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K-4: Jordan Peterson

5-8: SD
9-12: MT
Post Sec.: CB


K/1 Grade
1. Career Exploration: Snowmen at Work book
2. Whose Vehicle is This?
3. College Exploration: Graduating from Kindergarten
4. A dream without a plan is just a wish
Lesson: Snowmen at Work
Opening: Introduce the book and read Snowmen at Work by Caralyn Buehner
Activity: Ask students what jobs they recognized in the book and then have students
complete their own snowmen based on the career they would like. For example: Put a
snowflake for eyes if you want to work with people or Square for eyes if you want to
work with food.
Closing: Discussion about career diversity.

2nd Grade
1. Career Toolbox
2. Career Exploration: When I Grow Up book
3. College Exploration: Mahalia Mouse Goes to College book
4. Grade level career fair
Lesson: Career Toolbox
Opening: Present to students the Career Toolbox.
Activity: Students (one by one) will place their hands in the covered toolbox and pull out
career items (gloves, rulers, screwdriver, floss, fabric, etc.). The student will then try to
guess which career that item may apply to. Other classmates are allowed to share ideas.
Closing: Can one item be used in multiple careers? (YES!) Its always great to have
tools in your toolbox!

3rd Grade
1. Career Dolls Group Activity
2. SMART goals
3. Local College Visit
4. Oh the Places Youll Go book
Lesson: College Visit
Opening: Identify questions students might have during a college visit.
Activity: Field Trip to local college
Closing: What stuck with you today?

4th Grade
1. College isnt a dream, its a plan!
2. Multiple Intelligence Survey
3. Youre a Smart Kid: Follow-up of MI Survey results and connect it to career exploration
4. Guest Speakers
Lesson: Career Exploration Youre a Smart Kid
Opening: Refresh Multiple Intelligences and pass back survey results
Activity: Break students into groups based off of MI and have students complete a
worksheet together that asks questions like; What are strengths of a person with these
kind of smarts?, Name at least 3 jobs a person with these kind of smarts would be good
at?, Name 3 hobbies a person with these kind of smarts would enjoy doing.
Closing: Groups share out!

5th Grade
A. What careers have I thought about since Kindergarten?
B. Finding my Place in the world; multiple intelligences
C. Using social media to benefit me!
D. NBA basketball players, but wait..theres more! Other positions in the industry

Lesson: Multiple Intelligences

Opening: As a table group, students will rotate throughout 8 different activities...These activities
will represent the different intelligences.
Discussion: After completing the 8 groups, students will go to the group they connected the
most with. They will go to the group that they felt they learned the most from. As a class, we
will discuss the different intelligences and utilizing those to help study and be successful.
Closing: Choose and define your favorite intelligence. Write 3 ways it can help you in/outside of

6th Grade
A. Introducing/Reviewing AVID
B. What careers do I think I can do?
C. Guess the career?
D. College is? (vocational studies, community colleges, universities)

Lesson: Career Jeopardy

Opening activity: Minute Mania: How many careers can you come up with in one minute?
Pair share: As a pair, how many did you come up with?
Activity: Career Jeopardy.Students will choose categories and guess which career is
Closing: exit ticket...Three new careers you discovered and describe what they are.

7th Grade
A. Social media pros & cons
B. School climate and college & AVID
C. Discovering career paths
D. Rap Game and in the industry
Lesson: Social Media trails
Opening activity: Google yourself and see what you a famous person and do
the same OR google an event & see how many different articles are written with different
views/details of the same event
Presentation: Social Media Powerpoint courtesy of a classmate :)
Exit: Create a facebook status to help spread awareness of social media safety

8th grade
A. What skills do I already have? Post them around the school!
B. Multiple Intelligence & careers...Whats the same, whats changed?
C. AVID in middle school vs High School
D. Reaching out to career paths we like!

Lesson: Real World Experiences

Opening: Trace the map: find as many paths as you can from school to the mall.
Discussion: Different ways we can reach success..College, vocational schools, business,
networking, etc. Some students do not go straight to college after school, people can find
success in many ways.
Closing: Pick a career/job youd like. Write a letter to this profession...What do you want to
know? What kind of path do they take? What interests that person? If we can have them
respond, what would you like to learn more of?

