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High Throughput and Resource Efficient

AES Encryption/Decryption for SANs

Introduction-A Storage Area Network (SAN) is a dedicated network, which
provides access to consolidated, block level data storage. However, it still exists
possibilities of information leakage through eavesdropping and man-in-the-
middle attacks. To prevent these attacks, the sensitive data needs to be
before it can be stored at data center and it requires to be decrypted when the
user retrieves it from data center.

Paper 1:- High Throughput and Resource Efficient AES

Encryption/Decryption for SANs
To secure the data stored in large-scale Storage Area Network (SAN)
applications, high throughput Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) encryption
and decryption are required. We develop a high throughput and resource
efficient AES encryption/decryption based on FPGA, which fully exploiting the
dedicated resources of modern FPGAs, such as Block RAM (BRAM) and
Digital Signal Processing (DSP) slices.

Paper 2:- Standard for Cryptographic Protection of Data on

Block-Oriented Storage Devices
This standard specifies elements of an architecture for
cryptographic protection of data on block-oriented storage
devices, describing the methods, algorithms, and modes of
data protection to be used. Specification of such a mechanism
provides an additional and improved tool for implementation of
secure and interoperable protection of data residing in storage.

Paper 3:- High throughput and secure advanced encryption

standard on field programmable gate array with fine
pipelining and enhanced key expansion
Aiming at protection of high speed data, field programmable gate array
(FPGA)-based advanced encryption standard (AES) design is proposed here.
Deep investigation into the logical operations of AES with regard to FPGA
architectures leads to two efficient pipelining structures for the AES hardware
implementation. The two design options allow users to make a trade-off among
speed, resource usage and power consumption.

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