Soal Koloid English Fix

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COLLOID QUESTIONS (Sequential Questions of the Game)

Decisive Questions

Which ones of the pictures above are included in the type of colloidal emulsion?
A. Jelly and Milk
B. Cheese and Butter
C. Soap Foam and Coconut Milk (Santan)
D. Milk and Cheese
E. Soap Foam and Butter


Solid emulsion is A type of colloid, of the form of a solid dispersed in a liquid.

Solid Solid Solid sol Ruby glass
Solid Liquid Solid emulsion/gel Pearl, cheese, butter
Solid Gas Solid foam Lava, pumice
Liquid Solid Sol Paints, cell fluids
Liquid Liquid Emulsion Milk, oil in water
Liquid Gas Foam Soap suds, whipped cream

Gas Solid Aerosol Smoke

Gas Liquid Aerosol Fog, mist

Route A Question (Short Route)

1. 1. The Particle Distribution is heterogenous
2. The particle size is about 10-7 to 10-5 cm
3. It can be filtered
4. Consist of two phases
5. Unstable (Separable)

Based on those data, what numbers are the characteristics of colloid?

A. 1,2 and 3
B. 1,2 and 4
C. 2,3 and 4
D. 2,3 and 5
E. 3,4 and 5
Property Solution Colloidal Suspension
Size of the < 1nm 1-1000nm >1000nm
Nature Homogeneous Heterogeneous Heterogeneous
Filterability Solution diffuse Colloidal particles Suspension particles
(diffusion through rapidly through pass through filter do not pass through
parchment paper) filter paper as well paper but not filter paper and
as parchment paper through parchment parchment paper
Visibility Particles of solution Colloids shows Suspension may or
are not visible to tyndall effect not show tyndall
naked eye effect
Appearance Transparent Translucent Opaque

2. Here are a set of examines of colloid creation:

1. The solution of calcium acetate + alcohol
2. Brimstone + sugar + air
3. Milk + air
4. Oil + air
5. The cooked jelly

Which ones are the processes of making gel?

A. 1 and 5
B. 1 and 3
C. 2 and 5
D. 3 and 4
E. 2 and 4
Pembahasan :
Gel is a semi rigid colloidal system (between liquid and solid). Gel will be formed if a
dispersed phase sol absorb dispersing medium to form a colloidal So rather dense.
Colloids are turned into gel (solid solution) is on experiments:
1) a solution of calcium acetate + alcohol is heated into a gel
2) gelatin cooked into a solid gel

3. 1. Rubber processing
2. Dialysis processing
3. Water purification
4. Delta estuary circulation of river
5. Norit drag use

Based on those examples, which ones are the coagulation examples?

A. 1,2 and 3
B. 1,3 and 4
C. 2,3 and 4
D. 2,3 and 5
E. 3,4 and 5
Coagulation is a clotting resulting because the elimination or reduction of the charge of the
colloidal particles.
Rubber processing, water purification and the formation of a river delta estuary is an
example of Coagulation.
Washing the blood is an example of Dialysis
The use of norit drugs is an example of Adsorption

4. Which one is the characteristic of both lyophile and hydrophile cells?

A. Irreversible
B. Stable only at low concentrations
C. Absorbing the medium
D. Easy to Coagulate with electrolytes
E. The viscosity is similar to its medium

Pembahasan :

Stable Unstable

The particles may or may not migrate The particles are charged and hence
in an
electrical field move
towards electrode in an electrical
Viscosity is much higher than that of Viscosity is same as that of the
the medium medium
Reversible Irreversible
Self-stabilized due to strong attraction Stabilizer is required
between 2 phases
Not easily precipitated by the addition Coagulated easily by adding
of electrolytes electrolytes

Not visible under ultramicroscope Visible under ultramicroscope

5. What is the purpose of pouring alum on the process of drinking water?

A. Precipitating colloidal particles so that the water becomes clear
B. Killing harmful germs
C. Eliminating ingredients that can cause water pollution
D. Odor eliminating
E. Making the water fresh
Pembahasan :
Turbid water can be clarified by adding alum (K2SO4.Al2(SO4)3). Colloidal Fe(OH)3
formed adsorbs, agglomerate and precipitate impurities in the water. So as alum are used
to precipitate colloidal particles so that the water becomes clear.

6. Which one of these colloid processes is condensation?

A. As2S3 Sol is made by flowing gas of H2S into a solution of As2O3
B. Gold Sol is made by leapfrogging the electrical sparks from Cu electrode into water
C. Sulfur Sol is made by mixing sulfur powder with sugar, then plunging it in the water
D. Al(OH)3 Sol is made by adding a solution of Al(OH)3
E. Jelly Sol is made by pouring the powder gelatin into hot water

Pembahasan :
Making colloid by means of condensation is done by combining a condensation particle
size colloidal So true.
Preparation of sol As2S3 done by double decomposition is reacting As2S3 solution
and a solution of H2S.
Preparation of gold sol made by reacting a solution of HAuCl4 with K2CO3
solution and formaldehyde (HCHO).
Preparation of sol sulfur carried out by reacting H2S and sulfur dioxide by
bubbling H2S into SO2 solution
Preparation of sol Sol Fe (OH) 3 is done by inserting a solution of FeCl3 into
boiling water
Preparation of gelatin sol is done by heating water and agar powder.
Route B (Long Route)