GRADE 9: High School Lesson Plan

Warm Up: Brainstorm

The warm up activity would be a brainstorm session. I would ask the question When you think
of college, what comes to mind?. Students would write down their thoughts and and then we
would share out. After students share, we would write on the board what are the themes that
came from the brainstorm session. I would then ask questions about where these ideas come

Activity 1: Career Paths

For the first activity, students will take the naviance career path interest test. The college and
career counselor will explain what the different strengths are for each of the path career paths.
We will then bring professionals from each of the career paths to discuss what they do, why
they like their career, and how they knew it was the right path for them Students will be able to
ask questions to the professionals as well.

Activity 2: Exploring Majors

This activity will tie into the Career Path activity. Students will Take their results and look what
the career paths for people in those fields area. We class will then have a discussion in what a
major is and how it prepares people for what the would like to do with their careers. Students
will be given a list of majors that might appeal to them along with another list of all majors that
are available for students.

Activity 3: College 101 Slideshow

A slideshow will be given called College 101. It will be given by an Admissions Counselor who
will give a brief description of what to know about college. It will cover topics like institution
types, majors, and an introduction to college terminology. The goal is to introduce the students
to college and make them knowledgeable about certain terms at an early age.

Warm Up:
Students will reflect on their first year of high school. They will journal what was fun, what was
difficult, and what they wish they knew. They also will write a letter to their future selves about
their hopes for the future after high school is over. These letters will be collected and sealed.
Discussion will be open for those that would like to share.

Activity 1: Finding the Right Fit

Students will take the naviance career path test again and compare the results to what they got
last time. Students will be reminded on the pros and cons of different institutions types (private,
public, small, large, four year, two year). Students will then journal what they think they would
like in a college focusing on what they want to study.

Activity 2: Building Your Experiences

This activity will introduce students to the importance of getting involved and doing well in
school. Student will write down what activities they are involved in. They will also break down
their time to see how much they spend studying, working, playing sports, and participating in
student clubs and sports. The counselor will talk about balance of time and the importance of
grades and activities to colleges and universities.

Activity 3: Financial Aid 101

An introduction to financial aid will be given to students. Topics covered will be terminology such
as the FAFSA, loans, debt, and scholarships. This will be done in a gameshow trivia style
where students will be split up into groups and will work as a team to find the answers to the
trivia questions.

GRADE 11: High School Lesson Plan

Warm Up: Whats Your Story

Students will reflect on what they have done so far as high schools students and write their their
experiences. This could include, clubs, sports, travel, community service. Students will then
write what are the most important things to them. This can be their personal values, their family,
friends, religion, or anything else. Lastly, students will journal about hardships and obstacles
they have had to overcome in their lives. This could include hardships related to school and
outside of school.

Activity 1: Writing The Essay

An Admission Counselor from a college close by will give a presentation on writing essays for
colleges. This presentation will include examples of bad essays and things that students should
not do. It will also include examples of essays that were good. The counselor will explain how
students can use their personal stories to write effective essays that show college who they are
and why they would be a good fit.

Activity 2: Navigating Admission Process

A different Admission Counselor will give a presentation on the college admission process that
students tend to go through entering their senior year. The presentation will include decision
deadlines for early action and dearly decision, how to set up campus visits over the summer,
good questions to ask colleges and universities when visiting.

Activity 3: Financial Aid 201

This is a more in depth version of Financial Aid 101. This workshop will be done by an College
Financial Aid Counselor who will walk students through the FAFSA form online and explain
terminology such as subsidized vs unsubsidized, pell grant, and expected family contribution.

GRADE 12: High School College Planning

Warm Up: Alumni Panel

Alumni will be welcomed back to discuss their process for choosing the college that they went to
and they will also discuss what they wish they knew when their were seniors in college.
Students will have the ability to ask questions to the panel of alumni as well.

Activity 1: Making The Decision

Counselors will present all the things students must consider when they are applying to colleges
and universities. This includes price, academic fit, social fit, and size, The session will also

Activity 2: Summer Planning

Students will learn about how to make the most of their summer before college begins. They will
learn about the opportunity to do internships, travel, volunteering opportunities, and pre college
classes they are able to take to get familiar with college before they officially begin.

