Stage 2 Tender Submission Final

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Tender Submission

Hermes Inc.

Tom Morgan
Executive Summary
This tender has been drafted and written by TECKS in response to the Mars Rover Design created by
Hermes Incorporated. The purpose of this tender is to display TECKS high team building and
communication skills, as well as the experience of the team that will edge TECKS as the most favourable
company to construct the mars rover design.

One reason as to why TECKS should be the most favourable company is that high level of diverse skills
that fulfil each other criteria set by Hermes. TECKS has provided evidence of all skills that are contained
for each member. The diversity of the company means that some members have a wealth of
experience in construction though woodwork projects, one member having access to a large amount of
tools that will aid in the construction, and two members who excel in team building and
communication skills. These are all part of the criteria and have been highlighted as important by
Hermes. TECKS believe the diversity of the company and the combination of the different strengths
makes TECKS the most favourable company.

Another reason is that TECKS have found an improvement that can be made to the mars rover design.
By changing the cables for rubber bands, a construction step can be eliminated from the construction
process, and the costs are reduced by recycling rubber bands instead of buying a whole pack of cables.

A third reason is the large amount of woodwork projects constructed by TECKS. Three members have
all had experience in building all forms of woodwork project, and are all familiar with how to effectively
and safely use tools in order to efficiently and accurately construct wooden projects. Having this large
amount of experience is assuring to Hermes that TECKS are capable of not only building the rover safely
and without injury, but to a high standard.

A final reason is time management and communication from some of the members at TECKS. With all
members committing to work on the project even during weekends, and a GANTT and weekly update
planner available to ensure to Hermes that TECKS will construct consistently to complete the project
well before the deadline, the team is dedicated to finish the project with a high level of standard well
before the deadline. Should any final inspection be requested by Hermes, or any questions or
concerned need to be communicated, TECKS has the commitment, tools and skills to communicate
effectively construct the rover to the highest potential.

TECKS invites Hermes to consider the document and to the achievements of all the members, and
hopes that they choose TECKS to be the company that will construct their design of the mars rover.
Should it be decided that TECKS is to build it, it is assured to Hermes that the project will be completed
to the highest standard well before the deadline.
1.0 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 5
2.0 Stage 1 Design Package Evaluation ................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Client Brief..................................................................................................................................... 6
2.2 Design Overview ........................................................................................................................... 6
2.2.1 Overall Design ........................................................................................................................ 6
2.2.2 Materials ................................................................................................................................ 7
2.3 Suggestions ................................................................................................................................... 7
3.0 Tender Criteria .................................................................................................................................. 8
3.1 Experience ..................................................................................................................................... 8
3.1.1 Construction Security ............................................................................................................. 8
3.1.2 Woodwork Knowledge........................................................................................................... 8
3.2 Scheduling ..................................................................................................................................... 9
3.2.1 Weekly Goals.......................................................................................................................... 9
3.2.2 Deadline Competition .......................................................................................................... 10
3.3 Team Management ..................................................................................................................... 10
3.4 Communication ........................................................................................................................... 11
3.4.1 Contact ................................................................................................................................. 11
3.4.2 Updating............................................................................................................................... 11
3.5 Capability .................................................................................................................................... 12
3.5.1 Sufficiency ............................................................................................................................ 12
3.5.2 Equipment ............................................................................................................................ 12
4.0 Appendix ......................................................................................................................................... 13
4A ...................................................................................................................................................... 14
4B ...................................................................................................................................................... 16
4C ...................................................................................................................................................... 17
4D ...................................................................................................................................................... 19
4E ...................................................................................................................................................... 22
4F....................................................................................................................................................... 26
4G ...................................................................................................................................................... 27
4H ...................................................................................................................................................... 28
4I ....................................................................................................................................................... 29
4J ....................................................................................................................................................... 31
4K ...................................................................................................................................................... 31
4L ....................................................................................................................................................... 33

1.0 Introduction

This document was created by TECKS, and includes TECKS tender submission to Hermes Inc. regarding
the construction of the Hermes Mars Rover design and all evidence provided by TECKS regarding
certain tender criteria listed by Hermes Inc. As highlighted in the Stage 1 Design Package document
reference? written by Hermes Inc., this document is a response to the tender criteria set to design the
Hermes Mars Rover.
2.0 Stage 1 Design Package Evaluation
2.1 Client Brief

The mars rover must be designed to accelerate down a two-metre ramp with an elevation of 30 and
45 relative to the ground before falling down a one metre drop onto the ground. The rover must
survive the fall without sustaining any damages to the design whilst containing a standard 600ml water
bottle containing water. No manual control of the rover is permitted.

The design must incorporate the ability to insert the water bottle when required without the use of a
complicated system and without the use of a complex assembly. The bottle must also be easily
inspected after the landing of the rover without removing any parts.

The rover will have been deemed to be sustainable and functional if the rover can land from the ramp
onto the ground on any set of wheels. The rover must also avoid any loss or damages to any parts of
the design. This includes the detachment of any parts, the damaging of any materials and the removal
or damage to the cargo itself.

The rover must fit within a 420mm x 297mm x 210mm frame and contain at least two sets of axles for
wheels to enable movement.

2.2 Design Overview

The Hermes Inc. Mars Rover has been designed according to the description set by the client brief.

