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Resources, Conservation and Recycling 117 (2017) 160174

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Assessing the economic impact and ecological footprint of

construction and demolition waste during the urbanization of rural
Madelyn Marrero, Manuel Puerto, Cristina Rivero-Camacho, Antonio Freire-Guerrero,
Jaime Sols-Guzmn
Department of Building Construction II. E.T.S. de Ingeniera de Edicacin, University of Seville, 41012 Seville, Spain

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The present work analyses the management of construction and demolition waste (C&DW) in urban-
Received 1 April 2016 ization projects from a dual perspective: ecological and economic. A well-established model for waste
Received in revised form 14 October 2016 quantication, previously developed by the authors, is employed and adapted for the assessment of
Accepted 16 October 2016
urbanization work. The quantication model is based on the work breakdown system (WBS) of con-
Available online 10 November 2016
struction budgets. Five urbanization projects are evaluated; two are industrial and three residential. The
quantities, budget, and ecological footprint (EF) are determined. The EF evaluation follows the same
methodology as dened by the authors for construction projects but with several new incorporations,
Ecological footprint
Economic impact
such as the quantication for the felling of trees and the machinery footprint. The result shows that 98%
Urbanization of the C&DW generated is due to earthworks and tree felling. An overwhelming 97% of the EF is due to
Waste fuel consumption by on-site machinery and construction materials. Finally, a new scenario is proposed in
which the soil is 100% reused and the inert waste is crushed and used as concrete aggregate, which reduces
the EF by more than 20% in all cases analysed. The results show that it is possible to quantify the integral
impact within construction projects of the application of recycling and of reuse strategies by means of a
WBS. Finally, from a construction project perspective, the traditional model for waste management and
economic control can be completed with an environmental analysis using the EF indicator.
2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction ering the target building elements, are thrown away as construction
waste. Li et al. (2016), in accordance with the mass balance prin-
In recent years, a global issue has arisen regarding the envi- ciple, calculates that the sum of the weight of the construction
ronmental impact of the construction industry, especially that of materials, packaging materials, and extracted materials is equal to
its construction and demolition waste, C&DW (Agamuthu, 2008). that of the target building elements and construction waste.
Among the many reasons identied for the limited effectiveness of Waste minimization is economically feasible and plays an
C&DW management, feature the contrasting opinions held by the important role in the improvement of environmental management.
two major groups involved in the process. The rst group includes From this standpoint, economic instruments for minimizing con-
the authorities and general public whose focus is on minimizing the struction waste can be employed to encourage waste-prevention
amount of C&DW entering landlls. The other major group is com- efforts, to discourage the least desirable disposal practices, as
prised of promoters and subcontractors who are more concerned well as to prevent the negative consequences of environmentally
about the benets and prots from conducting C&DW manage- unfriendly treatment and disposal practices of construction waste
ment, and less interested in whether the generated C&DW would materials (Begum et al., 2007). Construction method, project size,
burden the environment (Yuan and Shen, 2011). building type, material storage method, human error, and technical
There is major economic and environmental concern due to the problems are the main factors that affect the waste generation of
fact that materials extracted from nature that are involved in deliv- newly constructed buildings (Mokhtar et al., 2011).
In order both to minimize the amount of C&DW entering land-
lls and to reduce the cost of the construction project, a good waste
Corresponding author. management plan is needed. The rst step is to predict the amount
E-mail address: (J. Sols-Guzmn). of waste generated during the construction processes. The volume
0921-3449/ 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M. Marrero et al. / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 117 (2017) 160174 161

determined can then be used to dene the container sizes and types used and new unitary costs are proposed that are created using its
and the pick-up frequency, both necessary in order to reach the next work breakdown system (WBS).
step: material recycling and/or reuse. A good quantication proce- Once the waste quantities are determined, the environmen-
dure at project level also allows waste to be properly treated, by tal assessment is made. The impact of buildings construction has
preventing mixtures and deterioration (del Ro Merino et al., 2010; been studied through ecological indicators, such as the Ecological
Li and Zhang, 2013). Footprint (Bastianoni et al., 2007), Carbon Footprint (Sols-Guzmn
Many models have been established over the last decade to et al., 2015) and Emergy Analysis (Marchi et al., 2015; Pulselli et al.,
determine the project waste quantities, such as SuperDrecksKescht 2014, 2007).
r Betriber (Oeko-Service Luxembourg, 2002), which proposes In those previous works, the environmental impact of con-
quantication of C&DW at the worksite, and is able to estimate struction materials was obtained through LCA from international
types and volumes produced. The National Technical Univer- databases. In the current work, the Ecological Footprint (EF) analy-
sity of Athens (NTUA) has developed an indicative mathematical sis uses Ecoinvent data through Simapro, since this database covers
model for the estimation of the quantities of C&DW generated all the commonly employed materials in buildings construction,
(Kourmpanis et al., 2008). SMARTWasteTM is another quantica- making it easier to analyse complete buildings (Martnez-
tion method, applied in the United Kingdom, and is based on data Rocamora et al., 2016a). In order to obtain the CO2 emissions
obtained from previous experiences and calculates the waste vol- embodied into construction materials, their Life Cycle Inventory
umes in 13 categories: ceramic, concrete, wooden pallet, etc. (BRE, (LCI) is analyzed after applying the IPCC 100a methodology. This
2008). Other C&DW quantication models, mathematical and soft- methodology, which is used for the Carbon Footprint indicator, iso-
ware development, can be found in (Cheng and Ma, 2013; Wu et al., lates CO2 and other GHG emissions from the LCI, being thus easier
2014). to account for CO2 emissions. More complex methodology such as
The present authors, together with others, have also devel- ReCiPe or Ecoindicator 99 are not necessary in the EF calculations,
oped a quantication model to estimate the type and quantity of making possible its high acceptance potential in the construction
waste generated by a range of construction projects, such as new sector, mainly due to its simplicity and that it allows fast compar-
buildings, demolition, renovations, and alterations (Sols-Guzmn isons between constructive solutions in projects, i.e. rockwool vs.
et al., 2009). The input parameters in the model are: work type, PE insulation in walls, or inclined vs. at roofs (Gonzlez-Vallejo
number of storeys, foundation type, and total built area. In recent et al., 2015b).
years, the model has been tested at the Los Alcores Community Specically in the construction sector, cost control always
(Seville, Spain) treatment plants. The classication code used is the takes place by means of the project budget and its bill of quan-
same as that which Spanish quantity surveyors normally employ to tities (Marrero et al., 2014b). In the latter, the various tasks
obtain the bill of quantities, thereby making the model both easy to taking place on the construction site are broken down into three
understand and to implement (Marrero and Ramirez-De-Arellano, key elements: manpower, materials and machinery. Emission or
2010). In 2013 (Prez-Carmona et al., 2013), the model was suc- embodied energy factors are then applied to those elements, which
cessfully implemented in Ecija Community, Spain. The model has are subsequently converted into environmental impacts. The pre-
also been adapted to road construction evaluation (Sols-Guzmn vious facilitates the incorporation of simple ecological indicators,
et al., 2014). such as EF, into the construction sector by means of the always
None of the previous models has considered the analysis of presented cost control (Gonzlez-Vallejo et al., 2015a; Martnez-
yet another major impact on building development: the resources Rocamora et al., 2016b; Sols-Guzmn et al., 2013).
needed to transform farmland into an urbanized estate ready for the The environmental assessment is made using the Ecological
construction of the building. Environmental awareness programs Footprint (EF) indicator. A previously established model by the
have broadened the scope to include green concepts and principles authors among others for the evaluation of construction projects
through the introduction of a variety of green-rating tools and sim- is adapted to the C&DW footprint (Gonzlez-Vallejo et al., 2015a;
ilar mechanisms for the evaluation of the expected environmental Sols-Guzmn and Marrero, 2015; Sols-Guzmn et al., 2013). The
performance of a structure. However, these principles and mech- EF indicator was introduced by Wackernagel and Rees (1996), who
anisms are, in general, related only to built structures, and fail to measured the EF of humanity and compared it with the carrying
take into account the entire landscape and socio-cultural ecosystem capacity of the planet. The EF is dened as the amount of land that
within which they function (Deal, 2001). would be required to provide the resources (grain, feed, rewood,
A new model is proposed that considers all the waste-generating sh, and urban land) and absorb the emissions (CO2 ) of humanity.
activities which occur during land transformation. These activities On this basis, the proposed model assesses the waste management
cover earthmoving and land conditioning, landscaping, the con- in urbanization projects by means of an overall vision: environ-
struction of new roads, walkways, and of parking areas, and the mental and economic evaluation.
introduction of installations, which include sewage and rainwa- On one hand, there are several strong aspects concerning the
ter disposal, gas supply, street lighting, telecommunication lines, EF methodology, such as its simplicity, ease in calculation, and
and electrical power. The new proposed methodology for the waste the fact that it can be understood and adopted by the gen-
quantication starts directly in the project budget classication. A eral public (Weidema et al., 2008); an indicator that is easy to
new classication is not needed, and budgets are normally well con- communicate and reliable can inuence consumers decisions, leg-
trolled and dened in the construction sector then in the present islation, and regulation (European Comission (EC), 2003; Galli et al.,
methodology each work unit has its corresponding waste genera- 2012), allowing the benchmarking of human demand for renewable
tion quantities. Then the methodology only depends on the quality resources and of carbon uptake capacity with the natural supply,
of the denition of the construction work units leaving aside other and the determination of clear targets (Galli et al., 2012). The main
considerations. differentiating aspects are the aggregation of factors of different
Five case studies, in Andalusia, Spain, are analysed and a waste sources and the importance of productivity changes.
management strategy is proposed in order to minimize both costs EF provides an aggregated assessment of multiple anthro-
and the impact on the environment. The present work establishes pogenic pressures; methodologies that include several indicators
a procedure in order to determine the quantities of waste and the can be preferable because they prevent the overlapping of impact
waste management costs in urbanization works. For the cost eval- categories (Finnveden et al., 2009). It is also true that the EF can
uation, the Andalusian Construction Cost Database (ACCD, 2014) is be studied per category (different land classications), which aids
162 M. Marrero et al. / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 117 (2017) 160174

