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The rise of nationalism sounded the death knell for colonialism in

Africa. The flags of Europeon nations returned to l/uropeoa soi~
new flags were raised in their ptace. Mung coloniatista returned to
Europe. Others chose to remain ond live under the new ftngs and
new government. Do the former colonialists have ong respon-
sibility for those who remained? The Belgian /l+ench actions in
Kolwezi indicate that some believe theg do. The Kolwezi operation
is an excellent exampte of immediate tactical coordination between
forces of multiple nations-in this instance, Belgiumj France and

Major General Henri J. G. Depoorter,

Belgian Army


. Zaire Lualaba Rwer

Kamina j@lpemba ~:,. .%.. .,

K~panga Lake ,ij$.%lweru
1 & Lake

Angola (

-----. :

ANY months have passed since Shaba to Zaire: copper, 450,000 tons;
the grim evente took place in zinc, 51,000 tons; cobalt, 10,200 tons (60
Shaba in May 1978. In that time, numer- percent of world reduction); cadmium,
oue articlee and a few hastily written 246 tons; silver, 5 tons; and gold, 112
tendencious books have been published kilograms. The nes are run by the
on the causes, events and consequences General Cong lese Ore Company
of the tragedy which took place there in (GECOMIN ), a $tate-controlled society
. the town of Kolwezi. Thk article tells the which employs approximately 1,500
story from the point of view of the Bel- Europeans, 5500 / whom lived in Koiwezi.
gian forces who participated in the In sum, this pro uction represents more
operations which followed the iqitial, than 60 percent of the gross national
local excesses. product of Zaire.
Despite this a parent wealth, the lot
of the people s miserable because
BACKGROUND present econo ic conditions have
created large un mployment, eevere in-
flation has incr ased prices and food
Shaba is a province in Zaire which is shortages are / bronic. Corruption is
the largeet country situated in the cen- found everywhere. This situation and the
. tral part of Africa. It has a population of ethnic makeup of the area provided an
approximately three million people, Of extremely compliant population when in-
which 200,000 live around Kolwezi and vasion by the 4rebels from Zambia took
are members of the Lunda tribe whose place.
king and 200,000 other members live The first of these actually took place in
acrose the border in Zambia and some in March 19~7 when, on the 8th, an
Angola. Its weather is moderate with estimated 5,000 rebels invaded from
temperatures ranging from 30 degrees Angola and, by the 12th, captured
Centigrade in the rainy season to a few Kapanga, Dilolo and Kieengi. Aided by
degrees Centigrade in the dry season. Moroccan troops and supplied with
Sunrise is at 0600, and the tropical night American, French and Belgian materiel,
starts at 1800. The area is rich in natural the Zairean army counterattacked on 10
resources. April. By 21 May, the rebels were driven
In 1868, David Livingstone, tfm great back to Zambia and Angola or had disap-
British exploreq mentioned in one of bie peared into the bueh.
lettere from Katanga, which is now The Belgian Para-Commando Regi-
Shaba, that he had met a caravan ment was formed in 1952 by the amalga-
carrying 520 pounds of ivory and 10,500 mation of the 1st Belgian Paratroop,
pounds of copper. The Belgian geologist which were a special air service squadron
Jules Cornet, who explored the same in World War II, and the Belgidn 2d
region in 1892, drew international at- Commando, which was formed in 1942 as
tention to what he called a geological the 4th Troop in the 10th Inter-Allied
scandal namely, the great mineral Commando in the United Kingdom.Both
~~alth he discovered there. battalions proudly carry the following
The following production figures for citations on their flags: Normandy, Bel-
1977 serve to support his remark and to gium, the Ardennee, Walcheren, Italy
demonstrate the economic importance of and Yugoslavia. Presently, the regiment


Departure of a patrol on a vehicle of the GECOMIN mining company

consists of a brigade-type headquarters, the remainder, who serve 15 months, are

three infantry airborne battalions,l an national service men. The recon-
air-transportable tracked reconnaissance naissance, artillery and antitank units
squadron, an air-transportable 105mm are manned exclusively by career per-
artillery battery, an airborne antitank sonnel. In the remainder, national serv-
company, an airborne two-surgical-team ice intake is on a five-month cycle, thus
medical unit and a mobilization cell for a there is a continuous variation in the
fourth battalion and nine independent training level of the regiments major
companies. components. At the time of the Shaba
Regimental strength in peacetime is event, draftees in the 3d Battalion had
about 2,500 volunteer officers and men. undergone 13 months training; those in
All are graduates of the regiments own. the 1st Battalion, eight months; and
parachute and commando training cen- those in the 2d Battahon, only three
ters. Seventy percent are career soldiers: months.

