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The evolution of rapid prototyping

in dentistry: a review
Abbas Azari and Sakineh Nikzad
Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Removable Prosthodontics, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

Purpose The goal of rapid mechanical prototyping is to be able to quickly fabricate complex-shaped, 3D parts directly from computer-aided design
models. The key idea of this novel technology is based upon decomposition of 3D computer models data into thin cross-sectional layers, followed by
physically forming the layers and stacking them up; layer by layer technique. This new method of modeling has raised many attentions in dentistry
especially in the field of surgery and implantology. The purpose of this review study is to represent the historical development and various methods
currently used for building dental appliances. It is also aimed to show the many benefits which can be achieved by using this new technology in various
branches of dentistry.
Design/methodology/approach The major existing resources, including unpublished data on the internet, were considered.
Findings Although, creating 3D objects in a layered fashion is an idea almost as old as human civilization but, this technology has only
recently been employed to build 3D complex models in dentistry. It seems that in near future many other methods will develop which could
change traditional dental practices. It is advisable to include more unit hours in dental curriculums to acquaint dental students with the many
benefits of this novel technology.
Originality/value It is hard to believe that the routine dental techniques were affected by revolutionary concepts originally theorized by engineering
methods. It is a reality that in future, most of the restorative disciplines will be fully revised and the computer methods be evolved to an extent where
dentistry can be performed by computer-assisted methods with optimum safety, simplicity, and reliability.

Keywords Rapid prototypes, Computer aided design, Dentistry

Paper type Research paper

The concept of modeling; dental approach mechanics, electronics, metallurgy, and many others. In view
of this fact, several merging technologies have been evolved by
Model and modeling are common terms amongst dental utilizing both techniques in a wise manner. This
professionals. Perhaps, from the inception of modern multidisciplinary approach drastically improved sciences like
dentistry, these terms have been used in many different prosthodontics and restorative dentistry in many aspects.
forms and for various necessities. According to the Glossary Although merging different technologies were initially very
of prosthodontic terms (The Academy of Prosthodontics, beneficial but, soon after some conflict arose from
2005) (GPT 8), The term model has been used in dentistry interdisciplinary terms and this has affected dentistry. The
since 1572 and defined as a miniature representation of term model is one of these interdisciplinary terms which are
something; an example for imitation or emulation. not defined with similarity.
Surprisingly, this term however, is not defined in medicine Usually, models used in dentistry are made by impression
in the same manner. In Merriam-Websters Medical Desk making techniques in which some type of specially designed
Dictionary (model definition, 2008), the term model is defined liquefy materials set in the mouth after a specific period of
as to produce (as by computer) a representation or time. These materials, namely impression materials,
simulation of. One may be confused with this non- commonly transfer to patients mouth by means of a holder
similarity in definition but, it is obvious that emulation device called tray. It is generally perceived among dental
and simulation are not the same. The spreading of professions that an impression, or negative likeness of the
engineering sciences in the medical/dental counterpart, teeth and surrounding structures, is necessary to obtain a cast
made it possible to gain access to these two different which can then be used to make a restoration in the
disciplines and find good explanations and solutions for laboratory. For more than a century, this technology was
problems routinely involved in each methodology. It is a taught in dental faculties as a relatively cheap and easy to use
reality that dentistry, in its modern form, has been affected by technique. This technology however necessitates skillful
the techniques utilized in other science methodologies such as human efforts, i.e. dental technicians, to be able to work on
casts/models obtained by impression making to fabricate
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at precision restorations, usually by traditional waxing or plastic forming and investment casting technology. It is a reality that
the quality and accuracy of the final product however,

Rapid Prototyping Journal

15/3 (2009) 216 225 Received: 27 April 2008
q Emerald Group Publishing Limited [ISSN 1355-2546] Revised: 26 January 2009
[DOI 10.1108/13552540910961946] Accepted: 4 March 2009

