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Joining Methods for Plastics and Plastic Composites:

An Overview
GE Corporate Research and Development
Schenectady, New York 12301
Joining of plastics and plastic composites is becoming important because of the
emerging structural applications of these materials. While providing a n overview
of all joining methods, this paper emphasizes the welding of thermoplastic mate-
rials. Different welding techniques, together with their main advantages and
disadvantages, are briefly described. A selective bibliography, in which the 259
references have been arranged chronologically for each technology type, provides
a guide to the literature.

INTRODUCTION opment of a new generation of multiprocessing ma-

chines that can execute two or more plastics proc-
ecause plastic parts of sufficient complexity esses simultaneously or serially, in the same mold,
B could be molded, joining of plastics did not re-
ceive much attention in the past. Important excep-
to fabricate multimaterial parts. Such emerging tech-
nologies will place increasing demands on joining
tions were high-performance composites made of methods for attaching or bonding different types of
thermoset-resin-based unidirectional laminates, plastics to other plastics or metals. The emerging
mainly used by the aerospace industry, for which need for efficient joining methods is bound to result
adhesive bonding and mechanical fastening technol- in the invention of new joining technologies.
ogies have been developed. Now joining of plastics Joint design depends on the materials being used,
and plastic composites is becoming important for on the required performance, and on the joining tech-
several reasons. First, such materials are increas- nology used and joint performance will depend on
ingly being used in complex structural assemblies, in the characteristics of the process used. In structural
which joining considerations and cost are becoming applications, the important issues for joint perform-
important. Second, the emerging structural (load- ance are:
bearing) applications of polymeric materials require How strong is the joint under static loads?
structural joints that must withstand static and fa- 0 How resistant is it to impact loads?
tigue loads. Third, weldable filled and unfilled ther- 0 What is the effect of residual stresses?
moplastic resins are being used in many structural 0 How does the joint perform under fatigue loadingr
applications. A good example is the first all-plastic 8- 0 How does creep of the resin@)affect long-term joint
km/h (5-mph)bumper, made of unfilled thermoplas- performance?
tic resin, which was fabricated by vibration welding 0 What effect does resin aging have on joint perform-
two injection-molded parts. Welding is also becoming ance?
important because of the advent of high-performance 0 What is the effect of fillers such as particulates
thermoplastic composites, the use of which may rev- and fibers?
olutionize assembly techniques in aerospace appli- 0 How do environmental factors influence joint per-
cations. formance?
The efficient use of plastics and plastic composites Unfortunately, except for some aspects of mechan-
requires that different parts of a structure be made ical fastening and adhesive bonding, current joining
of materials-which may include metals-that op- technology for plastics is not based on an under-
timize part performance. For example, thin-walled, standing of the underlying fundamental processes.
blow-molded structural parts can be stiffened by fill- Certainly, the welding processes are not well under-
ing the cavity with low-density foam. Future auto- stood, both from the viewpoint of process mechanics
mobile doors may satisfy design requirements and in the sense that the effects of process parame-
through the use of several different plastics and com- ters on joint performance have not been adequately
posites in combination with metals. Such innovative quantified. This will have to change if plastics are to
ways of using plastics will need new insights and be used in demanding load-bearing applications.
technologies for multimaterial part design, fabrica- The purpose of this paper is to provide a brief
tion, and assembly. This need is driving the devel- overview of joining methods for plastics and compos-

