Armaturen: Order Information Nameplate Data

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Final Test Report

ARMATUREN For ASME B&PV Code Section VIII Div. 1

(UV) Safety Relief Valves
---_._ ... .... __ .__ ._----------_ ..__ ._--_ ........ _ .._- ........ _ ..._._----_ _ _ ........... __ ._-
... ... ... -------_ .._.__._ ........... _ ...._ .._---_ __ ..._._ .......In
... _-_ ....Accordance with EN 10204-3.1
__ .__ ........ ------------
Order Information Nameplate Data
Sales Order Number 216347 Model R-50JS4280B1087 Stamp
Purchase Order Number 504759 Serial No. 216347-01 I Size 3J4

Customer Company
ARI Armaturen Malaysia Project No. 01-2015/PVSD-ARI

Customer Contact KEN WONG Kd 0.724 I Date 9/17/2015

Location VIETNAM Set Press. 1087 psig 74.9 bar Temp 136 OF

Valve Information Back Press. 0- 65 psig 0-4.5 bar Temp 58 C

Model Number R-50JS4280 B1087

I Service Liquid
1087 psig 74.9 bar
Tag Number 04PSVl728
I Serial Number 216347-01 Capacity 1358GPM 10%
Project No. 01-2015/PVSD-ARI Area 1.427 in2 I Orif. Dia. 1.348 in Lift 0.41 in

Spring Number N72S

I Spring Range 957 -1078 psig Tag No. 04PSVl728

Heat Number Assignment Hydrostatic Pressure Test

The applicable pressure containing parts of the valve have been hydrostatically tested"
Part Name Part Number Heat Number at a minimum of 1.5 times the design pressure of the parts in accordancewith ASME
Body 007-301-0749 KS526 code requirement UG-136 (d)(2) and ARI-Armaturen USA,LP'sEngineeringStandard EN-
P-001 (as applicable).
Bonnet 002-301-0403 K4048

Cap 001-301-0203 111205-5

Disc 005-301-0361 U1735

Valves are in Compliance with the Following
Nozzle 009-301-0134 DNG02 ASMESec.VIII UG-136(d)(3)
ASMESec.VIII UG-136(d)(4)
Base Not applicable Not applicable
EN-T-001 Revision 2
Inlet Stub End Not applicable Not applicable API 527, UG-136(d)(5)
OSHA29CFRPart 1910.119 (4)(iv)
Outlet Stub End Not applicable Not applicable
Inlet Flange Not applicable Not applicable ENIS041261

Outlet Flange Not applicable Not applicable

Test Information
Valvecomplieswith the requirementsof ASMESec.VIIIUG136(d)(3),

Tests Required: ~Set Point ~ Back Pressure ~ Seat Tightness D Customer Inspector

Set Pressure Test Back Pressure Test Seat Tightness Test

Req. Set Press. Range 1087 -1120 psig Min. Required Test 65 psig Min. Required Test 978 psig

Actual Set Pressure 1096 psig Actual Test 65 psig Actual Test 978 psig

Nozzle Ring Setting 2

Test Stand and Gauge Information Assembled By: U. Date: 12/22/2015

Test Stand ID Number Test 1 Tested By: A.Y. ~. 12/22/2015

Gauge Serial Number 025246 Customer Inspector: A-'::

,~ .Uat~~
Gauge Calibration Date 9/24/2016 Final Inspection: V.H. ... Da~e: r '-2/22/2015
ARI-Armaturen USA,LPcertifies that data supplied in this report is correct and that all detallsfor design, material, constructiorl and workmanshipOf'the, J>ressurerelief valve
herein conform with the requirements of Section Vllf, Division 1 of the ASME Boiler and Pressu
~ Q 110 ~
OF ~
Final Test Report
ARMATUREN For ASME B&PV Code Section VIII Div. 1
(UV) Safety Relief Valves
ARI-Armaturen USA, LP
In Accordance with EN 10204-3.1
Order Information Nameplate Data
-------_._-----_._-_._-----_ _
.. _ _._- -_ _-_._ _ _._.__ ._---
.. .. .. ----------_. __ ._ _._ _-_ _--- ---_.-
.. .. ..

