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(b) To collect cheques, bills of exchange, promissory
1 Amounts owed to Montos adeudados a notes and all amounts owed to Track Global Art, Inc.
A court of competent Un juzgado con jurisdiccin (b) it is revoked by an order by a court of competent
jurisdiction competente jurisdiction.

(e) () to submit appeals for annulment and motions

3 Appeals for annulment Recursos de nulidad
to vacate and other motions and other actions ()

() by its duly authorized officer(s) and director(s) as

Como se acredita
4 As evidenced by evidenced by their signatures below the seal of Track
Global Art Inc.

(e) () to give depositions at hearings to appeal of

At Higher Procedural En las Instancias
5 judgments at Higher Procedural Levels (ie Court of
Levels Procesales Superiores
Appeals) ()
severally, as attorneys for Track Global Art Inc. with
6 Attorney Representante all the general powers of mandate and special powers
contained in articles ()
(b) To collect cheques, bills of exchange, promissory
7 Bills of exchange Letras de cambio notes and all amounts owed to Track Global Art, Inc.
(b) it is revoked by an order by a court of competent
8 By an order Mediante una resolucin

Mediante un documento/ (a) it is revoked by written instrument by Track

9 By written instrument
instrumento por escrito Global Art Inc; or
(g) To authorize and to receive on behalf of Track
Global Art Inc. warrants, certificates of deposit and
10 Certificate of deposit Certificados de depsito
other guarantees and documents issued by banks or
warehouses in our name; and
Civil Procedural Code (Ingls
11 Cdigo Procesal Civil Explicado en clase

() with all the general powers of mandate and

Civil Procedures Code of Cdigo Procesal Civil special powers contained in articles seventy four,
Peru peruano seventy five and seventy seven of the Civil Procedures
Code of Peru()

Demanda o pretencin (objeto

13 Claim Explicado en clase
del proceso)
(d) To initiate out of court and court collection actions
14 Collection Cobranza
against Compaa Peruana ()
(h) To represent Track Global Art Inc. at the
15 Conciliation Centers Centros de Conciliacin Conciliation Centers at extra-judicial conciliation
hearing ()
Track Global Art Inc., a corporation incorporated
16 Corporation incorporated Sociedad constituida
under the laws of Canada ()
severally, as attorneys for Track Global Art Inc. with all
the general powers of mandate and special powers
17 Contained in Includas en
contained in articles seventy four, seventy five and
seventy seven of the Civil Procedures Code of Peru()
Reconvenir (verb.);
18 Counterclaims Explicado en clase
reconvencin (suj.)
(e) () to give depositions at hearings to appeal of
19 Court of Appeals Sala judgments at Higher Procedural Levels (ie Court of
Appeals) ()

(h) To represent Track Global Art Inc. at the

Extra-judicial conciliation Audiencia de conciliacin
20 Conciliation Centers at extra-judicial conciliation
hearing extrajudicial
hearing ()

Severally, as attorneys for Track Global Art Inc. with

21 General powers of mandate Facultades generales all the general powers of mandate and special
powers contained in articles ()

(g) To authorize and to receive on behalf of Track

Global Art Inc. warrants, certificates of deposit and
22 Guarantees Garantas
other guarantees and documents issued by banks or
warehouses in our name; ()

() Canada, T68452, hereby appoints the following

23 Hereby Por la presente
(a) Dr. Alfonso J, Caro Rojas duly identified with/by
24 Identified by/with Identificado con
National Identity Card DNI No. 41789976
(e ) In order to carry out the collection actions
25 In (c) and (d) En los incisos (c y (d)
referred to in (c ) and (d) above ()

(e) () to submit appeals for annulment and motions

26 In court Ante el juzgado to vacate and other motions and other actions
required in court ()

(g) () and documents issued by banks or warehouses

27 In our name A nuestro nombre
in our name; and
28 Minutes Acta Explicado en clase
(e) () to submit appeals for annulment and motions
29 Motions to vacate Recursos de reposicin to vacate and other motions and other actions
required in court()
30 Note Pagars Explicado en clase
31 Order Resolucin Explicado en clase
Acciones de cobranza
Out of court and court (d) To initiate out of court and court collection actions
32 extrajudiciales y
collection actions against Compaa Peruana ()
(e) () complementary hearings and any other type of
Peruvian Judicial Proceso Judicial
33 hearings contemplated in the Peruvian Judicial
Procedure Peruano
Procedure; ()