Evolution of rapid prototyping in dentistry: a review Rapid Prototyping Journal
Abbas Azari and Sakineh Nikzad Volume 15 Number 3 2009 216 225

depends mostly on the technician/clinician subjective The problem of data capturing

judgment (Figure 1). On the other hand, there are several
reports regarding inherent impression inaccuracy and casting In contrast to the conventional impression techniques, the
shortcomings (Gelbard et al., 1994; Johnston et al., 1971; CAD technology uses another approach for data acquisition;
Luthardt et al., 2006; Luthardt et al., 2005; Morey, 1992; namely digitizing. Review of literature showed that two
Taggart, 1907; Hollenback, 1962) and the inception and fast different forms of digital data capturing system are used in
development of computer sciences and laser technology dental CAD technology; contact and non-contact digitizing
makes a delightful resort. methods (Chang et al., 2006). The process of digitizing in the
contact systems is basically accomplished by moving a
Attempts to utilize engineering methods: no touching probe around the surface of proposed physical
impression approaches object and the captured data will then be used for creating a
3D computer model (Figure 2). The data capturing
The first attempts for computer-assisted production of dental mechanism for the non-contact method is different and
restorations were made in 1971 (Duret et al., 1988). The usually implemented by an optical process in which a ray of
development in the area of computer-aided design/computer- light or a laser device uses for surface data acquisition
aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) systems was then
(Figure 3). Whatever methods used, the data acquisitioned by
accelerated by commercialization of portable computers.
both techniques will be used for numerical control (NC)
According to literature, this technology has grown in dentistry
machining, which are typically for small model-making
in the late 1980s and the introduction of first commercial
product by incorporating the engineering principles has models such as fabricating a metallic and/or ceramic crowns
stimulated further interest (Isenberg et al., 1991; Rekow et al., or bridges. These types of CAD/CAM devices are mainly
1991; Rekow, 2006). Soon after, it was feasible to produce representing either the prepared tooth or wax model of the
crowns with CAD/CAM technology to fit at least as well as desired substructure and are commonly used in three different
those produced with conventional casting conditions. The forms (Kelly, 2007):
main benefits of this type of machining system was that 1 directly milling of fully dense ceramics;
impressions are not needed anymore, which believe to save 2 creating an enlarged die upon which ceramic powder is
the dentist chair time and remove one asepsis link between the packed; and
patient-dentist operational field and the dental laboratory 3 machining an oversized part made by partially fired
technicians (Rekow, 2006). ceramic powder.
Figure 1 Current methods utilized in restorative dentistry

3 Master model
2 Impression 4 Wax up

1 Patient 5 Mould

10 Patient
6 Casting

9 Veneering 7 Devesting
8 Preparation

Note: From the patient visit to deliver the final restoration

Evolution of rapid prototyping in dentistry: a review Rapid Prototyping Journal
Abbas Azari and Sakineh Nikzad Volume 15 Number 3 2009 216 225

Figure 2 A typical device used the non-contact concept complex milling parts. So, another type of machining is
required which can make medical/dental parts (models) with
high precision, as fast as possible and without difficulties
encountered during simple milling.

Rapid prototyping: an innovative method for

model building
To fabricate a physical prototype (model) in industry and/or
medicine; two different approaches have been utilized:
subtractive and additive (Liu et al., 2006). The subtractive
technique is usually accomplished by the conventional NC
machining, generally milling (Petzold et al., 1999). The input
data for this method are principally from an optical or contact
probe surface digitizer which can only capture the external
surface data of the anatomy and not the internal tissue
structure of the proposed object. NC machining is used
Source: Ranishaw PCL., New Mills, UK typically in small model-making machines and this is the main
reason for using them to fabricate metallic and/or ceramic
crowns in dentistry (Figures 4 and 5).
Figure 3 Acquisition system through laser digitizing and surface
The additive technologies, on the other hand, can produce
arbitrarily complex shapes with cavities; which is usually the
case in human anatomy structures. The key idea of this
innovative method which is also called Layered
manufacturing or solid free form fabrication, is that a
Laser solid 3D CAD model of an object decomposed into cross-
projector sectional layer representations and then numerical files in the

