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Acta Geologica Polonica, Vol. 57 (2007), No. 4, pp.


Strike-slip faulting in the Kielce Unit, Holy Cross

Mountains, central Poland


Institute of Geology, University of Warsaw, wirki i Wigury Str. 93, PL-02-089 Warszawa, Poland.


KONON, A. 2007. Strike-slip faulting in the Kielce Unit, Holy Cross Mountains, central Poland. Acta
Geologica Polonica, 57 (4), 415-441. Warszawa.

Strike-slip faults and associated tectonic structures have been investigated in the Holy Cross Mountains
fold belt (HCM), which is located eastwards of the Variscan foreland basin. The strike-slip fault sets
form a complex network, which developed during two faulting stages: in Late Palaeozoic (I) and
Maastrichtian/Palaeocene (II) times.
The Late Palaeozoic fault pattern formed as a result of at least two strike-slip events: I-1 and I-2.
During the first event (I-1), a NS-striking dextral strike-slip fault set and a NNESSW to NESW-strik-
ing sinistral strike-slip fault set developed. During the next event (I-2), dextral strike slip occurred along
the WNWESE-striking longitudinal master faults and formed a NWSE to NNWSSE-striking sinistral
secondary strike-slip fault set. During this event, in zones north and south of the Holy Cross Fault, fault-
bounded blocks developed which were rotated dextrally as a result of further displacements. The strike-
slip fault network was overprinted during the Maastrichtian/Palaeocene second strike-slip stage (II).

Key words: Late Palaeozoic, Strike-slip faulting, Fault-bounded block domains,

Holy Cross Mountains, Kielce Unit.

INTRODUCTION with a strike-slip component, especially when sig-

nificant shortening took place across the fault
The aim of this paper is to describe the geom- zones during the folding. The strike-slip compo-
etry and developmental stages of the strike-slip nent occurred not only along the faults oblique or
fault network in the southern part of the Holy transverse to the fold axes but also along faults
Cross Mountains fold belt (HCM) and to compare parallel to the axes.
it with the fault network in the northern part of Deformation associated with strike-slip fault-
the HCM. In the HCM, in Late Carboniferous to ing, particularly resulting from the Late Palae-
Palaeocene times, strike-slip deformation occurred ozoic wrenching event, has been investigated in
repeatedly (e.g. LAMARCHE & al. 1999), which outcrops and quarries, generally within well-
brought about difficulties with identifying faults exposed Devonian rocks, as well as using geologi-

cal maps, remote sensing techniques and analysis al. 1983; POARYSKI 1986; TOMCZYK 1988;
of Digital Elevation Model (DEM)-derived POARYSKI & al. 1992; LEWANDOWSKI 1993; UNRUG
images. & al. 1999; LAMARCHE & al. 2000, 2003), which was
confirmed by the recognition of domino-style rotat-
Geological setting ed blocks (MASTELLA & MIZERSKI 2002).
Rocks in the Kielce and ysogry units, ranging
The Holy Cross Mountains fold belt (HCM), from the Cambrian to the Lower Carboniferous
made up of the ysogry (northern) and Kielce underwent folding (CZARNOCKI 1919, 1957a, b)
(southern) tectono-stratigraphic units (CZARNOCKI during the Late Carboniferous (e.g. CZARNOCKI
1919, 1957a; POARYSKI 1978), are located within 1919, 1938, 1950, 1957a; TOMCZYK 1988; SZUL -
the Trans-European Suture Zone (BERTHELSEN CZEWSKI 1995; LAMARCHE & al. 1999, 2002). These
1993) (Text-figs 1 and 2). The boundary between deformations were overprinted in Maastrichtian
the Kielce and ysogry units is formed by the at Palaeocene times (e.g. JAROSZEWSKI 1972; KUTEK
least 75 km long Holy Cross Fault (HCF). The HCF & GAZEK 1972; KUTEK 2001) and consequently
has been considered the border between the the shapes of the earlier formed folds were modi-
Maopolska block and the East European Craton fied (KUTEK & GAZEK 1972; LEWANDOWSKI 1982,
(POARYSKI 1969, his fig. 1; TOMCZYK 1988) or the 1985).
boundary between the Maopolska and ysogry
terranes (e.g. POARYSKI & al. 1992; POARYSKI & Methods
TOMCZYK 1993; UNRUG & al. 1999). Recent deep
seismic sounding experiments (CELEBRATION In analysis of the fault network, revised geo-
2000) confirm the suggestion of BROCHWICZ- logical maps (CZARNOCKI 1938, 1961a-f; FILO-
LEWISKI & al. (1983) that the ysogry and Kielce NOWICZ 1967, 1970, 1973, 1976; HAKENBERG
units, along with the rest of the Maopolska Block, 1973), field observations, aerial photos, radar,
have an identical crustal structure and are connect- satellite and DEM-derived images (e.g. KONON &
ed with the East European Craton (the Baltica MIGIELSKI 2006) have been applied. The DEM
palaeocontinent) (MALINOWSKI & al. 2005). Some derivatives were made using the MICRODEM
authors suggested that, apart from the shortening software series created by Peter GUTH from the
component, the HCF had a strike-slip component Department of Oceanography of the US Naval
along the fault zone (e.g. BROCHWICZ-LEWISKI & Academy.

Fig. 1. Tectonic sketch-map of north-western and central Europe (simplified after MATTE & al. 1990; DADLEZ & al. 1994; DADLEZ 2001;
MAZUR & al. 2006). BM Bohemian Massif, DF Dolsk Fault, FSB Fore-Sudetic Block, FSM Fore-Sudetic Monocline, HCF Holy
Cross Fault, HCM Holy Cross Mountains, KF Kock Fault, KLF Krakw-Lubliniec Fault, KUF Kazimierz-Ursynw Fault, MLT
Mazowsze-Lublin Trough, OF Odra Fault, R-KH Radom-Kranik High, USB Upper Silesian Block, WLH Wolsztyn-Leszno High

