. important category of interaction was contract re-
From an effectiveness standpoint, the findings of search, followed by cooperative research. Few val-
Ham and Mowery about the indirect benefits of ued licensing and more formal interactions.
CRADAs can be viewed as asserting the importance Another transfer medium that has received a good
of the Scientific and Technical Human Capital crite- deal of attention during the past decade is the R & D
rion. These findings echo other studies of coopera- consortium e.g., Smilor and Gibson, 1991; Watkins,
tive R & D e.g., Roessner, 1993; Autio and Laama- 1991.. CRADAs are in some ways similar to consor-
nen, 1995; Feller and Roessner, 1995; Bozeman and tia but are generally less institutionalized, involve
Rogers, 1998a,b.. For a contrasting view see Rogers fewer parties and are more likely to include propri-
et al. 1998. who found companies to be chiefly etary agreements. Aldrich et al. 1998. studied R & D
interested in obtaining new technology.. consortia in the US and Japan, gathering data from
In another recent study Rogers et al., 1998. of 39 US and 54 Japanese multiform R & D consortia
CRADAs, the chief obstacle to effectiveness was the which included, respectively, 1801 US members and
lack of symmetry between the organizational cul- 1647 Japanese members. The chief factors associated
tures of the federal laboratory and its CRADA part- with degree of information exchange, the authors
ners. Questionaires were mailed Eto et al., 1995. to focus, were patterns of interorganizational relations
the participants in each of Los Alamos National and internal diversity of the consortia. However,
Laboratorys 117 CRADAs in place in 1995, their model explained results for US consortia much
CRADAs valued at US$293 million. They received better than for Japanese ones.
responses from half the CRADA partners as well as Another institutional medium for technology
54% of the federal laboratory personnel active in the transfer, one that has received somewhat less atten-
CRADAs. Obstacles to the effectiveness of the tion among empirical researchers, is the science park.
CRADAs included the length of time taken for Felsenstein 1994. provided one of the more impor-
CRADAs and the maze of required government bu- tant recent studies, comparing 160 high-technology
reaucratic procedures. These findings are similar to a firms in Israel, some located in science parks, some
study Gibson et al., 1995. of CRADAs developed at not. The chief finding was that location in a science
Oak Ridge National Laboratory. park seems to provide no direct contribution to inno-
In an earlier study, Berman 1994. examined the vation but does confer status and prestige and these
impact of CRADAs signed between November 1992 indirectly promote technology transfer and informa-
and January 1993. Based on 40 telephone interviews tion flows.
with technology transfer managers at 11 federal lab- The role of human capital and training in technol-
oratories, he found that the major barriers to the ogy transfer is becoming more widely recognized.
effectiveness of CRADAs included industrys lack of This medium for technology transfer arises in a
familiarity with the technical work at federal labora- variety of ways including, among others, directed
tories and inadequate federal funding for cooperative training aimed specifically at managing technology
R & D. Legal barriers to negotiating CRADAS cen- transfer Grosse, 1996., use of consultants Bessant
tered on US manufacturing preference laws, product and Rush, 1995., training of students, especially
liability, fair access and intellectual property. relocating international students Nataraajan and
One of the more comprehensive studies of trans- Chawla, 1994., personnel exchange or secondment
fer media is the survey of Roessner 1993. of 68 Hicks, 1993. and, of course, informal relations
firms which belong to the Industrial Research Insti- among bench level scientists Bozeman et al., 1995..
tute. In examining firms interactions with federal A general issue pertaining to transfer media, is the
laboratories, he considered a wide variety of interac- influence of intellectual property policies. Considera-
tions including contract research, cooperative re- tion of intellectual property law, patents and patent
search, workshops, licensing, sponsored research, law is beyond the scope of this review. A textbook-
technical consultation, employee exchanges, use of length treatment would be required just to consider
642 B. Bozemanr Research Policy 29 (2000) 627655

the most important case law. One recent study is cialization of technology transferred to the company.
