Standard 4 4.1 Support Student Participation

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Note the focus area and Note the type of Describe the artefact / Describe how the artefact

how the artefact / document meets the standard

standard descriptor/s the artefact / document document and indicate descriptors you have identified.
artefact / document reflects the possible impact or
result on teaching and/ or
student learning
Standard 4 Final comment The artefact includes Mentors comment
4.1 Support student on my comments and Amelia encourages students to participate fully at
participation professional feedback to address all times
Identify strategies to experience 2 each of the areas in I was able to achieve this using a ticket rewards
support inclusive student report made by standard 4, create system that would be drawn each week for the
participation mentor and maintain a chance to win an ice block from the canteen. This
commenting on supportive and safe method was appealing to all students as the more
4.2 Manage classroom my practice and learning environment. engaged they were the more chances they had to
activities understandings win. (APST 4.1)
Demonstrates the capacity of standard 4. My mentor has
to organise classroom provided written I was able to manage classroom activities by making
activities and provide clear evidence of how I student accountable for their own work. If I saw that
directions achieved each of a student was not being engaged I would ask them
them. what they should be doing or to repeat what the task
4.3 Manage challenging required them to do
behaviour Throughout this Mentors comment
Demonstrate knowledge of process I have been her directions are clear and concise she should be
practical approaches to able to build on my congratulated for her ability to ensure all students
manage challenging classroom know what to do and when to do it
behaviour management skills (APST 4.2)
which was a goal I
4.4 Maintain student had for that My second practicum gave me the opportunity to
safety practicum and develop strategies for managing challenging
Describe strategies that organise strategies to behaviour as I had a student that had a behaviour
support students wellbeing achieve this while management plan.
and safety working within maintain a safe and Mentors comment
school and/or system, supportive Amelia is using APS behaviour management system
curriculum and legislative environment for my effectively to extinguish negative behaviour (APST
requirements students. 4.3)

4.5 Use ICT safely, Through conversations with my mentor and assistant
responsibly and principal to understand the schools Welfare and
ethically Discipline Policy I acquired knowledge of strategies
demonstrates an for student safety within and out of the school.
understanding of the Mentors comment
relevant issues and the She understands the need for student safety both
strategies available to at school and on excursions
support the safe, is encountering challenging behaviour which she
responsible and ethical deals with firmly yet fairly and within the schools
use of ICT in learning and Welfare and Discipline Policy (APST 4.4)
Mentors comment
Her ability to ensure ICT content is appropriate is
demonstrated when she delivers age appropriate
material to students
During this professional experience I used a variety
of video and clips to reinforce topics, before being
viewed to the student I watched them to make sure
the content was appropriate. I also had to develop a
responsible was of delivering a drug education unit
without students taking topics out of context. Make
sure the videos I showed them in relation to this
topic was crucial.
Artefacts: Final comment on professional experience 2 report

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