Fig. 2. Geological map of the Holy Cross Mountains (after CZARNOCKI 1938, 1961a-f; FILONOWICZ 1973a, modified). Folds in the Kielce Unit: Ba s. Bartoszowiny Syncline, Bc s. Bakowice Anticline, Bd s. Bardo Syncline, Bk a. Bukowa
Anticline, Bl a. Bieliny Anticline, Br s. Beradz Syncline, Ch a. Chciny Anticline, D a. Dyminy Anticline, Dl a. Daleszyce Anticline, Dl s. Daleszyce Syncline, G-B s. Gazice-Bolechowice Syncline, K a. Kielce Anticline, K s. Kielce
Syncline, Kb a. Kabza Anticline, Km a. Komrki Anticline, a. abdziw Anticline, s. abdziw Syncline, g s. agw Syncline, w a. ownica Anticline, Md s. Midzygrz Syncline, MG s. Miedziana Gra Syncline,
M a. Maacentw Anticline, N a. Niewachlw Anticline, Ns a. Niestachw Anticline, Nw s. Nawodzice Syncline, O a. Orowiny Anticline, O a. Orowiny Anticline, O a. Orowiny Anticline, Oc a. Ocieski Anticline, P s. Piotrw
Syncline, P a. Pucki Anticline, P s. Pucki Syncline, R a. Radwan Anticline, R s. Radlin Syncline, Rz s. Rzepka Syncline, Sb-G s. Sobiekurw-Grocholice Syncline, U s. Ujazd Syncline, Ub a. Ublinek Anticline, Wg s. Wygiezw
Syncline, Zb a. Zbrza Anticline, -K s. erniki-Karww Syncline. Folds in the ysogry Unit: Bo Bodzentyn Syncline, Br Bronkowice Anticline, Wd Wydryszw Anticline. Main faults in the Holy Cross Mountains: BF Brzechw Fault,
BKF Bieliny Kapitulne Fault, DF Daleszyce Fault, HCF Holy Cross Fault, JaF Janczyce Fault, F ysogry Fault, kF ukawki Fault, MF agw-Michaw Fault, MFZ Mjcza Fault Zone, MGF Miedziana Gra Fault,
NF Niewachlw Fault, NF Northern ysogry Fault, OF Ozibw Fault, OpF Opatw Fault, PF Porbki Fault, PF Pucki Fault, SF Samotnia Fault, WF Wszachw Fault. For other explanations see text

Precise location of the fault zones has been STRIKE-SLIP FAULTS IN PALAEOZOIC
enabled by analysis of fault scarps on slope and STRATA
aspects maps (KONON & MIGIELSKI 2006). Traces
of the faults were identified mainly in places were In the HCM, the complex fault network com-
they cut competent rocks. prises numerous longitudinal faults parallel to the
The strike-slip component on the faults was fold axes, as well as transverse and oblique faults,
recognized during field studies from analysis of striking at high or low angles to the fold axes
slickensides, drag of beds along faults and e.g. respectively (CZARNOCKI 1919, 1924, 1938, 1950,
asymmetrical folding in the fault sides observed in 1956, 1957a, b, 1958, 1961a-f; SAMSONOWICZ 1922,
the field (e.g. KONON 2006b). On geological maps, 1934) (Text-figs 2 and 3). These faults dissect series
radar and DEM-derived images, this component of map-scale folds, developed in Lower Cambrian
was initially interpreted from the strike separa- to Lower Carboniferous sedimentary rocks (e.g.
tions and the drag of beds along faults, as well as CZARNOCKI 1938).
on the basis of structures associated with strike- In the Kielce Unit, the fault network consists
slip faults, e.g extensional normal faulting at the mainly of approximately WNWESE-striking lon-
termination of faults, splay of faults, blocks rotat- gitudinal faults, transverse and oblique NS,
ed in domino style, stepovers, contractional folds NNWSSE and NNESSW to NESW-striking
which developed as a result of compensation of faults (Text-fig. 3, Kielce Unit). For comparison, in
the displacements along the faults, and minor the zone between the Holy Cross Fault and
faults associated with the movement along the Northern ysogry Fault (HCF-NF Zone), direct-
major faults. This component was also interpret- ly to the north of the Kielce Unit, occur similar
ed from the offsets of fold axes along transverse WNWESE, NWSE, NS and NNESSW to
and oblique faults without significant change of NESW-striking fault sets (Text-fig. 3, ysogry
widths of their hinge zones (KONON & MIGIELSKI Unit part A). In part of the ysogry Unit, north-
2006; KONON 2006a, b). The observation of dis- wards of the Northern ysogry Fault, occur
continuities between parallel faults and recogni- NWSE, approximately NS and NNESSW-strik-
tion of the sense of overlapping also proved help- ing transverse and oblique faults (Text-fig. 3,
ful. ysogry Unit part B).
During the collection of data for fault-slip
analysis, two fault sets with sinistral and dextral Longitudinal faults
strike-slip occurring at outcrop in the same beds,
with the sets enclosing acute dihedral angles gener- In the Kielce Unit, the longitudinal
ally below 75, were interpreted as conjugate meso- WNWESE-striking fault traces, parallel to the
fault sets. Furthermore, in analysis of fault-slip data fold axes, are up to 30 km long (Text-fig. 2). These
obtained from slickensides, approximated attitudes map-scale faults dissect the short limbs of asym-
of the shortening axes were calculated with the metric map-scale folds as well as both limbs of map-
selected angle (30) for each fault plane (TURNER scale symmetric folds (e.g. CZARNOCKI 1956, pl. 12;
1953), using TectonicsFP software by REITER & BEDNARCZYK & al. 1970; MIZERSKI 1995, fig. 17;
ACS (1996-2000). KONON 2006a, b). During folding, a reverse sense of
Determination of the age of the faults was the dip-slip component predominated on the longi-
based mainly on their cross-cutting relationships, tudinal faults (e.g. CZARNOCKI 1957b; KOWALCZEW-
relationships to the folds, attitudes of their fault SKI & RUBINOWSKI 1962; FILONOWICZ 1970, 1973),
planes, palaeomagnetic data, structures which which is confirmed by earlier field observations of
developed as a result of displacement along the the author (KONON 2006a, b). On the surfaces of
faults, mineralization developed during faulting the steeply-dipping beds, in addition to the older
and differences between the structure of the zones dip-slip component resulting from the flexural slip
occurring in the Kielce and ysogry units, locat- mechanism (Text-fig. 4, area 1), evidence for a
ed close to the Holy Cross Fault, and the structur- younger strike-slip component can also be seen
al pattern observed in the overlying Upper (e.g. Text-fig. 4, area 2). Magnitudes of displace-
Permian to Mesozoic strata around the termina- ments along these faults, associated with the strike-
tions of the major faults. slip faulting event, are difficult to estimate due to a

Fig. 3. Fault pattern in the Holy Cross Mountains. Rose diagrams of the fault traces in the Kielce and ysogry units. For other
explanations see text and Text-fig. 2

the Kielce Unit, NNWSSE and NS-striking fault

sets prevail (Text-fig. 3 Kielce Unit). The
NNESSE fault set is weakly developed. In the
ysogry Unit, approximately NS-striking faults
are common e.g. the ysogry Fault, Psary Fault, as
are also NNESSW-striking faults, such as the fault
dissecting the Devonian and Silurian strata near
Bodzentyn (Text-figs 2 and 3 ysogry Unit part
B) (CZARNOCKI 1956, tab. 2).
The strike-slip component, as well as the
extension or shortening component, also occurred
across the transverse and oblique fault zones in
both the Kielce and ysogry units (e.g.
CZARNOCKI 1950, 1956; JAROSZEWSKI 1973, 1980;
Fig. 4. Surface of bed with slickenside lineations parallel (1) JUREWICZ & MIZERSKI 1991; MIZERSKI 1991;
and subperpendicular to the dip (2) in the Mogiki Quarry. MIZERSKI & OROWSKI 1993). For example, across
The bedding plane orientation and dip value are indicated the ysogry Fault, which is one of the major
faults in the ysogry Unit, both extension as well
lack of data on offsets of characteristic geological as strike-slip occurred (Text-fig. 5). Displacements
structures. on transverse and oblique faults range from over
ten metres to about 3 km, as in the case of the
Transverse and oblique faults ysogry Fault (CZARNOCKI 1950, 1957b), and
faults dissecting the central part of the
The transverse and oblique faults have signifi- Niewachlw Anticline (Text-fig. 2) formed during
cantly shorter traces than the longitudinal faults the post-folding stage of deformation (KONON &
up to a few kilometres long (Text-figs 2 and 3). In MIGIELSKI 2006).