Figure 4 A typical subtractive method



Note: It uses a detector for the surface and a camera for the textures 1 2

Despite of many advantages reported for small CAD systems,

there are however some limitations which necessitate
attention (Table I).
It is obvious that this type of manufacturing has number of
advantages which make it well suited for routine dental
procedures (e.g. in small restorative dentistry) however, it is
neither easy nor economic for big, full of undercuts and/or 3 4
Notes: Laser digitizing of object (DIE material), creating a CAD model,
Table I The main reported disadvantages for small CAD/CAM in planning the virtual COPING on CAD model and finally converting the
virtual COPING by MILLING Process to a real object
Source: SIRONA-CEREC-inlab, From VITA Zahnfabrik, Germany
Potamianos et al. (1998) Restricted motion capability
Difficulty to machine complex geometries
Figure 5 A typical subtractive method
Tools/work peace collisions
Klein et al. (1992) Materials used must be hard
Materials used must be tough
Materials used must be capable to sterilize
Weiss (1997) More human proficiency is mandatory
Geometric limitations
Christensen (2006) More cost expenditure Notes: In this case a CAD model (Right) has been prepared for producing a
Operator competency with computer devices Titanium Bridge (Left); a true example of virtual conception to a real
metallic object
Familiarity with CAD/CAM devices
Source: From CYNOVAD Dentalmatic Technologies Inc., Canada

Evolution of rapid prototyping in dentistry: a review Rapid Prototyping Journal
Abbas Azari and Sakineh Nikzad Volume 15 Number 3 2009 216 225

form of virtual trajectories guiding material additive processes millimeter to 10 or 20 mm, respectively, (Hildebolt et al.,
to physically rapid build up these layers in an automated 1990; Vannier et al., 1984). One of the most prominent
fabrication machine to form the object called the prototype features of computed tomography (CT) scan images is that
(Weiss, 1997) (Figure 6). In this way, the captured 3D data they possess no magnification errors caused by geometric
set, rapidly slice into cross-sections, and construct layers from distortions; while such errors are common in conventional
the bottom up, bonding one on top of the other, to produce dental/medical radiographs (Rosenfeld and Mecall, 1996;
models for applications. It was demonstrated that by using Sonic et al., 1994). The information collected from each plane
this method the overall production time will reduce is numerically analyzed to derive the spatial distribution of the
considerably and complex models which are otherwise X-ray densities within the plane. Information can then be put
difficult and/or impossible to make by the conventional NC together to provide a volumetric image of the structure
machining process could be build up rather easily (Liu et al., (Figures 7 and 8).
2006). Owing to these capabilities, using additive methods for At about the same time, as CT was demonstrated,
Medical Modeling (prototyping) is more advantageous and application of nuclear magnetic resonance as an
many problems usually accompanied by milling can be easily interrogation probe was also demonstrated. The name of
overcome. The main advantage of this type of model this modality evolved over the years to magnetic resonance
manufacturing in building the medical/dental parts is the interferometry (MRI) and then finally to MR scanning. MR
ability of the technique to create minor details such as differs from CT in one major aspect: the MR system is tuned
undercuts, voids, and complex internal geometries to hydrogen, a common constituent in most soft-tissue
(neurovascular canals or sinuses, etc.) in the proposed model. cellular matter. It is assumed that this measurement will
It is obvious however, that gathering information from define the spatial locations of organs by differentiating them
internal structures requires somewhat different steps for data according to the densities of hydrogen within their tissues
capturing which is not possible with merely optical or touch
probe surface capturing devices. This drawback was Figure 7 A typical modern spiral CT scan machine
accidentally resolved by an innovating technology: computer
axial tomography scanning.