Joining Methodsf o r Plastics and Plastic Composites
ites. This is a relatively new field in which the knowl- Neat resins, including those with small amounts
edge base is small, but which is evolving rapidly. This of impact modifiers or flame retardants
paper does not provide a critical review. Rather, it a Particulate-filled composites
focuses on the state of the art and highlights tech- a Chopped-fiber filled composites
nology development needs for plastics joining. Random continuous fiber mat composites
After a brief description of plastics and their com- a Fabric mat composites
posites, joining methods have been classified into Unidirectional fiber composites (advanced com-
three broad groups: mechanical fastening, adhesive posites).
bonding, and welding. These groups have then been This sequence represents a progression of increasing
further classified into established technology groups, material stiffness and cost. This classification does
each of which are then briefly discussed. However, not include structural foams, which can have
the bulk of the overview is concerned with welding chopped-fiber fillers.
methods. Pertinent references have been given for Neat thermoplastics are normally ductile, while
mechanical fastening and adhesive bonding. thermosets tend to be brittle. The tensile moduli of
Literature review has been a difficult task. Except most thermoplastics lie in the range of 1 to 4 GPa
for mechanical fastening and adhesive bonding, the (150 to 600 ksi); those of thermosets lie in the range
bulk of the information on joining is in trade-maga- of 2 to 10 GPa (300 to 1.500 ksi). Because of their
zine articles and equipment-manufacturers bro- relatively low elastic moduli, neat resins are seldom
chures, and does not relate to fundamental aspects used in structural applications. Notable exceptions
of process and joint performance. The selective bib- are thermoplastic bumpers, without fillers, that can
liography does provide a guide to the existing litera- withstand 8-km/h (5-mph)barrier impacts.
ture. However, although nontechnical articles have Particulate fillers can increase the stiffness of a
been kept to a minimum, a sufficient number of resin and reduce cost at the same time. For example,
articles pertaining to applications have been included while the modulus of neat polypropylene is 1.4 GPa
to provide information on relatively new processes (200 ksi), that of a 40 percent talc-filled polypropyl-
for which scientific literature is not available. The ene is 2.8 GPa (400 ksi).
selected references have been grouped by technology The use of chopped-fiber fillers, such as chopped
type. In each group, the references are arranged in glass, can easily increase the stiffness of a resin by
chronological order. In order to provide easy access a factor of three. Increased glass content does, how-
to information, complete titles of articles and jour- ever, reduce the impact strength of the resin. Fur-
nals have been included. When available, English thermore, molding processes, such a s injection mold-
translations of foreign-language articles have been ing, impart a nonhomogeneous orientation to the
included in parentheses. Titles in English imply that chopped fibers. Because of this, the local material
the paper is in English, both when the original is in properties in a part may both be nonhomogeneous
English or when a n English translation is readily and anisotropic. Local fiber orientation can be ex-
available. Most of these references have been ob- pected to have a significant effect on joint design,
tained from searches through several databases. especially in welded joints.
Every attempt has been made to provide complete Random continuous fiber mat composites, in
information on the original source of each paper. which the continuous fiber is primarily glass, have
elastic moduli comparable to chopped fiber compos-
ites. But, because of the continuous fibers, they ex-
PLASTICS AND THEIR COMPOSITES hibit better impact resistance. In addition, random
Plastics fall into two broad categories: thermosets continuous fiber mat thermoplastic composites can
and thermoplastics. In thermoset materials a chem- be hot stamped into parts from sheet material. How-
ical reaction occurs during part processing in a mold. ever, because the fibers are randomly laid, such ma-
This process is irreversible: once a thermoset part terials are highly nonhomogeneous. The elastic mod-
has been made its shape can only be altered by ulus can vary by a factor of two over a 1-cm (0.5-in)
machining processes. In contrast to thermosets, ther- length scale. This nonhomogeneity must be taken
moplastics soften and melt on heating, so that parts into account in joint design.
can be reshaped by the application of heat. Thermo- Unidirectional fiber composites provide the highest
plastic parts can therefore be formed by a variety of performance in terms of stiffness and strength. Parts
manufacturing processes, such as sheet stamping are fabricated from unidirectional fiber-impregnated
and forging, that have been developed for metals. pre pregs, and therefore have a layered structure in
Plastics are seldom used in the form of neat resins. which the orientation in each layer may be different:
Instead, fillers are used for a variety of reasons, such orientation can be used to attain desired directional
as reducing cost, increasing stiffness, increasing im- properties. The most commonly used fibers are of
pact resistance, enhancing performance at reduced glass, graphite, and Kevlar (Du Pont). In the past,
or increased temperatures, improving flame retard- such high-performance composites have had ther-
ance, etc. moset matrices, the most common being epoxies.
Plastics and their composites can be classified into More recently there has been a move to develop high-
several broad categories: performance thermoplastic composites. This is ex-