particularly relevant, however, as it pertains directly. But let us consider results for those companies that
Powell and Owen-Smith 1998. examined the role of do develop and market technological products or
intellectual property in the life sciences and the processes.
transformation of universities. They argue that there In their study of 219 federal laboratoryindustry
is an increasing blurring of the division of labor technical interactions, Bozeman et al. 1995. found
between industry and academia. One result is in- that about 22% resulted in a product brought to
creased politicization of government research fund- market. Subsequent studies Bozeman, 1997; Crow
ing and, particularly, a more intense competition and Bozeman, 1998. using the same found compa-
among universities. nies marketing products as a result of their federal
laboratory interactions were both younger and
6.3. Characteristics of the transfer object smaller, substantially so, than the others in the data
set. Projects were more likely to lead to a commer-
One of the most common distinctions in the litera- cialized product if they were initiated by either the
ture is between knowledge transfer and technology companies R & D managers or by top managers in
transfer Gilbert and Cordeyhayes, 1996.. If we clas- the company. Projects developed by bench level
sify knowledge transfer as scientific knowledge scientists, lab directors or, in most instances, federal
used by scientists to further science and technology laboratory personnel, were no more or less. likely to
transfer as scientific knowledge used by scientists lead to commercial results. Interestingly, but consis-
and others in new applications, then it is the latter tent with findings about the importance of indirect
that has received most of the attention in the technol- benefits Roessner and Bean, 1994; Ham and Mow-
ogy transfer literature. ery, 1998., the companies commercializing the re-
Increasingly, researchers and theorists have shown sults of their cooperative projects reported levels of
an interest in the transfer of tacit knowledge. economic benefit lower than other participants. The
Grant and Gregory 1997. analyzed case studies of only set of respondents reporting both low economic
manufacturing technology transfer and the role of benefit and regret at ever becoming involved were
tacit knowledge and conclude that the extent of the small percentage who set out, as a primary
transfer of tacit knowledge often has a major impact motive, to develop commercial technology and failed.
on the effectiveness of manufacturing technology One way of categorizing transfer objects is in
transfer. In his study of collaboration among Japanese terms of their sector of application, including mili-
and British high technology firms, Lam 1997. uses tary vs. civilian. Studies of dual-use technology
the concept of tacit knowledge in a cultural context, Watkins, 1990. generally focus on the features of
examining its role in mediating friction that occurs technology or other transfer objects. for application
as the Japanese organizational model of R & D in both the military and civilian sectors. Cowan and
comes into conflict with the British professional Foray 1995. suggest a strong interaction among
model. sector of use, process vs. product technology and
Among the many categories of transfer object, types of learning required for deploying a technol-
one enduring focus has been on commercializable ogy. They hypothesize that knowledge of the life
products. To what extent do the transfer objects cycles of technologies affects strongly the dual-
achieve commercialization and what is their rate of use utility of the technology. Molas-Gallart 1997.
commercial success? With respect to federal labora- provides a typology useful in assessing the appropri-
toryindustry interactions, considerable evidence ateness of technology for dual use. He distinguishes
Roessner, 1993; Roessner and Bean, 1994; Boze- among actors single unit transfer or two or more
man and Crow, 1990; Bozeman et al., 1995; Geisler units. and modes adaptation required or not. and
and Clements, 1995. indicates that a minority of concludes that each requires different transfer strate-
interactions are motivated by the prospect of directly gies.
realized commercial products and that relatively few One characteristic of transfer objects that has
projects actually result in the companys commer- received some attention is the composition of R & D,
B. Bozemanr Research Policy 29 (2000) 627655 643

the transfer objects position on the basic research- mass of demands for technologies and technical
developed technology scale. Particularly there has competencies is a major factor in determining market
been concern about the extent to which basic re- impact technology transfer success.
search is a fruitful transfer object. In a case study of The question of market-push or -pull has
industrial innovation at CERN, Hameri 1996. con- clear strategic implications for technology transfer
cludes that well-organized, highly focused interac- effectiveness Gander, 1986.. Piper and Naghshpour
tion with industry is a prerequisite for technology 1996. argue that many public sector technology
transfer from basic research. Rogers and Bozeman transfer practitioners tend to assume market-pull and
1997., focusing on 219 federal laboratoryindustry take an if we build it they will come approach.
