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Run-On Sentences and Comma Splices

Directions: Write on the line to the left of the number if the sentence is correct (C), a run-on (RO), or contains a comma
splice (CS). If the sentence is correct, do nothing. If it is a run-on or contains a comma splice, correct it in the lines provided
below the question.

_____ 1. Ms. Conz loves to read she always has a book with her.
_____ 2. Her favorite book is by Stephen Chbosky, it is called The Perks of Being a Wallflower.
_____ 3. It tells the story of Charlie, who is entering high school in the beginning.
_____ 4. There is a movie based on the book, which Ms. Conz equally loves.
_____ 5. In the book, Charlie meets two seniors, they are named Sam and Patrick.
_____ 6. The guy who plays Percy Jackson also plays Charlie his name is Logan Lerman.
_____ 7. Ms. Conz also really loves to write, she always carries a notebook.
_____ 8. Sometimes, Ms. Conz reads to her two dogs named Irie and Crosby.
_____ 9. Once when Ms. Conz was reading to her two dogs, she fell asleep.
_____ 10. The Perks of Being a Wallflower will always have a special place inside Ms. Conzs heart.

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