Fig. 5. a Cross-section across the ysogry Fault zone (after CZARNOCKI 1956, modified). IF inner fault, OF outer fault.
b Extensional event in the ysogry Fault zone. Scheme of development of deformation in the fault zone. For location see Text-fig. 3.
For other explanations see text

Structures associated with strike-slip faults according to the bookshelf mechanism (e.g.
MANDL 1987). These structures, associated with
The strain partitioning of all slip components on strike-slip faulting, were recognized in both the
longitudinal, transverse and oblique fault sets was Kielce and ysogry units (Text-figs 6-12).
not an easy task. Identifying the strike-slip compo-
nent was often only possible on the basis of the Contractional folds
identification of structures associated with the
strike-slip displacement. Diagnostic features that In the southern part of the HCM, symmetric
can be used to recognize horizontal shear are: an en and asymmetric mesofolds, with small wavelengths
chelon arrangement of faults or folds in the fault in the range of 0.7-9 m, commonly occur on limbs
zone in map view (e.g. HARDING 1973; WILCOX & of map-scale folds. Some of them are located near
al. 1973), imbricate fans of minor faults as horsetail the southern terminations of approximately NS-
splays at terminations of major faults (e.g. striking faults (CZARNOCKI 1938, 1956, pl. 22;
WOODCOCK & FISHER 1986; SYLVESTER 1988; KONON 2006a, b). Examples of such mesofolds
WOODCOCK & RICKARDS 2003), strike-slip duplex- occur on the southern limb of the Gazice-
es forming at bends or stepovers along the major Bolechowice Syncline, and on the southern limb of
fault (WOODCOCK & FISHER 1986; WOODCOCK & the Miedziana Gra Syncline (Text-fig. 6) (KONON
SCHUBERT 1994) and blocks rotated in domino style 2006a, b). In both cases, strongly folded beds on the

Fig. 6. a Compensation of strike-slip movement along the dextral strike-slip fault, dissecting the southern limb of the Miedziana Gra
Syncline (Kostomoty Quarry). b Scheme of fold development resulting from the activity of the strike-slip component along the fault.
c The strike-slip separation along the fault plane. Lithostratigraphic units after M. SZULCZEWSKI (personal communication, 2005)

eastern side of the fault contrast with less intensive- which is at least 11 km long (Text-figs 2 and 5). This
ly folded beds on the western side. Displacements steeply dipping fault dissects strata of Cambrian
along the faults were small. For example, the strike through Devonian age (CZARNOCKI 1950, 1957b).
separation calculated for the fault dissecting the Both dextral strike-slip as well as dip-slip occurred
southern limb of the Miedziana Gra Syncline was along the fault (Text-fig. 5b) (CZARNOCKI 1950;
about 25 m. Asymmetry of folding in the fault JAROSZEWSKI 1973, fig. 7; 1980, fig. 227), although
blocks indicates that the folds developed as a result the sole occurrence of the dip-slip component with
of compensation of displacement along these faults a normal sense, was also suggested (MIZERSKI
and that the faults were active as dextral strike-slip 1982).
faults (KONON 2006b, fig. 7b). A series of secondary faults at the north-eastern
Palaeomagnetic investigations suggest that the tip of the master fault (CZARNOCKI 1950, fig. 29;
folds as well as the strike-slip faults formed in Late 1956, tab. 11, 1957, tab. 1) probably developed as a
Carboniferous time (LEWANDOWSKI 1981, 1985; splay of faults during dextral shear (KONON &
GRABOWSKI & NAWROCKI 1996 KS1 component of MIGIELSKI 2006). In one of these opened
magnetization Namurian/Westphalian boundary). faults/fractures (JAROSZEWSKI 1973) a hydrother-
mal iron ore body was formed, which, according to
Extensional imbricate fan of faults the observations of SAMSONOWICZ and CZARNOCKI,
does not cut the Upper Permian conglomerates
In the eastern part of the Gazice-Bolechowice (CZARNOCKI 1950).
Syncline, near Daleszyce, at least three half-graben
type tectonic blocks occur at the south-eastern tip Stepping and stepovers
of the Daleszyce Fault (Text-figs 2 and 7). The
blocks are bounded by NS-striking, west-dipping An en chelon arrangement of fault segments is
normal faults. These faults strike about 60 at the common in strike-slip fault zones (e.g. SEGALL &
Daleszyce Fault. Normal faulting at the termination POLLARD 1980; WOODCOCK & SCHUBERT 1994;
of the Daleszyce Fault suggests that, during the for- WOODCOCK & RICKARDS 2003), but also occurs in
mation of the characteristic tilted blocks, the dex- dip-slip fault zones (e.g. WALSH & al. 1999;
tral strike-slip component prevailed along the fault ACOCELLA & al. 2000). Additional structures that
after the folding (Text-fig. 7b). are diagnostic of horizontal shear, such as horizon-
tal lineations on slickensides, have therefore been
Horsetail splay used in the interpretations of the fault zones.
Common stepping of en chelon segments was
The major transverse fault in the ysogry Unit observed in fault zones in the HCM (e.g. Text-figs
is the approximately NS-striking ysogry Fault, 2, 3, 8). The segments are in the range of a few

Fig. 7. Extensional imbricate fan of faults at the tip of the Daleszyce Fault (DlF). a Radar image with marked fault traces. b Tectonic
block-diagram showing the development of tilted blocks in the extension zone during the dextral strike-slip displacement along the
Daleszyce Fault; G-B s. Gazice-Bolechowice Syncline. For other explanations see text and Text-fig. 2

