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Direct Instruction

Teachers: Claire Williamson Subject: High School American History

Strand 1: American History. Concept 10: Contemporary United States

PO 1. Describe current events using information from class discussions and various
resources (e.g., newspapers, magazines, television, Internet, books, maps).
PO 2. Identify the connection between current and historical events and issues using
information from class discussions and various resources (e.g., newspapers, magazines,
television, Internet, books, maps).
PO 3. Describe how key political, social, environmental, and economic events of the late
20th century and early 21st century (e.g., Watergate, OPEC/oil crisis, Central American
wars/Iran-Contra, End of Cold War, first Gulf War, September 11) affected, and continue to
affect, the United States.

Objective (Explicit):
Students will be able to identify 2 reasons why there is tension between the United States and

Evidence of Mastery (Measurable):

5 Points for Participating
2 Points for answering: Should the United States of America have defended Kuwait, or allowed
them to fight for themselves?
3 Points for explaining: Why they answered the previous question the way they did using at
least 2 reasons to defend their answer.

1. After going over the lesson using NearPod, students will answer the last question on
the interactive slide.

2. Students will answer Should the United States of America have defended Kuwait, or
allowed them to fight for themselves? Why? using the last interactive slide on the
NearPod presentation, within their explanation students must state at least 2 reasons
to defend their answer.


I believe the United States of America should not have defended Kuwait. The U.S. should have
allowed Iraq and Kuwait to figure out their issues because it cost the U.S. a lot of money, U.S.
soldiers died during the war, and it has caused further tensions between the U.S. and Iraq.

-Claire Williamson

Sub-objectives, SWBAT (Sequenced from basic to complex):

SWBAT look at a blank map of the Middle East and locate where Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Iraq
are located with 80% accuracy.
SWBAT state at least 2 reasons why Iraq attacked Kuwait during the Gulf War.
SWBAT identify at least 2 reasons why the United States entered the Gulf War.
Key vocabulary: Materials:
Iraq Internet to access
Kuwait Projector to allow students to view the
Saudi Arabia Presentation
Persian Gulf
Desert Shield
Desert Storm
100 Hour War

Opening (state objectives, connect to previous learning, and make relevant to real life)
When students enter the classroom, they will sit down at their desks, pull out their laptops/tablets
and log into
On the whiteboard at the front of the class, the objective for the day will be written: Students will
be able to understand why there is tension between the United States and Iraq.
Once every student is logged into the NearPod presentation, I will lead a short discussion with the
whole class using these two Questions: Why does the U.S. consider Iraq a threat?
What do you know about Operation Desert Storm?
After the class discussion, I will start the short video (3 mins) on the 3rd slide of the NearPod
Presentation. After the video is over, I will ask the Students: Did anything within the video stand out
to you? If so, why?
Teacher Will: Student Will:

Lecture using the NearPod presentation. Be logged into the NearPod presentation on
their device (laptop, tablet, phone).
At the beginning of the lecture I will go
over the Map of the Persian Gulf and Students will listen and watch the presentation,
surrounding countries. and if they have any questions they can raise
their hand and wait to be called on.
Instructional Input

Then I will go over the multiple reasons for

Iraq attacking Kuwait.

Next, I will discuss a time line from

Saddam Hussein becoming President, up
to the beginning of the 2003 Iraq war.

After, I will play the short video that is

within the Presentation.

Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation

If certain students have attention difficulties, I will have them sit closer to the front of the
classroom. After the class is over, I will post the presentation online so that Students will be
able to review it, or if a Student is absent they have access to the information.
Teacher Will: Student Will:
Guided Practice

During the Presentation/Lecture I will Throughout the Presentation/Lecture there are

instruct the students to answer the multiple questions that are either Multiple Choice
Interactive multiple choice/true or or Write you own Answer.
false/open ended questions on their
devices. When I instruct the students to answer these
Interactive Questions, they will use their devices
Once the answers are submitted, I will ask that they are logged into, to answer the
if anyone thinks they have the correct questions. I will use their answers to check for
answer and if they do, to explain why. understanding.
If any of the students disagree, or have
any questions about the answers to the If the students have any questions, concerns or
questions I will answer and address them. suggestions for any of the answers they can
raise their hand and wait to be called on.
Then I will share the results with the class
(the answers are all anonymous when I
share them).
Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation

Students that need differentiations or accommodations will be allowed more time to complete
the interactive questions.

Teacher Will: Student Will:

At the end of the NearPod presentation Students will answer the Interactive Exit Ticket
there is a slide with the Exit Ticket, I will slide.
Independent Practice

Instruct the students to complete this

Interactive Slide.

After a few minutes, I will share the When the answers are shared with the class, the
different answers with the class. students can ask, and comment about the

Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation

I will have my co-teacher walk around the classroom and help any students that do not
understand or are having any issues.

Closing/Student Reflection/Real-life connections:

At the end of the NearPod presentation there are two slides with Fill In Your Own Answers
questions. The last slide is the Exit Ticket for the day. Students will complete the Exit Ticket and
if there is time after they have finished submitting their answers, we will have a class discussion
about whether or not the students agree with some of the answers and how the United States
participation in the Gulf War has impacted the world we live in today.

After the class discussion, I will ask the students to put away their computers and thank them all for
their participation in class today.

Once everything is put away in their respective places, I will send the students to their next class.

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