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SPRING | 2017


Friends of the New River is a Membership for both individuals As you may recall, FONR had a
nonprofit organization and organizations is $10/year website hosted by the
incorporated in the and runs on a calendar year Blacksburg Electronic Village at
Commonwealth of Virginia. basis. To join, please send a a great price. However, the BEV
check for $10.00 made out to has gone away, or at least they
The nucleus of the Friends of the New River, along dont do web hosting anymore.
organization is the Board of with the following information After our site went down, we
Directors, which currently to FONR, 1000 Highland Circle, just never quite got around to
includes Rick Roth (President), Blacksburg, VA 24060: name, putting it up again... Until now!
Llyn Sharp (Vice President), address, telephone number, Thanks to the Radford
Paul Angermeier, Bob Barnes, email. Indicate whether you University Students in the
Mike Harvey, Suzie Lesley, and would like to be put on the Professional Writing Program,
Rick Van Noy. FONR listserver. If you are already we will have out website back
a member, your membership up and running soon!
Our mission is to promote the renewal would be appreciated.
conservation, protection, and
enjoyment of the natural,
cultural, recreational, scenic,
and historical values of the
New River from Claytor Dam
downstream to the West
Virginia state line.

We encourage any FONR

member interested in serving
on the board to attend one of
our meetings, which are
announced on our listserver, or
to just get in touch with us.
SPRING | 2017

Our primary interest is in
short distance to the New
maintaining or restoring
River. The City notified FERC
optimal ecological
of its intention to seek
The Little River Dam and the conditions upstream and
relicensing in 2014, and the
reservoir it creates is a downstream of the Little
relicensing process has been
hydroelectric power facility River Dam, and secondarily
underway since then. Under
located just upstream of the representing the interests of
the Federal Power Act, FERC
confluence of the Little River river users. Heres where the
is required, in issuing
and the New. It is owned and relicensing process stands:
licenses, to consider equally
operated by the City of The City of Radford has
the public need for electric
Radford and provides a small stated that it intends to
power and the impacts on
percentage of the Citys repair the generating
the environment. FONR,
electricity (about 2%, the rest equipment (it has not
represented primarily by
being supplied by generated power in several
Rick Roth, is participating in
Appalachian Power Co). Like years) and keep operating
the process, along with other
other private hydroelectric the dam as a hydroelectric
stakeholders including state
power facilities, the project operation. A number of
natural resource agencies
operates under a multi- studies have been
(VA Department of
decade license issued by the undertaken, and the City
Environmental QualityDEQ,
Federal Energy Regulatory just submitted its Draft
Virginia Department of
Commission (FERC). The License Application to FERC.
Game and Inland Fisheries
current operating license, Stakeholders including
DGIF, and Virginia
which expires May 31, 2019, FONR will be reviewing and
Department of Conservation
sets forth the conditions of commenting on this
and Recreaiton DCR). The
operation of the project. between now and April 25,
New River Conservancy
These operating conditions in 2017, which is the deadline
(formerly NCNR) is also
turn have effects on how for submission of
involved. As was the case
much electricity is generated comment.If anyone is
with the Claytor relicensing,
(clean energy, it should be interested, the documents
we strive to speak for the
noted); as well as on fish and can be downloaded from
critters that inhabit the river
wildlife, recreation, and water https://kleinschmidt.sharefil
including the human critters:
quality both in the reservoir
anglers and boaters.
and downstream a relatively sccedb4245e44ae18
SPRING | 2017