partnerships, most involving basic research, found They argue for a strong market-push approach,
that, compared to all projects, the ones involving adapting contemporary marketing approaches to gov-
basic research had higher costs but also a greater ernment efforts to diffuse technology. Focusing on
likelihood of yielding a commercial technology pro- technology transfer from defense laboratories, Spivey
ject. Findings for a set of case studies yielded quite et al. 1997. found that defense laboratories tend to
similar results Bozeman et al., 1999.. employ technology push in transferring technology
to civilian use but market-pull when technology is
6.4. Characteristics of the demand enironment transitioned to defense operations and field agencies.
6.5. Characteristics of the transfer recipient
Market failure has a different meaning in a gov-
ernment policy context, even when government poli- One of the most important considerations in as-
cies are directed at stimulating technology infrastruc- sessing the effects of the transfer recipient on trans-
ture and economic development Feller, 1987, 1997.. fer success is whether the recipient is a government
The usual stereotype of demand for technology is agency, non-profit organization or a business. While
either market-push or market-pull. But often non- most of the technology transfer literature assumes
market forces shape demand. Dalpe et al. 1992. that businesses are the recipient, there is a well-de-
examined the role of the public sector as the first veloped literature e.g., Bozeman et al., 1978; Lam-
user of technological innovations. In examining bright, 1979; Doctors, 1981. focusing on transfer of
Canadian innovations, they found that 25% of those technology to government users.
inventions received their first application in the pub- Research comparing directly business and non-
lic sector and concluded that insufficient attention profit or government technology recipients consis-
has been given to the public sectors role in shaping tently finds marked differences in process, barriers to
demand and markets for technology. Moon and effectiveness and, indeed, definitions of effective-
Bretschneider 1997. have focused on innovation ness. Kingsley and Farmer 1997. and Kingsley et al.
demand in the public sector and found that the 1996. found in their in-depth case studies of 31
government broker role is much more effective when state government energy R & D technology develop-
government managers take an active role. Bobrowksi ment and transfer projects that public regulations
and Bretshneider 1994., in a study of a state govern- often strongly affected technology transfer, generally
ment technology development agency, found that encouraging it. They also found that when technol-
co-funding is a particularly helpful strategy that a ogy partners were sets of government agencies e.g.,
state agency can use to induce demand. energy agencies and transportation agencies. there
In a study focusing on the flow of scientific was a high incidence of successful transfer.
knowledge from a university to small and medium One of the most basic questions about character-
enterprises Italy, Azzone and Maccarrone 1997. istics of the transfer recipient is what type of organi-
argue that the changeability of demand, both type zation becomes involved as a technology transfer
and extent, for new technologies requires a flexible partner. A good deal of information exists on this
infrastructure rather than a set of fixed, institution- point. Roessner 1993. found that interest in working
alized resources. Their study of technology transfer with federal laboratories increased as companies
in the biomedical industry suggests that the critical own internal R & D support decreases. In another
644 B. Bozemanr Research Policy 29 (2000) 627655

study, Roessner and Bean 1991; 1994. found that university scientists and inventors seeking to develop
companies with more experience with federal labora- and commercialize the transfer object begun at the
tories tended to be larger in terms of budgets and university; in only four cases did the firms have no
personnel, they were motivated by access to unique prior relationship with the university.
technical resources available at the laboratory and
they were, in general, more active in acquiring exter-
7. Conclusions: technology transfer effectiveness
nal technical information from a variety of sources,
including universities. These findings compliment In this concluding section, the effectiveness crite-
those of Papadakis 1992. who examined 219 indus- ria of the Contingent Effectiveness Model are used
tryfederal laboratory technical partnerships. An- to structure an analysis of the strengths and weak-
other study Geisler and Clements, 1995. found that nesses of technology transfer research and theory.
companies are generally more interested in the tech- Table 5 provides a summary of the effectiveness
nical expertise, resources and knowledge found in criteria, key questions, theory base and illustrative
federal laboratories than in discrete products or li- studies.