Fig. 8. a Left-stepping in the sinistral strike-slip fault zone in the Piskrzyn Quarry. 1-2-3 slickensides with horizontal slickenside lin-
eation. b Sketch-map of the location of left-stepping of the fault segments in the Piskrzyn Quarry. c Dextral restraining stepover
near Daleszyce. d Slope map (values of slopes presented in degrees) made with the application of the MICRODEM software series.
For location see Text-figs 2, 11-13

metres to about 2 km. In map-scale fault zones, Apart from these map-scale examples, left-step-
both right- and left-stepping was observed. Right- ping was also determined in the mesofault zone e.g.
stepping was recognized e.g. in the fault zone in the Piskrzyn Quarry (e.g. Text-figs 8a, b).
which cuts the central part of the Bakowice Horizontal lineation on the slickensides displays a
Anticline (Text-figs 2 and 3). An offset of the sinistral slip.
Bakowice Anticline axis along the transverse fault In strike-slip zones, additional structures were
without significant change of the hinge zone width formed between the stepping segments of the
presumably resulted from the strike-slip displace- faults. Eastwards of Daleszyce, between the two
ment. The agw-Michaw Fault zone displays WNWESE-striking, left-stepping fault segments,
probable left-stepping (Text-fig. 2 MF). At the four blocks segmented by three smaller NS-strik-
NW tip of the fault, the drag of beds along the fault ing sinistral strike-slip faults developed (Text-figs
zone suggests horizontal shear. 8c, d). The sense of displacements along these

Fig. 9. a Drag of beds along the dextral strike-slip fault in the luchowice Quarry. b Radar image showing the map-scale drag of
beds along the sinistral strike-slip fault near Nowa Zbelutka. c Slickenside of the dextral strike-slip fault in the luchowice Quarry.
d Examples of three dextral strike-slip faults (I-III) in the luchowice Quarry. For location see Text-figs 2, 11-13

blocks and left-stepping of the major fault segments striking dextral conjugate strike-slip faults also
suggest that this part of the major fault zone can be occur rarely (Text-fig. 12 diagrams 19b and 26), as
interpreted as a dextral restraining stepover. do conjugate sets of NWSE to NNWSSE dextral
and NNESSW sinistral strike-slip faults (Text-fig.
Drag of beds 11 diagram 4).
The attitudes of the measured fault sets in the
In some fault zones in the HCM, vertical drag Devonian rocks are similar to those occurring in the
folds were formed in the generally steeply-dipping overlying PermianTriassic rocks (Text-figs 11 and
beds (e.g. Text-figs 9a, b). Map-scale drag of beds 12). Conjugate fault sets often occur in the outcrops
was observed e.g. near Nowa Zbelutka, where fault and allow calculation of the different approximated
slip caused the curving of Cambrian shales and attitudes of the shortening axes (Text-fig. 13). Two
thin-bedded sandstones in both blocks of a main directions of shortening prevail an approxi-
NNWSSE-striking fault (Text-fig. 9b). The strike mately NWSE direction and a NESW direction
separation along this fault was over ten metres. The (Text-figs 13d, e). Most of the mesofaults were
drag of beds suggests the occurrence of a sinistral observed near larger faults (Text-figs 13a-c).
strike-slip component along the fault (Text-fig. 9b).
A similar, but in meso-scale, deformation of beds Rotated blocks
was observed e.g. in the luchowice Quarry (Text-
fig. 9a). Along at least three sub-vertical faults dis- To the north and south of the HCF there are
secting the Upper Devonian rocks, with strikes two zones, up to 5 km wide, composed of fault-
from NNWSSE to NS, drag folds were formed in bounded block domains rotated around their verti-
the thin-bedded limestones (Text-figs 9a, c, d, I-III cal axes (Text-figs 2, 14 and 15).
faults). The strike separations along the major To the south of the HCF, in the northern part of
faults range from a few to over ten metres (Text-fig. the Kielce Unit, is located a distinct zone consisting
9d). The drag of beds and horizontal lineations on of fault-bounded block domains Ia-Ib-Ic (Text-figs
slickensides of secondary faults imply that dextral 2 and 14a) (KONON 2006a, b). In this zone at least
displacement occurred along the major faults. three blocks developed, the Niewachlw (Ia),
Maacentw (Ib) and Bakowice blocks (Ic) (Text-
Minor strike-slip faults fig. 14a). These blocks are a few to over ten kilome-
tres long. The zone is bordered in the north by the
Multilayer folds in the Kielce Unit display HCF and in the south by WNWESE-striking lon-
mesofaults which can cut over ten metres of strata gitudinal faults (CZARNOCKI 1938, 1957a, b, 1961a-
(Text-figs 10-12). On these generally vertical faults, f): Niewachlw (NF) (CZARNOCKI 1957a), Bieliny
the directions and senses of slip point to the preva- Kapitulne (BkF) and Janczyce faults (JaF) (Text-figs
lence of the strike-slip component. Generally, the 2 and 14a) (KONON 2006a, b). To the east, the
faults strike obliquely to the fold axes (Text-figs 11 Niewachlw block (Ia) is bordered by the Porbki
and 12) and form conjugate fault sets (e.g. Text-fig. Fault (PF), and the Maacentw block (Ib) by the
10d). Pucki Fault (PF) (Text-figs 2 and 14a). First-order
The development of post-fold mesofaults was folds within the blocks are a few to over ten kilome-
not associated directly with progressive modifica- tres long (Text-fig. 2). The axes of the folds are dis-
tions of the shape of map-scale folds (KONON tinctly offset about 2-4 km along the Porbki (PF)
2006b). The mesofaults comprise mainly NS to and Pucki faults (PF) (Text-fig. 2). Rotated axes of
NESW-striking dextral and WE-striking sinistral folds occurring in the blocks suggest clockwise rota-
conjugate strike-slip fault sets (Text-figs 11 dia- tion of the blocks Iac (Text-fig. 14).
grams 2b, 5b, 6, 8a, 8c, 9, 10 and 12 diagrams 14, A similar zone of fault-bounded blocks occurs
15a, 17, 18a, 19a, 21, 24b), as well as WE to north of the HCF in the ysogry Unit (MASTELLA
WNWESE-striking dextral and NWSE to NS- & MIZERSKI 2002) (Text-figs 2 and 14a, b). The
striking sinistral strike-slip conjugate fault sets zone is bordered to the north by the Northern
(Text-figs 11 diagrams 1, 2a, 3, 5a, 7, 8b, 8c, 11, 12, ysogry Fault, which is recognized only in the east-
13 and 12 diagrams 15b, 16, 18b, 20, 22, 23, 24a, ern part (KOWALCZEWSKI & al. 1976; KOWALCZEW-
25, 27). WNWESE-striking sinistral and NESW- SKI 2004), but probably also continues westwards

(MASTELLA & MIZERSKI 2002). The zone compris- axis (Text-fig. 15c) (FILONOWICZ 1970; MASTELLA &
es, from west to east, the Krzemianka, Winiwka, MIZERSKI 2002). The blocks are rotated, together
Radostowa, ysogry, Truskolaska and Gooszyce with the Cambrian beds, in a domino style accord-
blocks (MASTELLA & MIZERSKI 2002) (Text-figs 2 ing to the bookshelf mechanism of MANDL (1987),
and 14a, b). In the Radostowa block occur four which suggests that a dextral strike-slip component
smaller blocks rotated clockwise around the vertical also occurred along the master Holy Cross Fault