2.2.1 Overall Design

Having considered the possibility of the rover landing on the top side after the fall, a second pair of
axles was installed so that the rover is functional regardless of whether it lands on the top or bottom

A pair of wings have also been installed on each of the two sides of the rover as stability of the car
during the period in which the rover is falling towards the ground from the ramp. Having tested the
design with a prototype without the wings, the rover would occasionally land not on the top or bottom
sides, but instead of the other two sides, hence causing the rover to be unfunctional. The wings
provided some stability to the flight of the rover in mid-air and prevents the rover from tilting to ensure
it lands on either the top or the bottom sides.
The front side of the rover consists of a car sponge to prevent any damage to the front of the car. Since
the rover must survive the fall without sustaining any damage to any parts of the car, the sponge is
used to prevent the front bumper from cracking.

Cables are used to hold down the bottle within the bottle holsters. The bottle is inserted over the top of
the car and is then fitted into the holsters. The cables are used to hold down the bottle to prevent it
from escaping the rover when in mid-air during the fall.

2.2.2 Materials

The Stage 1 Design Package document specified the use of pine wood, but also provided a quality
measure to ensure that if any other wood is used, then through quality testing that the substituted
wood is of as strong quality. The base, wings, sides, bottle holsters and wheels are all made of wood,
which ensures the whole rover design is sturdy and be more resistant to any potential chips and

A metal rod is used for the axles to ensure that there is no bending or damage during the construction
and testing phase. Metal has been chosen specifically to the strength of the material.

2.3 Suggestions

TECKS has highlighted one potential area in the design that could be improved to increase the
functionality of the rover. In Appendix 4# of the design package, the cables were used to cover the top
of the opening so that the bottle wouldnt fall out the top in case the car flipped during the decent off
the ramp. Whilst the concept of the cables should work, TECKS suggests to instead use rubber bands.

As according to testing, TECKS is using a rubber band design to cover the opening similarly to prevent
the bottle from escaping. The rubber bands are flexible and as long as they are secured then the bottle
will remain firmly inside the hatch. They are far more easily stretched over the opening and require less
than the amount of cables used in the drawings. Whilst the cable interlocking system will work, it
requires several cables and adds another construction step that can be reduced with the substitution of
rubber bands.

The rubber bands are far more easily recyclable then the cables and more accessible in general. The
cables specified are also only purchased through a large packet that costs more than buying rubber

Another suggestion is to choose recycled wood as opposed to the specified pine wood in the design
package. Whilst there is nothing wrong with the quality of the pine wood, TECKS has access to recycled
wood as a cheaper substitute. The quality test specified in the document will be carried out to ensure
that the recycled wood is a suitable substitute material to the pine wood.

3.0 Tender Criteria

3.1 Experience

3.1.1 Construction Security

Due to the risks that could occur with the use of power tools, it is of great importance that the skill
and knowledge is available to make accurate and efficient use, as well as meeting the safety
requirements to ensure that no accidents will occur.

The constructors at TECKS have all had experience when operating with tools through the construction
of wooden projects or through the personal experience of building personal projects. As seen in
Appendix 4A, TECKS has both access to power tools that require knowledge of safety usage, equipment
and handling. Through the usage of these tools TECKS has the knowledge on the safe operation of the
tools and will be able to efficiently and effectively construct the rover without the risk of injury.

Some of the tools shown in Appendix 4A were used to construct TECKS own rover design. Team
member Ellisha successfully constructed a prototype of the required wheels as shown in Appendix 4B
whilst Corinne was also able to build a small prototype of the TECKS rover displayed in Appendix 4C.
This highlights TECKS understanding of the safe usage of tools required for an assembly of the rover,
and also demonstrates the ability to accuratetly and efficiently use such tools to avoid any injury or
accidents during the construction of the rover.

Score: 8/10

3.1.2 Woodwork Knowledge

The fabrication of the mars rover requires the use of wood in its making. It is of great importance that
there is a knowledge of working with wood to provide accurate measurements to ensure that the
specifications have been achieved.
TECKS has been involved in a considerable amount of woodwork projects. All the members have each
built some project or part that displays the whole skillset and experience of projects available at TECKS.

As demonstrated in Appendix 4D, team member Tom constructed a small racing car as required for the
Engineering Studies subject. The car body was entirely made of wood, with the design and shaping of
the body being part of the requirement to build the car. The report recognises the overall achievement
of Tom over the course of the subject, and all the relatable work habits.

Another member Shaun successfully built a wooden step ladder as shown in Appendix 4E. This required
the careful construction as part of his woodwork project through precise measurement whilst having
the knowledge of safety when handling the wood. Shaun also successfully constructed a wooden
cabinet. Appendix 4E also displays Shauns success in the woodwork subject, displaying his outstanding
skillset he has that will be used favourably by TECKS to successfully build the rover.

This evidence displays TECKS understanding of how to accurately operate wood in combination of the
understanding of operation of certain tools as seen in part 3.1.1. TECKS has great experience in
woodwork and will ensure that all the necessary steps as listed in Appendix 4# of the Hermes Stage 1
Design Package to ensure that the operation with wood is carried out effectively and accurately to
perfectly create the rover.

Score: 8/10

3.2 Scheduling

3.2.1 Weekly Goals

Due to the lack of time extensions, it is of great importance that the company is to provide weekly
goals for the project and meet the requirements that have been provided. This includes providing
different stages in which the company wishes to achieve throughout the project timeline and of
course meeting the goals.

TECKS prides itself on scheduling as one of the specific strengths as a company. To demonstrate this,
Appendix 4F shows the GANTT chart of TECKS that has been constantly updated. As this is an example
of a weekly planner, TECKS has used the chart to ensure that all assignment dates, important weeks
and members absent are recognised and recorded. A copy of the chart will be provided for Hermes as
well as an individual weekly planner should it be requested to ensure that Hermes is satisfied that
TECKS will operate at a consist pace according to the GANTT chart and/or weekly planner.