in the identication of the most inuential aspects (Herva et al., of the soil, sand, gravel, and/or organic compost for gardening is
2008). transformed into waste during its manipulation.
The EF analysis reects both the increases in the productivity In Stage 2: the soil grading and paving and the installation work
of renewable resources (for example, if the productivity of agri- take place. The installations are grouped into: water supply, power
cultural land is increased, then the footprint of a ton of wheat supply, street lighting, telecommunication, sewer system, gas, gar-
decreases), and the benets of technological innovations (for exam- dening, and trafc signalling. Once the activities are identied,
ple, if the paper industry doubles the general efciency in the another important aspect in the quantication is then addressed:
production of paper, the footprint per ton of paper is halved). The data measurement and its accuracy. The method, structure, data,
EF interprets these changes and determines the degree of innova- and accuracy may vary depending on specic characteristics of
tion success in helping the demands of humanity stay within the a project. In order to overcome these potential discrepancies,
limits of the Planets ecosystem capacity. Jung and Woo (2004) proposed a standard progress-measurement
On the other hand, the EF presents weaknesses such as the package which addresses issues for the standardization of the
aggregation of factors from various sources into a single indica- work breakdown structure (WBS) and established that the level
tor normally gives only a general perspective of all impacts within of progress measurement constitutes a critical issue in terms of the
an activity or productive sector (Bare et al., 2000) and the aggrega- workload required to maintain control of the system and of the
tion is a subjective process based on strong hypotheses in order to accuracy.
express all results in a single unit (Giljum et al., 2011). The EF fails to All WBSs have the same goals and similar methodologies. The
differentiate between sustainable and non-sustainable land usage. basic concept in all of these systems is to divide a complex problem
This limitation can be considered of major importance. For exam- into simpler parts that can then be aggregated to dene a com-
ple, in agriculture, intensive land exploitation can attain a higher plete construction development. In particular, the present model
productivity and a lower EF, but it can also deteriorate the pro- uses the Andalusia Construction Information Classication System
ductivity for future generations by means of soil impoverishment, (ACICS) (ACCD, 2014). Its most extended usage is for estimating
pesticides, fertilizers and water consumption (van den Bergh and cost in dwelling construction and is mandatory in public devel-
Verbruggen, 1999). Among other weaknesses are: that cannot cover opments in Andalusia, Spain. ACICS divides work units into a
all aspects of sustainability, neither can it cover all environmen- hierarchic organization. The highest level is the construction site.
tal concerns, especially those for which no regenerative capacity The following divisions are called chapters, and each represents a
exits; it is not geographically explicit and contains a number of construction process: Demolition, Earthworks, Foundation, Water
controversial underlying assumptions, although these have been disposal, Structure, Partition, Roof, Installation, Insulation, Finish,
documented (Galli et al., 2012). Carpentry, Glass and Polyester, Coating, Decoration, Urbanization,
Safety, and Waste Management. The subsequent divisions are the
2. Methodology
In Andalusias WBS (ACCD, 2014), the chapter titled Waste
Management is formed of sub-chapters: Metals, Asphalt, Concrete-
In order to analyse the on-site recycling of the waste generated
Bricks-Tiles, Insulation Material, Wood-Paper, Soil, and Others. The
during the transformation of rural land into an urban state, it is
classication combines the National Decree 105/2008 (Spain MP,
necessary to identify actions that take place in different urban-
2008) and the European Waste List (EWL) (EC, 2000).
ization projects, such as the installation of various utilities and
During the transformation of a rural farm into an urbanized
earthmoving. The rst step is to dene these activities and their
state, two chapters of the ACICS are needed for the work deni-
corresponding work quantities in order to calculate their potential
tion: Earthworks and Urbanization. The work units which belong
waste generation.
to these two chapters are to be analysed in order to quantify the
After the waste quantication is performed, the economic and
environmental impact is then assessed. The study considers two
scenarios: all waste is sent to treatment plants; or on-site recy-
2.2. Waste quantication
cling takes place (which implies that less raw material is purchased
and part of the C&DW management expenses is avoided). The
Once the activities which generate waste are identied using a
breakeven point is then determined. In order to complete the com-
standard procedure, the next step is to identify the waste quantities
parison, the environmental impact of each of the two scenarios is
expected. The construction waste is normally classied into two
determined by means of the EF indicator. Previous work by the
main groups: hazardous and non-hazardous (Marrero et al., 2011).
authors has determined the economic and environmental impact
In urbanization processes, hazardous or potentially hazardous
reduction achieved by on-site recycling during road constructions
waste is in the form of plastic and/or metallic containers, cans and
(Sols-Guzmn et al., 2014).
drums, from roadway-marking paints. These containers are man-
aged separately. This group also includes tar waste from the paving
2.1. Waste-generating activities of roads.
The non-hazardous waste expected in the urbanization project
The urbanization work can be divided in two stages: prelimi- can be grouped into: wood, plastic, soil, metal, and con-
nary work and earthmoving, and installation of utilities. In Stage crete/ceramic classications. The wood residues are due to land
1: preliminary work and earthmoving, which together prepare the clearing, tree felling, and packaging.
land for the infrastructure work, are included. This work also covers Once all items that generate waste are identied in a standard-
the cleaning and clearing of the land, and the felling of trees. The ized classication, the waste can be calculated as a function of
generation of waste expected from the vegetation removed from the original item, using three transformation coefcients (Sols-
the area, is generally in the form of plant debris. Other waste gen- Guzmn et al., 2009),
erated at this stage is that from earthmoving, which mostly consists
QRi = Qi CRi CCi CTi (1)
of soil. For its quantication, earthmoving is differentiated into two
types: excavation and rell. In the rst type, (clearings, trenches, where: QRi is the waste quantity i obtained from the original
piles, wells, etc.), the entire volume is transformed into waste. In material quantity, Qi ; CRi is a coefcient that represents the per-
work requiring land contribution (landll), only a small proportion centage of the original constructive element that becomes waste;
M. Marrero et al. / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 117 (2017) 160174 163

