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Lee High School

How do CNAS benefit patients while assisting other team members?

Certified Nurse Assistant

( CNA )

Perla Vazquez

Senior Capstone

J Snyder

April 13 , 2017
Vazquez 2

Perla Vazquez

Jensen Snyder

Senior Capstone

April 13 , 2017

Benefits Of Nursing As A CNA

You dont build a house without its foundation and dont build a hospital without its

nurses. Having the health industry can help around the world in so many ways, but they most

likely help people worldwide and people have to be thankful for that because without them, we

would have so many deaths and illness. The health industry benefits patients while assisting

other team members by communicating effectively, by utilizing teamwork, and by doing

what is best for patients. (CNA)

Communication is the key to success as patients can see that CNAs such as their

assistance is busy doing both at once also saying that the CNA is attending the patient while

assisting other team members. It is shocking in the way how they can multitask and patients may

wonder how they are able to multitask . Patients may want to do exactly what their CNA is doing

and as they see the body language of their CNA is a type of communication well needed, later

through the way CNA helps patients get better and cure the patients themselves might love to ask

their CNA how do they do two things at the same time and get their answer to help them out in

life In the nursing industry increasing fragmentation due to part time and casual work means

that effective communication management has become increasingly difficult(Batch) and having
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to know that in any health industry they need communication even if its difficult to deal with

doing different jobs than other team members but that doesn't mean that team members cant

help around,they know as much as CNAS do and its wrong putting others low in their job if

they felt like they cant help in the health industry but nurses are so positive they never put

anyone down because nurses know that having communication together can let other team

members know their worth in the job.

Teamwork is best and well needed when working in difficult situations as everyone can

get such great benefits out of it . CNAs , CNS , Doctors , etc are well needed with each other it

part of when working at hospitals or clinics its important to know that doctors and nurses can

count on other team members when working instead of feeling alone and feeling like the work

can't be done because of the different of each other's work ,do people ever wonder what great

things Doctors , Nurses and Assistants get out of themselves when working with others? Things

that they might get out when working with others is happiness and self respect because they

think to themselves that CNA workers are really important to this job because other team

members let CNAs know that they can count on them when they need help. CNAs are well

needed when people walk in and out hospitals because they get attended to by a doctor or

different type of nurse, but what might catch their attention is seeing that the type of nurse or

doctor that attends to patients will call another team member which can be a CNA. Questions

may be asked, but what everyone does not know is that CNAs know different things than other

nurses. When CNAs go to college, they learn different things than what an other type of nurse

might learn The CNS has expertise in a wide variety of clinical and non-clinical activity. In my

trust, the CNSs use different techniques to record data on activity, such as patient numbers and
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demographics, and detailed information on the management of patient care. (Leary) CNAs

have more experience in working with patients ,so what other team members might do is call a

CNA worker up and ask if they would be willing to help them attend to someone and that team

member would be able to learn things that they didnt know a CNA could do. Benefits can come

when working with someone who isnt working the same job as a CNA, and they definitely will

be have some good benefits when learning something new.. Nursing is always needed and that is

where teamwork may come into play because

Nursing is an ever-changing and ever-evolving profession. There seems

to always be a need for more nurses, whether it be registered nurses caring
for patients in a variety of settings, educators facilitating the growth of our
future nursing professionals, or advanced practice registered nurses (APRN)
improving the care of our diverse population. (Stuesse)

As Stuesse says above, nursing is needed no matter what type of nurse it is. hey are

needed to get better population in care nurses and doctors basically need each other to help cure

at least one or two patients no matter what the job is or how much experience the worker has

they will need a team member to come help around and that is what teamwork is all about

helping each other out and that is why nurses are never alone at hospitals .

Patients are always walking in and out the hospital because everyone gets injured ,

everyone gets sick , and things happen to people worldwide that is not good and cause most of

their lives but first people gotta know how good their health is and how bad thats what CNAs

are here for and are thankful for them, patients get such an impact by a CNA that people dont

know about. CNAs help people out so much that may cause a person want to become a CNA in

a certain way or at least become a nurse , not everyone knows or believes that nurses can impact

or affect a patient when attending them but as everyone will know its possible but it all starts by
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such things like a Cna being there for a patient, caring for them and being positive to them about

any situation is what the people really appreciate about nurses. CNAs probably dont realize

that the things they do for a patient impacts them that half of the people who get attended to by a

CNA worker progress more positively in the situation they are in.

The CNS/CNA role is one of the successes of modern health care. In cancer care, for

example, the contribution of this group of nurses has been singled out by national clinical

director for cancer and end of life care Sir Mike Richards (Young). Specialists and doctors

believe that CNAs are best for helping patients with Cancer care and when Cancer patients get

cured because of the help and positive words that CNAs give to them. Most know that cancer

can be cured with the help of patients being positive and never giving up. CNA workers are

supportive people, which impacts cancer patients in a good way because it makes them think to

themselves like wow there's a chance cancer can be beaten and cured and how living life can

continue. This is all because of the nice words and how helpful CNA workers are to patients, and

patients think once or twice in their life how they would like to be supportive and positive when

a friend or family member is in the hospital fighting for their life.

In conclusion, everyone can say everyone needs CNAs workers to help both other team

members and patients and at least to be able to build a hospital , CNA do so much other than

doing things for themselves, its like in the health industry they put others in front of themselves.
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Work Cited

1) Batch,Mary,etal."Nursingcommunicationandcasualisationofthenursingworkforce."



2) Leary,Alison."Vitalstatistics:mathematicalmodellingcanaccuratelydemonstratethefinancial




3) Patten,Stephen,etal."Theclinicalnursespecialistrole."AORNJournal,Apr.2007,p.711+.



4) Stuesse,Elizabeth."Clinicalnurseleadersandclinicalnursespecialists:harmoniouspartners."



5) Young,Annie."Modernsuccessstory:clinicalnursespecialistsimprovepatientoutcomesand




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