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1- For the tank shown in figure below find the pressure at the bottom of the


Ans. (74.6 KPa)

2- If the pressure in a tank is 50 Psi find the equivalent pressure head of: (a)
Water, (b) mercury, (c) heavy fuel oil with specific gravity 0.92.
Ans. (a) 35.17 m (b) 2.6 m (c) 38.23 m

3- A pressure gage 7 m above the bottom of a tank containing a liquid reads

64.94 KPa, another gage at height 4 m reads 87.53 KPa. Compute the
specific weight and mass density of the liquid.
Ans. (specific weight = 7530 N/m3, = 786 Kg/m3

4- If the atmospheric pressure is 0.9 bar abs and a gage attached to a tank
reads 390 mmHg vacuum, what is the absolute pressure within the tank ?
Ans. (38.1 KPa)

5- The closed tank in figure below is at 20 oC . if the pressure at point A is 98

KPa abs, what is the absolute pressure at point B.

Ans. (PB= 78.444 KPa)

6- Calculate the pressure, in KPa, of point A, B, C, D in fig. below. Ans.: (PD =

21.636 KPa.)
7- For the open tank, with piezometers attached on the side, containing two
different immiscible liquids, as in fiq. Below find the (a) elevation of the liquid
surface in piezometer A, (b) elevation of the liquid surface in piezometer B,
(c) total pressure at the bottom of the tank.

Ans. (point B will rise to elevation 0.819

(Pbottom= 18.9 KPa)

8- A manometer is attached to a tank containing three different fluids, as shown

in figure below. What will be the different in elevation of mercury column in
the manometer (i.e., y in the figure)?

Ans. (y= 0.627 m).

9- In Fig. below s.g1 = 0.84, s.g2 = 1, h2 =98 mm, and h1 = 159 mm. find PA in
mmHg gage. If the barometer reading is 729 mmHg, what is PA in mmH2O

Ans. (PA = 9993 mmH2O).

10- At 20 oC, Gage A in Fig. below reads 290 KPa abs. what is the height h
of water? What does gage B read?

Ans. (h = 2.227 m, PB = 204 KPa)

11- Determine the pressure difference between point A and B in Fig. below.

Ans. (PA PB = 10.2 KPa)

12- In fig. below, if PB PA = 97.4 KPa , Calculate H .

Ans. (H = 25 cm).

13- Find the difference in pressure between tanks A and B in fig below if d1
= 330 mm , d2 = 160 mm, d3 = 480 mm and d4 = 230 mm.

Ans. ( PA PB = 82.33 KPa).

14- An open tube is attached to a tank, as shown in fig. below. If the water
rises to a height of 800 mm in the tube what are the pressure PA and PB of the
air above the water?

Ans. (PA = 3.92 KPa, PB = 4.9 KPa).

15- For the setup shown I fig. below, calculate the absolute pressure at A.
assume standard atmospheric pressure = 101.3 KPa.
Ans. (PA = 88.44 KPa).

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