Sales Order Number 216347 Model RB50QS4280B0599 Stamp

Purchase Order Number 504759 Serial No.
r-------- Yes
Customer Company ARI Armaturen Malaysia Project No. 01-2015/PVSD-ARI

Customer Contact KEN WONG

...~~ _.._... . __ O.724 ._._ L~~~.~........_
_~!~!L~O~~._.__.__ __ _.
Location VIETNAM
Set Press.
..__ .. ..__ .._
_ __ _ _ _._ __
41.3 bar Temp
-.._ _._ _._. __ ._._.- ---_.
122 of
_ __ _-_ _. ..

Valve Information Back Press. 65 psig 4.5 bar Temp 50C

Model Number RB50QS4280B0599 Service Liquid CDTP 599 psig 41.3 bar
_ _ ._. .. _ L__ "'~
..--..-- ..- ..- -.-- ..--
Tag Number 23PSV1052A Serial Number 216347-02 Capacity 8161 GPM 10%
..- -.--- ..--- --.- -..-- -.- - --.- ----r--- - - -.. .........
Press e ,

Project No. 01-2015/PVSD-ARI Area 12.24 in2 Orif. Dia. 3.948 in Lift 1.2 in
- - ~ -"

Spring Number S76J Spring Range 560 - 628 psig Tag No. 23PSV1052A

- -- - ---- -

- -
Part Name
Heat Number Assignment
- -~--- ..-.- ...

Part Number
- _ .... _ ... .. _--
- --
Hydrostatic Pressure Test
The applicable pressure containing parts of the valve have been hydrostatically tested
- .- -- - - at a minimum of 1.5 times the design pressure of the parts in accordance with AsK"E
Body 007-301-0753 AG314 code requirement UG-136 (d)(2) and ARI-Armaturen USA, LP's Engineering Standard EN-
P-001 (as applicable).
Bonnet 002-301-0410 A0818

Cap 001-301-0204 A0566 Result: No Visible Leakage

Disc 005-301-0367 U1668

Valves are in Compliance with the Following
Nozzle 009-301-0146 DWR08 ASME Sec. VIII UG-136(d)(3)
ASME Sec.VIII UG-136(d)(4)
Base Not applicable Not applicable
EN-T-001 Revision 2
Inlet Stub End Not applicable Not applicable API 527, UG-136(d)(s)
OSHA 29CFRPart 1910.119 (4)(iv)
Outlet Stub End Not applicable Not applicable
Inlet Flange Not applicable Not applicable ENIS04126-1

Outlet Flange Not applicable Not applicable

- .- -

Test Information
Valve complies with the requirements of ASME Sec. VIII UG-136(d)(3), AS~E Sec. VIII UG-136(d)(4), EN-T-001 Revision 2, API 527, UG-136(d)(5), OSHA29CFRPart 1910.119 (4)(iv)

Tests Required: ~Set Point ~ Back Pressure ~ Seat Tightness o Customer Inspector

Set Pressure Test

T Back Pressure Test Seat Tightness Test

Req. Set Press. Range 599 - 617 psig Min. Required Test 65 psig Min. Required Test 539 psig
- I . I
Actual Set Pressure 600 psig Actual Tes.t 65 psig Actual Test 540 psig

Nozzle Ring Setting 2

Test Stand and Gauge Information Assembled By: J.F. Date: 10/22/2015

Test Stand ID Number TEST-1 Tested By: A.Y. Date:. 10/22/2015

Gauge Serial Number 025246 Customer Inspector: .At~fe\t",

Gauge Calibration Date 9/24/2016 Finallnspectiori: V.H. Il~
CE!lti'/}91~:o~~\ 10/23/2015
ARI-Armaturen USA, LPcertifies that data supplied in this report is correct and that all details for design, material, constructlc[ a~1fi8tiost1l9cP.f m} pressure relief valve
herein conform with the requirements of Section VIII, Division 1 of the ASME Boiler and PressLie veliBI Code. .:
d'", 1260110 0
-:1~ OF ,~i-:\>'
Final Test Report
ARMATUREN For ASME B&PV Code Section VIII Div. 1
(UV) Safety Relief Valves
ARI-Armaturen USA, LP
In Accordance with EN 10204-3.1
Order Information Nameplate Data
-------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------"
Sales Order Number 216347 Model RB50Qs4280 B0599 Stamp
Purchase Order Number 504759 Serial No. 2 ~~~-~;~~~--r~;;~--- 6 Q8