Tom, as part of the Western Australian Leadership Team, or WALT, attends monthly meetings as part of
his role as a leader member. A sample of the meeting minutes is provided in Appendix 4G. In order to
successfully fulfil his role, he must enlist his communication and organisational skills so as to arrive at
each meeting with points to discuss regarding the written agenda. Weekly goals are often set after
meetings to ensure that the agenda is fully covered and so goals are achieved that are set by the WALT
team. These skills will contribute to ensure that the weekly goals during the project will be met and at a
high standard to ensure that the project is completed on time.
As later referenced in 3.4.2, TECKS will ensure that the appropriate communication between Hermes is
consistent to ensure that if any questions or concerns regarding time management arrive that they will
be address quickly and adjusted according to the planner.

Score: 10/10

3.2.2 Deadline Competition

The completion of the project ahead of the deadline date is of extreme importance so that both
company and client will be able to make improvements and maintain a hassle free relationship
throughout the project timeline.

TECKS is dedicated to finishing the project within the specified deadline dates of both the overall
project and of those set within the weekly planner. As seen in Appendix 4H, TECKS successfully handed
in the Stage 1 Design Package on time.

TECKS recognises that the deadline is important, and that Hermes has requested to be constantly
updated to ensure that the project is on track and is being completed at an acceptable pace. TECKS will
create a weekly planner as mentioned in 3.2.1 as well as updating the GANTT chart to ensure that the
project is completed a few days before the acceptable deadline to ensure that there is still time for
Hermes to complete a last minute inspection to ensure that the rover is of an acceptable standard.

Score: 8/10

3.3 Team Management

TECKS contains a strong group of individual members working within a team environment to ensure
that the project is completed at an acceptable time. According to Appendix 4I, Kaycee participated in
the World Challenge Expedition, which allowed her to develop and use her organisational and team
building skills in order to complete various activities. This has allowed her to become a strong
functional teammate within TECKS and her skills are valued highly for this project.

As well as his work for WALT, Tom was also a House Prefect for his school. This can be seen in Appendix
4J. In order to both be part of the WALT team and be a House Captain, Tom needed to be recognised by
his teachers and peers for his strong organisation, communication and teamwork skills. Much like
Kaycee, Tom also possesses strong teamwork skills and enjoys working within a group environment in
order to succeed for a common goal. It is with these skills and the experience of Corinne and Shaun
through woodwork, as well as the access to equipment by Ellisha, that makes TECKS a formidable group
that excel with different members containing different strengths. These are seen within 3.1 of the
experience in projects for Corinne and Shaun as well as Ellishas access to tools.

With the diversity of the team, as well as the magnitude of different strengths, TECKS has all the
necessary resources in order to succeed in building the mars rover design.

Score: 10/10

3.4 Communication

3.4.1 Contact

The ability to make efficient contact with our company is of great importance. You will be expected to
make contact with our team on a regular basis, whether through our company email or through

Communication also includes the alertness and professionalism that is portrayed within company
meetings. There are expectations of maturity and great communication that we expect throughout
the company meetings that will take place.

As a company that strives to be the professional, TECKS believe that email communication is the most
professional and effective format of communicating to Hermes. Appendix 4K displays some email
communication between Tom and Hermes to establish a meeting time to answer any questions. All
emails involved are to of a professional standard and demonstrates TECKS desire to communicate well
with Hermes. Facebook is also used as a means of emergency contact for TECKS, but the means of an
email will be the most desired use of communication. The professionalism of each email between Tom
and Hermes is reflected. This was also the case during the meeting between Tom and Hermes, but
unfortunately no evidence exists of this as the meeting wasnt video recorded. However, all parties
arrived at the meeting day well prepared, on time and professional.

Score: 13/17

3.4.2 Updating

As our project will be in your hands it is expected that we maintain supervision with the projects
levels throughout the time that it is being built. We at Hermes expect to receive information about
the ongoing completion of the project at least twice per week to ensure that completion will be
ahead of time.

As seen in Appendix 4F, TECKS has completed and constantly updated a GANT chart in order to remain
on time. The email conversation between Tom and Hermes also displays the ability for TECKS to be able
to update Hermes on any important concerns, questions or progress updates. This will also be
presented in the form of a weekly planner that will sent to Hermes to ensure that they are familiar with
the appropriate deadlines that TECKS are aiming to achieve.

Score: 7/8

3.5 Capability

3.5.1 Sufficiency

The fabrication of the Mars Rover requires adequate skills and staff proficiency to complete the
project. Sufficiency in the number of staff and their skills is required to work on the project.

As a team, TECKS has a strong level of motivation and dedication as to ensure the success of this
project. Because of this there is a high availability of team members who are willing to sacrifice
resources to ensure that the project is completed both to the acceptable deadline as met in the weekly
planner and to the highest standard as reflected in the Stage 1 Design Package.

In Appendix 4L, there is an agreement between the members of TECKS that weekends are available for
the duration of the construction phase of the project. This demonstrates TECKS commitment to the
project and the staff proficiency needed in order to successfully complete the project.

As refenced also in 3.1.1 and 3.1.2, TECKS is well experienced in woodwork projects, and is well
equipped to use this experience to effectively construct the rover design through the experience of
designing both woodwork projects and personal creation of individual parts and prototypes. This
demonstrates the skillset that TECKS disposes that will be readily displayed and used to create the rover
to the highest standard.

Score: 10/10

3.5.2 Equipment

The availability of the tools and equipment required ensures that your company has the capability to
take on the fabrication of our product. Without sufficient access to these, it is highly unlikely that you
have the capability to take on our Mars Rover

As referenced in 3.1.1, TECKS has access to a large amount of tools for the construction of the rover. All
the tools specified in Appendix 4# the Stage 1 Design Package are in working order and available for
TECKS to use. All tools will be tested as according to the quality tests specified in the design package to
ensure that the quality of the construction will match that specified in the document and the design.