occupy the town and the new airfield

ACCOUNTOFEVENTS . whose control tower has been destroyed
and that the Zawean army continues to
resist. There is no information concer-
News of the second invasion of Shaba ningpotential intervention by Zairean or
and the capture of Kolwezi reached other friendly forces. In the light of the
Belgium on 14 May 1978 and aroused im- foregoing, it was planned that the 3d
mediate concern for the safety of the Battalion would jump and occupy an old,
2,000 Belgian nationals in the area. Con- unused airfield very close to the town,
sequently, the government formed a while the 1st Battalion would jump and
crisis cabinet on 15 May which; on the take the primary objective, the new afr-
16th, ordered the General Staff to field.
prepare a plan for the evacuation of all 1500The warning order is given to
those Belgian nationals who wished to the battalions.
leave. The following sequence of events 2020 The battalions are put on alert
took place: for departure at 1300, 18 May, with the
objective of jumping at Kolwezi at dawn
16 May on 20 May.
1130 The 3d Parachute Battalion is The following equipment was provided
ordered to prepare for the eventual to support the 1,171 para-commando
departure of a company on 24 hours force: 25 armed and command jeeps; 12
notice. three-wheeled load carriers; and 80 tons
of parachuting equipment, ammunition,
17 May food, water, medical eupplies, and so
0200The General Staff decides on forth.
the eventual participation of 1,000 para- Air support consisted of eight Boeing
commandos. 707s; two Boeing 727s; and eight C130S,
0700The regimental commander in- of which three were in Mali on a civilian
structs his staff to prepare for an opera- food supply mission.
tion whose mission would be to capture
and hold the Kolwezi airfield.72 hours, to 18 May
ensure the eafety of the European civil- 1300 Departure from Brussels. Be-
ians in Kolwezi and to provide for civil- cause of overflight problems in Africa,
ian evacuation by air. the route is Madeira-Abidjan-Libreville-
The 15th Transport and Liaieon Wing, Karnina; flight time is 22 hours by C130,
reinforced with eight Boeing 707 civilian distance 11,700 kilometer.
aircraft, prepares for the transport of the
regiment and its eupplies to Zaire, the 19 May
drop of parachutists and equipment at 1415 First arrival at Kamina. Subse-
Kolwezi, the air evacuation of European quent arrivals followed thereafter be-
civilians and the return transportation of cause formation flying was prevented by
the regiment and its supplies. the inability of etaging airfields to refuel
At this time, information about the more than one aircraft at a time.
situation in Kolwezi ie scarce. It is 2309The entire regiment is in
believed that the strength of the rebel Kamina. During the day, we learned that
force is about 4,000 men, that they Kolwezis new airfield was held by Za-


irean army units which had retaken it. force C130 aircraft. They land a few
There was no information on the enemys miles northeast of our airfield. Since the
strength, location or disposition of their 1st Battalion was freed of the task of de-
dsfenses. It was learned that the French fending the airfield, it is now dispatched
legionnaires planned to jump north of along the road to the new town with the
KoIwezi born four Zairean air force objective of dislodging the rebels from it
C130S.2 On the basis of this information and holding it. The miesion of the 3d
and in the hope that the rebels would not Battalion remains unchanged: advance
retake the airfield during the night, it along the railroad to the old town and
was decided to make an assault landing seize it.
at dawn.3 0740General Gras, chief of the
French Military Mission, lands, and, to-
20 May gether with the Zatiean military author-
0550The first C130 takes off. and is ity, General Singa, we rapidly agree at
quickly joined by seven others. 0800 to coordinate our activities: the
0628 As we land in the first wave of Zaweans and French to restore order,
four aircraft, we observe numerous black and the Belgians to organize the evacua-
soldiere all in different uniforms. Noth- tion of European civilians. Accordingly,
ing happens. In a few minutes, the sec- the Zairean 31 lth Airborne Battalion
ond wave of four lands following the will hold the airfield, the French Foreign
quick turnaround of our aircraft. We Legion will dislodge the rebels from the
have now 500 combat-ready men on the native villages around Kolwezi, the 1st
ground. The black soldiers prove to be Belgian Battalion will occupy the new
Zairean paratroops, and we are assured town and the 3d Battalion will take and
by the commander, Major Mayele, that hold the old town. The regimental com-
they are in complete control of the mand post will remain at the airfield
airfield. with the reconnaissance squadron and
0635 We observe the drop of the the antitank company which are held in
French legionnaires from four Zamean air reserve.