3D radiographic modalities: the key for fast

growing up of RP in medicine/dentistry
It seems that what is the most influential in the field of RP in
medicine is the many developments occurred in the early
1970s through introducing computerized tomography to
medical community (Hounsfield, 1973). This new mode of
X-ray imaging was considerably changed the field of view of
physicians from 2D to 3D, based on tomographic (slice by
slice) scanning. Interestingly, this advent greatly facilitated
access to the internal morphology of soft tissue and bony
structures by acquiring a series of individual images which
principally represent cross-sections through the body. The
image slices are usually from sub-millimeter slice to 10 mm
thick and the distances between them are from tenth of

Figure 6 Sketch of a typical additive method from virtual CAD model to

real object
Figure 8 Principle of imaging acquisition in CT scanning
3d solid model
representation Slicing
Trajectory Material addition processes
Data planning Motion
exchange control
format trajectories Scanner images

Scanning the object Resulting image set

CAD Automatic process planner Automated fabrication machine

Scarificial material

region Overhanging

feature Slice distance
(a) Complementary support (b) Explicit support
Note: The layer by layer concept

Evolution of rapid prototyping in dentistry: a review Rapid Prototyping Journal
Abbas Azari and Sakineh Nikzad Volume 15 Number 3 2009 216 225

(Lightman, 1997). The capability of both technique in beginning from the bottom of the model and building up.
providing detailed 3D pictures of the anatomy of the area of As the resin is exposed to the UV light, a thin well-defined
interest and gathering valuable data for diagnostic and layer thickness becomes hardened. After a layer of resin is
therapeutic usage has very soon stimulated many clinicians cured, the resin platform is lowered within the bath by a small
(Chua et al., 1998; Diamantopoulos and Richardson, 2002). known distance. A new layer of resin is wiped across the
It was also exciting that similar to CT scan data, MR scan surface of the previous layer using a wiper blade, and this
data are also computed and presented in a layer-by-layer second layer is subsequently exposed and cured. The process
format. of curing and lowering the platform into the resin bath is
The layer data format of 3D scanners quickly prompted the repeated until the full model is complete. The self-adhesive
realization that it should be possible to convert the data to be property of the material causes the layers to bond to each
compatible with RP machine requirements, i.e. a physical other and eventually form a complete, en bloc 3D object. The
model can be manufactured based on X-ray CT or MRI data. model is then removed from the bath and cured for a further
It is exciting that in spite of availability of CT scanners since period of time in a UV cabinet (Figure 9).
1973 (Hounsfield, 1973), it was not until 1987 that this This technology today is capable of producing highly
innovative technology became available for dental application complex 3D geometries with little or no human intervention
(Schwarz et al., 1987a, b). It is also interesting that the main (Hildebolt et al., 1990). The most significant advantages and
motivating factor for using CT in dentistry is the science of disadvantages commonly relevant to this technique are
oral implantology (Azari and Nikzad, 2008). incorporated in Table II (Hildebolt et al., 1990; Vannier
et al., 1984; Rosenfeld and Mecall, 1996; Sonic et al., 1994;
RP vs medical/dental prototyping Lightman, 1997). Practically, SLA method is best for
educational purposes and rehearsing the best possible
New terms always results from progress and development;
surgical planning before surgery. This capability has been
and so the term medical rapid prototyping (MRP) has been
fully demonstrated from many studies (Bajura et al., 1992;
evolved in the late 1990s. Just as RP, the aim of MRP is to
fabricate dimensionally accurate physical models of human European Commission, 2002; Wouters, 1998). There is also
anatomy derived from medical image data using a variety of some, who clearly demonstrated the possibility to use these
RP technologies. As in many branches of medicine, this term
has been also used in dentistry for a range of dental Figure 9 Principle of SLA
specialties, including oral and maxillofacial prosthodontics
and surgery (Anderl et al., 1994; Arvier et al., 1994; DUrso X-Y movable
et al., 1999; Eufinger and Wehmoller, 1998; Gateno et al., UV light source
Liquid surface
2000; Sailer et al., 1998; Hughes et al., 2003), dental
implantology as a surgical guide or physical model
(Heckmann et al., 2001; Ganz, 2006; Lal et al., 2006;
Formed object
Vrielinck et al., 2003; Ganz, 2005) and prosthodontics (Jeng
on elevator
et al., 2000a, b; Bibb et al., 2006; Eggbeer et al., 2005; Wang
et al., 2002; Li et al., 2000, 2001a, b). The use of RP in dental
branches has many other benefits of which only one of them is
medical modeling construction; there are so many useful
fields in which RP can be helpful, i.e. mass production of
patterns for casting purposes. In this way, time consuming
and/or difficult parts in restoration making can be easily
implemented even without human intervention.