As also referenced in 3.1.2, there has been enough experience between the members of TECKS such
that the knowledge and experience of the operation and construction of projects through school
demonstrates the capability for the team to accurately and efficiently construct the rover.

Score: 10/10
4.0 Appendix
A few pictures of some of the tools Ellisha owns.
A wheel prototype designed and constructed by Ellisha.
The prototype rover design constructed by Corinne.
The car designed and constructed by Tom as well as his Engineering Studies report.
The wooden stool and wooden cabinet built by Shaun, as well as a certificate for his efforts.
The GANTT chart created by TECKS.
A sample of the meeting minutes of a WALT meeting Tom attends.
The final email leading up to the submission of the Stage 1 Design Package.
A certificate recognising Kaycees achievement in the World Challenge Expedition.
A list of all the Prefects of Wesley College 2016.

A set of emails between Tom and Hermes
A conversation between TECKS regarding working on projects during weekends.
The Hermes Stage 1 Design Package, beginning on the next page.


We at Hermes are proud to present our Prototype Mars Rover/Lander. This design incorporates the
necessary attributes for a prototype to land successfully. Success as defined on the client brief, is
landing on two axles after being launched down a forty-five degree, two metre slope followed by a
one metre drop. The Hermes design incorporates two sets of axles on the bottom and top of the
rover to mitigate the effect of difficult terrain flipping the vehicle. In addition, a secure fastening
system has been designed to hold onto

a predetermined load (600ml water bottle). All in combination, we at Hermes believe that this
design is cost effective and relatively simple to build.

This package contains the following documents:

Document Name

Hermes Drawing Package

Design Specification

Tender Evaluation Criteria

Risk Management

Through the knowledge, experience and dedication of the team at Hermes, we are confident in the
success of this vehicle to perform the tasks expected.

Regards, Hermes.

Ahmed Erbily

Andrew Duxbury

Brendan Burnside

Philip Colic

Toby Arts

Sadeep Wickramaratne



Ta le of Drawi gs

Nu er Des riptio Page

D Right Side Vie o dri


Fro t of Bottle Holster

D Rear of Bottle Holster

D Right Side of Bottle


D Back Vie

D Fro t Vie

D Botto Vie

D Side Vie ith Wi gs

D Co plete Side Vie

D Wheel a d Axle

D Top Vie

D Exploded Vie

D D Vie

D D Vie

D D Wi g
/ / HERMES Dra i g package

MARCH 31, 2017



1.0 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 3
2.0 Summary of Parts ................................................................................................................................... 5
3.0 Bill of Materials ....................................................................................................................................... 6
4.0 Recommended Construction Techniques ............................................................................................... 7
4.1 Selecting the materials......................................................................................................................... 7
4.2 Recommended Equipment to use during construction ....................................................................... 7
4.3 Recommended Techniques.................................................................................................................. 8
4.4 Expectations of Quality ........................................................................................................................ 8
5.0 Assembly Sequence............................................................................................................................... 10
5.1 Base .................................................................................................................................................... 10
5.2 Assembly of Axle and Wheels ............................................................................................................ 10
5.3 Assembly of Side Holsters and Wings .............................................................................................. 11
5.4 Assembly of the Front and Back Bottle Holsters ............................................................................... 12
5.5 Assembly of the Bumper .................................................................................................................... 12
5.6 Final Assembly.................................................................................................................................... 13
5.7 Final Inspection and Quality Testing .................................................................................................. 14

Table 1: Parts and their Dimensions ............................................................................................... 5

Table 2: Bill of Materials .................................................................................................................. 6


Figure 1: Expectations for countersinking ...................................................................................... 9

Figure 2: Linking cable ties together ............................................................................................ 13


Hermes certifies that this specifications document is a complete package and will allow any contractors
who wishes to create a prototype Mars Rover to be successful. The necessary standards that are
expected during the build are outlined and all drawings referenced are from the Hermes Drawing

The drawing package should be referred to as absolute in terms of dimensions and materials required.
A summary of all the parts and their dimensions are as follows in Table 1: TABLE 1: PARTS AND THEIR

Row Number Part Dimension (mm) Quantity Drawing


1 Wooden Base 300 x 140 x 19 1 2D001

2 Wooden Front 140 x 80 x 19 1 2D002

Bottle Holster

3 Wooden Back 140 x 80 x 19 1 2D003

Bottle Holster

4 Wooden Side 260 x 100 x 19 2 2D004

Bottle Holster

5 Wooden 260 x 75 x 19 2 3D004/2D004

Wings (L x H x B)

6 Wooden Wheels 60x19 (L 8 2D009

x W)

7 Steel Axles 184 x 6.3 4 2D009

8 Sponge Front 140 x 80 x 40 1 2D008/3D000


The following bill of materials, Table 2, has been compiled based upon the requirements of the
drawing package:


Item Purpose Specifications Supplier Cost ($)

Premium Grade Base, Wheels, 140 x 19 x Bunnings 12.24

Dressed Pine Bottle Holster 1800mm Warehouse

Metal Mate Axle Rods 6.3 x 1000mm Bunnings 2.62

Galvanised Steel Warehouse
Round Solid

Generic High Foam Car Front Bumper 140 x 80 x 40mm eBay 1.00

Zenish Brass Securing Bottle 30mm x 8g Bunnings 5.74

Countersunk Long Holster and Bottle Warehouse
Thread Phillips - 35pk Holster to Base

Crescent Natural Securing Front 200 x 4.6mm Bunnings 2.68

Cable Tie - 25 pk Bumper, Securing Warehouse

Total Cost 24.28

We at Hermes recommend the materials listed in Table 2 which will guarantee the success in the
creation of the Rover. The usage of recycled materials is permitted given that it passes the quality tests
stated in Section 4.1.