Customer Company ARI Armaturen Malaysia Project No. 01-2015/PVsD-ARI

Customer Contact KEN WONG ~~____________________________9.~!~~___ L~~~~_______ __~!~!(~ a.~~_ _ _
Location VIETNAM Set Press. 599 psig 41.3 bar Temp 122 of
----------------------------- f--------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
Valve Information Back Press. 65 psig 4.5 bar Temp 50C

RB50Qs4280B0599_ I Service
1 _.---------------------_
Model Number Liquid CDTP 599 psig
_._ _-- .. .. _-_ 41.3 bar
.._--.-_._---------- -- __ ._-_ _----_ _-
Tag Number 23PsV1052B Serial Number 216347-03 Capacity 8161 GPM 10% Over

Project No. 01-2015/PVsD-ARI

-~;~~----~-:;---- Press.

Spring Number s76J Spring Range 560 - 628 psig Tag No. 23PsV1052B

- -- --- -- --
Heat Number Assignment
- ------ ._.- --- -
Hydrostatic Pressure Test
The applicable pressure containing parts of the valve have been hydrostatically tes;ed
Part Name Part Number Heat Number at a minimum of 1.5 times the design pressure of the parts in accordance with ASME
Body 007 -301-0753 code requirement UG-136 (d}(2) and ARI-Armaturen USA, LP's Engineering Standard EN-
P-001 (as applicable).
Bonnet 002-301-0410 A0818

Cap 001-301-0204 A0566 Result: No Visible Leakage

Disc 005-301-0367 U1668

Valves are in Compliance with the Following
Nozzle 009-301-0146 DWR11 ASME Sec. VIII UG-136(d}(3}
ASME Sec. VIII UG-136(d}(4}
Base Not applicable Not applicable
EN-T-001 Revision 2
Inlet Stub End Not applicable Not applicable API 527, UG-136(d}(5}
OSHA 29CFRPart 1910.119 (4}(iv)
Outlet Stub End Not applicable Not applicable
Inlet Flange Not applicable Not applicable ENIS04126-1

Outlet Flange Not applicable Not applicable


Test Information
Valve complies with the requirements of ASME Sec. VIII UG-136(d)(3), ASfI1E See. VIII UG-136(d)(4), EN-T-001 Revision 2, API 527, UG-136(d)(S), OSHA 29CFR Part 1910.119 (4)(iv)

Tests Required: ~set Point ~ Back Pressure ~ Seat Tightness o Customer Inspector

Set Pressure Test Back Pressure Test Seat Tightness Test

Req. Set Press. Range 599 - 617 psig Min. Required Test 539
,--------------+1--------- - p~~~
Actual Set Pressure 602 psig Actual Test 65 psig Actual Test 539 psig
-------------- --I

Nozzle Ring Setting 2

Test Stand and Gauge Information Assembled By: J.F. Date: 11/2/2015

Test Stand 10 Number test-I Tested By: A.Y. Date: 11/2/2015

Gauge Serial Number 255110 Customer Inspector:

Gauge Calibration Date 5/5/2016 Final mspectlori. V.H.

ssure relief valve
Final Test Report
ARMATUREN For ASME B&PV Code Section VIII Div. 1
(UV) Safety Relief Valves
ARI-Armaturen USA, LP
In Accordance with EN 10204-3.1
Order Information Nameplate Data
._-_._-_ _ .._ _ _ __ ..__ .._ _
_-_ __ _ .._--_ .. .._ .._ .._._ _ _ .. -_ __ .-._--,---
Sales Order Number 216347 Model R-11GS424CKB0189 Stamp
---_ _-----_ _----------_ __ ._.- _-- ------ ..-..-----..-------r- ..--..---- ..------
Purchase Order Number 504759 Serial No. 216347-04 Size 1.5 G 3