Vijay K. Stokes

pected to have a major impact on part joining tech- number of times that such ajoint can be opened and
nology. closed can be increased by designing the plastic
Clearly, plastics and their composites cover a very spring for fatigue. While snap-fit joints are conven-
broad range of material types, with very different ient for rapid assembly, they have not been used in
morphologiesand mechanical properties. And joining demanding load-bearing applications. Recent anal-
of these materials can therefore be expected to re- yses have attempted to improve the design of snap
quire very different technologies. In the past, mate- fits to increase their load-carrying capacity and life.
rials design, through the use of additives and fillers, More information on mechanical fastening issues
for example, has focused on enhanced structural and on fasteners is given in the References listed
performance, processability, and appearance fac- under this category. In particular, the annual (No-
tors. A s joining becomes an important element of the vember) Fastening, Joining and Assembly Reference
part fabrication cost, materials design can be ex- Issue of Machine Design (4) always contains useful
pected to include joinability issues. information on mechanical fastening and other join-
ing techniques, and also on the major suppliers of
CLASSIFICATION OF JOINING METHODS fasteners. Detailed information on performance and
recommendations for use in specific applications are
Joining of plastic materials and their composites available from fastener suppliers.
can broadly be divided into mechanical fastening and
bonding (Fig. 1 ) . Bonding can be further classified ADHESIVE BONDING
into adhesive bonding, solvent bonding, and welding.
Mechanical fastening and adhesive bonding can be Adhesive bonding offers the potential for joining
used for joining all materials, including metals. And any two materials. It is particularly important to the
the parts being joined need not be of the same mate- joining of thermoset plastics, which cannot be
rial. On the other hand, welding, which requires the welded. In the past, all high-performance plastic
materials at the joint interface to melt, is only appli- composites had thermoset matrices. Joining needs
cable to thermoplastics. for demanding aerospace applications of such com-
Each of these joining methods is discussed in the posites have led to the development of a whole class
sections that follow. Separate, chronologically ar- of structural adhesives. Adhesives have also been
ranged selected references for each category are developed, and are extensively used, for bonding met-
given in the list of references. als to metals and nonmetals in the aerospace and
automotive industries. Structural adhesives are those
that can be used in the load-bearing applications.
MECHANICAL FASTENING Adhesives can be classified into two broad cate-
Mechanical fastening can either be permanent, or gories: 1)Two-component systems, in which the two
consist of joints that can be opened and closed. Snap components are mixed just prior to use. The two
fits, spring clips, screws, and metal inserts are used components react chemically during the cure cycle,
to provide operable joints. Rivets and hot staking are resulting in the desired bond. 2) Single component
examples of methods used for achieving permanent systems. The most commonly used structural adhe-
joints. sives are epoxies, urethanes and acrylics-which are
Snap fits provide a very versatile fastening mech- two-component systems-and the single-component
anism that is ideally suited to the ease with which class comprising cyanoacrylates, anaerobics, and hot
geometric complexity can be molded into plastic melts.
parts. A snap fit consists of a snap-on lug that can Epoxies represent the most widely used class of
lock on into a recess. The lug is kept in place by a versatile adhesives. The two components are mixed,
plastic spring, which is the plastic cantilevered arm in equal measure, prior to use. Epoxies require long
that attaches the lug to the body of the part. The cures, or cycle times, that can be reduced by the
application of heat. Epoxy bonds tend to be rigid and
fail in a brittle manner. In contrast to epoxies, the


two components of acrylic adhesives are not mixed
before use. Rather, one component is applied to one
surface, and the second component is applied to the

second surface. The curing reaction occurs when the
surfaces are mated. Cure times are shorter than for
epoxies, and result in more flexible bonds.
- Rivets, screws. ...
Anaerobics are single-component adhesives that
- Spring clips cure by oxygen deprivation. Cyanoacrylates cure in
- Snap fits BONDING seconds at room temperature.
- Metal inserts Requires Melting and
In adhesive bonding, the (parts) surfaces to be
- Hot staking Solidification at Interface joined are called adherents. Surface preparation of
Only applicable to adherents prior to the application of adhesives, in-
cluding a degreasing step, is crucial for joint strength
Fig. 1 . Classtfication of joining rneth0d.s. and reliability.