Table 1
Examples of quantication coefcients.


m3 Clearing excavation t wood 1.00 1.00 1.00
m2 Trees (olive) tree felling t wood 1.00 0.896 1.00
m2 Trees (orange) tree felling t wood 1.00 0.137 1.00
m2 Trees (pine) tree felling t wood 1.00 0.065 1.00
m2 Trees (holm oak) tree felling t wood 1.00 0.259 1.00

m3 Soil removal excavation m3 soil 1.00 1.00 1.25
m3 Soil rell losses m3 soil 0.01 1.00 0.95
m3 Articial gravel base losses m3 soil 0.01 1.00 0.95

u Connector PVC D = 200 mm losses t PVC 0.05 0.03895 1.00
m Underground collector PVC 315 mm losses t PVC 0.05 0.0113 1.00
u Sewage pit lid D = 120 cm h < 2.50m losses m3 mortar 0.05 0.681 1.10
u Sewage pit lid D = 120 cm h < 2.50m losses m3 ceramic 0.06 1.918 1.30
u Sewage pit lid D = 120 cm h < 2.50m wooden pallet t wood 0.05 0.0556 1.00

CCi is a coefcient to change the constructive element units into pays for its transport and buys the material, and therefore repre-
waste element units; and CTi is a coefcient that takes into account sents an income to the contractor. For the quantication of wood
the material volume change. waste from felling trees, 100% becomes waste; the CR coefcient
The units and measurement criteria employed originate from is equal to 1.00. Four possible harvests are evaluated, which are
the geometrical characteristics of the components that make up typical for Andalusia, Spain: olive, orange, stone pine and holm oak
the item (ACCD, 2014). The unit system is that traditionally used, trees (Barranco et al., 2008).
and all data is represented in values that measure the quantity of In order to calculate the CC coefcient, the amount of
each item, Qi, in m, m2 , m3 , kg, or unity (U). Once the quantities Qi wood expected from the trees in the urbanization lot is
have been determined, the next step is to calculate the expected determined. Three densities of plantation are dened: low, dis-
waste. persed, each tree occupies four times the space of the cup;
medium, three times; and high, twice, which corresponds to
the densest plantation. The cup sizes have been obtained from
2.3. Coefcient determination Figueroa Clemente and Redondo Gmez (2007) and are summa-
rized in Table 2. CC coefcient are obtained from Table 2, and appear
The procedure requires the development of a coefcient list to in the corresponding column CC (Table 1).
be as comprehensive as possible, in order to have a quantication As regards the sewerage work, this generates waste from pipes,
method that takes into account the greatest possible number of manholes, pits, etc. One of the materials to be quantied is that of
development projects. Many coefcients, CCi, CTi, and CRi, are esti- the PVC pipes, measured in tons. The CC coefcient is calculated
mated from the Andalusian Construction Costs Database (ACCD, depending on the type of tube placed, which makes it necessary to
2014). In this section the coefcient determinations of a number of consult supplier catalogues for specic pipe diameter and thickness
these estimations are described. (Table 1).
For example, the stage of preliminary work is comprised of Certain items in the sewerage work need brick for their exe-
earthmoving, clearing, cleaning, and felling trees. Applying the cution. The CC depends on the brick dimensions, which vary
present methodology to the earthmoving work, all the land exca- depending on type: drilled, solid, hollow, etc. An average value of
vation, clearing, etc. becomes waste and hence the CR coefcient is 24 11.5 7 cm of perforated and solid bricks is taken. The bricks
equal to 1.00. The CC coefcient is also equal to 1.00 because the are delivered on wooden pallets with plastic wrap. A European pal-
item measurement unit is the same in the construction project as let of 1200 800 mm and of weight 25 kg is considered, which can
in the waste management plan: cubic metre of soil. Finally the CT withstand a maximum weight of 1000 kg. From the brick manu-
is the estimated volume change of the soil after excavation, which facturer, a perforated brick unit weighs 1.60 kg, and therefore the
takes place during clearing, the opening of boxes, pits, trenches, pallet can carry 625 units. The calculation of their CC depends on
etc. The coefcient is 1.25: an average expansion value for differ- the number of units employed. Pallets are normally returned to the
ent soil types. However, if the soil is brought from a quarry and is supplier, however a certain number cannot be reused, and hence
used as rell, then the nal quantity is compacted soil and a com- losses are 5% and the CT ratio is 1.00 (Table 1). A similar calculation
paction ratio of 95% is used, and the CT is 0.95 (ACCD, 2014). In work is performed for other materials delivered on pallets. In order to cal-
requiring land contribution (landll, rell, etc.), the hypothesis is culate plastic packaging waste, the quantity is determined by the
that 1% (ACCD, 2014) of the soil is wasted during its manipulation: number of turns required to properly wrap a pallet, and the plastic
the CR is therefore 0.01 (Table 1). density is of 1.40 t/m3 according to the Spanish Building Technical
The work also includes cleaning and clearing the land. The waste Code (Spain MH, 2006).
expected from the vegetation removed in the area generally con- Similar analysis are made with the waste generated by the fol-
sists of plant debris. The plants are calculated at an average height lowing works: trafc signals, electricity, paving, water supply and
and density per square metre and go into a separate container to be telecommunications (see Appendix A Supplementary material).
picked up by the biomass treatment plant. Part of this waste is not
clean since it contains vegetation mixed with soil; its destination
is the C&DW treatment plant. 2.4. Cost evaluation
Another type of waste comes from trees and normally under-
goes different treatment owing to its potential recycling capacity. An accurate cost evaluation of the construction waste manage-
The biomass is handled and treated by a specialized plant, which ment requires the construction work classication by means of a
164 M. Marrero et al. / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 117 (2017) 160174

Table 2
Calculation of the amount of wood expected in the urbanization.

Type Density Crown diameter (m) Mean tree height (m) Density of plantation(unit/m2 ) Weight of treest/unit Woodt/m2

Olive Medium 4.50 3.00 0.0165 54.287 0.896

Orange Low 3.18 4.00 0.0247 5.542 0.137
Pine High 7.50 20.00 0.0089 7.304 0.065
Holm Oak Low 5.10 5.00 0.0096 27.000 0.259

Table 3
Quantities of the felling trees and soil.