Customer Company ARI Armaturen Malaysia Project No. 01-2015/PVSD-ARI

Customer Contact KEN WONG f-K_d
__ . ._0._.8
__6 ,I_D_a_t_e 9/__
1_7_/_2~_15 ._.__

Location VIETNAM Set Press. 189 psig 13 bar Temp 547 of

Valve Information Back Press. o psig o bar Temp 286C

I - ------.-.-.--------------.----- ----_ .. _ ..-.
Model Number
_________ .__.
. .__. ._.
L_~._._ ...
._.__ -_ ..-._-._----_._-- __
CDTP 195 psig
._._- _._----_._-
13.4 bar
-_ __ ._._ ..__ _-_ ..
Tag Number 54PSV1001A Serial Number 216347-04 Capacity 1958 SCFM 21% Over

f--------- --- - ..- - -..--r- --..-.. -- - ---- ..- .._- ..-i------ ..
- -.Press.
Project No. 01-2015/PVSD-ARI Area 0.558 in2 Orif. Dia. 0.843 in Lift 0.26 in

Spring Number F54F Spring Range 188 - 239 psig Tag No . 54PSV1001A

..._- - ._ --
.. --- -
Heat Number Assignment .__ Hy~rost~tic ~ress~re Test_
- - -- -- - - - --- -
The applicable pressure containing parts of the valve have been hydrostatically te~ed
Part Name _ .. Part Number Heat Number at a minimum of 1.S times the design pressure of the parts in accordance with ASME
- -- -
Body 007-301-0771 code requirement UG-136 (d)(2) and ARI-Armaturen USA, LP's Engineering Standard EN-
P-001 (as applicable).
Bonnet 002-301-0396 K5530

Cap 001-301-0202 152 Result: No Visible Leakage

Disc 005-301-0359 U1677

Valves are in Compliance with the Following
Nozzle 009-301-0126 HX02 ASME Sec. VIII UG-136(d)(3)
ASME Sec. VIII UG-136(d)(4)
Base Not applicable Not applicable
EN- T -001 Revision 2
Inlet Stub End Not applicable Not applicable API S27, UG-136(d)(S)

OSHA 29CFR Part 1910.119 (4)(iv)

Outlet Stub End Not applicable Not applicable
Inlet Flange Not applicable Not applicable ENIS04126-1

Outlet Flange Not applicable Not applicable

- -

Test Information
Valve complies with the requirements of ASME Sec. VIII UG-136(d)(3), ASI'4E Sec. VIII UG-136(d)(4). EN-T-001 Revision 2, API 527, UG-136(d)(5). OSHA 29CFR Part 1910.119 (4)(iv)

Tests Required: ~Set Point ~ Back Pressure ~ Seat Tightness o Customer Inspector

Set Pressure Test Back Pressure Test Seat Tightness Test

Req. Set Press. Range 195 - 201 psig Min. Required Test 35 psig Min. Required Test 176 psig

Actual Set Pressure 195 psig Actual Test 35 psig Actual Test 176 psig

Nozzle Ring Setting 9

Test Stand and Gauge Information Assembled By:c........ .=.cJ.c....F.c........ Date: __ ....:.1"'0'1...:/1""9'L/.o:.20:::..:1::=5:
__ 1

Test Stand 10 Number TEST-l Tested By:.....: ....:..A..::..Y.:...:. ~\;i\1 10/19/2015

Gauge Serial Number 255110 Customer Inspector:'---:- ..p.r,::--_

Gauge Calibration Date 5/5/2016 Final lnspectionj V.H.