Joining M e t h o d sfor P l a s t i c s and P l a s t i c C o m p o s i t e s
Adhesive bonding is a relatively mature technology, comprising spin welding, angular vibration welding,
in which chemistry has played a n important role. orbital welding, vibration welding, and ultrasonic
Special tests have been developed for characterizing welding, and 3)electromagnetic bonding, which in-
the strengths of adhesive joints. More recently, sig- cludes resistance (implant) welding, induction weld-
nificant effort has been applied in using mechanics ing, dielectric heating, and microwave heating.
to characterize the mechanisms that affect joint
strength. This is a rather brief summary of an im- THERMAL BONDING
portant, well-developed joining technique that has
been documented extensively. The three references Hot Gas Welding
(8- 10)on adhesive bonding should, however, provide In the hot-gas welding method a thermoplastic filler
an adequate guide to the literature on this topic. rod and the parts to be joined are heated by a hot gas
stream. In this respect it is similar to gas welding of
SOLVENT BONDING metals, but in contrast to metal welding, the filler
rod is not melted. Rather, the rod is pushed into the
Solvent bonding only works for thermoplastics. In
joint and heated until it softens sufficiently to fuse
this process, the plastic surfaces to be joined are
with the workpiece material. The process can be
softened by using a layer of solvent. The parts are
then clamped together under pressure, which allows
The main advantage of hot-gas welding is its flex-
polymer chains to diffuse across the joint interface.
ibility. Simple, portable equipment can be used for
Evaporation of the solvent results in the desired
fabricating large, complex one-of-a-kind parts, or for
bond. Cycle time is governed by the rate of solvent
carrying out repairs of thermoplastic parts. I t is a
evaporation, and can be shortened by the use of heat. slow process that is difficult to control, especially in
Instead of using pure solvents, solutions containing the commonly used manual mode, and therefore is
the plastic to be joined can be used. This makes it not suited for mass production.
easier to fill mismatching surfaces. Solutions con-
taining the monomer of the plastic together with a
polymerizing catalyst are also used. The solution can Extrusion Welding
be tailored to effect polymerization at the joint inter- Extrusion welding is similar to hot-gas welding
face at room temperature or at higher temperatures. except that in place of a filler rod molten filler mate-
Solvent bonding is a slow process, not suited to rial is extruded into the joint. Hot gas is still needed
large-scale manufacture. It is mainly used in spe- to heat the joint region in the workpiece. This process
cialty applications. It can also be useful in a one-of- is preferred for the automatic welding of large assem-
a-kind application. blies.
The solvent bonding process has not been studied
in detail, as evidenced by the rather sparse literature Hot-Tool (Hot-Plate) Welding
on this topic.
In the hot-tool welding process, the surfaces to be
joined are brought to the melting temperature by
direct contact with the matching surfaces of a heated
Because welding requires a melting and subse- metallic tool. The molten surfaces are then brought
quent freezing of the materials to be joined at the together, and the interface is allowed to cool and
joint interface, it is only applicable to thermoplastic solidify under controlled pressure, resulting in a
materials. Depending on how the heat for melting is weld. In many applications, such as the joining of
supplied, welding can broadly be classified a s (Fig. plastic pipes, the surfaces to be joined are flat, so
2) 1) thermal bonding, comprising hot gas welding, that the hot tool is a hot plate. This was true of most
extrusion welding, hot-tool (hot-plate) welding, and early applications and is the reason this process is
infrared heating, 2) friction (mechanical) welding, also called hot-plate welding. However, in many ap-
plications, such as automotive headlamps and rear
lights, the doubly-curved joint-interface surface re-
I WELDING OF THERMOPLASTICS I quires complex tools that allow the hot surfaces to
match the contours of the two halves to be joined.
The applicability of this process to complex joint
geometries is one of the major advantages of this
The hot tool element is made of metal and is heated
I , I

. . J

by internal tubular heaters or heating cartridges. The

use of temperature sensors makes it possible to ac-
. ( 1 0 0 - 2 5 0 Hz) - ( 5 - 2 5 MHz) curately control the surface temperature of the tool.
- ( 2 0 - 4 0 knz) -(1-i00MHz) To prevent the molten layer of plastic from adhering
- (1.100 GHrl to the tool, the tool surface can be coated with a layer
Fig. 2. Classification of welding methodsfor thermoplas- of PTFE. Flat hot plates can be covered by PTFE-
tics. coated glass cloth. However, the use of such coatings

