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Germany Introduction

Germany has mountains and coastlines and sandy beaches and North European plains. And
Germany is mostly landmarks and country sights.Germany is also a Western European Country
with a landscape of forests, rivers, mountain ranges and North Sea beaches. But Germany has
a lot of cultures and holidays also. And the physical geography is the landscapes. And
Germany has a lot of rivers and valleys also and so much more peaceful places. And you can
relax peacefully. And a lot of forts in Germany that you can see and more. And here is some
images of some landscapes of Germany. Germany is a very quite peaceful places. And a claim
places also.These are different places that you can come and see in Germany. So please come
and see this plaece. And the weather is wonderful in Germany.

The climate in Germany is not cold or hot like in certain types of seasons.In the Northwestern
coastal of germany it is warm summers with mild cloudy winters.The northern coastal gets
temperatures at an average of 16C to 18C.In the fall and winter germany gets atlantic low
pressure systems that could bring uncomfortable weather with heavy rain especially in the
western coastal parts and the mountain regions of germany.In the summer there is low pressure
systems which can cause rain even possibly severe thunderstorms.The weather in the winter in
germany is mild but sometimes it can get heavy snow and tempertures below zero.In July the
north side of germany is cooler than the south side.Germany has a maritime climate by the
caused by the warm western winds from the North Sea.In the northwest and north the climate
is oceanic with rain all year long.The winters are mild while the summers are cool.The
temperatures can exceed from 30 C to 86F for several days in a row during heat waves.

Now, lets talk about culture. Lets start with the food. Eating habits in Germany vary by social
class and Milieu, but it is possible to generalize about the behavior of the inclusive middle class,
which has emerged in the prosperous postwar era. Most Germans acquire food from both
supermarkets and specialty shops, such as bakeries and butcher shops. Bread is the main food
at both breakfast and supper. Breakfast usually includes brotchen, or rolls of various kinds,
while supper - called Abendbrot - often consists of bread, sausages or cold cuts, cheese, and,
perhaps, a salad or a vegetable garnish. The warm meal of the day is still often eaten at noon,
though modern work routines seem to encourage assimilation to American patterns. Porkis the
most commonly consumed meat, though various sorts of wurst, or sausage, are often eaten in
lieu of meat. Now, lets talk about the religion. Germany was the homeland of the Protestant of
Reformation, but, in the politically fragmented Holy Roman Empire of the sixteenth century,
many territories remained faithful to Roman Catholicism or reverted back to it, depending of the
policy of the ruling house. Today, 34% of the population belongs to the Evangelical (Protestant)
Church and a further 34% belongs to the Catholic Church. Many Germans have no religious
affiliation. This is especially true of former East Germany, where, in 1989, the Evangelical
Church had 4 million members ( out of a total population of 16.5 million) and the Catholic
Church had only 921,000 members. Since 1990, the Evangelical Church has lost even more
members in the new federal states. From the smallest village to the largest city, the local church
dominates the central area of nearly every German settlement. German churches are often
impressive architectural structures, which bear witness to centuries of growth renovation. Heres
another topic about Germany. Germans were among the leaders in the development of both
Western biomedicine and national health insurance. Biomedical healthcare in Germany is
extensive and of High quality. IN addition to having advanced medical technology, Germans also
have a large number of medical doctors per capita. In 1970, there was one medical doctor for
every 615 people, while in 1997, there was one medical doctor for every 290. 41% of doctors
are in private practice, while 48% are in hospitals, and 12% are in cil services or in similar

Germany has a few centuries of history starting with the celts and romans,after the celts and
the romans germany became apart of the holy roman empire till the collapse of the holy roman
empire which then germany became prussia after a few centuries and fighting in the napolionic
wars prussia became the german empire the german empire didnt last long but it did
industrialize germany,the german empire even started to rival great britain,the german empire
fought in world war 1 one the side of the central powers with austro - hungary and the ottoman
empire,after the central power lost world war one the german empire collapsed and became the
wemier republic. The wemier republic was corrupt and didnt really help germany with it current
crisis,during the elections a new figure emerged his name was Adolf Hitler he was the leader of
the national socialist german workers party or the nazis for short at first the tried a coup which
landed Hitler in jail but he was released and soon he became he prime minister of germany after
he became prime minister president hindenburg got sick and was going to die so Hitler decided
to trick him into letting him have emergency powers then when hindenburg died hitler became
the dictator or further of germany, he then started to expand germany until 1944 which then the
allies invaded normandy in france soon germany was being pushed on two fronts in the west
was the americans,british,canadian and others in the east was the soviet union soon hitler lost
the war on germany fell into chaos again only this time germany was split into east and west
germany,soon after the cold war germany was reunited and became the germany we know

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