ARI-Armaturen USA, LP certifies that data supplied in this report is correct and that all details for design, material, construction, ressure relief valve
herein conform with the requirements of Section VIII, Division 1 of the ASME Boiler and Pressure
Final Test Report
ARMATUREN For ASME B&PV Code Section VIII Div. 1
(UV) Safety Relief Valves
ARI-Armaturen USA, LP
In Accordance with EN 10204-3.1
Order Information Nameplate Data
..- ..-...
------.- ...-.-- ..---- ....
-.----- ....- ....
- ..- ..
_- ...
Sales Order Number 216347 Model R-11GS424CKB0189 Stamp

Purchase Order Number 504759 Serial ~~:-;16347.05r~;~~ 1.5 G 3

Customer Company ARI Armaturen Malaysia Project No. 012015/PVSD-ARI

Customer Contact KEN WONG Kd
0.86......L~~~~..._... .....
~!.~.?(~~~5 ..._ ..._....__
Location VIETNAM Set Press.
.... _._. __ ._-_ _
... __ _
.. .. _-_ .................. _
_psig 13
_ _ bar
_-_ Temp
_547_._ _OF_-
.. ..

Valve Information Back Press. o psig 0 bar Temp 286C

_Model Numbe~._. .~~~GS~~~.~~~~l.~?._ .. _[~=r~i~.= .... _.. ... CDTP
~.~?.~~._ 195 psig 13.4

Tag Number 54PSV1001B Serial Number 21634705 C it 1958 SCFM 210{, Over
f _apa._
..c I y.._ __ _ _ __ -l- _
-r-..................................................................... /._' Press.
Project No. 012015/PVSDARI Area 0.558 in2 lorif. Dia. 0.843 in Lift 0.26 in

Spring Number F54F Spring Range 188 . 239 psig Tag No. 54PSV1001B

. . - - _. - - _. - - - l
Heat Number Assignment Hydrostatic Pressure Test ~

Part Name
-- - Part
- --

- -
The applicable pressure containing parts of the valve have been hydrostatically te~~ed
- - - - at a minimum of 1.5 times the design pressure of the parts in accordance with ASME
Body 0073010771 K5526 code requirement UG-136 (d)(2) and ARI-Armaturen USA, LP's Engineering Standard EN-
P-001 (as applicable).
Bonnet 0023010396 K5530

Cap 0013010202 152 Result: No Visible Leakage

Disc 0053010359 U1677

Valves are in Compliance with the Following
Nozzle 0093010126 HX02 ASME Sec. VIII UG136(d)(3)
ASME Sec. VIII UG136(d)(4)
Base Not applicable Not applicable
ENT001 Revision 2
Inlet Stub End Not applicable Not applicable API 527, UG-136(d)(5)
OSHA 29CFRPart 1910.119 (4)(iv)
Outlet Stub End Not applicable Not applicable
Inlet Flange Not applicable Not applicable ENIS04126-1

Outlet Flange Not applicable Not applicable

Test Information

Valvecomplieswith the requirementsof ASMESec.VIII UG-136(d)(3),AS~ESec.VIII UG136(d)(4),ENT-001Revision2,API527,UG136(d)(5),OSHA29CFRPart1910.119(4)(iv)

Tests Required: ~Set Point ~ Back Pressure ~ Seat Tightness o Customer Inspector

Set Pressure Test

1 Back Pressure Test Seat Tightness Test

Req. Set Press. Range 195 - 201 psig Min. Required Test 35 psig Min. Required Test 176 psig
-------- .._..__.....
_-+--------._._._ .......
_---_._-_ ..... ------_.
Actual Set Pressure 195 psig Actual Test 35 psig Actual Test 176 psig

Nozzle Ring Setting 9

Test Stand and Gauge Information Assembled By: J.F. Date: 10/19/2015

Test Stand ID Number

Gauge Serial Number


Tested By:


of Y
10/19/2015 I

Gauge Calibration Date 5/5/2016 Hnal Inspectiori' V.H. RegistDatel No. -o hO/19/2015

ARI-Armaturen USA, LPcertifies that data supplied in this report is correct and that all details for design, material, construction, nd ~~1!18m~of th pressure relief valve
herein conform with the requirements of Section VIII, Division 1 of the ASME Boiler and Pressure el Code. ':+,i?
)-~ OF "i:.

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