RP technologies used in dentistry and/or

Since inception, many RP technologies have been employed
for making medical prototypes in medicine and dentistry.
Common technologies used in dentistry are stereolithography
(SLA), inkjet-based system (3D printing 3DP), selective
laser sintering (SLS) and fused deposition modeling (FDM). Table II The main advantages and disadvantages of SLA technology
The materials that can be used are fairly diverse but, wax, Advantages Disadvantages
plastics, ceramics and metals are all utilized by several teams
for dental purposes. High accuracy Expensive equipment
Close tolerance Material high cost
Stereolithography Good surface finish Can be used only for polymers
The first process of this type of RP was patented by Hull Can be made transparent Post-cured required
(1984), for the production of 3D models from photopolymer 100 percent density possible
resins (Hull, 1984). This system consists of a bath of High-mechanical strength
photosensitive liquid resin, a model-building platform, and an Smooth surface finish
ultraviolet (UV) laser for curing the resin. The layers are Fine building detail
cured sequentially and bond together to form a solid object

Evolution of rapid prototyping in dentistry: a review Rapid Prototyping Journal
Abbas Azari and Sakineh Nikzad Volume 15 Number 3 2009 216 225

systems for impression purposes in reconstructive surgeries Figure 11 Schematic of 3DP systems
and sub-periosteal dental implant surgery (Gateno et al.,
2000; Sailer et al., 1998; Golec, 1986; Truitt et al., 1988;
DUrso et al., 2000; Klein et al., 1992; James et al., 1998).
Liquid adhesive
Nowadays, the main objective for using SLA models in
dentistry is fabrication of surgical drilling templates during
dental implant insertion. The high accuracy of SLA-made
surgical drill guides has been proved by several well-
documented studies (van Steenberghe et al., 2002; Sarment Ink jet head
et al., 2003; Chen et al., 2004) (Figure 10). Furthermore, the Roller bed
transparency of the model and the recent development of
color resins allow distinct visualization of anatomical
structures (Lightman, 1997).
Inkjet-based system or 3DP model
The working principle of this RP system is basically similar Powder
to the conventional 2D inkjet printer. Initially, a measured delivery Fabrication
quantity of powder is dispensed from a supply chamber by system piston
moving a piston upward incrementally. A roller then
distributes and compresses the powder at the top of the
fabrication chamber. The multi-channel jetting head Table III The main advantages and disadvantages of 3DP systems
subsequently deposits a liquid adhesive in a 2D pattern
onto the layer of the powder, which becomes bonded in the Advantages Disadvantages
areas where the adhesive is deposited, to form a layer of Fast fabrication time Large tolerance
the object. Once a layer is finished, the piston that supports Low material cost Lower strength models
the powder bed and the part lowers so that the next powder Capability of being colored Rough surface finish
layer can be spread and selectively joined. This layer-by-
Build models can be used for
layer technique is gradually continued until the prototype is
casting purposes directly
completely built up. Following a heat-treatment process,
Low toxicity
unbound powder is swept up, leaving the fabricated part
Relative material variety
intact (Lightman, 1997) (Figure 11). The larger tolerance
(0.127 mm) of output model is a problem for delicate dental
models such as casting patterns but for creating educational
models it does matter. Moreover, it seems that due to this surface of a build cylinder. Powder is deposited incrementally
high tolerance, 3DP technology is not as useful for on top of each solidified layer and sintered again. The piston
impression purposes as SLA is. There are a number of in the cylinder moves down one object layer thickness to
potential reasons for the inaccuracies; they can easily break accommodate the new layer of powder. A laser beam is then
off. This may result in additional time for precise fitting of traced over the surface of this tightly compacted powder
medical implants during surgery but, it may helpful for (Figure 12). The process is self-supporting and parts can
rehearsing surgical procedures (Gibson et al., 2006). The
therefore be nested together. The selective nature of the
advantages and disadvantages of the system demonstrated in
lasers enables complex geometries to be achieved without
Table III.
compromising on functionality (Lightman, 1997). The range
Selective laser sintering of thermoplastic materials like nylon composite, investment
SLS is a process of fusing together layers of specified powder casting wax, metallic materials, ceramics and thermoplastic
material into a 3D model by a computer-directed laser. In this composites that can be used on the SLS machine is a big
system, the powdered material is spread by a roller over the
Figure 12 Schematic of SLS technology
Figure 10 SLA made Drill guides for implant surgery