A number of factors contribute to the success of the design including the quality of the material before
handling as well as the suitability and technique used in regards to the equipment.


All effort should be made in resourcing materials of the highest physical quality, that is:

No visible gashes or knots, lies flat with no warping.
Metal Rod:
No visible bends, ie. rolls flat on a flat table or by visually inspecting down the
length of the rod.
Car Sponge:
No tearing or blemishes in the sponge.
Ensure they are of good quality, not bent or frayed at the ends.


To acquire the high standard Hermes sets in constructing its prototype, the following equipment has
been recommended to be used during the assembly sequence:

#2 Phillips Head Screwdriver

Electric Drill with drills bits of 2mm and 5.5mm size
Stanley Knife
Table Saw or Handsaw (Table Saw is preferred)
100 to 150 Grit Sandpaper
Wood Rasp File
Claw Hammer
34mm, 60mm and 69mm Hole Saw
Rosehead Countersink
Pencil for marking


To ensure the efficiency of construction, Hermes has laid out the following guidelines of recommended
techniques to be used throughout the assembly sequence:

4.3.1. Cutting wood:

Cut against the grain for certain pieces (cutting with the grain leads to loss of
strength and increases the chance of splitting the wood during cutting) 4.3.2.
Measure the drill areas before attempting to drill. Always drill with a steady
hand with the wood laying flat and the drill perpendicular to the surface.

4.3.3. Countersinking:
Using the rosehead countersink, rotate by hand, applying a downward force to
create a conical shaped indent in the wood where drilled holes have been made.
This allows for screws to sit flush with the wood surface.
4.3.4. Piloting before drilling:
Using a 2mm drill bit, drill a small hole for where a screw will be placed.
Allow the drill bit to travel approximately 30mm for the length of the screw. This
reduces the chance of the wood splitting.

4.3.5. Fixing the wings:

When securing the wings from the side support into the wing, screwing it will be
difficult. Thus, we recommend placing the wing into a vice or into the hole of a
table saw. This gives a firm base to screw the wing into and does not damage the
wing during this.


To ensure an accurate representation of the Hermes prototype model, it is expected that a certain
quality of work is achieved. This is outlined below:
4.4.1. Cutting of wood:
All dimensions specified in Table 1 must be as precise as possible. After any
cutting is done, remeasure the piece to make sure that it is within the necessary dimensions.
We take to the motto of Measure twice, cut once. 4.4.2. Drilling of holes:

All holes drilled must be as precise as possible. This is especially true for the
large holes, seen in 2D002 and 2D003, that must be perpendicular to the wood.
This is essential to the design or else reduces the capabilities of the bottle
holding mechanism.

Pilot holes are expected for all screws. This is to keep the integrity of the wood
and to minimise it splitting.

4.4.4. Quality of the Metal Rod:

Once cut into its required constituents, these rods should be tested for quality,
via a simple bend test. Place half the rod over a desk or some form of pivot and
fix the end down. Attach a weight of five kilograms to the end of the rod and let
the weight hang. After ten seconds, release the weight and take the rod. Inspect
the rod for any bending and if there is, another metal rod must be sourced and
the test than be repeated.
4.4.3. Countersinking:
We expect all screws to be properly countersunk. This means that no screw can
have its head outside of the wood. In a perfect fit, it would be completely flush
with the wood. However, that isnt always possible, so 1mm to 3mm deep into
the wood is acceptable. See Figure 1 for a guide. The screw on the left is not
countersunk correctly. We expect screws to be countersunk just as the one the


5.1 BASE

5.1.1. Cut the wood piece to the dimensions seen in 2D001 and 2D005 specified in Table 1:
Row 1.
5.1.2. Using the 2mm drill bit and the electric drill, drill the pilot holes within the base of
the wood at intervals denoted on 2D007. From this point on, the side you have drilled
these holes into will be the bottom of the base.
5.1.3. Countersink the pilot holes on the base as described in Section 4.3.3.


5.2.1. Source a suitable rod, meeting the quality expectations of 4.4.4, that will have the
required length for all four constituent axles. These dimensions are seen in 2D009 and
Table 1: Row 7.
5.2.2. Cut the rod into four axles with the dimensions specified on Table 1: Row 7. 5.2.3.
Mark out four wheels with the dimensions specified in 2D009 and Table 1: Row 6 on the
remaining wood, ensuring minimal wastage (minimal gap between wheels).
5.2.4. Using the 60mm hole saw, cut out four wheels, making sure that the hole saw is in
fact perpendicular to the wood. When cutting the wheels, it is important to use the
attached drill bit on the hole saw as a pilot hole, as its diameter is too large and thus
interferes with the metal axle installation. Once a sufficient mark has been engraved,
remove the drill bit from the hole saw and complete the cutting of the wheels.
5.2.5. Remove the rough edges from the wheels by using the rasp file, rotating the wheels
as filing is done to ensure the wheels circular geometry is maintained.
5.2.6. Using the sandpaper, finalise the wheels by smoothing out the edges.
5.2.7. Drill into the centre of the all the wheels with a 5.5mm drill bit.
5.2.8. Place one wheel on the cut axle and using a hammer, tap the centre of the wheel
onto the metal rod. Careful but strong taps are expected to ensure the wheel is firmly
secured to the axle.
5.2.9. Repeat Section 5.2.8 onto the remaining three axles, only securing one wheel to one
axle. The remaining wheels will be attached later in the construction phase.


