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EDUC 2220- Educational Technology

Infant-Pre-K Curriculum Plan: Technology-Based Lesson/Activity

Your Name: MacCayla Fitzpatrick Activity Title: Letters

Number of children participating at one time: 14 Ages : 3-5

Activities written for previous classes cannot be re-used and must be the original work of the
Ohio Early Domain:
Learning &
Strand: Motor Development
nt Topic: Small muscle: touch, grasp, reach, manipulate
Standard Statement: Coordinate the use of hands, fingers and wrists to
List at least 1 manipulate objects and perform tasks requiring precise movements.
standard that
is addressed by
this activity.
Write out each
completely and
exactly, as
published in

Lesson Using a SmartBoard, students will take turns writing letters.

Estimated This lesson will take about two hours. I plan on dividing the lesson into 30
minute sessions for four days.
Preparatio What preparation is needed? Obtaining a SmartBoard, introducing letters
n of to students prior to this lesson plan.
and What materials will be used? A SmartBoard, SmartBoard accessories such
environme as markers and erasers, a white screen divided in half.
How will the learning environment be set up? In circle time, teacher will
have students sit in a U and at the top of the U, the SmartBoard will
be set up. This provides a clear view to the board for all students.

Instructional Procedures: A SmartBoard will be used to help students practice writing

their letters. The SmartBoard screen will be divided in half. The teacher will write the
letter A on the first half of the board. Teacher will call on students one at a time, having
them go to the board and writing their A on the other half, using the teachers example
as guidance. This lesson plan is on capital, or uppercase, letters.

Day 1: This lesson will take 30 minutes for four straight days.
For the entire 30 minutes each day, students will sit in circle time gathered around the
SmartBoard and take turns going to the board writing letters. Students will each write 6
different letters (A-F) on the first day.
Day 2: For 30 minutes, students will sit in circle time gathered around the SmartBoard.
Stduents will take turns going to the board and writing letters. Students will each write a
total of 7 different letters (G-M) for this day.
Day 3: For 30 minutes, students will sit in circle time gathered around the SmartBoard.
Stduents will take turns going to the board and writing letters. Students will each write a
total of 6 different letters (N-S) for this day.
Day 4: For 30 minutes, students will sit in circle time gathered around the SmartBoard.
Stduents will take turns going to the board and writing letters. Students will each write a
total of 7 different letters (T-Z) for this day.


This site is called It is an online education program that was created for
students 2-8 years of age. There are letter-based practices and games; students would
benefit from this website by having additional practice with letters.

Differentiated Instructional Support: Describe how instruction can be differentiated

(changed or altered) to meet the needs of gifted or accelerated students:
The instruction can be altered for the needs of gifted or accelerated students by
providing them with an iPad. It could give these students a chance to move at their own
pace. This could also work for disabled students. For example, if I have a student in a
wheelchair, he could stay in his wheelchair and when it is his turn, he could write his
letter on the iPad and hold it up to show the class.
Discuss additional activities you could do to meet the needs of students who might be
struggling with the material: During free time, the students struggling will be provided
with iPads to further practice their letter writing.

Vocabulary: SmartBoard, letters, uppercase, lowercase

For teachers I am confident that the only material I will need is a SmartBoard, I
know its only one form of technology, but there are so many ways
to utilize these boards and since I will be working with younger
students, I think it appropriately fits with my lesson plan.

For students Students will be using a SmartBoard and the accessories that
belong with it.

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