Child and Adolescent Bipolar Disorder: A Review of The Past 10 Years

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Child and Adolescent Bipolar Disorder: A Review of the

Past 10 Years
Barbara Geller, M.D. and Joan Luby, M.D.

J Am Acad Child Adoles Psychiatry 36:1168-1176, 1997


Objective: To provide a review of the epidemiology, phenomenology, natural course,

comorbidity, neurobiology, and treatment of child and adolescent bipolar disorder (BP) for
the past 10 years. This review is provided to prepare applicants for recertification by the
American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology. Method: Literature from Medline and other
searches for the past 10 years, earlier relevant articles, and the authors' experience and
ongoing National Institute of Mental Health-funded project "Phenomenology and Course of
Pediatric Bipolarity" were used. Results: Age-specific, developmental (child, adolescent, and
adult) DSM-IV criteria manifestations; comorbidity and differential diagnoses; and episode
and course features are provided. Included are age-specific examples of childhood
grandiosity, hypersexuality, and delusions. Differential diagnoses (e.g. specific language
disorders, sexual abuse, conduct disorder [CD], schizophrenia, substance abuse), suicidality,
and BP-II are discussed. Conclusion: Available data strongly suggest that prepubertal onset
BP is a nonepisodic, chronic, rapid cycling, mixed manic state that may be comorbid with
attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and CD or have features of ADHD and/or
CD as initial manifestations. Systematic research on pediatric BP is in its infancy and will
require ongoing and future studies to provide developmentally relevant diagnostic methods
and treatment. J Am Acad Child Adoles Psychiatry, 1997, 36(9):1168-1176. Key
Words: child, adolescent, bipolar disorder, mania, hypomania, delusions, grandiosity,

Developmental Considerations

As noted in a recent letter by Schneider et al. (1996), if one looks to fit children and
adolescents into adult criteria for manic-depressive illness, it will be difficult except for those
adolescents who have adult-type onset, i.e., individuals with good functioning until the abrupt
onset of marked manic symptomatology that often requires hospitalization, is responsive to
treatment, and is succeeded by interepisode well-being (McGlashan, 1988). Thus, a
developmental, age-specific viewpoint needs to be considered for pediatric patients who do
not have the adult-type onset.

Analogies to two other occurrences in bioscience are useful to understand the developmental
perspective. The first occurrence is that different illnesses may have different neurobiological
(e.g. genetic, neurotransmitter) mechanisms and thus have differences in severity with earlier
age of onset (Childs and Scriver, 1986). A classic example is the comparison of juvenile to
adult-onset diabetes in which genetic mechanisms and severity differ. The second situation
occurs when the same causative agent can have different clinical manifestations at different
times in the life cycle. An example of the second situation is when 6-OH-dopamine is given
to infant versus adult rats. Infant rats given this compound develop hyperactivity, whereas
geriatric rats develop parkinsonian symptomatology.

On the basis of the occurrence of either (or both) of the neurobiological mechanisms noted
above, it is developmentally possible for childhood-onset manic-depressive illness to be more
severe; to have a chronic, nonepisodic course; and to have mixed, rapid-cycling features
similar to the clinical picture reported for severely ill, treatment-resistant adults (Geller et al.,
1995; Himmelhoch and Garfinkel, 1986; Hsu, 1986; Hsu and Starzynski, 1986; Stancer and
Persad, 1982). A possibility also exists that only the most severe manic-depressive children
receive clinical attention because manic episodes that last a few weeks might be tolerated by
parents as a phase of growing up, especially if these do not interfere with school
performance. Our experience of colleagues requesting "hallway" consultations suggests that
this may be the case.

The following review assumes that future data will support continuities across the age span.


As yet, no national or international epidemiological study of bipolar disorder (BP) during the
pediatric years is available. However, data from Carlson and Kashani (1988)
and Lewinsohn et al. (1995) suggest that prevalence during the adolescent years is at least
that of the adult population.

These reports and those below taken together -- i.e. epidemiological data, secular trends, high
switch rates, data from inpatient services, and reports from chart reviews -- support that the
prevalence of child and adolescent manic-depressive illness is at least that in the adult
population and may be increasing. A secular trend, i.e., earlier age of onset of BP with
successively later years of birth, has also been reported (Rice et al., 1987).

Underdiagnosis of childhood bipolarity has been noted by several authors who have
described a high prevalence on inpatient services (Gammon et al., 1983; Isaac, 1995) and a
high prevalence of both diagnosed and undiagnosed cases on chart reviews (Weller et al.,
1986; Wozniak et al., 1995). Another source of underdiagnosis during childhood and
adolescence is that many parents who are bipolar, and thus at higher risk of having bipolar
offspring, remain underdiagnosed themselves (Geller, 1996). These parents may not
recognize the pathological implications of their children's manic behaviors.