Vijay K. Stokes

limits the maximum tool surface temperature to simulation (98, 100, 111, 137). the process is yet to
about 26OOC (500F). be completely understood. In particular, the effects
In some materials, the molten film has a tendency of process parameters on weld strength have not
to adhere more to the hot-tool surface than to the been satisfactorily quantified. An understanding and
film itself. This can cause a large portion of the quantification of the process phenomenology is im-
molten film to adhere to the tool when the part being portant for several reasons. First, if the right tool
heated is separated from the tool. In such cases, the temperature is not used, the interface material can
polymer surfaces can be heated by radiation and degrade. Second, the cooling rate in phase 4-which
convection (129).However, this process is difficult to is controlled by the initial film thickness, the initial
control, and the uneven heating can result in non- film temperature, and the weld pressure-deter-
uniform weld quality. mines the rate of crystallization in semicrystalline
The hot-tool welding process currently in use can polymers. Third, the amount of lateral flow in phase
be described in terms of the four phases schemati- 4 will influence the amount of orientation induced in
cally shown by the pressure-time graph in Fig. 3. 1) the weld zone.
In phase 1, the part surface is brought in contact In principle, any polymer that melts on heating can
with the hot-tool surface. A relatively high pressure be welded by the hot-wool welding process. By using
is used to ensure that the part surface matches the different surface temperatures for two halves of a n
tool surface. This pressure is maintained until the assembly it is also possible to weld dissimilar mate-
molten plastic begins to flow out laterally. 2) In phase rials (101, 102, 126-128). However, this area also
2 the interpart-tool pressure is reduced. This allows has not been explored systematically. Taillight auto-
the molten film to grow. The rate of film thickness motive assemblies represent important applications
growth is controlled by heat conduction through the of the welding of dissimilar plastics.
film. 3)When a sufficient molten film thickness has Hot-tool welding is a relatively simple process. Its
been achieved, the part and tool are separated. This main advantages are:
is phase 3. 4) The molten interfaces of the parts to 0 It is forgiving: surface inaccuracies can be taken
be joined are then brought in contact and held under into account during phases 1 and 2.
pressure until the interface solidifies. During this It can handle joints with complex geometry.
fourth phase the molten film flows laterally while By controlling the hot-tool surface temperature,
cooling. The duration of phase 3 should be kept to a the temperature of the molten film in phase 2 can
minimum to prevent cooling of the molten-film sur- be accurately controlled. This is especially impor-
faces. The important welding parameters for this tant in materials that begin to degrade at temper-
process are then: atures slightly above those required to obtain a
0 Hot-tool temperature molten film.
0 Pressure and duration of phase 1 0 Any plastic that melts on heating can be welded.
0 Melt pressure and duration of phase 2 0 Selected dissimilar thermoplastics can be welded.
0 Change-over time The main disadvantage of the process is that it is
0 Weld pressure and duration of phase 4. relatively slow. Weld times range from 10 to 20 s for
Although considerable progress has been made in small items to 30 min for large pipes.
understanding the process phenomenology and its Hot-tool welding is the technology of choice for
joining large-diameter plastic pipes (83,91,105, 113,
116, 123, 124, 130, 135). Special machines have
t been developed for handling large-diameter pipes on
site. This process could also become the technology
of choice for assembling large thermoplastic panel
structures for construction and housing applications.
In such applications, the development of small, port-
I ! able hot-tool devices could aid the on-site welding of
f additional components onto thermoplastic panels.
Spin Welding
Spin welding, also called friction welding, can be
used for welding components along plane, circular
mating surfaces. In this process, the parts to be joined
are rotationally rubbed relative to each other, under
pressure, about a n axis normal to the plane surfaces
to be joined ( F i g . 4 ) . The resulting frictional heating
TIME (1) at the plane interface causes the plastic to heat and
Fig. 3. Schematic pressure-time graph showing the f o u r melt. When the relative motion is stopped, the molten
p h a s e s of the hot-tool welding process [Adaptedf r o m Ref. film solidifies under pressure, resulting in a weld.
136). The main process parameters for spin welding are

Joining Methodsfor Plastics and Plastic Composites

I 0
t t t


Fig. 5. Schematic representation of part geometry and

motion in vibration welding.

I 2kb
\w tory motion is stopped, and the molten film is allowed
to solidify, under pressure, resulting in a weld.
Fig. 4 . Schematic representation of part geometry and The main process parameters are the weld fre-
motion in spin welding. quency of the oscillatory motion, its amplitude, and
the weld time. Most industrial machines operate at a
the weld (relative rubbing) speed, the weld pressure, fixed weld frequency of 120-Hz, although 240-Hz
and the weld time (145, 149, 150).That high-quality machines are also available. The amplitude of vibra-
welds can be achieved is known. But how these pa- tion is normally less than 5 mm (0.2 in) and the weld
rameters affect weld strength has not been studied time varies from 1 to 10 s. In most industrial ma-
systematically. The process phenomenology for spin chines the vibratory motion is obtained by exciting a
welding is similar to that for vibration welding, so it tuned spring-mass system, either by means of elec-
should be possible to estimate the effects of process tromagnets or hydraulically. A s a result, the ampli-
conditions on spin welded joints from similar infor- tude of vibration cannot conveniently be independ-
mation on vibration welded joints. ently controlled and requires a change in the mass of
The main advantage of this process is its simplicity the oscillating components.
and speed. Drill presses and lathes can easily be A typical vibration weld for a thermoplastic has
modified to make prototype parts. four phases (160, 161). In the first phase, Coulomb
The main disadvantage of the process is that it can friction generates heat at the interface, raising its
only be used for bonding circular cross-sectioned temperature to the point at which the polymer can
parts that do not require angular alignment. Variants undergo viscous flow. In the second phase, the inter-
of this process can be used when angular alignment face begins to melt and the mechanism of heat gen-
is important, or when the parts do not have a circular eration changes from solid Coulomb friction to vis-
cross section. Instead of unidirectional circular mo- cous dissipation in the molten polymer. The molten
tion, the parts could be rubbed via a n oscillatory polymer begins to flow in a lateral direction, resulting
rotary motion. In another variant, called orbital weld- in a n increase in the weld penetration-the distance
ing, each point on the moving component executes a by which the parts approach each other as a result
small-radius circular motion, such that all the points of lateral flow. In the third phase, the melting and
move in phase. flow are at a steady state, and the weld penetration
increases linearly with time. When the machine is
Vibration Welding shut off, the weld penetration continues to increase
In vibration welding, also called linear welding and because the weld pressure causes the molten film to
linear friction welding, frictional work done by vi- flow until it solidifies. This is phase 4. These four
brating two parts, under pressure, along their com- phases, which are schematically shown in the pene-
mon interface is used to generate heat to effect a weld tration-time plot in Fig. 6,are also typical of spin-
[Fig. 5). This process is ideally suited to the welding welding. Of course, in contrast to vibration welding,
of thermoplastic parts along relatively flat seams. heat is generated in the first three phases of spin
The process can also accommodate seams whose out- welding by a continuous, unidirectional rotational
of-plane curvature is small. motion.
In this process, the parts to be joined are placed in Tests on a range of polymers have shown that the
fixtures and then brought together under pressure. most important parameter affecting the strengths of
The parts are then vibrated in the plane of the inter- welds of the same material is the weld penetration
face until the interfacial material melts. The vibra- (162, 163). Very high weld strengths, equal to those