Fig. 10. Examples of minor strike-slip faults. a Sinistral strike-slip fault in the Jawica Quarry. b Sinistral strike-slip fault in the
Zamkowa Quarry. c Dextral strike-slip fault in the Szczukowskie Grki Quarry. d Conjugate dextral and sinistral strike-slip fault sets
in the Wietrznia Quarry. For location see Text-figs 2, 11-13

Fig. 11. Diagrams of selected minor strike-slip faults with attitudes of the axes of shortening (P) and extension (T) from the northern
part of the Kielce Unit (Kielce-agw Synclinorium) and one diagram from the ysogry Unit. On diagrams are marked the mean vec-
tors with cones of confidence for P-T axes. D fault sets measured in Devonian strata, P fault sets measured in Permian-Triassic stra
ta. For location see Text-figs 2 and 13

Fig. 12. Diagrams of selected minor strike-slip faults with attitudes of axes of shortening (P) and extension (T) from the southern part
of the Kielce Unit (Chciny-Klimontw Anticlinorium). On diagrams are marked the mean vectors with cones of confidence for P-T
axes. fault sets measured in Ordovician strata, D fault sets measured in Devonian strata, P fault sets measured in
PermianTriassic strata. For location see Text-figs 2 and 13

Fig. 13. Approximated axes of shortening directions for the minor strike-slip fault sets. a Shortening directions from the northern part
of the Kielce Unit. b Shortening directions from the south-western part of the Kielce Unit. c Shortening directions from the south-
eastern part of the Kielce Unit. d NNESSW to ENEWSW shortening directions (dots) and NS to WNWESE extension directions
(triangles) deduced from fault-slip data. e WNWESE to NNWSSE shortening directions (dots) and NNESSW to ENEWSW
extension directions (triangles) deduced from fault-slip data. For other explanations see text and Text-fig. 2

Fig. 14. Fault-bounded block domains north- and southwards of the Holy Cross Fault. a Tectonic sketch of the area near the HCF. b
Radar image with HCF marked. c Scheme of development of the tectonic blocks in the northern part of the Kielce Unit. 1-3 stages
of formation of rotated blocks, dp disintegrated part of the block during strike-slip movement along the HCF

(MASTELLA & MIZERSKI 2002). Strike separations oblique NS-striking faults (CZARNOCKI 1938,
along the NWSE striking faults between the 1961a-f) (Text-fig. 2). Part of the longitudinal major
Winiwka and Radostowa blocks, and the faults show dextral strike-slip (KONON & MASTELLA
ysogry and Radostowa blocks suggest that a 2001; MASTELLA & KONON 2002). The minor fault
sinistral strike-slip component could have occurred system comprises NNWSSE to NS-striking dex-
along these second-order faults during dextral tral and NESW-striking sinistral strike-slip conju-
strike-slip displacement along the master HCF gate fault sets (KONON & MASTELLA 2001;
(Text-figs 3 ysogry Unit part A, 14 and 15a, b). MASTELLA & KONON 2002).


The structures associated with strike-slip fault-
First and second-order strike-slip faults also ing, attitudes of fault planes, mineralization and
formed in the PermianMesozoic strata that overlie palaeomagnetic data all indicate that two strike-slip
the Lower Cambrian to Lower Carboniferous rocks faulting events (I-1 and I-2) probably occurred dur-
of the Kielce Unit. The faults occurring south of the ing the Late Palaeozoic. The NS-striking dextral
HCM developed in Maastrichtian/Palaeocene strike-slip faults such as the ysogry Fault, Psary
times (KONON & MASTELLA 2001; MASTELLA & Fault and the fault dissecting the Niewachlw
KONON 2002), as did the strike-slip faults that dis- Anticline, as well as an approximately NESW-
sect the Mesozoic strata north of the HCM striking sinistral set, were probably active during
(JAROSZEWSKI 1972). the I-1 event. The hydrothermal iron ore body
In the vicinity of the HCM, south of the Kielce which developed in the horsetail splay of the
Unit, the fault network comprises several ysogry Fault before the Late Permian
WNWESE-striking longitudinal faults, as well as (CZARNOCKI 1950), as well as the similarity of the

Fig. 15. Examples of rotated blocks in the Holy Cross Fault Northern ysogry Fault zone. a Location sketch-map. b Radar
image with marked fault between the Radostowa and Winiwka blocks. c Rotated small blocks in the Radostowa block (bedding
plane orientations with dip values after FILONOWICZ 1970)

shortening directions approximately NNESSW, DISCUSSION

which resulted in the development of the fault sets
and folds during the Late Palaeozoic in the HCM Fault pattern
(e.g. CZARNOCKI 1938, 1950, 1957a, b, 1961a-f) sug-
gest that the faults formed during a late phase of The HCM fold belt was formed after the Visan
folding or even in the post-fold phase. (e.g. CZARNOCKI 1919, 1957a; TOMCZYK 1988;
A Late Palaeozoic time of development of the SZULCZEWSKI 1995; LAMARCHE & al. 1999, 2002) by
ysogry Fault is additionally confirmed by the buckle folding of the sedimentary rock complex
occurrence of horsetail splays at the north-eastern (KONON 2006a, b). The process of fold growth ter-
tip of the fault, where these faults do not dissect minated prior to the Late Permian (e.g. CZARNOCKI
the Triassic rocks (Text-fig. 2). Such structures are 1938). During the folding map-scale thrust faults
usually restricted to the tips of strike-slip faults developed (KONON 2006a, b). The first faults with a
(e.g. WOODCOCK & FISCHER 1986; WOODCOCK & predominant strike-slip component probably devel-
SCHUBERT 1994; KIM & al. 2004). This suggests oped later, in the next phase of folding or already in
that the first-order fault formed in this part of the the post-fold stage of deformation. The problem of
ysogry Unit and that its continuation into the precise estimation of strike-slip timing and strain
Permian-Mesozoic rocks could only have been a partitioning on the individual faults results from the
result of a later faulting event. During the same fact that in the HCM at least two significant strike-
faulting event (I-1) developed similarly striking slip faulting stages took place (I) in the Late
dextral faults such as those observed in the Palaeozoic (BROCHWICZ-LEWISKI & al. 1983;
Kostomoty and luchowice quarries and testified TOMCZYK 1988; POARYSKI & al. 1992; UNRUG &
by palaeomagnetic data (LEWANDOWSKI 1981, al. 1999; LAMARCHE & al. 2000, 2003; MASTELLA &
1985; GRABOWSKI & NAWROCKI 1996) (Text-figs 6 MIZERSKI 2002) and (II) in Maastrichtian/
and 9). Palaeocene times (JAROSZEWSKI 1972; KONON &
The faults that were probably active during the MASTELLA 2001; MASTELLA & KONON 2002). The
next phase of strike-slip faulting (I-2) were the similar shortening directions NNESSW during
WNWESE-striking dextral strike-slip faults and the Late Carboniferous and generally NESW dur-
the NWSE to NNW-SSE-striking sinistral faults ing the Maastrichtian/Palaeocene folding events
which developed as a result of a probable NWSE (e.g. CZARNOCKI 1938, 1950, 1957a, b, 1961a-f)
shortening direction that differed from the shorten- cause an additional problem with the interpretation
ing direction prevailing during the main phase of of the timing of the faults. It means that in the later
Late Palaeozoic folding in the HCM. Strike-slip phase of folding and also during younger strike-slip
fault activity during the I-2 event is suggested by the faulting stage (II) new faults developed; moreover,
occurrence of the complex structure of zones north some of the older faults were reactivated in the
and south of the HCF, consisting of tectonic blocks strike-slip mode.
in the Holy Cross Mountains fold belt, and a sim- Structures associated with strike-slip faulting
plified structural pattern observed in the overlying suggest that dextral strike-slip occurred along the
Upper Permian to Mesozoic strata around both tips WNWESE and approximately NS-striking fault
of the HCF (Text-figs 2, 14 and 15). Additionally, sets, and that sinistral strike-slip occurred along the
the lack of significant displacement of Cambrian NNWSSE to NWSE or NNESSW to NESW-
strata along the ysogry Fault in the southern part striking fault sets.
of the ysogry Unit (CZARNOCKI 1956, fig. 19,
1957b) indicates that the displacement which Late Palaeozoic strike-slip faulting event (I-1)
occurred along the HCF was younger than that
which occurred along the ysogry Fault, which During the first strike-slip faulting event (I-1) in
suggests that the occurrence of the I-2 event was the Late Palaeozoic, a NS-striking dextral strike-
after the I-1 event. slip fault set and a NNESSW to NESW-striking
The second significant stage of strike-slip fault- sinistral strike-slip fault set probably developed,
ing took place in Maastrichtian/Palaeocene times resulting from an approximately NNESSW short-
(KONON & MASTELLA 2001; MASTELLA & KONON ening direction. The faults form a conjugate pair of
2002). fault sets. The fault traces refract strongly during