EWL CODE ACICS CODE Concept Qi CR CC CT Auxiliary Total

1702 17M Wood, paper, cardboard, plastic, synthetic material and glass
17 02 01 17MMM00200 Wood (t)
Olives =01TVA00001 28,159.63 1.00 0.896 1.00 25,231.03
Oranges =01TVA00002 100,756.51 1.00 0.137 1.00 13,803.64
Pines =01TVA00003 115,537.08 1.00 0.065 1.00 7,509.91

1705 17T Soil and gravel

170504 17TTT00110 Soil and gravel uncontaminated by
hazardous substances (m3)
Clearing =01TLL00100 34,609.93 1.00 1.00 1.25 43,262.41
Connector PVC =15AAA00010 361.00 1.00 1.92 1.25 866.40
Underg. collector =15ACP00004 3,531.14 0.01 0.40 0.95 13.42
Sewage pit prefab. =15APP00001 109.00 1.00 2.262 1.25 308.20
Sewage pit lid =15APP00030 1.00 1.00 2.83 1.25 3.54
Storm drain prefab. =15ASS00010 176,00 1.00 0.135 1.25 29.70
Piping PEHD 225 =15EEE00001 1,541.00 0.01 0.054 0.95 0.79
Concrete pad lamp =15EPP11110 168.00 1.00 0.512 1.25 107.52
Public reg. pit light =15EPP00710 210.00 1.00 0.1875 1.25 49.22
Piping PEHD 110 =15EPP00007 5,489.00 0.01 0.0075 0.95 0.39
Reg. casket A-1 =15EWW00001 251.00 1.00 1.458 1.25 457.45
Soil removal =15MAA00001 6,332.00 1.00 1.00 1.25 7,915.00
Articial gravel base =15MCC00001 5,642.31 0.01 1.00 0.95 53.60
Soil rell =15MEE00001 20,760.21 0.01 1.00 0.95 197.22
Soil rell =15MRW00001 15,662.00 0.01 1.00 0.95 148.41
Soil rell =15MRW00002 838.20 0.01 1.00 0.95 7.96
Soil rell =15MRW00003 17,147.44 0.01 1.00 0.95 162.90
Soil removal =15MZZ00001 31,520.19 1.00 1.00 1.25 39,400.24
Concrete oor tile =15PPP00050 13,383.45 0.01 0.03 0.95 3.81
Cast-iron pipe =15SCD00020 1,841.66 0.01 0.041 0,95 0.72
Piping PEHD 160 =15SCE00023 3,574.25 0.01 0.065 0,95 2.21
Drain =15SDE00001 3.00 1.00 2.2619 1,25 8.48
Fire hydrants =15SHD00025 12.00 1.00 2.2619 1,25 33.93
Water suction pipe =15SYD00050 4.00 1.00 2.2619 1,25 11.31
Pipe PVC 110 =15TCC00016 4,118.43 1.00 0.3960 1,25 2,038.62

WBS as described in Section 2.1 for the project activities. In order ment of using these machines, since there are crushing machines
to clearly dene the C&DW budget, another special cost is incurred that can reduce the economic and environmental costs. In order to
due to the fact that waste can be reused on the same construction justify the economic protability of recycling on-site, a breakeven
site, or the waste can be sold for recycling or reuse, thereby gener- point can be determined; in Spain, the minimum volume is set
ating an income. Therefore the rst hypothesis for the C&DW cost at 337.87 m3 of crushed C&DW in order to substitute concrete
is that the material recuperated on the construction site belongs to aggregates (Sols-Guzmn et al., 2014). Good project planning and
the constructor and its recuperation offsets other costs. training on waste management for the construction workers is also
In Table 3, as an example, the original work units which are part necessary (Villoria Sez et al., 2014). This will prevent difculties
of the urbanization project P5 of the study case section generate in the organization and management of the work, and will improve
wood, and soil and gravel waste among others. In the case of urban- the nal results.
ization work with ACCD codes 01TVA00001 or Felling olive tree and
15ACP00004 or Sewerage underground collector are transformed 2.5. Environmental assessment
into waste quantities 17MMM00200, wood waste and 17TTT00110,
soil and gravel waste, respectively. The corresponding coefcients The same WBS used for the cost assessment in the previous sec-
calculated in the previous section are applied, CR, CC and CT. Finally, tion is used for the ecological evaluation. The four main resource
in Table 4 the waste management budget is obtained from applying categories of a construction project are: manpower, construction
the ACCD cost to each corresponding code. materials, machinery, and on-site consumption (Gonzlez-Vallejo
Recent research shows that the percentage of projects that et al., 2015a). Manpower impact arises from food consumption
include on-site crushing machines has reduced (Gangolells et al., and municipal solid waste (MSW) generation on-site during the
2014). It is therefore necessary to encourage the preliminary assess- builders working hours. The construction materials consume
M. Marrero et al. / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 117 (2017) 160174 165

Table 4
Budget of the waste management.

Identication Dimensions Budget

ACICS Code U Concept Quantity Cost (D ) Partial (D ) Total (D )

17A Metals and alloys
17AAA00100 t Aluminium waste disposal. max. distance 15 km 0.22 72.27 15.67
17ABC00100 t Copper waste disposal. max. distance 15 km 0.10 72.27 7.58
TOTAL 17A 23.25

17F Asphalt, tar and other tar products

17FSS00100 t Asphalt waste disposal. container 3m3 . Recycling 134.26 15.21 2,042.09
plant. max. distance 15 km
TOTAL 17F 2,042.09

17H Concrete, bricks, tiles, ceramic tiles, ceramic

material, gypsum materials
17HCL00100 m3 Brick waste disposal. container 3m3 . Recycling 18.02 13.49 243.09
plant. max. distance 15 km
17HHH00100 m3 Concrete waste disposal. Recycling plant. max. 374.81 21.67 8,122.05
distance 15 km
TOTAL 17H 8,365.14

17M Wood, paper, cardboard, plastic, synthetic and

17MMM00120 t Wood, paper and cardboard waste disposal. 2.53 15.66 39.61
Recycling plant. max. distance 15 km
17MMM00200 t Wood clearing, waste disposal. Recycling plant. 46,544.58 22.00 1,023,980.76
max. distance 15 km
17MMP00100 t Plastic waste disposal. max. distance 15 km 18.28 69.18 1,264.91
TOTAL 17M 1,022,676.24

17T Soil
17TTT00110 m3 Inert soil. authorized landll. max. distance 15 km 95,083.45 10.13 963,195.35
TOTAL 17T 963,195.35

17W Others
17WWW00100 t Hazardous waste authorized handler. max. 0.004 41.54 0.15
distance 15 km
TOTAL 17W 0.15
GRAND TOTAL 49,096.76