7.1. Out-the-door criterion for technology trans-
Roessner and Wise 1994. interviewed compa-
fer effectieness
nies research directors and chief technical officers
about sources of external technical knowledge and The Out-the-Door criterion, if it has any theory
found that universities fared considerably better than basis at all, is rooted in the closed model of bureau-
federal laboratories or other firms, ranking first cracy when a bureaucratic superior exercises
among companies with R & D budgets in excess of authority, the bureaucrat obeys or at least gives the
US$500 million. In that same group, federal labora- semblance of obeying. The assumption of the Out-
tories were valued less highly than other firms, the-Door criterion is that transfer itself equates with
private databases and R & D consortia. With respect success. According this criterion, the organization
to sources of technical knowledge for new products participates in technology transfer either reflexively
and production processes, respondents rated in-house or because there is a directive to do so, but there is
R & D as most important, with universities and gov- not particular regard for the impacts of technology
ernment agencies being ranked well below such transfer.
sources as customers, competitors, suppliers and Despite the fact that the Out-the-Door criterion
consultants. The results suggest that the cooperative entails perfunctory response to external pressures, an
technology policy paradigm has begun to take hold understanding of this criterion is vital to any evalua-
for the largest, R & D intensive companies but less so tion of university or government laboratory-based
for small and medium enterprises. technology transfer. In interviews conducted during
Harmon et al. 1997. set out to determine whether the past 15 years e.g., Bozeman and Fellows, 1988;
the size of firms involved in university-initiated tech- Crow, 1988; Crow and Bozeman, 1987, 1998., the
nology transfer related either to activity or effective- answer to the question what motivates your tech-
ness. Focusing on 23 different technologies devel- nology transfer activity quite often was we were
oped at the University of Minnesota from 1983 to told to. That same response often explained much
1993, the authors found that business firms involved about increases in CRADA signings.
in transfers could be placed into several groups In short, much public sector technology transfer
including, established firms, recently created new activity, particularly from the period of the mid-1980s
ventures or a new company created explicitly to to the early 1990s, was a direct result of formal
develop and market the transfer object. More than mandates, not a bottom-up change in the way of
half of the transfers were to large companies that doing business. The StevensonWydler Act required
were using the technology to extend existing product establishing technology transfer offices and the set-
lines. In eight cases the recipients were small firms ting aside of 0.05% of research budgets for technol-
and in three cases recipients were venture capital ogy transfer. Many laboratories did not quickly com-
firms. The remainder were new firms created by the ply US General Accounting Office, 1989., but later
Table 5
Technology transfer effectiveness criteria
Effectiveness criterion Key question Theory base Major advantage and disadvantage
Out-the-Door Was technology Atheoretical or classical Advantage: Does not hold transfer agent accountable for factors
transferred? organization theory that may be beyond control.
Disadvantage: Encourage cynicism and

B. Bozemanr Research Policy 29 (2000) 627655

focus on activity rather than outcome.
Market Impact Did the transferred technology Microeconomics of the Advantage: Focuses on a key feature of technology transfer.
have an impact on the firms firm Disadvantage: Ignores important public sector
sales or profitability? and non-profit transfer; must accommodate market failure issues.
Economic Did technology transfer efforts lead Regional science and Advantage: Appropriate to public sponsorship,
Development to regional economic development? public finance theory. focus on results to taxpayer.
Disadvantage: Evaluation almost
always requires unrealistic assumptions.
Political Did the technology agent or recipient Political exchange theory, Advantage: Realistic.
benefit politically from participation in bureaucratic politics models Disadvantage: Does not yield to systematic evaluation.
technology transfer?
Opportunity Cost What was the impact of technology Political economy, Advantage: Takes into account
transfer on alternative uses of the costbenefit analysis, foregone opportunities, especially
resources? public choice alternative uses for scientific and
technical resources.