propagation through rocks with significant differer- faults developed, during later deformational
ences in competence as e.g. in the Bodzentyn events e.g. in Maastrichtian/Palaeocene times.
Syncline, at the border between competent Emsian Additionally, according to e.g. JAMISON (1991), in
sandstones and incompetent Silurian shales (Text- transpressive zones the folds can rotate with
fig. 2). The acute dihedral angle between the sets is respect to master fault zones. The acute angles
underestimated, because the observations can be between the fold axes and the HCF are very low
made only within competent strata. Thus, the fault (Text-fig. 2). If oblique shortening was responsi-
sets probably enclose the acute dihedral angle (2) ble for the formation of folds in both units of the
of over 30. HCM fold belt, this suggests the domination of
During the strike-slip faulting event, some of pure shear over the strike-slip component (after
the mesofault sets probably formed (Text-figs 11 JAMISON 1991).
and 12) in addition to the major faults such as the
ysogry Fault and the minor faults noted in the Late Palaeozoic strike-slip faulting event (I-2)
Kostomoty and luchowice quarries. Across these
faults, as e.g. the ysogry Fault, an extension com- During the next strike-slip faulting event (I-2), a
ponent probably occurred in addition to the strike- dextral strike-slip component probably occurred
slip component, this being suggested by the pres- along the WNWESE-striking longitudinal faults
ence of a hydrothermal iron ore body (CZARNOCKI and formed the NWSE to NNWSSE-striking
1950) in the horsetail splay of the fault and normal sinistral strike-slip fault set.
faulting recognized in boreholes drilled across the During the faulting event, zones consisting of
fault zone (Text-fig. 5). rotated tectonic blocks developed in the Holy Cross
From mesofault sets could develop the NS to Mountains fold belt to the north and south of the
NESW-striking dextral strike-slip fault set and the HCF (Text-figs 2, 14 and 15). The blocks in the zone
WE-striking sinistral strike-slip fault set, similar to south of the HCF (Iac) are bounded by
those described by LAMARCHE & al. (1999) (Text- WNWESE-striking longitudinal faults as well as
figs 11 diagrams 2b, 5b, 6, 8a, 8c, 9, 10 and 12 by a generally NWSE to NNWSSE-striking sinis-
diagrams 14, 15a, 17, 18a, 19a, 21, 24b), resulting tral strike-slip fault set (Text-figs 2, 3 and 14). The
from an approximately NESW shortening direc- small blocks rotated dextrally in a domino style in
tion (Text-fig. 13d). These secondary fault sets the Radostowa block north of the HCF
could probably form locally as conjugate Riedel (FILONOWICZ 1970; MASTELLA & MIZERSKI 2002)
shears (R-R), accompanying a first-order NS and the similarly rotated blocks Iac in the zone
striking dextral strike-slip fault set, similar to that south of the HCF suggest that a dextral strike-slip
described by KUHN & REUTHER (1999) in component occurred along this fault (Text-figs 2, 14
Cordillera de Domeyko in northern Chile. and 15). Apart from the tectonic blocks in the zones
During this event, the axis of maximum short- to the north and south of the HCF, structures rec-
ening was sub-perpendicular to longitudinal faults ognized along the remaining longitudinal faults,
such as the HCF, resulting in the prevalence of the such as a restraining stepover near Daleszyce or an
shortening component across the fault zones. extensional imbricate fan of the Daleszyce Fault,
Some authors (e.g. BROCHWICZ-LEWISKI & al. also suggest that a dextral sense of movement pre-
1983; TOMCZYK 1988; POARYSKI & al. 1992; dominated during the strike-slip faulting event
UNRUG & al. 1999; LAMARCHE & al. 2000, 2003) along these and other similar faults (Text-figs 7 and
suggested the occurrence of a significant strike- 8c, d).
slip component along the HCF, which was con- The Krzemianka, Winiwka, Radostowa,
firmed by the recognition of domino-style rotated ysogry, Truskolaska and Gooszyce blocks
blocks in the Radostowa block (MASTELLA & (MASTELLA & MIZERSKI 2002) probably also
MIZERSKI 2002). developed as a result of dextral strike-slip move-
Based on the present-day fold pattern, it is dif- ment. Theoretically, offsets along the NWSE-
ficult to determine the beginning of the appear- striking faults suggest that the blocks could have
ance of the strike-slip component along the HCF been formed initially as contractional strike-slip
and other longitudinal faults. This complex fault duplexes resulting from sinistral strike-slip move-
pattern was undoubtedly overprinted, and new ment; however, the dextrally-rotated small blocks