Table 5 work is treated as an environmental cost. The traditional construc-

Equivalence factors (WWF International, 2010).
tion budget classication is rst dened: machinery, manpower,
Productive land Category Equivalence Factor (gha/ha) and materials unit costs.
Cropland 2.51
Pastures 0.46
Forest 1.26
Productive sea 0.37 2.5.1. Manpower: food consumption
Built land 2.51
Although the mobility of workers has also been taken into
account in previous calculation models (Gonzlez-Vallejo et al.,
2015a; Sols-Guzmn et al., 2013), the standard UNE-EN 15978
energy in their manufacturing and also generate C&DW, which (2012) establishes that, for the construction phase, the transport
implies collection and transport of waste. The machinery consumes of workers back and forth to the worksite must not be included,
energy in the form of fuel or electricity. and therefore neither must this mobility be included in the case of
On-site consumption refers to all elements that cannot be workers of any company.
attributed to a particular work unit because they serve several ele- In order to determine the EF of food, its consumption by workers
ments within the project. In this category, the on-site electricity that occurs during working hours (breakfast and lunch) is con-
and water consumption is considered. Finally, the project lot itself sidered to cause an impact that is attributable to the building, as
has a footprint, since it consumes directly occupied territory. All was applied by Domenech Quesada (2007). Moreover, it could be
these impact sources are nally transformed into partial and global assumed that food provides the energy needed to do the work
footprints. involved, thereby effectively becoming the fuel of workers.
Fig. 1 summarizes the EF model, where items classied at vari- According to Grunewald et al. (2015), the EF of food in Spain is
ous levels (sources of impact and footprints) are represented with approximately 1.15 gha/person. Its broken-down composition into
different colours that are described in the legend. The rst level the six EF categories is presented in Table 6 following the propor-
features the sources of impact: workforce, machinery, construction tions for a Spanish resident. The equivalence factors are implicit in
materials, electricity, water, and the area directly occupied. the EF values for each category, and are expressed in gha/person.
For these calculations, up-to-date equivalence factors must be The EF of food consumed by workers is determined through Eq.
considered for the project in order to transform the results into (2). and it is taken into account that, according to a recent study
global hectares over hectares (gha/ha). These equivalence factors on the daily distribution of nutrients in the standard Spanish diet
are shown in Table 5. (Moreno Rojas et al., 2015), breakfast and lunch represent 15% and
The following sections discuss the various concepts that make 46% respectively of the daily diet of an adult (>25 years old). The
up the EF, in which the consumption of natural resources in the total number of hours worked is obtained from the bill of quantities,
166 M. Marrero et al. / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 117 (2017) 160174

Fig. 1. Methodology for the calculation of Ecological Footprint.

Table 6 EFi : Footprint of food consumption in EF category i (gha/person)

Ecological Footprint of food in Spain.
(Table 6)
Category i Percentage (%) EFi (gha/person) 365: Days in a year
Cropland 49.65 0.571
Grazing land 11.00 0.127
Forest land 1.00 0.012
2.5.2. Manpower: municipal solid waste (MSW)
Fishing grounds 29.00 0.334
Built land 0.35 0.004 The average generation rate of MSW per worker is employed to
Carbon 9.00 0.104 calculate the EF:
TOTAL 100.00 1.150
F ef
and eight hours is assumed to be the standard duration of a working 100 A
Hw BL EFi EFMSW : MSW Ecological Footprint (gha/yr)
EFfi = (2)
Hd 100 365 Hw : Total hours worked (h/yr) by all the workers in the worksite
where MSWg: MSW generated per hour (0.000077 t/h) (EUROSTAT,
EF : Partial Ecological Footprint of food consumption in EF cat- 2015)
egory i (gha/yr) EMSW : Emission factor of MSW (0.244 t CO2 /t) (Almasi and
Hw : Total number of hours worked (h/yr) by all the workers in Milios, 2013)
the worksite F: Is the part of the CO2 that is absorbed by forests (72%). The
Hd : Number of hours worked per day (8 h/day/person) other 28% corresponds absorbance by oceans
BL: Breakfast and lunch percentage of the total daily food intake A: Absorption factor of forests (3.59 t CO2 /ha) (GFN, 2014)
of a Spanish adult (61%) ef: Equivalence factor of forests (gha/ha) (Table 5)
M. Marrero et al. / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 117 (2017) 160174 167

2.5.3. Construction materials Table 7

Calculation of the EF of material transport, such as tonnes of steel consumed.
The second resource classication from the budget is the
construction material, which, through manufacturing processes, Transport Characteristics
transportation and installation (see Fig. 1), consumes energy from Weight (t) 51.11
different sources (necessary for the material extraction, manufac- Truck capacity (t) 24
ture and commissioning) and consumes fuel (during transportation Average distance (km) 530
of the material from the factory to the construction site). Materials Diesel consumption (l/100 km) 26
Diesel emission factor 0.0026
are included in the impact study, since we analyse the overall eco-
Number of trucks 3
logical footprint of the urbanization project, and this includes the Absorption factor of forests (tCO2 /ha) 3.59
C&DW the materials generate. In this way, when C&DW is recycled Forests equivalence factor (gha/ha) 1.26
on-site, then the raw and/or new material consumption is reduced Energy EF of transporting materials (hag) 0.000245245
and therefore the corresponding footprint is also reduced.
This methodology for the calculation of the footprint produced
by the materials takes into account the emissions produced (kg where
CO2 ) during the life cycle from cradle to the site, for example, the EFm : Materials EF (gha/yr); Cmi : Material consumption i (kg/yr);
emissions to bring gravel from the quarry to the construction site. Emi : Emission (kg CO2 /kg); F: 72% CO2 is absorbed by the forests;
The transport impact is dened for average distances travelled for A: Absorption factor of forests (kg CO2 /ha); ef : Equivalence factor
each family of materials; Table 7 presents an example. Emissions of forests (gha/ha).
must be transformed into hectares by considering the correspond-
ing equivalence factor. 2.5.4. Construction and demolition waste (C&DW)
In order to obtain the kg of CO2 embodied in the material, the The calculation of the EF of C&DW is based on the project
unitary weight of each construction unit needs to be determined, budget; since 2008, this budget has constituted a separate item
since databases of life-cycle assessment (LCA) are dened in terms in all projects in Spain, as required by Royal Decree 105/2008
of kg of material: (Marrero and Ramirez-De-Arellano, 2010). The present model, as
stated before, is based on the evaluation of materials, machinery,
 F ef and manpower (Fig. 2). In the case of waste, the footprint of the
EFm = Cmi Emi (4) materials, or rather their remains, cuts, broken parts, etc., has been
100 A
i included in the footprint of whole new material bought. However,

Fig. 2. Flowchart for the determination of the EF of C&DW.