delivery Fabrication
Source: Materialise N.V., Leuven, Belgium system piston

Evolution of rapid prototyping in dentistry: a review Rapid Prototyping Journal
Abbas Azari and Sakineh Nikzad Volume 15 Number 3 2009 216 225

advantage especially in the field of dentistry. The ability of this Figure 13 Schematic illustration of the FDM process
technology to build up removable partial denture (RPD)
frameworks has recently been demonstrated (Jeng et al.,
2000b; Bibb et al., 2006). The material used was cobalt-
chrome spherical powder with a maximum particle size of z
0.045 mm (particle size range 0.005-0.045 mm) and a mean y Thermoplastic or wax
particle size of approximately 0.030 mm. The part proved filament
successful and produced a complete cobalt-chrome RPD
framework (Bibb et al., 2006). The possibility to preheat the x Heated FDM head
SLS machines just below the temperature needed for metal moves in x-y plane
powder sintering (melting) by lasers made this system very
speedy. This minimizes thermal distortion and facilitates Plastic model
fusion to the previous layer (Kai et al., 2000). Some of the created on minutes
basic advantages and disadvantages of this RP technique are
listed in Table IV.

Fused deposition modeling

The FDM is a RP system in which a temperature-
controlled head extrudes thermoplastic material layer by
Fixtureless foundation
layer. In this technology, a filament of a thermoplastic
polymer material feeds into the temperature controlled
FDM extrusion nozzle head, where it is heated to a semi-
liquid state. The nozzle heads motion is computer
controlled and is used to trace and deposits the material
in ultra-thin layers on to a fixtureless base. The head directs
the material into place with precision. The part is built up
layer by layer and the material solidifies within 0.1 s after
being ejected from the nozzle and bonds to the layer below
Filament supply
(Figure 13). The entire system is contained within a
chamber which is held at a temperature just below the
melting point of the proposed material. The FDM process completely automated and the system can easily produce
allows a variety of modeling materials and colors, such as over 150 units per hours (
medical grade ABS, polycarbonates and investment casting WaxPro/etapes.htm) (Figure 14). Some of the most useful
wax (Chua, 1994). FDM can produce models, as well as features of FDM technology are represented in Table V.
surgical guides and templates, out of medical grade ABS,
which is gamma-sterilizable and translucent. ABS offers
good strength, and more recently polycarbonate and poly
(phenyl) sulfone materials have been introduced which Figure 14 Real wax-ups made by the FDM process
extend the capabilities of the method further in terms of
strength and temperature range. Superior visualization by
highlighting selected features in a different color is another
prominent feature of this technology (Lightman, 1997;
Chua et al., 1998). The mean accuracy of this technique is
about ^ 0.127 mm and currently FDM is the second most
widely used RP technology, after SLA (www.rp4baghdad.
com/technology.php?tech 4). Support structures are
fabricated for overhanging geometries and are later
removed by breaking them away from the object. A water-
soluble support material which can simply be washed away
is also available (
php?tech 4). The method is office-friendly and quiet so
some manufactures produced systems exclusively for use in
dentistry. In one of them, the wax modeling process made

Table IV The basic advantages and disadvantages of SLS Systems

Advantages Disadvantages
Nice material variety (plastic, Expensive material and equipment
metal, and ceramics)
100 percent density possible High tolerance for dental uses
(0.5 ^ 0.2 mm)
Source: CYNOVAD Dentalmatic Technologies Inc., Canada

Evolution of rapid prototyping in dentistry: a review Rapid Prototyping Journal
Abbas Azari and Sakineh Nikzad Volume 15 Number 3 2009 216 225