UPDATE 1 UPDATE 2 agencies such as VDGIF and

the Corps of Engineers seem
not to have much experience
with something like this. If I
The project, in my opinion, may be allowed to
been proposed in Giles
presents an opportunity for editorialize, its analogous to
County, on river right in the
river restoration through dam someone putting up some
Eggleston Pool, just
removal, but it isnt entirely trailers on a state-owned
upstream from the
clear to me at least that this park-and-ride parking lot, or
Eggleston Cliffs. The proposal
would be the best course, maybe even on the shoulder
seems to have gained the
particularly now that the City of a highway, and renting
support of the Giles County
is committed to bringing it them out. The river is public
Planning Commission. As
back online as a power property. How can a
proposed, it seems that four
generator. The downstream landowner appropriate it for
or five small floating
impacts of the dam their private profit? FONR will
houseboats would be
operations only affect a short continue to follow this
anchored in the river. These
reach of the Little River, and closely and will certainly
would be rented out as
the reservoir behind the dam comment if a permitting
vacation cottages. The
is a really lovely place. You no process with VMRC or other
Planning Commission seems
longer need a permit from agency takes place.
to be impressed with the
the city to park and launch at
economic development and
the ramp just above the dam, --RR
tourism aspect of this.
so check it out sometime. I
According to one person
hear the fishing is pretty
familiar with permit
good up there. I hope that
requirements, it would at a
the application document
minimum need a permit
clarifies some of the tradeoffs
from the Virginia Marine
involved. I look forward to
Resources Commission, and
studying it.
perhaps others as well. Its
kind of an unusual situation,
and people FONR has
contacted at resource
SPRING | 2017

UPDATE3 Health. They were banned

because they are cancer-
At this point it is clear there
are many sources of PCBs,
causing in animals, are mainly from historical uses.
The New River, despite probable carcinogens in For example, Walker Creek
being one of the healthiest humans, and also have other in Giles County has a site
large rivers in the toxic effects including near Bane, VA where an old
Commonwealth, is immune system impairment schoolhouse was used to
considered impaired or and endocrine disruption. refurbish transformers,
polluted in several sections Because the New is impaired which commonly were filled
for different reasons. One of for PCBs, regulations require with PCBs. Soils around the
the most widespread causes that the Virginia DEQ schoolhouse are
of impairment is the prepare an analysis of sources contaminated, and this is
presence of PCBs, or of PCBs going into the New, considered a likely source of
polychlorinated biphenyls. called a TMDL a Total elevated PCB levels in
These are members of a Maximum Daily Load Walker Creek. Similar
chemical family of analysis, or as some call it, a situations are seen
chlorinated hydrocarbons pollution diet.The analysis throughout the watershed.
which were widely used up seeks to identify and quantify In many cases, elevated PCB
until production was the contributions of various levels are seen in tributary
banned in the late 1970s in sources of PCBs up and streams, but no obvious or
the U.S. Because they were down the New and its likely source can be
widely used, for example in tributaries. Once this is done, identified.When will the
electrical equipment, they a plan can be developed to New be free of PCBs? Not in
are ubiquitous in the control the sources, allowing our lifetimes, most likely.
environment. Not PCB levels on the New There are many sources and
surprisingly, their presence eventually to be declared a lot of PCB is already in the
has been detected in the safe.The DEQ is currently in river, its sediments, and its
New Rivers water, the process of developing food chain. These will not
sediments, and fish tissues, this TMDL analysis. Rick Roth easily be removed, and
the latter leading to a fish has been participating on a PCBs last a long time in the
consumption advisory by technical advisory committee environment. Moreover,
the Virginia Department of established by DEQ. though a
SPRING | 2017

CONT. On a cheerier note, Radford
University, the New River
though a cleanup plan may Conservancy (formerly
eventually be completed, NCNR), and FONR will
funding for implementation present the 2017 edition of
of that plan will be a the New River Symposium
problem. Many lessons could Tuesday, May 16. We are in
be drawn from this situation the planning stage and have
for example, wouldnt it have just sent out a call for
been better to test the safety presentations. As in the past,
of PCBs before we hope for and expect an
manufacturing large eclectic mix of science,
quantities and putting them archaeology and history,
into the environment? artistic interpretation, river
Ahh, hindsight! issues, case studies, and
The DEQ has thoughtfully put policy discussions. The
reports, presentations, and Symposium will be a one-
other resources and day affair starting early in
documents pertaining to the the morning and ending in
New River PCB TMDL on its early evening with a poster
website, at session and mixer with cash bar. It will be held at
ograms/Water/WaterQualityIn Radford Universitys Selu
formationTMDLs/TMDL/PCBT Conservancy
x, or you could just google tent/selu/home.html and we
New river PCB TMDL and hope to be able to keep the
you will find it. registration at about $50
including lunch. Please

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