168 M. Marrero et al. / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 117 (2017) 160174

the machines and manpower used in the internal transport and in (Domenech Quesada, 2007). However, this assumption is not rec-
the landll or treatment plant also need to be quantied, as well as ognized in the methodology of the ofcial indicator (Borucke et al.,
the machine operator impact. On-site recycling strategies include 2013), in which the forest land category is specically dedicated to
crushing machines and workforce. The manpower is calculated as the impacts generated by wood fuel and products.
in the previous section while the machinery impact is calculated as Therefore, in this model, water consumption is computed as the
laid out in the methodology in the following section. energy needed to bring it to the point of consumption, including
treatments both previous and subsequent to its use, as specied in
2.5.5. Machinery the standard UNE-EN 15978 (2012). The calculation method for the
The footprint caused by the use of machinery, particularly for EF of water consumption can be observed in Eq. (9), whereby it is
its power consumption (of both fuel and electricity), and especially assumed that the only energy needed in the whole process is that
the energy consumption linked to engine power (Marrero et al., of electricity.
2014a) is calculated. The technical data of different models and F ef
types of machines on the market are collected (SEOPAN, 2008), and EFw = Cw EIw Eel (9)
100 A
a differentiation is made between whether the machine uses petrol
or diesel:
EFw : Partial Ecological Footprint of water consumption (gha/yr)
Diesel: 0.15 to 0.20 L consumed in 1 h per kW installed. Cw : Water consumption (m3 /yr)
Petrol: 0.30 to 0.40 L consumed in 1 h per kW installed. EIw : Energy intensity of drinking water (0.44 kWh/m3 )
(EMASESA, 2005)
Eel : Emission factor of electricity (0.000248 t CO2 /kWh) (REE,
By choosing the most unfavourable consumptions, the litres of
fuel consumed are:
F: Reduction in emissions due to the CO2 absorption in oceans
V = P Wh R (5) (28%)
A: Absorption factor of forests (3.59 t CO2 /ha) (GFN, 2014)
where ef : Equivalence factor of carbon absorption land (1.26 gha/ha)
V: Volume fuel consumption (l/yr); P: Engine power (kW); Wh : (GFN, 2014)
Working hours (h/yr); R: Engine performance of either diesel or
gasoline (l/kWh). 2.5.7. Land consumed
The fuel EF is: Ecological Footprint methodology takes into account the land
ef occupied directly, as this land will be biologically unproductive
EFfl = V E (6)
A from the moment it is urbanized. In this analysis, as shown in
where Fig. 1, the surface will respond to the plot size of the development,
EF : footprint of fuel consumption (fossil) by machinery multiplied by the years (fraction of time) that the work lasts:
(gha/yr); V: fuel consumption (l/yr); E: emissions (kg CO2 /l) (28% EFs = S eb (10)
are reduced by the absorption by the oceans); A: absorption factor
of forests (kg CO2 /ha); ef : equivalence factor of forests (gha/ha). where
For the consumption of electrical machinery: S: Direct surface occupation (ha/year); eb : equivalence factor of
built area (gha/ha).
C = P Wh CF (7) There are two possible types of territory dened: that of forests
where or crops. In our case, the land is considered crop territory.
C: Consumption (GJ/yr); P: Machine or tool power (kW); Wh :
working hours (h/yr); CF: Conversion factor (GJ/kWh). 3. Case studies
The electrical system performance and emissions are obtained
from the Ministry of Industry (SPAIN MI, 2013): Five urbanization projects in Andalusia, Spain: two industrial
projects in Seville and three residential projects (one in Huelva and
EF el = C E (8) two in Seville) are analysed using the following steps:
where 1. Quantity surveying is carried out on the urbanization projects.
C: Power consumption (GJ/yr); E: emissions (kg CO2 /GJ) (28% 2. Waste is classied into hazardous and non-hazardous, whereby
are reduced by the absorption by the oceans); A: absorption factor hazardous waste consists of paint and concrete additives, cans
of forests (kg CO2 /ha); ef : equivalence factor of forests (gha/ha). and containers, and road asphalt. The non-hazardous waste
is mainly wood (from trees and pallets), metals (copper, alu-
2.5.6. On-site consumption: electricity and water consumption minium, and steel), plastic, concrete, ceramics, and soil.
On-site consumption represents elements that cannot be 3. The coefcients dened in Section 2.3. (CR, CC, CT) are applied.
attributed to a single activity within the construction work: elec- 4. The cost assessment is performed. Positive costs include trans-
tricity and water consumption. port of the waste to the recycling plant and its treatment.
For the power consumption of the urbanization, the Spanish Negative costs refer to the waste sold to secondary markets, such
technical report ITC-BT-10 (Royal Decree 842/2002) was taken into as biomass energy production and metal recycling plants.
account, which establishes a consumption of 0.10 kW/m2 in com- 5. Finally, the EF is assessed in the projects.
mercial and ofce buildings. The total hours of ofces in use (taking
8 h a day for 5 days a week and 52 weeks a year) and the size of the In Table 8, the ve projects are described, including the type of
ofce oor determine the kWh of electricity needed. trees in each lot.
The EF of water consumption is assigned in previous mod- In Fig. 3, the calculated waste volume is summarized for all
els (Gonzlez-Vallejo et al., 2015a; Sols-Guzmn et al., 2013) to projects. The most important quantities in all these projects are
the forest land category, whereby it is considered that the for- those of soil and wood. To a lesser extent, the quantities of con-
ests capacity to produce water is approximately 1500 m3 /gha/year crete and asphalt are also signicant. The metals and plastics are
M. Marrero et al. / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 117 (2017) 160174 169

Table 8
Project description.

Project Number Usage Location Lot size (ha) Project Budget (D ) Cost (D /ha) Type of trees (%) Tree weight (t/ha)

P1 Industrial cija (Seville) 62.026 17,823,409 287,354 Olive (10%) Orange (70%) Pine (20%) 1,100.35
P2 Industrial cija (Seville) 5.368 826,791 154,011 Olive (35%) Orange (35%) Pine (30%) 2,220.39
P3 Residential Palma del Condado (Huelva) 0.712 187,613 263,501 Holm oak (100%) 6,522.47
P4 Residential cija (Seville) 5.688 1,235,143 217,149 Olive (25%) Orange (50%) Pine (25%) 2,137.01
P5 Residential La Algaba (Seville) 11.537 4,962,546 430,142 Olive (20%) Orange (70%) Pine (10%) 4,892.90

Fig. 3. Volume of C&DW generated by lot size.

low in volume. The main hazardous waste is asphalt, which is highly agement budget. All projects have a high tree density: the average
recyclable (Fig. 3). selling price of wood in the region, as veried through consultation
with several companies, is 22 D per tonne.
4. Results The average waste generated is mainly soil from earthworks and
wood from fallen trees: together these represent 99% of the total
The volume of soil waste is extremely high: in order to reduce waste (see Fig. 3).
its impact it is important to reuse the excavated soils, which can Finally, the EF is calculated in the ve projects, per hectare
signicantly reduce waste management costs. Table 9 shows a com- urbanized. The waste management EF is due mainly to the man-
parison of the project quantities in two different scenarios: without power and machinery, see Table 10. The EF is generated by the
reusing the soil and no on-site recycling; and with reuse of the soil transportation of waste from the construction site to the treat-
and on-site recycling. The quantities in the project materials dif- ment plants and the collection of waste on-site. The machines and
fer between the two scenarios due to the installation of a crushing trucks consume fuel, while the manpower during working hours
machine on-site, since less raw material is therefore needed and consumes food, and generates MSW. The fuel, the food processing,
there is also less waste to manage. This results in a budget and and the MSW together generate a fossil footprint; the food con-
management cost reduction. sumed also generates crop, forest, sheries and pasture footprints
The total quantities of the ve projects analysed are summa- (Gonzlez-Vallejo et al., 2015b).
rized in Table 9 which are obtained from the urbanization budgets, From the project analysis, it can be observed that P5 generates
the total machinery working hours, manpower hours and main the highest EF, which is due to the volume of materials and waste
construction materials in tonnes; those quantities are transformed transported, mainly in the form of soil. It is interesting to notice that
into its corresponding EF by applying the proposed methodology P3 is small in size but has the same EF per square metre than P1,
in Table 10. which is 100 times bigger. This indicates that the project work units
The starting quantities of the project, where no material reuse taking place per square metre are more important than the lot size.
and recycling takes place, are taken from the original projects stud- For all 5 projects studied, on average, the machinery together with
ied. Most relevant materials, in terms of waste, are summarized in the construction materials have the highest impact (97%) which is
Table 9. The fth and seventh columns correspond to the proposed mainly represented in the Carbon Footprint (Fig. 4). The preparation
improvements in the present study: the soil is re-used and crushing work and earthmoving machinery carry major impact. During the
machines for concrete, brick and asphalt are installed on-site. The construction stage, the materials incur the highest impact (Sols-
resulting material obtained is used as ll material, recycled aggre- Guzmn et al., 2013). During the following stage of the building
gate (brick and concrete) or for reuse in the case of asphalt. Both life-cycle, usage, and maintenance, the manpower carries a more
the reuse of the soil and the recycling of waste on-site reduce the signicant source of impact, at about 8%, which gives rise to foot-
management costs, which are proportional to the waste volume. prints in term of crops, sheries and pasture (Martnez-Rocamora
The previous savings on waste management add an income from et al., 2015).
the sale of scrap metal and wood which further reduce the man-
170 M. Marrero et al. / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 117 (2017) 160174

Table 9
Material, manpower and machinery quantities of the projects before and after recycling.