5.3.1. Cut out two rectangular pieces of wood that fit the dimensions specified in 2D004
and Table 1: Row 4.
5.3.2. Cut two triangular wings as specified in 2D007 and Table 1: Row 5. 5.3.3. Sand
any noticeable burrs on all four pieces of wood.
5.3.4. Along the rectangular piece of wood, mark four positions for the axle bearings.
These can be seen in 2D009.
5.3.5. Drill a hole slightly larger than the diameter of the axle. We recommend a drill bit of
diameter 7mm with a tolerance of a maximum 8mm drill bit. A smaller or larger drill bit
will make the bearing too stiff or too loose.
5.3.6. Drill pilot holes, ensuring they are countersunk, for the attaching of the side holsters
to the front and back bottle holster pieces of wood. These positions can be seen on
5.3.7. Mark half way on both rectangular pieces along the long face. This face can be seen
in 2D004.
5.3.8. As per 3D004, the triangular wings will be attached to the sides of the bottle holster.
Thus, pilot holes must be drilled into the wings to allow for the screws to travel correctly
into the side of the bottle holsters. Drill these holes in accordance to 2D009 on both
5.3.9. Countersink both holes on both triangular wings.
5.3.10. Place the sides of the bottle holster on a firm bench and place the triangular wings
to the halfway position as previously marked in Section 5.3.7.
5.3.11. Screw down the triangular wings in the pilot holes pre-drilled in Section 5.3.6. The
screws should not have escaped the wood of the side holsters and if so, they must be re-
screwed at a different angle.
5.3.12. Repeat Section 5.3.11 for the other piece of wood so that you have two side
holsters with wings attached by two screws.
5.3.13. On the inside of the holster, measure the centre for screwing.
5.3.14. Drill a pilot hole into the marked position. Countersink the hole after drilling.
5.3.15. Place a screw into the hole and screw it into secure the wings.


5.4.1. Cut two pieces of wood with dimensions stated in Table 1: Row 2 and 3, and can be
seen in 2D002 and 2D003, ensuring the grain is parallel to the 140mm edge. (refer to
3D001 and 3D002).
5.4.2. Mark the centre point of both blocks of wood.
5.4.3. On one piece of wood, use the 30mm hole saw to cut out a circle. This piece is the
front of the bottle holster (refer to 2D002).
5.4.4. Sand down the edges inside and make sure there is no burrs.
5.4.5. On the second piece of wood, use the 69mm hole saw to cut out a larger circle. This
is the back bottle holster. (refer to 2D003).
5.4.6. Sand down the edges inside and make sure there is no burrs.
5.4.7. Put 4 pilot holes around the ordinal points of the largest hole, with dimensions
specified on 2D005.
5.4.8. Screw in one screw halfway into each of these pilot holes.


5.5.1. Using a marker, mark the indentation that will hang on top of the base. This can be
seen in 2D008.
5.5.2. Using a knife cut out the marking on the sponge.
5.5.3. Secure the sponge to the front of the of the vehicle with cable ties as in 2D008.

5.6.1. Mark out the position for the side, back and front holsters via 2D004 and 2D007.
5.6.2. Using this as a guide, place the back holster at the back of the base. This can be seen
via 2D010.
5.6.3. Screw the back holster in the pre-drilled pilot holes, fixing it into place with three
5.6.4. Again, use the pre-drilled pilot holes and fix the front holster to the base via four
screws, as seen positioned in 2D007.
5.6.5. Place one of the side supports perpendicular to the bottle holders. It should be flush
against the corner and not protrude as in 2D005.
5.6.6. Screw the side holsters into the front and back holsters via the pilot holes. As seen
in 2D008.
5.6.7. Place an axle with the wheel into the bearings of the side holster.
5.6.8. Holding onto the axle firmly, place the second wheel onto the axle. Using a hammer,
hit them into position, this is the same as in Section 5.2.8. Make sure the wheel is flush
with the other end of the axle and that it does not rotate on the axle itself. Complete this
action for all eight wheels.
5.6.9. To secure the bottle when in place, link five cable ties together. Using Figure 2 as a
reference, there should be four cable ties linked to a central cable tie.

5.6.10 Shorten the central tie so that its diameter is within the diameter of the base of the
bottle and cut off any excess length. Loop the four exterior cable ties loosely around the
screws in Section 5.4.8 and cut off any excess length, leaving enough to allow for
tightening later.
5.6.11 When it comes to loading the prototype, detach two cable tie loops in Section
5.6.10 and slide the 600ml bottle through the back holster to rest the neck of the bottle in
the front holster. The base of the bottle should still be resting in the back holster. Now
reattach the cable loops and pull all four cable ties firmly to secure the bottle in place.


Tolerances allowed e.g. diameter = 64mm 0.5mm.
Capable of free-wheeling.

Should roll smoothly on a flat surface. If they dont, smooth out with sandpaper.

Double check size parameters are met:

Footprint fits on A3 sheet.
Height of less than 210mm.

If the assembly sequence has been followed accurately, there should be little need for any adjustments.
However, it is essential to ensure all parts are firmly in place; all screws are tight fitting so that there are
no loose parts. Sand any burrs away left from cutting and smoothen the edges using the sandpaper
described in Section 4.2.
MARCH 31, 2017





We at Hermes look for companies with the highest potential to manufacture our products. This document
contains the criteria that companies for the manufacture of our Mars Rover will be assessed upon. It is of
utmost importance that the company successfully satisfies the criteria that we at Hermes require for a
contract to take place. The company with the greatest credibility will have the opportunity for a contract.