Disadvantage: Difficult to measure,
entails dealing with the counterfactual
Scientific and Did technology transfer activity Social capital theory Advantage: Treats technology transfer and
Technical Human lead to an increment in capacity to sociology, political science., technical activity as an overhead investment.
Capital perform and use research? human capital theory Disadvantage: Not easy to equate
economics. inputs and outputs.

646 B. Bozemanr Research Policy 29 (2000) 627655

studies e.g., Bozeman et al., 1995. found widespread which the Out-the-Door criterion is important: it also
compliance. has the advantage of basing the evaluation criterion
One reason the Out-the-Door criterion is likely to on factors largely under the labs control. Some
take on even more importance than in the past is the would say that the lab is at least partly culpable if it
increased concern for quantitative demonstration of transfers technologies to companies who have inade-
results. In the US, the Government Performance and quate capital, manufacturing ability, or market savvy
Results Act GPRA. US Congress, 1993. has con- to make a good technology into a good, profitable
tributed in part to the metric mania now gripping product. But that is a high standard and requires
the US federal bureaucracy. Federal agencies in- market forecasting expertise in short supply at the
volved in performing or funding science and technol- federal laboratories Piper and Naghshpour, 1996.
ogy are even more wary than other federal bureau- and universities Rosenberg and Nelson, 1994; Har-
crats subject to GPRA. They feel their activities, few mon et al., 1997.. The public policy argument of the
of which have near term pay-off, are difficult to Out-the-Door criterion is that it is the university or
measure and evaluate. The US General Accounting government laboratorys job to create technologies
Office agrees. A recent report US General Account- or applied research attractive to industry, but it is
ing Office, 1997. observed, industrys job to make them work in the market-
place. In the wake of GPRA and other evaluation
E.xperts in research measurement have tried for initiatives, this argument may no longer fly.
years to develop indicators that would provide a
7.2. Market Impact and Economic Deelopment cri-
measure of results of R & D. However, the very
teria for technology transfer effectieness
nature of the innovation process makes measuring
the performance of science-related projects diffi- The objectives and the rhetoric of the cooperative
cult. For example, a wide range of factors deter- technology policy paradigm centers on a Market
mine if and when a particular R & D project will Impact and its close conceptual cousin, Economic
result in commercial or other benefits. It can also Development. The Market Impact criterion, as the
take many years for a research project to achieve name implies, assesses effectiveness according to the
results. commercial success of the transferred technology or
information. The Economic Development criterion is
Certainly the notion that the approximately US$70 quite similar but written on the broader canvas of
billion the US federal government spends on R & D regional, and sometimes national, economic growth.
including about US$15 billion at universities. Na- Generally, Market Impact pertains to a single firm or
tional Science Board, 1998a, p. A-160. should be just a few firms, but much technology transfer, espe-
subject to systematic planning and evaluation is dif- cially that undertaken by universities and govern-
ficult to contest. Nor is the requirement for the ment agencies, is rationalized by broader economic
submission of performance indicators to accompany multipliers assumed to flow from technology trans-
the performance plans an unreasonable one, espe- fer.
cially since there is considerable latitude in choice of The advantage of these criteria is a richer notion
measures Cozzens, 1995; Cozzens et al., 1994.. But of success. In most instances public sector technol-
research and technology transfer institutions are in ogy transfer excepted. there is little appeal to tech-
one respect not much different than other organiza- nology transfer that proves commercially and instru-
tions when they are being evaluated they reach mentally barren. An important problem with Market
for indicators that are easy to find and not easy to Impact and, especially, Economic Development cri-
interpret negatively. The number of licenses, the teria is misattribution of success and poor under-
number of CRADAs signed and other such straight- standing failures. If a particular instance of transfer
forward counts meet the joint criteria of ease and is not commercially successful, is it because the
innocuousness. product or process transferred is of limited value,
Aside from the need to understand motives in because the transferring agent has not taken the
science bureaucracies, there is another respect in actions necessary to ensure its success, or because of
B. Bozemanr Research Policy 29 (2000) 627655 647

the recipient organizations problems in develop- economic impact. This does not imply, however,
ment, manufacture, marketing, or strategy? Either that such partnerships have little long-range benefit.