Literature on adult samples has noted that 20% to 40% of adults report that their onset was
during childhood (Joyce, 1984; Lish et al., 1994). Adults with childhood onset by history
often also report that the initial episode was depressive (Lish et al., 1994). The latter is
consistent with the high rate of switching of prepubertal depression to prepubertal mania
(32%) reported by Geller et al (1994b) and of depressed adolescents switching to adolescent-
onset mania (20%) (Strober and Carlson, 1982). These rates of switching may be
conservative because of the probable underdiagnosis of childhood mania discussed above.

Clinical Characteristics

At all ages, manic subjects in the cross-section appear to be the happiest of people because of
their infectious, amusing, elated affect. This is also true of children, and it can be very
misleading to see a happy child laughing in the office in the context of a miserable history
(e.g., school suspensions, family fights). This contrasts with sad, depressed children who
everyone thinks are ill because it is more difficult to acknowledge conceptually that happy
children have serious psychopathology. Thus, it is important to evaluate children's affect in
relationship to historical features in exactly the way one evaluates the incongruity between
the infectious elation of manic adult patients in the context of histories that include loss of
family, unemployment, and jail sentences.

Across the life span, grandiose delusions must be judged by failure to follow the laws of logic
and by a firm belief (often to an extent that action is taken). A common presentation for
bipolar children is to harass teachers about how to teach the class; this harrassment is often so
intense that teachers telephone parents, begging them to ask their children to desist. These
children may fail subjects intentionally because they believe the courses are taught
incorrectly. Therefore, their thinking bypasses laws of logic (i.e. that children can choose
what to fail or pass), and the beliefs are acted upon by purposely failing courses. Another
common grandiose manifestation in children as young as seven is to steal expensive items
and be impervious to police officers who attempt to make them understand that what they
have done is wrong and illegal. Similar to grandiose adults, grandiose children believe that
stealing may be illegal for other people but not for them. Unlike patients with pure conduct
disorder, manic children and adolescents, similar to bipolar adults, frequently know that
stealing is a bad thing to do, but they believe that they are "above" the law. Common
adolescent grandiose delusions are that they will achieve a prominent profession (e.g. lawyer)
even though they are failing at school, i.e., the belief that they can have a high attainment
when they have failing school grades bypasses the laws of logic. Asked how he or she will
become a lawyer, an adolescent will answer is "I just know I will". Similarly, a manic
adolescent, even in the absence of musical talent or ability to carry a tune, might practice all
day with the belief that he or she can become a rock star.

Dissimilar to depressed patients who have trouble falling asleep and lie in bed brooding,
manic children have high activity levels in the bedroom prior to sleep, e.g. rearranging
furniture for several hours. Manic adolescents will wait until parents are asleep and then go
out "partying," whereas manic adults will party and work around the clock.

Pressured speech is relatively similar at all ages in that the individual can be difficult or
impossible to interrupt. Racing thoughts are frequently described by children and adolescents
in very concrete terms. For example, children state that they are not able to get anything done
because their thoughts keep interrupting. An adolescent wished she had a button on her
forehead to turn off her thoughts. Flight of ideas in children is similar to that in adults except
for age-specific content, e.g., "Do you live in Nashville? Some people have hogs for
Thanksgiving. Do you have a key to that door?"

Also at all ages, minor perturbations in the environment can produce marked amounts of
distractibility. Increased motor activity and goal-directed behaviors in children and
adolescents frequently look like normal activities done in a profuse amount. The manic child
may in a brief period of time make curtains, begin an illustrated book, rearrange furniture,
and make multiple phone calls, compared with the manic adult, who may start many
businesses and join many social groups.

Involvement in pleasurable activities with a high level of danger is manifested in age-specific

behaviors. Hypersexuality in children frequently begins when a child brought up in a
conservative home without any history of sexual abuse or excessive exposure to sexual
situations begins to use profanity and may tell a teacher to "f--- herself" and "gives her the
finger." Children may masturbate frequently, initially openly, and then when told not to do it
publicly will simply make frequent trips to the bathroom to continue the stimulation. Children
will begin to proposition teachers and make overt sexual comments to classmates.
Adolescents develop romantic fantasies and delusions about teachers (see vignette
in Geller et al. 1995). Older children and adolescents will call the 1-900 sex telephone lines,
which the family discovers when the telephone bill arrives. Older adolescents and adults will
have multiple partners with unprotected sexual behaviors and frequently will have an urgency
to have sex, e.g., an adolescent wrote to her boyfriend, starting the letter with a sentence that
said "When are we going to f---?" Adults will have multiple partners; males may be
womanizers; and often there are multiple marriages.