Details of Criteria
Criteria Title Allocated Marks

1 Experience Experience in using power tools such as power saws 20

and drills.
Woodwork experience.

2 Scheduling Ability to provide goals ahead of time. 20

Specify project stages and meet a timed plan.
Completion of project ahead of deadline.

3 Team Management 10
Ability to work with designers and contractors with
high levels of communication, order and efficiency.

4 Communication 25
Efficiency in contacting with our company.
Regular details provided at least twice per week.
Punctuation at meetings

5 Capability Sufficient staff to handle the project. 25

Availability of tools and equipment to handle the

1 Experience Marks

1.1 10
Due to the risks that could occur with the use of power tools, it is of great importance
that the skill and knowledge is available to make accurate and efficient use, as well as
meeting the safety requirements to ensure that no accidents will occur.

1.2 The fabrication of the mars rover requires the use of wood in its making. It is of great 10
importance that there is a knowledge of working with wood to provide accurate
measurements to ensure that the specifications have been achieved.
3/31/2017 Tender evaluation criteria 1
2 Scheduling Marks

2.1 Due to the lack of time extensions, it is of great importance that the company is to 10
provide weekly goals for the project and meet the requirements that have been
provided. This includes providing different stages in which the company wishes to
achieve throughout the project timeline and of course meeting the goals.

2.2 The completion of the project ahead of the deadline date is of extreme importance so 10
that both company and client will be able to make improvements and maintain a hassle
free relationship throughout the project timeline.

3 Team Management Marks

3.1 Management of the project as a team from both sides is important so that little 10
confusion occurs and that the pressure of the project is divided evenly across both sides.
This ensures that the work and communication put into the project will provide an
excellent relationship and efficiency in the work ethic.

4 Communication Marks

4.1 The ability to make efficient contact with our company is of great importance. You will 9
be expected to make contact with our team on a regular basis, whether through our
company email or through Facebook.

4.2 As our project will be in your hands it is expected that we maintain supervision with the 8
projects levels throughout the time that it is being built. We at Hermes expect to receive
information about the ongoing completion of the project at least twice per week to
ensure that completion will be ahead of time.

4.3 8
Communication also includes the alertness and professionalism that is portrayed within
company meetings. There are expectations of maturity and great communication that
we expect throughout the company meetings that will take place.

5 Capability Marks

5.1 The fabrication of the Mars Rover requires adequate skills and staff proficiency to 15
complete the project. Sufficiency in the number of staff and their skills is required to
work on the project.

5.2 10
The availability of the tools and equipment required ensures that your company has the
capability to take on the fabrication of our product. Without sufficient access to these, it
is highly unlikely that you have the capability to take on our Mars Rover
3/31/2017 Tender evaluation criteria 2

MARCH 31, 2017


Stage 1 Risk Management (Design Phase)
Hazard Risk Explanation Severity Mitigation Residual Risk Consequence
Level Severity
Transport/Traffic Being late to -Unexpected traffic delays can cause High Leave earlier than what If meetings are set too Low
meetings. members to be late to meetings. (Possible is needed. (Also, gives early for people to travel (Rare X Minor)
-Unregistered absences are a cause for X Major) time to prepare.) long distances.
concern for other members.

