Lesson Plan For Final Project

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Technology Integration Lesson Plan Template

Your Name Ryan Berryhill, Chris Patterson, Carter Sills

Name: School: Date:

CRC Productions Albatross High 4/13/2017

Subject Areas Grade Level Lesson or Project Duration

Social Studies 9-12 50 minutes
Technology Required
What software and hardware are needed for this lesson or project?

Technology Level
Teacher Student
Novice Novice
Intermediate Intermediate
Advanced Advanced
Lesson or Project Topic
What is the topic? What is the title?
Impact of Advancement of Technology in Warfare

Critical Question Addressed

What specific question(s) will be answered?
How has the advancement of technology influencd the cultural landscape and battle
strategies of war throughout history?

Lesson or Project Goals and Objectives

What will students experience and be able to do as a result of this lesson or project?
High school students will be able to identify, in groups, the different technology and weaponry within
specific time periods and relate that to the advancement of and creation of new strategies throughout

Curriculum Connections
What specific curriculum learning outcomes will be addressed in this lesson or project?(TAKS)
SS.912.A.4.7 Examine the impact of airplanes, battleships, new weaponry and chemical warfare in creating
new war strategies (trench warfare, convoys).

Technology Connections
What technology skills and/or goals will be addressed in this lesson or project?
NETS-S 3A: Students plan and employ effective research strategies to locate information and other
resources for their intellectual or creative pursuits.
NETS-S 6C: Students communicate complex ideas clearly and effectively by creating or using a variety of
digital objects such as visualizations, models, or simulations.
NETS-T 1A: Promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness.
NETS-T 1D: Model collaborative knowledge contruction by engaging in learning with students,
colleagues, and others in face-to-face and virtual environments.

Lesson or Unit Starter

What will you do to introduce the lesson or project? Are the connections to the curriculum and technology

This is technology used in war today. However, this kind of technology hasn't always been around. From
the bow and arrow to the musket to the tanks and bombs that are used today, technology and weaponry
have advanced and improved throughout history.

Student-focused Activities
What activities will your student do during this lesson or project?
1) Display starter video(s) for the students to view.
2) Students get into groups of 3, then discuss what they may already know about weapons and technology
from different eras of war.
3) Students regroup as a class. Have a class-wide discussion about the information that the students
discussed in their groups.
4) Students will open the virtual field trip page and explore it for approximately 5 minutes.
5) Students then go back to their 3-person groups. Groups begin researching about the weapons and
technology throughout history.
6) After research, each group will choose at least 3 eras or time periods of war. They are to think about the
different technology available throughout those time periods, how it impacted decision-making, and how it
changed potential battle strategies of that era.
7) Groups will then create a presentation using Prezi to group together their findings. Minimum 6 slides, 2
slides per time period discussing the weapons and tech available and their impact on the warfare of the
era. At least one picture is required per time period.
8) Prezi's will then be presented to the class. When presenting, the students should go into detail and
clearly explain the tech and purpose of what was available in that era.
9) Prezi's should then be turned in digitally to the class inbox.

Hardware, Software, Web, CD ROM Other (Print, Human, etc)
https://prezi.com/ N/A



Student Assessment
How will you assess the extent to which the students have achieved the goals and objectives?
Students will be graded with the attached grading rubric.

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