Table V The reported advantages and disadvantages of FDM References

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Advantages Disadvantages prosthodontic terms, J. Prosthet. Dent., Vol. 94, pp. 10-92.
Anderl, H., Zur Nedden, D., Muhlbauer, W., Twerdy, K.,
Direct wax pattern Support structure must be removed Zanon, E., Wicke, K. and Knapp, R. (1994), CT-guided
Multi-color part Rough surface finish stereolithography as a new tool in craniofacial surgery,
Fairly fast and speedy Thermoplastic material only Br. J. Plast. Surg., Vol. 47, p. 60.
Not 100 percent dense Arvier, J.F., Barker, T.M., Yau, Y.Y., DUrso, P.S.,
Atkinson, R.L. and McDermant, G.R. (1994),
Maxillofacial biomodelling, Br. J. Oral Maxillofac. Surg.,
Vol. 32, p. 276.
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existing models are usually virtually designed on the computer Bajura, M., Fuchs, H. and Ohbuchi, R. (1992), Merging
screen and then converted to physical models. In medical virtual objects with the real world: seeing ultrasound
applications, the object or part to be modeled often, but not imagery within the patient, Computer Graphics, Vol. 26,
always, exists physically (anatomical structures of the patients pp. 203-10.
body) and building medical models essentially starts with Bibb, R., Eggbeer, D. and Williams, R. (2006), Rapid
acquiring data such as CT cross-sectional images, pre- manufacture of removable partial denture frameworks,
processing of collected data to provide a format that a CAD Rapid Prototyp. J., Vol. 12 No. 2, pp. 95-9.
package or a RP system can recognize and finally linking with Chang, C.C., Lee, M.Y. and Wang, S.H. (2006), Digital
RP technologies to obtain the desired physical models. denture manufacturing an integrated technologies of
Although several attempts have been made to further abrasive computer tomography, CNC machining and rapid
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dentistry but it seems that in near future many other Chen, Y.Y., Chang, Y.L. and Shiau, Y.Y. (2004), Accuracy of
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dental practices. Some of the shortcomings which must be at the IADR/AADR/CADR 82nd General Session, Hawaii,
fully revolutionized in future are the delivery time which must
March, 10-13.
be further shortened if RP and resin manufacturers can
Christensen, G.J. (2006), Is now the time to purchase an in-
develop direct prototyping biomedical material, and the total
office CAD/CAM device?, J. Am. Dent. Assoc., Vol. 137,
cost of the finished product must be lowered in order to be
pp. 235-8.
used in everyday practice. Moreover, it is a necessity to
Chua, C.K. (1994), Three-dimensional rapid prototyping
educate the dental team (dentists and dental laboratory
technologies and key development areas, Computing
technicians) with this new technology and including further
unit hours in dental curriculums. Currently, a new project; & Control Engineering Journal, Vol. 5 No. 4, pp. 200-4.
under the name of RP4 Baghdad was announced by Chua, C.K., Chou, S.M., Lin, S.C., Eu, K.H. and Lew, K.F.
European Community which is targeted the possible (1998), Biomedical applications of rapid prototyping
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of further develop the technology and overcome the Diamantopoulos, P. and Richardson, J.D. (2002), Medical
insufficiencies in RP technology. RP4Baghdad, launched in rapid prototyping: the solid visualization of anatomical
May 2005 by coordination of Materialise, has focused on structures, paper presented at 17th European Conference
serious cases involving head injuries among civilians in Iraq. on Biomaterials, Barcelona, September 1114.
Many medical models have been produced and shipped to Duret, F., Blouin, J.L. and Duret, B. (1988), CAD-CAM
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reconstructive surgeries of the head and face. Some of the DUrso, P.S., Earwaker, W.J., Barker, T.M., Redmond, M.J.,
most famous companies involved in this study are listed in Thompson, R.G., Effeney, D.J. and Tomlinson, F.H.
Table VI. (2000), Custom cranioplasty using stereolithography and
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mandibular canal, Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Implants, Vol. 9,
pp. 455-60. Sakineh Nikzad can be contacted at:

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