market-oriented criterion can lead to enormous As Harmon et al. 1997. p. 432. note:
boundary-setting problems. If a new drill bit project
enables deeper drilling, opening up North Sea oil T.he history of science proves that thousands of
exploration Link, 1995., how much does one credit small, incremental advances are necessary to set
the project and prior science? How quickly would the stage for major advances in scientific thinking
the technology have developed if not for the project? and discovery Einstein spoke of standing on
Most important, if a US developed technology pro- the shoulders of giants. It is likely that the com-
vides great benefits abroad, what does that do to the mercial and economic benefits provided by the
accounting? advancement of science appear in a similar pat-
Despite analytical and evaluation difficulties, tern. Thousands of small companies, selling prod-
Market Impact and Economic Development criteria ucts based on modest technological advances, may
are in most instances the acid test of technology be necessary to create the conditions conducive to
transfer. The cooperative technology policy paradigm a smaller number of companies expanding into
is rationalized in terms of its potential to contribute large firms based on more revolutionary techno-
to competitiveness and, thus, technology transfer logical advances.
with little market result has no place in the paradigm.
A curious finding from the study of Bozeman et
During the past decade, many evaluation studies
al. 1995. of federal laboratoryindustry partnerships
have been produced using either Market Impact or
may reflect just this point. Among the 219 partner-
Economic Development criteria, or both. While many
ships mostly cooperative research projects based on
of these evaluations have yielded quite positive re-
CRADAs. the mean average value for company
sults, there is an emerging consensus that university
managers estimates of net economic benefits to the
and federal laboratory technology transfer have only
firm was about US$1.5 million, whereas the median
modest potential for creating new jobs or new busi-
estimate was zero. When one takes this finding along
nesses. Bozeman et al. Bozeman, 1994, 1997; Boze-
with a generally high satisfaction level among partic-
man et al., 1995, 1999; Crow and Bozeman, 1998.
ipants 92% viewing the partnership as a good in-
and Roessner et al. Roessner and Bean, 1991; Feller
vestment of time and resources., then it seems likely
and Roessner, 1995. provide consistent evidence
that direct and tangible benefits are sporadic and not
from different data sources that federal laboratory
often realized quickly. At the same time, a stream of
partnerships yield a great deal of value in the transfer
incremental benefits is realized over a long period of
of knowledge and, sometimes, physical technologies;
time and, in all likelihood, the partnerships con-
they enhance greatly the scientific and technical
tribute to a complex web of knowledge capital from
human capital available to the recipient; they con-
which firms will ultimately benefit significantly, even
tribute to the recipients store of know-how, and
if it is not possible to disentangle all the source of
they put the technology agent more in touch with
knowledge required for innovation and commercial
user needs. There is little direct evidence for federal
laboratoryindustry partnerships as a wellspring of
jobs or new businesses. 7.3. Political reward criterion for technology trans-
Similarly, findings for universities suggest that fer effectieness
businesses are created, economic development wealth
is generated, but these are not the chief benefits. In During various on-site interviews e.g., Crow and
their in-depth review of 23 technologies transferred Bozeman, 1998., university and federal laboratory
from the University of Minnesota, Harmon et al. officials have on many occasions made direct or,
1997. p. 432. note that policymakers should pro- more frequently, indirect reference to the political
ceed with caution before accepting a notion that new pay-offs expected from technology transfer activities.
or high technology firms will create significant num- That is, technology transfer is viewed as a way to
bers of new jobs or have substantial immediate enhance political support rather than as a means of
648 B. Bozemanr Research Policy 29 (2000) 627655

creating direct resources or contributing to industrial by the lab scientists and technicians view, among
competitiveness. Thus, it is an instrumental value, a the most important. Further, many other activities of
means to an end. federal laboratories are vitally important. Transfer-
There are at least three possible avenues to politi- ring technology takes its place alongside contributing
cal reward. In the least likely of scenarios, the lab is to the advance of basic research and scientific the-
rewarded because the technology it has transferred ory, providing equipment and infrastructure for the
has considerable national or regional socio-economic growth of scientific knowledge, training scientists
impact and the labs role in developing and transfer- and engineers, and ensuring the nation can perform
ring the technology is recognized by policy superiors its defense, national security, public health and en-
and, in turn, the lab is rewarded with increased ergy missions.