in the Radostowa block and structures associated the Holy Cross Fault and probably the Daleszyce
with the movement along other longitudinal Fault, in the northern part of the Kielce-agw
faults rather contradict this view (Text-figs 2, 7, Synclinorum in the Kielce Unit (Text-figs 2 and
8c, d, 14, 15c). 14c). During the dextral strike-slip movement the
Apart from the NWSE and NNWSSE-strik- north-western parts of the tectonic blocks (Iac)
ing faults bounding the blocks in the Kielce Unit, were progressively rotated and gradually disinte-
similar NNWSSE-striking faults also occur, grated (Text-fig. 14c, stages 123).
including the Brzechw Fault, the agw- During this phase, the flower structure in the
Michaw Fault, the Wszachw Fault and a series of HCF zone suggested by LAMARCHE & al. (2003)
faults at the eastern end of the Dyminy Anticline could have developed but this has not yet been con-
(TOMCZYK 1974) (Text-figs 2 and 3). Common step- firmed. Palaeomagnetic data (GRABOWSKI &
ping, e.g. left-stepping in the agwMichaw NAWROCKI 2001) suggest that rotations of blocks
Fault zone, and map-scale drag of beds observed around the vertical axis could also have occurred in
e.g. near Nowa Zbelutka, suggest that a sinistral many parts of the HCM.
strike-slip component occurred along these faults. Differences between the strike-slip fault net-
Probably, part of the strike-slip mesofaults, the work are observed to the north and south of the
NNWSSE to NS-striking sinistral strike-slip fault Northern ysogry Fault. Nevertheless, the zone of
set and the WE to WNWESE-striking dextral main horizontal shear was southwards of the HCF,
strike-slip faults set developed as a result of dis- which is the major fault in the HCM fold belt, sep-
placements along these faults (Text-figs 11 dia- arating the Kielce and ysogry units. According to
grams 1, 2a, 3, 5a, 7, 8b, 8c, 11, 12, 13 and 12 dia- the geophysical investigations of MALINOWSKI & al.
grams 15b, 16, 18b, 20, 22, 23, 24a, 25, 27), which (2005) it can be interpreted as a regionally signifi-
resulted from an approximately NWSE shortening cant intra-plate strike-slip fault sensu WOODCOCK
direction (Text-fig. 13e). & SCHUBERT (1994).
The fault network consisting of longitudinal The strike-slip fault network was reactivated
WNWESE-striking dextral strike-slip faults and during the second major faulting stage (II) in the
NWSE to NNWSSE-striking sinistral faults is Maastrichtian/Palaeocene, but the strike-slip fault-
very similar to that developed during the analogue ing activity at that time was weaker than during the
model experiments of SCHREURS (2003). In the Late Palaeozoic faulting events (KONON &
experiments, both brittle and viscous materials MASTELLA 2001; MASTELLA & KONON 2002).
were applied, allowing the investigation of faulting Reactivation of the strike-slip faults could, for
in such rheologically strongly contrasting materials. example, have resulted in the development of the
The unmetamorphosed sedimentary rock sequ- secondary NNW-vergent mesofolds (II) that
ences comprising alternating competent and occur in the southern limb of the Gazice-
incompetent beds in the HCM probably favoured Bolechowice Syncline. The fold axes of these
the development of such a characteristic fault net- mesofolds differ from those which occur lower
work. Results of the experiments suggest that the and are generally SSW-vergent mesofolds (I); the
master dextral strike-slip faults and the sinistral latter folds (I) have a similar trend to that of the
strike-slip faults, striking at 40-50 to these faults, map-scale-folds (KONON 2006b, fig. 8), but only
were not conjugate sets but were active coevally detailed palaeomagnetic studies could allow
(SCHREURS 2003). recognition of the timing of the development of
Younger strike-slip faulting probably formed as the folds.
a result of regional approximately NWSE shorten-
ing. During this stage pure shear decreased signifi- HCM during the Late Palaeozoic wrenching event
cantly and the strike-slip component began to dom- in the European Variscides
inate. This suggests that the fault sets can be inter-
preted as having been formed through dextral The HCM fold belt is located eastwards of the
transtension. Such conditions probably allowed the Variscan Orogen thrust front (e.g. POARYSKI & al.
gradual clockwise rotation of the blocks 1992; DADLEZ & al. 1994; MIZERSKI 1995; SZUL -
(Niewachlw block Ia, Maacentw block Ib and CZEWSKI 1995; KRZEMISKI 1999; JAWOROWSKI
Bakowice block Ic) between the major faults 2002; MAZUR & al. 2006). Precise estimation of the

present-day distance from the Holy Cross In western and central Poland it is difficult to
Mountains to the Variscan thrust front is problem- trace the tectonic front because the external fold-
atic. According to the modern structural concept, and-thrust belt is buried deeply beneath the
the main front of the orogenic belt is the complex Permian-Mesozoic rocks and can be identified only
zone of deformation (e.g. VANN & al. 1986). In the on the basis of source area analysis (for discussion
simplest case, the tip line of the external fold-and- see SKOMPSKI 1995, 2006 and citations therein).
thrust belt of the Variscan Orogen should be These analyses suggest that the HCM fold belt prob-
defined as the tip line where the basal detachment ably lies presently about 100 km eastwards of the
is present, crops out on the present-day surface, or front of the main Variscan deformations (Text-fig. 1).
in the case of a blind thrust, where displacement at The HCM fold belt formed during the Late
the basal detachment becomes zero (for discussion Palaeozoic as a result of NNESSW shortening
see BRESSER & WALTER 1999 and citations therein). (e.g. CZARNOCKI 1919, 1938, 1950, 1957a, b;
According to this definition, a typical case occurs TOMCZYK 1988; STUPNICKA 1992; MIZERSKI 1995;
e.g. in northern France and southern Belgium, LAMARCHE & al. 1999, 2002).
where the crustal-scale Ardennes Basal Thrust, The I-1 faulting event, probably corresponding
along which the Ardennes fold-and-thrust belt is to the pre-intrusive stage recognized at the NE
overthrust onto the NamurianWestphalian coal- boundary of the Upper Silesian Block, is related to
bearing foreland basin, represents the northern strike-slip movements (ABA 1994, 1995, 1996,
thrust front of the western European Variscan oro- 1999) along the KrakwLubliniec Fault zone,
genic belt (e.g. MANSY & al. 1999; LACQUEMENT & mapped in detail by BUA (1994) and BUA & al.
al. 2005). (2002) (Text-fig. 16a). During this stage of defor-