Activity 3: Searching for Scholarships

A Counselor will walk students through the process for applying to scholarships. This session
will include resources that the high school provides, local scholarships in the area and in the
state, along with major reputable national scholarships. The session will also cover how
students should write scholarships and ask for letters of recommendation.
First Year
A. StrengthsQuest: Developing Your Natural Strengths To Show How Awesome You Are
B. Introduction To Resources: Who Do I Go To If...
C. Navigating Difficult Dialogues: Critically Engaging Without Dismissing New Ideas
D. Thriving: Balancing Your Academics, Involvements, & Social Life
Lesson: StrengthsQuest
Opening: Pay for students to take the StrengthsQuest exam prior to workshop.
Activity: Students participate in multiple individual and group activities to understand
and utilize their specific strengths
- Examples: Practice writing their name with both dominant and nondominant hands (metaphor
for working on strengths instead of weaknesses). Participate in scavenger hunt to get
introduced to others and their strengths. Get into strength groups (Executing, Influencer,
Relationship Builder, Strategic Thinking) to co-collaborate on a presentation for the rest of the
Closing: In college, it is important to utilize strengths and natural talents in order to
achieve success and reach your potential. How might you utilize these strengths
during your first year on campus? During your whole time on campus? Upon

A. Mock Interviewing & Resume Crafting
B. Is Studying Abroad Feasible For My Future & My Finances?
C. Youre Halfway There! Pushing Through The Academic Burnout
D. Summer Lovin Had Me A Blast But Summer Jobs Made Me Some Cash
Lesson: Mock Interviewing & Resume Crafting
Opening: Panel of alumni of various professions talk about their experience job
searching, interviewing, and networking
Activity: Students meet 1:1 with alumni professionals in the field students are
interested in pursuing. Alumni participant will read through the students resume
and ask them 3-4 interview questions. Alumni will offer student direct advice and
constructive criticism
Closing: Students will implement alumni advice and meet with a Career Center
representative the following week to show their level of improvement.

A. Gearing Up For The Job Search: Networking & Informational Interviews
B. Reflecting On Your College Bucket List
C. Pizza, Pie, Pizza Pies, and Peer Mentoring
D. What Would Kanye Do? Cultivating Confidence For Graduate School Applications
Lesson: Reflecting On College Bucket List
Opening: What are involvements, courses, and activities you have experienced on
campus the past two years? Which ones brought you joy? What did you learn
about yourself? How will these experiences help you in the future?
Activity: Students will share the instances the identified with small groups and in a
larger group discussion. Students will be able to reflect on the positive
experiences in college and hear of other opportunities theyd like to participate in
before graduation.
There will also be passive programming (posters, pictures, handouts, quotes) in
the physical space to provide students with information and opportunities they
are unaware of (study abroad, internships, research opportunities, clubs and
organizations, events, etc.)
Closing: Students will leave this program appreciating their experiences in school and
understanding that there is still time in their college career to get involved with
new things.

A. Planning For The Future: What Do You Love & How Can You Do It For The Rest Of Your Life?
B. What Is Adulting And How Do I Do It? Answering The Questions No Ones Told You About Life
After Graduation
C. The Final Stretch: Theses, Capstone Projects, and Self-Care
D. Money Management: Understanding Your Student Loan Payments, Retirement Funds, &
Budgeting Finances
Lesson: The Final Stretch: Theses, Capstone Projects, and Self-Care
Opening: Introduce students to the my semester on a page print out and the student
affairs professionals (of various departments/offices) in the room.
Activity: Students will meet in small groups lead by a student affairs professional to talk
through their fears and excitements regarding their last year of school. They will
also fill out their my semester on a page print out with courses, assignments,
involvements, study sessions, vacations, work hours, networking opportunities, and self-
care days/times. Students will also turn into their discussion leader a letter to
their future selves. These letters will be sent out half-way through the semester.
Closing: Small group and large group wrap-up. How are you feeling after this activity?
What more support can we provide?

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