Project Material No reuse nor recycling on-site Reuse and recycling on-site

Construction material quantities Waste quantities Construction Waste quantities

material quantities

(t) (m3 ) (t) (m3 ) (t) (m3 ) (t) (m3 )

P1 Soil 307,102.26 180,648.39 830,288.85 488,405.21 12,883.91 7,578.77 190,846.42 112,262.60

Wood 0.00 0.00 82,915.01 82,915.01 0.00 0.00 82,915.01 82,915.01
Concrete 63,758.95 26,566.23 9,875.23 4,114.68 63,758.95 26,566.23 0.00 0.00
Asphalt 5,271.64 4,792.40 631.27 573.88 4,640.37 4,218.52 0.00 0.00
Brick 1,693.99 1,254.81 131.95 97.74 1,693.99 1,254.81 0.00 0.00
Others 56,730.04 40,521.46 65.06 65.06 351,579.66 40,521.46 65.06 65.06
Total 434,556.89 253,783.30 923,907.37 576,171.58 434,556.89 80,139.79 273,826.49 195,242.67
Machinery/Trucks (h) 83,691.43 197,680.44 83,691.43 124,775.15
Workforce (h) 192,186.84 98.196 192,269.25 82.41

Material (t) (m3 ) (t) (m3 ) (t) (m3 ) (t) (m3 )

P2 Soil 21,451.42 12,618.48 15,457.23 9,092.49 6,868.97 4,040.57 5,525.17 3,250.10
Wood 0.00 0.00 11,913.92 11,913.92 0.00 0.00 11,913.92 11,913.92
Concrete 2,484.00 1,035.00 597.34 248.89 2,484.00 1,035.00 0.00 0.00
Asphalt 1,528.23 1,389.30 69.47 69.47 1,451.81 1,319.83 0.00 0.00
Brick 168.14 124.55 11.95 8.85 168.14 124.55 0.00 0.00
Others 11,348.30 8,105.93 4.91 4.86 26,007.16 8,105.93 4.91 4.60
Total 36,980.09 23,273.26 28,054.82 21,338.48 36,980.09 14,625.88 17,444.00 15,168.62
Machinery/Trucks (h) 3,428.29 6,826.64 3,428.29 4,890.49
Workforce (h) 13,693.74 9.12 13,693.74 7.39

Material (t) (m3 ) (t) (m3 ) (t) (m3 ) (t) (m3 )

P3 Soil 3,235.29 1,903.11 17,279.46 10,164.39 284.02 167.07 16,339.77 9,611.63
Wood 0.00 0.00 4,644.00 4,644.00 0.00 0.00 4,644.00 4,644.00
Concrete 867.00 361.25 65.02 27.09 867.00 361.25 0.00 0.00
Asphalt 769.11 699.19 38.456 34.96 726.80 664.23 0.00 0.00
Brick 54.12 40.09 3.25 2.41 54.12 40.09 0.00 0.00
Others 6,727.10 4,805.07 1.26 1.19 9,720.68 4,805.07 1.26 1.19
Total 11,652.62 7,808.72 22,031.45 14,874.04 11,652.62 6,037.72 20,985.03 14,256.82
Machinery/Trucks (h) 458.52 4,759.895 458.52 4,571.22
Workforce (h) 16,588.42 2.67 16,588.42 1.71

Material (t) (m3 ) (t) (m3 ) (t) (m3 ) (t) (m3 )

P4 Soil 40,886.84 24,051.08 28,525.59 16,779.76 11,600.49 6,823.82 0.00 0.00
Wood 0.00 0.00 12,155.75 12,155.75 0.00 0.00 12,155.75 12,155.75
Concrete 3,520.75 1,466.98 1,044.11 435.05 3,520.75 1,466.98 0.00 0.00
Asphalt 2,486.79 2,260.72 22.10 135.64 2,337.59 2,125.08 0.00 0.00
Brick 422.63 313.06 16.82 12.46 422.63 313.06 0.00 0.00
Others 8,142.50 5,816.07 10.54 11.04 37,578.05 5,816.07 10.54 11.04
Total 55,459.51 33,907.91 41,774.92 29,529.69 55,459.51 16,545.01 12,166.79 12,166.79
Machinery/Trucks (h) 1,974.75 9,446.21 1,974.75 3,974.13
Workforce (h) 14,161.77 23.29 14,161.77 19.89

Material (t) (m3 ) (t) (m3 ) (t) (m3 ) (t) (m3 )

P5 Soil 80,970.90 47,629.94 161,641.87 95,083.45 9,514.02 5,596.48 90,868.09 53,451.82
Wood 0.00 0.00 46,544.58 46,544.58 0.00 0.00 46,544.58 46,544.58
Concrete 13,100.28 5,458.45 899.54 374.81 13,100.28 5,458.45 0.00 0.00
Asphalt 3,296.16 2,996.51 134,26 149.83 3,131.35 2,846.68 0.00 0.00
Brick 173.81 128.75 24.33 18.02 173.81 128.75 0.00 0.00
Others 51,055.59 36,468.28 21.13 21.13 122,677.28 36,468.28 21.13 20.81
Total 148,596.74 92,681.92 209,265.71 142,191.82 148,596.74 50,498.63 137,433.80 100,017.21
Machinery/Trucks (h) 17,963.01 45,496.47 17,963.01 32,079.08
Workforce (h) 64,979.26 49.45 64,979.26 47.03

The results show, in all projects studied, that C&DW repre- be halved in all cases when recycling and/or reuse takes place on the
sents between 40 and 55% of the total project footprint, thereby construction site; machinery and manpower costs basically remain
underlining that any improvements made in its management lead the same (See Table 11), but materials and CDW management costs
to signicant environmental impact reduction in urbanization are reduced because waste transportation, recycling plant fees and
projects. raw material consumption are reduced.
The fossil footprint is the highest in all cases (at about 98%) and In the biggest project analysed, P1, the budget is reduced 2.5 M
all other types are signicantly low. This is due to the transportation Euros by implementing reuse/recycling strategies. The cost savings
and collection of waste, which consumes diesel and has a high EF. are as high as the reduction of EF, the EF is reduced by 17%, which is
In-situ recycling is crucial for the reduction of this EF. This can be similar to the 14% total cost reduction. Moreover, the EF is sensitive
achieved by re-using the soil and crushing waste; this needs to be to the economic viability of the recycling work.
included in the rst stage of the project design. In P3, the smallest project analysed, it was not protable to use
Regarding the economic assessment, CDW management costs a crushing machine on-site because the breakeven point would not
represent about 10% of the projects budget and this percentage can have been reached and the EF is therefore reduced by only 7%; this is
M. Marrero et al. / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 117 (2017) 160174 171

Table 10
EF of projects by type of impact source.