funding or other resources. By this view, the Politi- In many cases, the Opportunity Cost criterion
cal and the Market Impact criteria are highly com- represents the views of the bench scientist Bozeman
plementary. This scenario is not unprecedented but and Fellows, 1988.. The individual scientist or lab
does not commonly occur. In the first place, few administrator may not give a great deal of thought to
technologies have such an impact. But even when alternative public policy uses of technology transfer
there are huge impacts from technology transfer, it is resources, but certainly gives consideration to per-
often the case that the laboratory role is not evident ceived impacts on the internal R & D budget. 3
to policymakers or the policymakers simply may not In addition to local project and program concerns
provide the expected reward. Budgeting pro- about alternative uses of resources, there is another
cesses usually do not work in such a way as to quite significant issue pertaining directly to the Op-
reinforce such expectations. portunity Cost criterion. Our work on laboratory
Another way in which the Political Reward crite- structure and performance has consistently demon-
rion may yield resource results for the laboratory is strated that taking on new missions almost always
through the transfer recipient. Under this scenario, greatly alters laboratories output profiles, capabili-
the organization or industry benefiting from the tech- ties, and constituents. With major mission changes
nology transfer, communicates to policymakers the the laboratory, perforce, becomes a qualitatively dif-
value of its interaction with the university or govern- ferent institution. We Crow and Bozeman, 1998.
ment laboratory technology transfer partner. The pol- refer to this as the never neutral principle. This is
icymaker then, in turn, rewards the lab for being a not, of course, always bad only to the extent that
good industrial partner. the laboratory is already accomplishing an important
Probably the most common and realistic rationale mission such as defense technology development or
under the Political Reward criterion is for the lab to basic research. and that mission will be impaired by
be rewarded for the appearance of active and aggres- significant change and redeployment of resources.
sive pursuit of technology transfer and commercial In the case of university technology transfer, the
success. In this case, the Political Reward criterion unease about possible effects of technology transfer
turns out to be much the same as Out-the-Door: and, generally, commercial technology activities on
activity is its own reward. Much bureaucratic behav- the scientific culture and the educational traditions of
ior seems to support this view. Often federal labora- universities reflects Opportunity Cost thinking. This
tories are as active in publicizing their technology is the chief focus of the research of Lee Lee, 1994,
transfer and economic development activities as in 1996, 1998; Lee and Gaertner, 1994..
actually doing the transfer work.

7.4. Opportunity Cost criterion for technology trans-

fer effectieness During laboratory interviews, we Crow and Bozeman, 1998.
often asked already knowing the answers. bench scientists how
much money was being spent by the labs technology transfer
One abiding truth about federal laboratories tech- office or how many people were employed by the office. Their
nology transfer activity is that it is only one of many estimates were almost always inflated, often by orders of magni-
technical activities occurring and usually not, at least tude.
B. Bozemanr Research Policy 29 (2000) 627655 649

The Opportunity Cost criterion is important not so institution Malecki, 1981a,b; Malecki and Tootle,
much for its direct application in evaluation, but as a 1996.. Increments to scientific and technical human
conceptual tool encouraging the analyst to take a capital enable future technological and economic
more global view of universities or laboratories development. Rappa and Debackere 1992. and Au-
activities. tio and Laamanen 1995. suggest that evaluation of
technology transfer is most appropriately directed to
7.5. Scientific and technical human capital criterion impacts on networks of interconnected scientific and
for technology transfer effectieness commercial actors. Lynn et al. 1996. and Bidault
and Fischer 1994. also provide a strong argument
Scientific and technical human capital includes for a network-based concept of effectiveness, in part
not only the formal educational endowments usually because their research shows that the specific on-
encompassed in traditional human capital concepts going relations among networks of technology part-
e.g., Becker, 1964., but also the skills, know-how, ners is generally more important than are market
tacit knowledge, and experiential knowledge em- factors to transfer effectiveness.