Refugees wsiting to bosrd a C13LI


President Gmmral MobW~, his command C130 in the background, Is briatad by than Colonal Dapoorler on the mlasion and
axecution ot opmalions on 20 May

0826The 3d Battalion reports it is 2300 There is shooting going on in

being fired on as it moves toward the old town, but the battalions report quiet
town. Its leading elements fail to contact in their areas.
the rebels who have withdrawn.
0850The Ist Battafion reports dis- 21 May
covery of the first civilian dead.~ The 0100An additio al 1,927 refugees
third lift which is being loaded in are evacuated. r
Kamina with the medical team is advised 0700 Based on information received
to bring water since there is none at the from earlier refugees, battafion com-
airfield. The first refugees am.ive. manders are ordered to send out patrols
1240 The dkpatzhing officer reports of at least one-company strength to
that 500 whites and @black have been search for European civilians who may
evacuated. still be in hiding. The patrols are in-
1510 President General Mobutti ar- structed to fire only in eelf-defenee. The
rives. He is briefed on the situation and town is again thoroughly searched, and
congratulates the Belgian para-com- some civilians are discovered in a double
mandos. attic. Patrols search Luilu, Manika,
1700The 1st and 3d Battalions are Mpala and Caroline, some up to 35 milee.
ordered to regroup and install, for the from Kolwezi. They discover some Bel-
night, a perimeter defense in their re- gians and Portuguese who opt to remain.
spective areas. 1235The Belgian ambassador to
1730Abandoned care are strung Zaire, Ritweger de Moor, arrives, visits
along the edge of the runway with their the town and speaks with the last ref-
lights on so that the evacuation tights ugees.
can continue. I 1400 President General Mobutu ar-


rives accompanied by the international Kamina, alf were returned to Belgium

press. He visits the town and thanks the with the exception of the 1st Battalion
para-comma,ndos before departing. (Reinforced). The 1st Battahon dis-
1500The 3d Battalion reports visual patched standing patrols to
contact with rebels in vehicles who drive Lubumbashi, Likasi, Kipushi, Kambove,
away. , Kakanda and Fungurume for the
1700The 1st Battalion reports visual purpose of reetoring public crdm and as-
contact with 20 armed men who flee, suring order. The first troops of the
dropping ~heir weapons. Inter-African Force arrived on 30 May,
1830 We inform our authorities that and, on 7 June, the French Foreign
the task is completed. Perimeter defense Legion started withdrawing an fin-
is installed in each battalion area. ished on 15 June. The 3d Batt1 lion,
with 250 men, relieved the 1st Battalion
22 May on 25 June to help distribute food and
0400Authority is received to return medical supplies until 10 July.
to Kamina, and the 3d Battalion com- On 20 October 1978, the Para-Com-
mences evacuation. mando Regiment received the following
1000 The 3d Battalion evacuation is citation:
completed, and the 1st Battalion arrives has from the 19th of May until the
at the airfield. 10th of July, demonstrated coolness, dis-
1231 The 1st Battalion evacuation is cipline and effectiveness in carrying out
completed. a sensitiue mission requinng the liber-
1325 The remaining elements depart. ation and protection of Belgians and for-
Miesion completed. eigners whose lives were threatened in
Following the regiments return to Shaba and more particularly in Kolwezi.

1 FOI1OW.Q me Korean War 0950551, the 30 Battal, on Wtw.h belts are released ma, when me Wcrafts stQp at the end of the
earned the c,taho.s Hakta.g NI, Chatkol, Korea, was aaaea to me (unway, the ,rooPs and mater,., are evacuated at ll,gh speed
reg, merit Follmwng th, s, the mrcmft, make e 180 degree I.,. and ready for
2 In me late afternoon of 19 May, mey aId jump on me ala Cmmea#ate takeoff The .mt had Iramed m thm te@m@q.e d.nng
..sed a!rf,eld wIm two .OmPa., es The other two c.moan, es earlter maneuvers m Europe Smca .0 ttme m lost m assemblmg
wnmed 5 rmles east of Kolwez!, about 10 nmn. tesafter we landed and reorgautng d,spwsea men ,3.0 eq., pmet ad s,..., m thm
on the new .Irfneld case. me 6.foot Wvannah grass around me .mfmld was cert.m to
create lb,. problem, wtal Wne m gamed The posslbwty of Iandmo
3 Th,s tectma.e Demmt. a Snn.llaneo.s Ia.amg .1 .% maw c.$ualt!es due to W,dq)eed ,s .1s. elunmated
C730 ,wmalt .s me vmith ..0 Ienam .1 the r.nwaY Dermlts 4 A further moon con f,rmea d,scovew of 32 Mutes end 0..
During the hlgmspeed Iandlng. ttw a$imlt Deny is opei?o, safety Mach murdered , the same mom

Major General Henri J G. Depoorter, Bdgian

Army, is Inspector of Infantry at the Army
General Staf~ Belgium. He is a graduate of the
Royal MilitaryAcademy, the War College and
the LL$ACGSC, He has served as chief of the
Personal Staffi Office of the Chief of Staff,
Headquarters, Armed Forces, Central Europe,
Bnmssum, the Netherlands, and, during 197&
78, as commandant of the Para-Commando


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