Vijay K. Stokes
t 8
(20-40 kHZ)



Fig. 7 . Schematic diagram showing butt and shearjoints
used in ultrasonic welding.
TIME (t)
Fig. 6. Schematic penetration-time graph showing the can be assumed to occur mainly by frictional (shear)
four phases of vibration welding. forces at the interface.
Ultrasonic vibrations required by this process are
generated by electronically exciting disk-shaped pie-
of the resin, can be achieved for penetrations greater zoelectric or magnetostrictive transducers that are
than a threshold value. This threshold is probably clamped under pressure between metal blocks (168).
the penetration at which a steady state is achieved. The transducer-metal assembly is designed to reso-
This process has several potential advantages for nate at the desired frequency. The transducer assem-
joining large, flat-seamed, thermoplastic parts: 1)rel- bly is ridigly attached to a metallic rod, called a
atively short cycle times, 2) simple equipment, and booster, in which a reduced cross section results in
3) insensitivity of the process to surface preparation. a n amplification of the vibratory amplitude. The tool
In contrast to hot-tool welding, in which the inter- (attached to the booster) that transmits this booster
faces to be welded are heated conductively, the heat- motion to the workpiece is called a horn, or a sono-
ing is very localized. This process is very controllable trode. In addition to transmitting the vibratory energy
and is much less likely to cause material degradation and the contact force, the sonotrode is designed to
at the interface because of overheating. The main effect an additional amplification of the amplitude.
disadvantage of this process is that it is limited to Further, the working end of the sonotrode is designed
flat-seamed parts. Also, this process is not suited to to mate with the workpiece geometry. For forming
welding low-modulus thermoplastics, such as some operations, such as upsetting and riveting, the son-
thermoplastic elastomers. otrode shape determines the end part geometry.
Proper sonotrode design and tuning are crucial to
Ultrasonic Welding this process.
Ultrasonic welding uses high-frequency (20 to 50 In ultrasonic welding the welding-head assembly,
kHz), low-amplitude (15 to 60 pm, 0.5 to 2.5 X comprising the transducer-booster-sonotrode assem-
in) mechanical vibrations to cause localized heating bly, is lowered under pressure onto the workpiece
to effect welds in thermoplastic materials. The parts held in a n anvil, or fixture (168).While maintaining
to be joined are held together under pressure and this pressure at the sonotrode-workpiece interface,
then subjected to ultrasonic vibrations (168, 200). the ultrasonic transducer is turned on. The energy
Although the precise mechanisms causing localized director in the workpiece weld-interface melts and
heating are not well understood, heat generation is flows out laterally. Of course, during this process,
believed to occur by a combination of surface and the sonotrode moves downwards with the workpiece,
intermolecular friction (180, 188, 194, 204, 210, thereby maintaining the desired pressure at the in-
212,213,234). terface. The transducer is then turned off, and the
Two types of joints are made by this process (Fig. molten film is allowed to cool under pressure, finally
7). In the first and main type, the ultrasonic vibra- resulting in a weld.
tions occur in a direction normal to the surfaces to The distance between the sonotrode-workpiece in-
be joined. This joint type is unsuitable for welding terface and the joint interface affects the weld proc-
flat contact surfaces. Instead, one of the surfaces to ess and weld quality. Ultrasonic joints are therefore
be joined has a wedge-shaped protrusion, called a n further classified into two categories: In near-field,
energy director, whose apex contacts the flat surface or direct ultrasonic, welding the sonotrode-workpiece
of the second surface. In the second joint type, called interface is closeto the joint interface: say within
a shear joint, a major component of the ultrasonic 6 mm (0.25 in). In far-field, or indirect ultrasonic,
vibrations is parallel to the mating surfaces. Energy welding this distance is large; say, larger than 6
directors are not used in such joints. Heat generation mm. One reason for this distinction is that the larger