bodied in individual scientists Bozeman and Rogers, A recent National Academy of Sciences Commit-
1998a,b; Bozeman et al., forthcoming.. Many gov- tee on Science, Engineering and Public Policy, 1999.
ernment managers, especially those in the core fund- analysis of approaches to evaluating federal R & D
ing agencies, are as concerned about building up under the requirements of the GPRA recognizes the
scientific and technical capacity as much as produc- importance of the Scientific and Technical Human
ing discrete impacts from particular projects. Some Capital criterion in evaluating R & D. The report
public managers speak eloquently of their roles in noted p. 10. that draft strategic plans from science
nurturing science. S & T human capital is the sum agencies included little or no information about hu-
total of scientific and technical and social knowledge man resources and suggested that both research
and skills embodied in a particular individual. It is and mission agencies should describe in their strate-
the unique set of resources that the individual brings gic and performance plans the goal of developing
to his or her work and to collaborative efforts. Since and maintaining adequate human resources in fields
the production of scientific knowledge is by defini- critical to their missions.
tion social, many of the skills are more social or
7.6. Technology transfer ealuation and theory:
political than cognitive.
complement or substitute?
Elsewhere, we Bozeman and Rogers, 1998a;
Bozeman et al., forthcoming. suggest several mea- Does the evaluation focus of so much of the
sures of the scientific and technical human capital technology transfer research complement or substi-
embodied in networks knowledge value collectives. tute for research seeking explanatory theories of
of scientists, technicians and the commercial partners technology transfer? After reflecting on this review
with whom they interact. After conducting extensive of scores of research studies on technology transfer,
case studies of university and government laboratory the reader has perhaps arrived at an answer to this
R & D funded by the Department of Energys Office question. The reviewers answer is that the evalua-
of Science Bozeman et al., 1999., we feel that tion focus both helps and hinders theory. One advan-
scientific and technical human capital is an often tage of most technology transfer evaluations is that
neglected and invariably underestimated set of crite- they require some sort of empirical base. This is not
ria for research and technology transfer effective- a small thing. Even today, the technology transfer
ness. literature includes a vast number of papers with
In many instances, policy-makers and technology sub-titles such as Conceptual Model for . . . or
transfer practitioners, especially those in government A Typology of . . . . In many instances there is no
agencies, take the view that technology transfer, empirical content at all to these studies. Some are
even if it does not have immediate effects from valuable and provide keen insights, but it is difficult
discrete projects, helps build capacity within either a for explanatory theory to advance purely on the basis
geographic area, a scientific and technical field or an of analytical thought experiments. The evaluation
650 B. Bozemanr Research Policy 29 (2000) 627655

orientation gets the researcher away from the office capabilities. Public policies of the 1980s and 1990s
and into the field. However, an evaluation orienta- unleashed the cooperative technology policy genie
tion to technology transfer research generally means from the bottle and research shows that some wishes
that the sponsors interests dictate the choice of have been granted. But genies, not just wishes, bear
research site. This is not always a problem, espe- watching.
cially if the sponsor is interested in multiple sites
with diverse contexts. But choosing research subjects
and sites on the basis of sponsor interests rather than
according to theoretical dictates often results in in- James Dietz provided valuable assistance in help-
complete pictures of technology transfer. In many ing me compile and synthesize literature. Larry Wil-
instances, the evaluation sponsor is interested in a son and Jongwon Park assisted with manuscript edit-
single case. Obviously, this impedes the generaliz- ing and preparation of tables. David Roessner pro-
ability of technology transfer research. vided extremely helpful comments on an earlier draft.
An advantage of the evaluation orientation is that I gratefully acknowledge their important contribu-
it stimulates healthy controversy. Studies that some- tions to the paper.
times inform public policy debates as many of the
studies cited here do. are apt to be subjected to
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