Inexperience Low quality -Inability to use programs may waste Moderate Practice using design Delays & waste of time. Moderate
designs. designers work time. (Possible software on smaller (Possible
-If quality is poor, drawings may not X projects or single pieces Minor)
add up to designs leaving confusing Moderate) of large projects.
designs for builders..
Miscommunication People working on -People may start unnecessary tasks. Critical Weekly meetings, Sudden idea changes in a High
different paths. This is a waste of time for members. (Likely X regular chats over single person that isnt (Possible X
May lead to -Final designs may change upon a Major) mediums such as quickly reported to the Major)
confusion and person's individual thought, failure to social media. team members.
delays. communicate new ideas can lead to
different final designs between
Workload demands Delays in aspects of -If a single person were to take too high High Evenly spread the Unexpected delays such Moderate
projects. Poor of a workload, they will end up falling (Likely X workload between as illness or family issues. (Likely X Minor)
quality of work as behind on some aspects of the project Moderate) members (also factor in
less time to finish and rushing to finish giving a low outside demands.)
all jobs. quality of work.
Illness Delays in work. -The inability to work at high standards Moderate Ask for help from the Higher workloads for other Moderate
Low quality as due to illness is a risk to final product as (Possible group to keep the overall members. (Unlikely X
the person may a mistake may occur without proper X pace of the project Major)
not be at their revision. Moderate) smooth.
best abilities.
Stage 2 Risk Management (Tendering phase)
Hazard Risk Explanation Severity Level Mitigation Residual Risk Consequence
Miscommunication Designers and -When the contractors are following the High Contractors should Contractors skipping over Low
contractors not tender process set up by designers of (Possible X email the designers some sections of the TEC (Rare X
understanding another company, if there is no regular Major) about any questions / to focus on strengths of Moderate)
fully the agreed communication about the terms of the queries ensure that the task rather than
terms of the TEC the wrong group of contractors may the correct standards balancing problems. This
tender. be selected when the designers come to can be applied through may create conflict
choose. help of the designers. between the contractors
and designers.
Inexperience A poorly written -Not Specific, contractors will not Critical -Practise writing -Waste time practising Moderate
TEC that does not know what the requirements of (Likely X similar reports so writing other than (Possible X
meet standards meeting the criteria standards. -Not Major) that the persons creating a finalised Moderate)
such as being Measurable, when it comes to writing skills will product.
Specific, evaluating contractors there can be no increase. -Add a -Larger workload demands
Measurable, accurate choice without being able to marking rubric to the as more
Actionable, measure their abilities. -Not TEC to fields are added to the
Realistic and Actionable, the contractors will not be assess the contractor Criteria.
Time controlled. able to fulfill requirements as they are in each area of the
too demanding on the person Criteria. -Add a time
-Not Realistic, it will not be possible to frame to the tendering
complete the task. process so that
-Does not have a Time frame, the contractors can be
contractors will not know what is assessed under timed
expected to be complete by certain conditions.
Networking Internet Issues or As the tendering process should be High Schedule physical Final handover can be Moderate
computer communicated through emails or phone (Unlikely X meetings as this cuts interrupted due to (Unlikely X
problems leading calls. The risk that a server crash or Catastrophic) out the need for computer problems as Major)
to interruptions. computer crashing can cause distress if emails to query the well.
the contractors were to continue designers.
working through the processes without
seeking guidance when needed.
Stage 3 Risk Management (Build Phase)
Hazard Risk Explanation Severity Level Mitigation Residual Risk Consequence
Inexperience Wasted Materials could be wasted as mistakes High Do several checks on the Inexperience with tools Moderate
materials Unable could be made by builders not reading (Possible X design layouts and query and not knowing the (Unlikely X
to meet correct dimensions. Major) the designers if something force needed to use Major)
deadlines. Inability to meet deadlines is a risk as appears to be a mistake them may leave the
Prototype failure the final product may not be finished instead of just changing the cuts jagged and the
due to not by the final deadline either. Prototype design. Make sure the drill holes may also
following correct failure due to not following procedures GANT is followed to keep split the wood.
is waste of time and money as to track of deadlines.
rebuild will cost more and waste time. Practise using tools.
Unknown tools
may be used for
Injury Injury caused by -Injury caused by tools such as saws Critical -Wearing protective gear Wood slipping on the Moderate
tools. or circle cutters may leave (Possible X such as goggles and gloves blade can be accidental (Possible X
Injury caused by permanent damage to a person's Catastrophic) during building and may still cut the Moderate)
debris. hands if they were to be caught in will help prevent injury person. Debris from
the machine by accident. -Injury however regular checks crashes
caused by debris can be dangerous with safety procedures and travels large distances
practicing using tool on quickly, the impact of
as it can be random. When building,
spare pieces of wood to get debris even at a
debri from the saw blade such as the
used to the machines distance can be
sawdust can be dangerous if it gets
power will help prevent significant if sharp.
in a persons eye. Debri from the cuts.
prototype can be cause as the rover -Staying a safe distance
may chip when impacting the from the crash site of the
ground. rover.
Workplace Old tools that -Inefficient tools tend to heat up High Cleaning workshops Dust built up in Moderate
have become quickly becoming a Hazard to the (Possible X before use can minimise machines can be hard (Rare X
inefficient when safety of the user. Major) dust and also regularly to find and flammable. Catastrophic)
cutting. Unclean -Dust filled workshops can be hard to cleaning machines and
workshop may breath in and also makes injury very floors during use. If the
be slippery as the likely as it can affect footing, sight and machine is not being used
dust prevents grip. it should be turned off to
grip on the floor.
stop overheating from
occurring unnecessarily.

The purpose of this unit plan and GANTT chart are to break down larger tasks into manageable parts
with realistic deadlines. Breaking down tasks allows team members to keep track of their progress
and as a result manage their time more effectively. Although attempts were made to keep EFPC
deadlines a few days apart from other deadlines, it was not always possible due to the ordered
stages of the EFPC tendering process and the considerable number of other university tasks that
need to be completed.

Unit Plan
Task Due Date Description
Design package 02/04/17 This task is broken down into parts that each team member
works on. Before the due date all parts will be compiled into a
single document.
Tender application 19/04/17 The tender application is broken into three parts that each
contractor completes individually. All contractors will work
together to gather evidence to address the TEC.
Tender evaluation 07/05/17 The tender evaluation is also broken into three parts that each
designer individually completes.
Construction 15/05/17 The construction will be divided into smaller tasks when the
contractors receive the final design package.
Handover 15/05/17 The designers will work together to check the final prototype
for quality compliance and to complete the associated
Testing 22/05/17 The whole team will be present for testing.
Peer presentation 24/05/17 The whole team will present and evaluate other presentations.
Engineering identity 24/05/17 Each member completes this individually.
Final presentation 31/05/17 The whole team will work together to prepare and rehearse for
the final presentation.
Unit reflection 01/06/17 Each member completes this individually.
EFPC -S1 design -S2 contractors -S2 designers
DEADLINES package - tender tender
Team action application evaluation

EFY -Calc Oral -Calc midsem -Materials -

DEADLINES midsem Programming
quiz -Calc test

CONTRACTO Andrew (2/4)- I Indi

RS Complete Risk Individual (19
assessment ndividual Co vidual All
(12/4) ten /4) mplete Contractors
Tender app der Before (15/5)
application add lication Construction
design ress TEC (Will be
review broken down
into smaller
Toby (2/4)
tasks based
Complete All Contract ors
on design)
TEC and Before (19/ 4)
GANTT gather/share
evidence to
address TEC

DESIGNERS Brendan/ Individual

Sadeep (2/4) (7/5)
Indivi dual Complete
(24/4) Individual
specifications tender
Tende r (29/4)
evalu ation Tender
- evaluate
execu tive evaluation
summ ary design
Phil (2/4)-
drawings All De

OTHER -Phil Sydney -Phil Port

COMMITM- Headland


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