Joining Methodsfor Plastics and Plastic Composites

this distance is, the greater will be the attenuation of area. During the welding process the joint was pres-
the ultrasonic motion caused by damping, resulting surized and the metallic insert heated by a n RF field
in a reduction of the energy arriving at the joint with a frequency in the range of 200 to 500 kHz.
interface. More important is the effect of part reso- Melting and subsequent solidification of the plastic
nance on the amplitude of motion at the energy di- around the insert resulted in the weld. Plastics are
rector, and the consequent effect on heating and not affected by RF electromagnetic fields in this fre-
melting (188,231, 232). quency range.
During welding, the workpiece undergoes very In current versions of electromagnetic welding the
complex motions. The transmission of ultrasonic vi- metallic insert is replaced by a preformed "gasket"
brations through the workpiece sets up standing made of ferromagnetic particulate filler in a thermo-
wave patterns in which there are nodes with zero plastic matrix (240, 250). The thermoplastic matrix
displacements, and other regions with high-ampli- for the implant is the same as that of the workpiece.
tude motion (188).The current view is that the joint If the two halves of the workpiece are made of dissim-
interface must be placed in regions of maximum ilar materials, then the matrix consists of a blend of
stress, which are not in the regions of maximum the two materials. The filler consists of fine, micron-
motion. Thus, in ultrasonic welding, part geometry sized particles of ferromagnetic materials, such as
plays a crucial role in the transmission of energy to iron, stainless steel, or ferrite. Dependingon the filler
the joint and in how it affects the heatingmelting material used, the RF field used must have a higher
phenomenon at the joint interface. This points out frequency in the range of 3 to 10 MHz. Metallic fillers
the importance of proper joint design for achieving heat up by a combination of hysteretic and eddy
good welds. current losses. Nonductive ferromagnetic materials,
Currently, ultrasonic welding is the most widely such as ferrite, heat up by a process of molecular
used welding method for thermoplastics. Cycle times friction.
are short, typically on the order of a second. The The main part of the equipment consists of the 3
equipment is compact and lends itself to automation. to 10 MHz power supply, typically having a power
I t s major shortcoming is that current technology does rating of 1 to 5 kW. The most important parts of the
not permit the welding of large seams. Also, it is not tooling are the induction coils that transmit the RF
suited to welding low-modulus thermoplastics, such field to the workpiece joint area. These coils are
as some thermoplastic elastomers. generally made from copper tubing (round or rectan-
gular cross section) or machined copper plates, and
ELECTROMAGNETIC BONDING must be water cooled. The geometry of the coils is
important: it determines the uniformity of the RF
Resistance (Implant)Welding field in the joint area. Because of this, each welding
In this process a n electrically conductive wire or application requires a specifically tailored coil design.
braid is placed within the joint interface and resis- During welding, the workpiece must be held under
tively heated by the passage of a n electrical current. pressure by fixtures made of a material that does not
The heat causes the surrounding plastic to melt, and absorb or distort the RF field.
a weld is effected by subsequent cooling. The metal The two main advantages of the process are that it
wire or braid remains within the joint, and can there- can handle very complex geometries, and that once
fore affect its strength. The use of such inserts also made, a joint can be opened by induction reheating
increases the overall cost. The main advantage of in the same equipment. This makes it possible to
this process is its simplicity and its applicability to repair defective joints or to open a n assembly for
complex joints in large parts. Weld times are short, internal repair or part replacement. The amount of
less than 30 s even for the largest parts. resin introduced in the joint by the "gasket" material
A variant of resistance welding, called electrofu- can be controlled by the matrix-to-filler ratio used.
sion, is being used for joining small diameter (C180 This could be important in the welding of high-fiber-
mm) pipes. The ends of pipes to be joined are covered loaded thermoplastic composites, in which resin-poor
by a specially prepared sleeve whose inside is covered surfaces may require more resin for producing good
with a heating element. The passage of a n electrical bonds. Also, this process can be used for welding
current causes the plastic to melt and fuse together, low-modulus thermoplastics.
creating a joint. This is an expensive process because The main disadvantage of the process is its high
of the special sleeve required. However, it requires cost because of the recurring cost of the insert ma-
very simple, portable equipment, and is therefore terial. Furthermore, the presence of the ferromag-
useful in confined spaces. netic filler can adversely affect the mechanical per-
formance of the joint.
Induction Welding
Induction welding is a n important variant of im- Dielectric Welding
plant welding in which a ferromagnetic implant is In this process a 13 to 120 MHz, high-frequency
induction-heated by a high- (radio-) frequency elec- electromagnetic field is used to directly heat the plas-
tromagnetic field. In early versions of this process a tic via dielectric heating. The technique is most ef-
sacrificial metallic implant was inserted in the joint fective in materials with a high dielectric loss factor