Fig. 16. a Regional setting of the Holy Cross Mountains HCM (simplified after DADLEZ 2001). KLF Krakw Lubliniec Fault. KUF
Kazimierz Ursynw Fault. KF Kock Fault, GF Grjec Fault, HCF Holy Cross Fault. b I-1 strike-slip faulting event in the Holy
Cross Mountains fold belt. c I-2 strike-slip faulting event in the Holy Cross Mountains fold belt. For other explanations see text

mation (probably after Namurian A), folds and ALEKSANDROWSKI & al. 1997; ELANIEWICZ 1997;
thrusts formed as a result of NNESSW shortening ALEKSANDROWSKI & MAZUR 2002), and probably
in a dextrally transpressive stress field (ABA 1996, also in their foreland area (ELANIEWICZ &
1999). CWOJDZISKI 1994; MAZUR & al. 2006).
A similar NESW direction of shortening some- In Late Carboniferous and Permian times a
what earlier, in the Late Tournaisian, probably also number of major Variscan faults formed or became
resulted in the formation of large-scale overturned reactivated as dextral strike-slip faults (e.g.
folds in the Fore-Sudetic Monocline, involving the ARTHAUD & MATTE 1977; ZIEGLER 1989). For
Variscan foreland basement (ELANIEWICZ & al. example, dextral strike-slip displacement occurred
2003). During a further folding event, probably dur- during Late CarboniferousEarly Permian time
ing the Late Namurian Early Westphalian, the along faults in the strike-slip zone of the Elbe Fault
Upper Visean Namurian A flysch succession was System (e.g. ZIEGLER 1989, fig. 3; MATTERN 1996;
also folded (ELANIEWICZ & al. 2003). North-east- FRANKE 1999) (Text-fig. 1). As in the Krakw-
wards of the Holy Cross Mountains, during the Lubliniec Fault zone, transtension occurred during
same event, folds resulting from NNESSW to the deformation in the Elbe Fault Zone (e.g.
NESW shortening formed (e.g. ANTONOWICZ & ONCKEN 1997). The fault zone acted also during the
al. 2003; KRZYWIEC 2007, NARKIEWICZ & al. 2007). formation of the Permian Basins (e.g. SCHECK & al.
Similar directions of shortening, recognized in 2002) and the Late Cretaceous/Palaeogene tecton-
the: Fore-Sudetic Monocline, NE part of the Upper ic inversion (e.g. VOLKER 2003). Westwards of the
Silesian Block, north-eastwards of the Radom- Elbe Fault System, the Bray Fault, one of the major
Kranik High and the HCM fold belt, suggest that Variscan dextral strike-slip faults, was already active
this could have been a regional shortening direction (from Namurian A) (MATTE & al. 1986), as well as
(approximately NNESSW) at this time in the east- a number of other strike-slip faults (e.g. ARTHAUD
ern termination of the European Variscides and its & MATTE 1977; HOLDSWORTH 1989; WARR 2002;
foreland. SIMANCAS & al. 2005). Likewise, the strike-slip fault
The change of the regional shortening direction zones were active in north-western England, in the
to approximately NWSE in the eastern foreland far foreland of the Variscan Orogen, about 300 km
area of the European Variscides, probably during northwards of the front of strong Variscan folding
the I-2 faulting event, resulted in the domination of (WOODCOCK & RICKARDS 2003).
the strike-slip component along the NWSE to
NNWSSE and WNWESE-striking faults and a
significant decrease in the pure shear component CONCLUSIONS
across the longitudinal faults (Text-fig. 16). The I-2
faulting event in the HCM fold belt probably corre- Based on detailed structural analysis, analysis of
sponds to the syn-intrusive stage (after West- revised geological maps, aerial photo, radar, satel-
phalian B), recognized by ABA (1996, 1999) at the lite and DEM-derived images in the Kielce Unit,
NE boundary of the Upper Silesian Block. During and for comparison also in the ysogry Unit, a
this stage, as a result of NNWSSE to NWSE strike-slip fault network was recognized in the
shortening, dextral transtension prevailed in the Holy Cross Mountains fold belt (HCM). The
KrakwLubliniec Fault zone (ABA 1996, 1999) analysis enabled the identification in the study
(Text-fig. 16a). The KrakwLubliniec Fault zone area of previously undescribed minor and map-
was a long-lived fault zone active until the Permian scale tectonic structures associated with strike-slip
(BUA 1994; ABA 1996, 1999; BUA & ABA faults, such as extensional normal faulting, con-
2005). tractional folds and horsetail splay at the termina-
During the Carboniferous, strike-slip activity tions of faults, minor strike-slip faults, blocks
probably also occurred in the Mazowsze-Lublin rotated in domino style, right- and left-stepping,
Trough (e.g. ELICHOWSKI 1972, 1983; NARKIEWICZ dextral restraining stepovers and drag of beds.
& al. 1998a, b; YWIECKI & POPRAWA 2002; The methods applied showed that the fault pat-
KRZYWIEC & NARKIEWICZ 2003; NARKIEWICZ tern during the Late Palaeozoic formed as a
2003) (Text-fig. 16a) and in the Sudetes result of at least two strike-slip faulting events (I-
(ALEKSANDROWSKI 1990, 1995; MATTE & al. 1990; 1 and I-2).

During the first strike-slip event (I-1), in the late ALEKSANDROWSKI, P. 1990. Early Carboniferous strike-
phase of folding or already in the post-fold phase, slip displacements at the northeast periphery of the
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the dextral strike-slip component occurred along 754. [In Polish with English abstract]
the WNWESE-striking longitudinal faults and ALEKSANDROWSKI, P., KRYZA, R., MAZUR, S. & ABA, J.
the sinistral strike-slip component along the 1997. Kinematic data on major Variscan strike-slip
NWSE to NNWSSE-striking fault set. The faults and shear zones in the Polish Sudetes, north-
shortening direction rotated counter-clockwise to east Bohemian Massif. Geological Magazine, 134,
an approximately NWSE direction. Across the 727-739.
WNWESE-striking longitudinal faults, which ALEKSANDROWSKI, P. & MAZUR, S. 2002. Collage tecton-
formed during folding, the pure shear component ics in the northeasternmost part of the Variscan Belt:
decreased significantly and the dextral strike-slip the Sudetes, Bohemian Massif. In: WINCHESTER,
component began to dominate along the master J.A., PHARAOH, T.C, & VERNIERS, J. (Eds), Palae-
faults. These fault zones accommodated most of ozoic Amalgamation of Central Europe, Geological
the strike-slip displacement. Between the domi- Society, London, Special Publications, 201, 237-277.
nating master faults, as in the model of SCHREURS ANTONOWICZ, L., HOOPER, R. & IWANOWSKA, E. 2003.
(2003), secondary sinistral strike-slip faults were Lublin Syncline as a result of thin-skinned Variscan
formed (Text-fig. 16c). deformation (SE Poland). Przegld Geologiczny, 51,
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during the Late Palaeozoic was slightly overprint- ARTHAUD, F. & MATTE, P. 1977. Late Paleozoic strike-slip
ed during the Maastrichtian/Palaeocene second faulting in southern Europe and northern Africa:
strike-slip stage (e.g. JAROSZEWSKI 1972; KONON result of a right-lateral shear zone between the
& MASTELLA 2001; MASTELLA & KONON 2002). Appalachians and the Urals. Geological Society of
America Bulletin, 88, 1305-1320.
Acknowledgements 1970. The geological structure of the northern wing
of the Dyminy Anticline in witokrzyskie Moun-
I would like to thank Andrzej ELANIEWICZ and tains. Bulletin of Geology Wydzia Geologii UW, 12,
Guido SCHREURS for very helpful comments and sugges- 197-225. [In Polish with English summary]
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Manuscript submitted: 15 March 2007

Revised version accepted: 30 October 2007

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