1. Which one of these below choices is the characteristic of colloid?

A. Unfilterable without ultra-filtration
B. The particle is larger than 100 nm and it consists of a phase
C. Homogenous and indistinguishable even to the ultra-microscope
D. Easy to coagulate by adding a little electrolyte
E. The Viscosity is almost same to the medium
F. Pembahasan:
Property Solution Colloidal Suspension
Size of the < 1nm 1-1000nm >1000nm
Nature Homogeneous Heterogeneous Heterogeneous
Filterability Solution diffuse Colloidal particles Suspension particles
(diffusion through rapidly through pass through filter do not pass through
parchment paper) filter paper as well paper but not filter paper and
as parchment paper through parchment parchment paper
Visibility Particles of solution Colloids shows Suspension may or
are not visible to tyndall effect not show tyndall
naked eye effect
Appearance Transparent Translucent Opaque

2. The system made by dispersing colloidal solids into liquids is called as .

A. Aerosol
B. Froth
C. Emulsion
D. Gel
E. Sol


Aerosols are colloidal system with a solid or liquid dispersed phase and gas dispersing
Foam is a colloidal system with dispersed gas phase and solid or liquid dispersing
The emulsion is a colloidal system with a liquid dispersed phase and a liquid dispersing
Gel is a semi rigid colloidal system (between liquid and solid). Gel will be formed if a
dispersed phase sol absorb dispersing medium to form a colloidal So rather dense.
Sol is a colloidal system with a dispersed phase of solid and liquid dispersing medium.

3. Ink, jellies and mayonnaise in a row are the example of

A. Solid Sol, Aerosol and Froth
B. Solid froth, Solid emulsion, and Aerosol
C. Liquid Sol, Solid emulsion, and Emulsion
D. Solid Emulsion, Aerosol, and Froth
E. Aerosol, Emulsion, and Liquid Sol

Pembahasan :
Solid Solid Solid sol Ruby glass
Solid Liquid Solid emulsion/gel Pearl, cheese, butter,jelly
Solid Gas Solid foam Lava, pumice
Liquid Solid Sol Paints, cell fluids, ink
Liquid Liquid Emulsion Milk, oil in water, mayonaise
Liquid Gas Foam Soap suds, whipped cream

Gas Solid Aerosol Smoke

Gas Liquid Aerosol Fog, mist

1. Tyndall effect
2. Adsorption
3. Coagulation
4. Dialysis
5. Brown Movement

Which one is the application of colloidal properties on bleaching products of granulated

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5
Pembahasan :
Sugar cane is still the color can be bleached. By dissolving sugar in water, then the
solution is passed through a system diatomaceous earth or colloidal carbon. Colloidal
particles will adsorb dyes. The colloidal particles adsorb dye from cane sugar so the sugar
can be white and thus including adsorb

5. Which one does serve as a protection of colloid?

A. Tahu stone on the process of making Tahu
B. The formic acid at a rubber processing
C. Water soap on mixing oil and water
D. Water at the process of making jelly
E. Hot water in the process of making Fe(OH) Sol

Pembahasan :
Protective colloid is a colloid that is added to the colloidal system to become
unstable. For example the addition of gelatin in ice cream making ice cream is so that
can not be split so continue chewy, and the addition of gum arabic in the manufacture
of polish and others.

Application of Protective Colloid in everyday life. Protective Colloid examples are as

The addition of silicone oil in the paint
Addition of casein in milk
The addition of gelatin in ice cream
Addition Lestin in margarine

6. What makes Brown movement happening?

A. Gravity
B. Repulsion between the same charged colloidal particles
C. Attraction between the different charged colloidal particles
D. Collision between colloidal particles
E. Medium molecular collisions with colloidal particles

Brownian motion is the motion of colloidal particles with a straight track and random
directions. When the colloidal dispersion is observed under a microscope using a high
magnification, you will see the particles move in the direction of random or irregular,
these movements have a straight path. Brownian motion occurs due to the collision of
particles dispersing the particles dispersed, so that the dispersed particles will be ejected.
Will result in the burst of the dispersed particles dispersed particle impingement another
and consequently crushed particles will be ejected. The incident was repeated
continuously, and it happened due to the size of the dispersed particles are relatively large
compared to the dispersing medium.

7. Substances which are classified as sol lyophile .

A. Brimstone, Jelly, and butter
B. Kerosene, Asap, and Dust
C. Pumice, Cloud, and Soap
D. Rubber Glue, Starch Glue, and Soap Foam
E. Milk, Glass, and Pearl

Pembahasan :
Sol liofil or colloidal liofil is a type of fluid dispersed phase can tie or draw dispersing
medium. If the dispersing medium water are called hydrophilic.

Substances that are classified as sol liofob:

milk, mayonnaise, sulfur sol, sol Fe (OH) 3 sol sulfide, metal sols, smoke and
Substances classified as liofil:
protein, soaps, detergents, rubber glue, gelatin, starch, and gelatin

8. Which one is the correct pairing data below?

Colloid Characteristic Application in the daily life

Pouring Alum on the process of purification
A. Colloid Protection
B. Dialysis Dialysis Machine
C. Tyndall Effect Filtering factory pollution
D. Coagulation Odor eliminating
E. Adsorption Gelatin in Ice cream

Pembahasan :

The addition of alum in water purification Coagulation

Blood filtering machine dialysis
Factory smoke filtering coagulation
Eliminate body odor coagulation
Gelatin in ice cream protective colloid

9. Here are the ways to make colloid;

1. Redox reaction
2. Bredig arc
3. Hydrolysis reaction
4. Peptizing
5. Displacement reaction
6. Mechanic

Which ones are the process of making colloid through dispersion?

A. 1,2 and 3
B. 1,3 and 5
C. 2,3 and 4
D. 2,4 and 6
E. 4,5 and 6

Pembahasan :
There are two ways to create a colloid,:
1. Disperse: manufacture of colloid particles by softening suspense and can be done

arc Bredig
2. Condensation: the manufacture of colloid particles with the grouping of the true
solution and can be done by:

redox reaction
hydrolysis reaction
double decomposition
Replacement of solvent

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