Vijay K . Stokes

such as ABS and PVC, but does not produce good General Literature
welds in materials with low loss factors, such as 1. G . Haim and H. P. Zade, Welding of Plastics, Crosby
polyethylene and polystyrene. Contacting electrodes Lockwood & Son, Ltd., London (1947).
are used to transmit the high-frequency current to 2. J. A. Neumann and F. J. Bockhoff, Welding of Plas-
the weld seam. The process is mainly used for bond- tics, Reinhold Publishing Corporation, New York
[ 1959).
ing films and thin sheets, and is readily automated. 3. M. N. Watson, R. M. Rivett, and K. I. Johnson, Plas-
It is a fast process, but uses relatively high-cost tics-an Industrial and Literature Survey of Joining
equipment. Techniques, The Welding Institute Report No.
7846.01/85/471.3, Abington, UK (1986).
4. Anonymous, several articles in 1988 Fastening,
CONCLUSION Joining & Assembly Reference Issue, Machine De-
sign (November 1988).
In addition to mechanical fastening and adhesive
bonding-which can be used for joining all mate- Mechanical Fastening
rials-an array of welding methods can be used for
joining thermoplastic and thermoplastic composite 5. J . A. Hillman, Dynamic Mechanical Analysis of
Strength Properties Pertaining to Ultrasonic Inserts
parts. But although these methods have been in use in ABS Material, SPE 45th ANTEC Proceedings,
for over 25 years, they are not well understood. Very 1568-1570 (1987).
little is known about the effect of process parameters 6. G . G. Trantina and M. D. Minnichelli, Effect of Non-
on the static strengths of welded joints in plastics linear Material Behavior on Snap-Fit Design, SPE
45th ANTEC Proceedings, 438-441 (1987).
and plastic joints. Even less is known about the 7. C. S. Lee, A. Dubin, and E. D. Jones, Short Cantilever
fatigue strength and long-time performance of such Beam Deflection Analysis Applied to Thermoplastic
joints. This will have to change if joining is to become Snap Fit Design,SPE 45th ANTEC Proceedings, 912-
an integral part of assembly techniques for plastic 917 (1987).
parts used in structural applications.
Before standards can be developed for determining Adhesive Bonding
the strength of plastic welds made by a particular 8. A. J. Kinloch, Ed., Developments in Adhesives-2.
process, the effects of the process parameters in- Applied Science Publishers, London (1981).
volved on joint performance must be understood and 9. G. Verchery and A. H. Cardon, Eds.. Mechanical Be-
havior of Adhesive Joints, Proceedings of European
quantified. Then, and only then, will it make sense Mechanics Colloquim 227 (Saint-Etienne. France)
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test procedures for evaluating joint performance. 10. A. J. Kinloch, Adhesion and Adhesives, Chapman
Once joining processes and their effects on joint and Hall. London (1987).
performance have been sufficiently characterized,
optimal joint designs suited to particular joining Solvent Bonding
methods can be developed. Joint design can then 11. W. V. Titow, Solvent Welding of Plastics, 15th An-
become an integral part of the design and manufac- nual Conference on Adhesion and Adhesives Proceed-
ings (London),Chapter 12, pp. 181- 196, Applied Sci-
turing process for plastic and plastic composite parts. ence Publishers (1977).
12. M. Licata and E. Haag, How to Bond Polycarbonate
Parts by Solvent Welding,Plastics Engineering, 42.
ACKNOWLEDGMENT 6,53-55 (June 1986).
Special thanks are due to Julia A. Kinloch for her 13. M. Licata and E. Haag. Solvent Welding with Poly-
carbonate, SPE 44th ANTEC Proceedings, 1092-
help and patience during the preparation of this pa- 1094 (1986).
per. In particular, her help in organizing the list of 14. M. Licata, T. Glogovsky, and E. Haag, Safer and
references is greatly appreciated. Better Bonding of Polycarbonate Parts, Plastics En-
gineering, 43, 10, 35-38 (October 1987).
15. C. Y. Yue, Structure and Strength of Solvent Welds
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Vtjay K. Stokes

34. H. Potente and P. Tappe, Scale Up Laws in Heated 155. H.Potente, P. Michel, and B. Ruthmann, An Analysis
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Vijay K. Stokes
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