A Story With A Given Ending

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Narrative composition


Write a story ending with, Lina regretted what she did.


A. Read the text below and underline all the past tense form of the verbs.

Lina had a dog. Its name was Brownie. It always looked after Linas baby. One day, Lina
went to a shop nearby. Her baby was in the cot. A snake came into the house. It glided
towards the babys cot. Brownie ran and bit the snake. When Lina came home, she saw blood
on Brownies mouth. She thought Brownie had killed her baby. She took her husbands
hockey stick and hit Brownies head many times. Brownie died. Lina ran to her babys cot.
Her baby was alive. She cried. She regretted what she did.

B. Write down the past tense of the following verbs:

1. has 11. take

2. verb to be 12. hit
3. look 13. die
4. go 14. cry
5. come 15. regret
6. glide 16. do
7. run 17. feel
8. bite 18. say
9. see 19. enter
10. think 20. scream


Choose adjectives from the box to fill in the blanks.

windy fat obedient cute

impatient sunny irrational long
chubby black faithful logical

1. Linas baby was _________________ and _________________ .

2. Brownie, the dog was _________________ and _________________ .

3. It was a _________________ and _________________ Saturday.

4. The snake was _________________ and _________________ in colour.

5. Lina was _________________ and _________________ .

Narrative composition


For each of the sentences below, choose the appropriate response from the box.

a. Brownie must have killed this snake to protect my baby.

b. Youve killed my baby!
c. Oh Brownie, Im sorry. Im so sorry. I was irrational
d. Look after the baby, Brownie. I wont be long.
e. Oh, youre alive, my darling baby.

1. Before going to the shop, Lina told Brownie,


2. When Lina saw blood on Brownies mouth, she screamed,


3. When she saw her baby alive, she said,


4. Seeing the dead snake, she said, ______________________________________

5. Lina ran back to Brownie and cried,



Now, you are going to write the story ending with, Lina regretted what she did. Make this
story longer by following the step-by-step guide below. Answer the questions in complete
sentences with the words given in brackets.

Paragraph 1:

Lina had a dog. Its name was Brownie. It always looked after Linas baby.

a. What did Lina have? (a dog)

b. What was its name? (Brownie)
c. Describe Linas dog - big, brown
- faithful, obedient
d. How much did Lina love her dog? (very much)
e. What did Brownie always do? (looked after Linas house and family)
Narrative composition

Paragraph 2:

One day, Lina went to the shop nearby. Her baby was in the cot.

a. Describe the day the incident happened - Saturday morning

- sunny and windy
b. Where did Lina go one day? (shop nearby)
c. How did she go there? (walked)
d. What did she want to buy? (milk powder and diapers)
e. Who looked after the baby? (Brownie)
f. What was the baby doing? (playing happily)
g. Where was the baby? (in the cot)

Paragraph 3:

A snake came into the house. It glided towards the babys cot.

a. Suddenly something came. What was it? (a snake)

b. Describe the snake - long, black
b. From where did it come? (the bushes around Linas house)
c. Where was the snake going? (towards Linas house)
d. How did the snake move? (glided/slithered)
e. What did the snake do after that? (entered the house towards the cot in the living
f. Where was Brownie and what was he doing? (in the living room - lying near the cot
keeping watch)

Paragraph 4:

Brownie ran and bit the snake.

a. What sound did Brownie hear? (a hissing sound)

b. What did he do? (opened his eyes)
c. What did he see? (saw the snake)
c. What did Brownie do when he saw the snake? ( got up - ran towards the snake)
d. What did the snake do? (raised itself - hissed - tried to attack Brownie)
e. Then what did Brownie do? (bit the snake)
f. What happened to the snake? (died)

Paragraph 5:

When Lina came home, she saw blood on Brownies mouth. She thought
Brownie had killed her baby.
Narrative composition

a. What did Brownie do after that? (went to the front door lay down waited for
Lina to come home)
b. When did Lina come back home?
c. What did she do? (opened the front door)
d. What did she see and do next? (Brownie lying down greeted Brownie)
e. What did Brownie do? (got up wagged his tail)
f. What did Lina see on Brownies neck and mouth? (blood)
g. What did she think? (Brownie had killed her baby)
h. How did she feel? (very angry)
i. What did she do? (shouted/screamed)
j. What did she say to Brownie?

Paragraph 6:

She took her husbands hockey stick and hit Brownies head many times.
Brownie died. Lina ran to her babys cot.

a. What did Lina take? (her husbands hockey stick)

b. Where was it? (on the sofa)
c. What did she do with the hockey stick? (hit Brownies head many times)
d. What happened to Brownie? (died)
e. What did she do after that?

Paragraph 7:

Her baby was alive. She cried.

a. What did she see? (dead snake)

b. Where was the snake (under her babys cot)
c. What else was there? (blood)
d. What did she think? (snake - killed her baby)
e. What did she do? (looked into the cot)
f. How was the baby?
g. What was the baby doing? (playing with a toy)
h. What did Lina do? (cried)
i. Why did she cry?
j. What do you think she would have said?
Paragraph 8:

She regretted what she did.

a. What had Brownie actually done? (killed the snake - save her baby)
b. Did Lina act rationally?
c. Write the ending: Lina regretted what she did.

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