Facultades procesales, (e) () to substitute or delegate the powers of

34 Powers of attorney in court
facultades ante el juzgado attorney in court, and to give decisive oaths;

(b) To collect cheques, bills of exchange, promissory

35 Promissory notes, note Pagars notes and all amounts owed to Track Global Art, Inc.

(b) To collect cheques, bills of exchange, promissory

notes and all amounts owed to Track Global Art, Inc
36 Public deed Escritura pblica
for any reason and granting cancellations by private
documents or by public deed. ()
(f) () to negotiate the commitments of the debtors
37 Public Registry Registros Pblicos
and to record the debts in the Public Registry
38 Schedule Anexo Schedule "A"
39 Security Ttulo valores Explicado en clase
severally, as attorneys for Track Global Art Inc. with
40 Severally De manera individual all the general powers of mandate and special powers
contained in articles ()
Continuar, estar vigente,
41 Shall continue This power of attorney shall continue until either:
tendr validez
severally, as attorneys for Track Global Art Inc. with all
42 Special powers the general powers of mandate and special powers
contained in articles ()
() contained in articles seventy four, seventy five
and seventy seven of the Civil Procedures Code of
43 Specific powers and authority Facultades especficas
Peru, and the following specific powers and
(e) () to try the evidence submitted in the suits and
44 Suits and hearings Demandas y audiencias
hearings; to ascertain the course of actions ()
(e) () to abandon actions or claims; to abide by the
To abandon actions or Desistirse de los actos
45 claims; to settle, to transact, to submit to arbitration
claims procesales o de las pretensiones
the controvert claims in the process ()
(e) () to abandon actions or claims; to abide by the
Allanarse a las
46 To abide by the claims claims; to settle, to transact, to submit to arbitration
the controvert claims in the process ()
To ascertatin the course of the Determinar el curso de las (e) () to try the evidence submitted in the suits and
actions acciones hearings; to ascertain the course of actions ()
48 To answer Contestar; contestacin (suj.) Explicado en clase
(e) () to give depositions at hearings to appeal of
49 To appeal of judgments Apelar sentencias judgments at Higher Procedural Levels (ie Court of
Appeals) ()
(b) To collect cheques, bills of exchange, promissory
50 To collect cheques Cobrar cheques notes and all amounts owed to Track Global Art, Inc.
to defend/answer suits and Contestar demandas y (e) () to file suits and counterclaims; to defend suits
counterclaims reconvenciones and counterclaims; to abandon actions or claims ()
(f) To execute, subject to Track Global Art Inc.'s
To execute an
52 Suscribir los acuerdos approval, refinancing agreements of the pending
unpaid debts ()
To file suits and Presentar demandas y (e) () to file suits and counterclaims; to defend suits
counterclaims reconvenciones and counterclaims; to abandon actions or claims ()
(e ) () to substitute or delegate the powers of
54 To give decisive oaths Otorgar juramentos decisivos
attorney in court, and to give decisive oaths;
(e) () to give depositions at hearings to appeal of
55 To give depositions Prestar declaraciones judgments at Higher Procedural Levels (ie Court of
Appeals) ()

(b) To collect cheques, bills of exchange, promissory

notes and all amounts owed to Track Global Art, Inc
56 To grant cancellations Otorgar cancelaciones
for any reason and granting cancellations by private
documents or by public deed. ()
Iniciar / entablar/ interponer (d) To initiate out of court and court collection
57 To initiate actions
acciones actions against Compaa Peruana ()
(f) () of the pending unpaid debts referred to in (c )
58 To negotiate the commitments Negociar los compromisos and (d) above, with power and authority to negotiate
the commitments ()
To participate in conciliatory Participar en audiencias de (e) (); to participate in conciliatory hearings; to try
hearings conciliacin the evidence submitted in the suits ()
(a) To represent Global Art Inc at any political, judicial
60 To represent at/before Representar ante
and administrative authorities in Peru
(e) () to abandon actions or claims; to abide by the
61 To settle Conciliar claims; to settle, to transact, to submit to arbitration
the controvert claims in the process ()
(e) () to abandon actions or claims; to abide by the
62 To submit to arbitration Someter a arbitraje claims; to settle, to transact, to submit to arbitration
the controvert claims in the process ()
(e) () to substitute or delegate the powers of
63 To substitute or delegate Teemplazar o delegar
attorney in court, and to give decisive oaths;
(e) () to abandon actions or claims; to abide by the
64 To transact Transigir claims; to settle, to transact, to submit to arbitration
the controvert claims in the process ()
(e) (); to participate in conciliatory hearings; to try
65 To try the evidence Actuar una prueba
the evidence submitted in the suits ()
(g) To authorize and to receive on behalf of Track
Global Art Inc. warrants, certificates of deposit and
66 Warehouse Almacn
other guarantees and documents issued by banks or
warehouses in our name; ()

(g) To authorize and to receive on behalf of Track

67 Warrants Warrants
Global Art Inc. warrants, ()
() Province of Manltoba, Canda, R3B 0V3, and with
68 With legal registered office Con domicilio legal
legal registered office at #120, 1462 ()
(f) () of the pending unpaid debts referred to in (c )
69 With power and authority Con facultad and (d) above, with power and authority to negotiate
the commitments ()

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