PROJECT IMPACT SOURCE EF per impact source (gha/yr/ha) TOTAL EF (gha/yr/ha)

Fossil Pasture Fisheries Crops Land consumed

P1 Without reuse and recycling on-site Machinery 208.57 0.33 0.53 1.21
Manpower 0.14 0.14 0.22 0.53
Materials 103.33
On-site consumption 3.40 0.06 0.10 0.23
Built land 2.51
Total 315.44 0.53 0.85 1.96 2.51 321.29

Reuse and recycling on-site Machinery 153.49 0.15 0.24 0.56

Manpower 0.09 0.14 0.22 0.52
Materials 102.12
On-site consumption 3.72 0.21 0.16 0.67
Built land 2.51
Total 259.42 0.50 0.63 1.74 2.51 264.80

P2 Without reuse and recycling on-site Machinery 92.5 0.09 0.14 0.32
Manpower 0.07 0.12 0.18 0.42
Materials 93.35
On-site consumption 2.09 0.12 0.19 0.44
Built land 2.51
Total 188.02 0.32 0.51 1.18 2.51 192.54

Reuse and recycling on-site Machinery 70.04 0.07 0.11 0.26

Manpower 0.07 0.12 0.18 0.07
Materials 86.93
On-site consumption 2.09 0.12 0.19 0.44
Built land 2.51
Total 159.13 0.30 0.48 0.76 2.51 163.19

P3 Without reuse and recycling on-site Machinery 193.90 0.15 0.23 0.54
Manpower 0.95 1.54 2.45 5.66
Materials 109.32
On-site consumption 0.72 0.11 0.18 0.42
Built land 2.51
Total 304.9 1.80 2.86 6.62 2.51 318.69

Reuse and recycling on-site Machinery 186.44 0.14 0.06 0.52

Manpower 0.95 1.54 0.63 5.66
Materials 97.87
On-site consumption 0.72 0.11 0.18 0.42
Built land 2.51
Total 285.97 1.79 0.87 6.60 2.51 297.75

P4 Without reuse and recycling on-site Machinery 113.48 0.09 0.14 0.33
Manpower 0.07 0.11 0.18 0.42
Materials 150.03
On-site consumption 2.07 0.11 0.18 0.42
Built land 2.51
Total 265.65 0.32 0.51 1.17 2.51 270.15

Reuse and recycling on-site Machinery 53.69 0.05 0.08 0.17

Manpower 0.07 0.11 0.18 0.42
Materials 134.38
On-site consumption 2.07 0.11 0.18 0.42
Built land 2.51
Total 190.21 0.27 0.44 1.01 2.51 194.44

P5 Without reuse and recycling on-site Machinery 276.58 0.25 0.40 0.92
Manpower 0.16 0.25 0.41 0.94
Materials 195.07
On-site consumption 1.86 0.08 0.13 0.30
Built land 2.51
Total 473.67 0.59 0.93 2.16 2.51 479.85

Reuse and recycling on-site Machinery 204.60 0.20 0.31 0.72

Manpower 0.16 0.25 0.41 0.94
Materials 171.01
On-site consumption 1.86 0.08 0.13 0.30
Built land 2.51
Total 377.63 0.53 0.85 1.96 2.51 383.48

mirrored in 8% reduction in total costs. The P4 project provides the 5. Conclusions

greatest percentage of reduction, 39% of EF: this is due to the ability
to reuse all the soil; in addition, the total cost is reduced by 19%. From a construction project perspective, the present work con-
The percentage reductions of other projects are: for P2, 18% and 9%; cludes the traditional model for waste management and economic
and for P5, 25% and 11%, of the EF and budget costs, respectively control can be completed with an environmental analysis using
(Table 11). the EF indicator. The EF evaluation follows the same methodology
172 M. Marrero et al. / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 117 (2017) 160174

Table 11
Cost evaluation of the ve urbanization projects in two different scenarios, with or without reuse and recycling on-site.


KD %

P1 Without reuse and recycling on-site Machinery 1517 8.52 4.45

Manpower 3589 20.1 57.87
Materials 9391 52.7 151.41
CDW Management 3326 18.7 53.62
Total 17,823 100 287.35

Reuse and recycling on-site Machinery 1518 8.5 24.48

Manpower 3590 20.1 57.88
Materials 8111 45.5 130.77
CDW Management 2110 11.8 34.01
Total 15,331 86.0 247.16

P2 Without reuse and recycling on-site Machinery 97.17 11.8 18.10

Manpower 255.78 30.9 47.65
Materials 406.88 49.2 75.80
CDW Management 66.97 8.1 12.48
Total 826.79 100 154.02

Reuse and recycling on-site Machinery 97.24 11.8 18.11

Manpower 255.78 30.9 47.65
Materials 376.40 45.5 70.12
CDW Management 21.64 2.6 4.03
Total 751.06 90.8 139.91

P3 Without reuse and recycling on-site Machinery 15.12 8.1 21.23

Manpower 86.44 46.1 121.40
Materials 93.03 49.6 130.66
CDW Management 6.97 3.7 9.79
Total 187.61 100 263.50

Reuse and recycling on-site Machinery 15.13 8.1 21.25

Manpower 86.44 46.1 121.40
Materials 84.25 44.9 118.32
CDW Management 13.35 7.1 18.75
Total 172.47 91.9 24.22

P4 Without reuse and recycling on-site Machinery 58.08 4.7 10.21

Manpower 264.74 21.4 46.54
Materials 746.08 60.4 131.17
CDW Management 166.24 13.5 29.23
Total 1,235.14 100 217.15

Reuse and recycling on-site Machinery 58.24 4.7 10.24

Manpower 264.74 21.4 46.54
Materials 674.04 54.6 118.50
CDW Management 0.530 0.04 0.09
Total 997.55 80.8 175.38

P5 Without reuse and recycling on-site Machinery 324.47 6.5 28.12

Manpower 1,221.29 24.6 105.86
Materials 2,777.25 56.0 240.73
CDW Management 639.55 12.9 55.44
Total 4,962.55 100 430.14

Reuse and recycling on-site Machinery 324.60 6.5 28.14

Manpower 1,221.29 24.6 105.86
Materials 2,520.85 50.8 218.50
CDW Management 353.81 7.1 30.67
Total 4,420.55 89.1 383.16

as dened by the authors for construction projects but with sev- ments made in its management lead to signicant environmental
eral new incorporations, such as the quantication for the felling impact reduction in urbanization projects.
of trees and the machinery footprint. - The clearing work, such as felling trees and earthworks, consti-
The result shows that the C&DW generated is mainly due to tutes the greatest producer of waste. These two actions represent
earthworks and tree felling during urbanization works. The EF is over 98% of the total waste in each of the 5 cases studied. Therefore,
overwhelming due to fuel consumption by on-site machinery and it is necessary to rene the quantication of such amounts, since
construction materials in all cases studied. A new scenario is pro- variations in their quantities greatly affect the waste management
posed in which the soil is 100% reused and the inert waste is crushed budget.
and used as concrete aggregate, which reduces the EF by more than - The waste due to the site preparation work has the greatest
20% in all cases analysed. The cost are reduced from 8 to up to 19%, impact, and hence it is necessary to nd solutions to reduce its envi-
the last takes place in the biggest projects where crushing machines ronmental impact. The felling or uprooting of trees is one of these
are protable. activities, and therefore this project should anticipate that impact.
In all projects studied, C&DW represents between 40 and 55% of To this end, the felling of trees and the clearance work should
the total project footprint, thereby underlining that any improve- be considered as producing preventable waste. Ideally, these trees
M. Marrero et al. / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 117 (2017) 160174 173

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