Interest in money appears in young children when they start their own businesses in school
and when they begin to order multiple items, trips, and plane tickets from advertised 1-800
and 1-900 telephone numbers. Again, the family frequently does not discover this until items
arrive at the house and telephone bills arrive. Adults may overdraw on bank accounts and
"top out" on multiple credit cards.

Across the age span, taking more dares is common. In older adolescents and adults, this
frequently appears as wild driving, eventuating in many speed and "driving under the
influence" tickets. In children it manifests as grandiose delusions that they can fly out the
window because they believe that they have that ability or in exaggerations of usual
childhood hopping around on trees or between roof tops, based on beliefs that they are above
the possibility of danger.

To further exemplify pediatric features, characteristic vignettes of children and adolescents

with BP can be reviewed in Geller et al. (1995). Characterization of preschool-age BP is an
important avenue for future investigation.

Differential Diagnosis and Comorbidity

Table 1 provides a list of differential diagnoses and/or comorbid conditions by age group.

Sexual abuse is especially important as a differential diagnosis during the childhood years
because manic hypersexuality is often manifested in children by self-stimulatory behaviors
including frequent masturbation. Thus, it is useful to obtain a careful history of whether the
child could have been abused or exposed to adult sexual behaviors.

Specific language disorders need to be differentiated from flight of ideas because children
and adolescents with language disabilities can sound as though they have a thought disorder
when they partake in conversation without actual comprehension of the content and/or the
ability to find the appropriate words to use.

At present, data suggest that for some prepubertal-onset bipolar children, hyperactivity
manifestations begin at preschool age and are followed by a full manic syndrome during the
early grade-school years (Geller, 1997b). In these children, it is possible that hyperactivity is
the first developmentally age-specific manifestation of prepubertal-onset BP. This hypothesis
is consistent with the higher prevalence of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in
prepubertal- versus adolescent-onset BP. For other bipolar children, ADHD and BP may be
comorbid, i.e., hyperactivity is a separate disorder that coexists. Numerous authors
(Biederman et al., 1995; Borchardt and Bernstein, 1995; Fristad et al., 1992; Geller et al.,
1995; Strober et al., 1988; West et al., 1995) have noted the high prevalence of symptoms of
hyperactivity among children and adolescents with bipolarity. When subjects are seen
initially because of bipolar symptomatology, approximately 90% of prepubertal and 30% of
adolescent bipolars have ADHD (Geller et al., 1995). Manifestations of ADHD overlap with
those of multiple other DSM-IV diagnoses (e.g., BP, major depressive disorder [MDD]).
Thus, validation of the distinctness of coexistent ADHD versus similar symptom clusters but
dissimilar pathogenesis must await future naturalistic course, family genetic, and other
neurobiological studies (Biederman et al. 1991; Geller, 1997b).

Even with the relatively conservative DSM-IV criteria, conduct disorder occurs in
approximately 22% of bipolar children and 18% of bipolar adolescents (Geller et al., 1995).
Conduct disorder, similar to ADHD, may be an initial manifestation of prepubertal-onset BP
(Geller, 1997b; Kovacs and Pollock, 1995). These comorbid conduct disorders appear related
to poor judgment and grandiosity. As an example, a 7-year-old child stole a go-cart, an item
that costs several hundred dollars, and was completely unfazed when the police appeared and
tried to admonish him, thus demonstrating the grandiosity of stealing such a large object and
of being impervious to legal intervention. Conduct disorders during adolescence (which may
include driving under the influence, running away for sexual adventures, and stealing large
amounts of jewelry) frequently lead to placement of these youngsters in juvenile facilities.
Adult antisocial equivalents are well known (e.g., buying new television sets for every room
in the hospital; obtaining real estate that the individual cannot afford).

During the teenage years, because of greater perceptual distortions seen in bipolar illness
during adolescence, schizophrenia is a major differential (Horowitz, 1975). Differentiation is
greatly aided by a family history of mania, which is more probable for BP than schizophrenic
adolescents (Strober et al., 1988).

Substance abuse begins to be an important comorbid condition during the teenage years and
is an important differential (Horowitz, 1975; 1977). For example, laughing fits may be due to
smoking marijuana as a differential from the laughing fits that occur during the pediatric
years as a manifestation of elation. Furthermore, very rapid cycling (Table 2) that is a
hallmark of child and adolescent bipolarity (Geller et al., 1995) can easily be mimicked by
amphetamine highs followed by withdrawal "crashes." Hallucinogens can mimic bipolar
perceptual distortions (Horowitz, 1975; 1977).

Similar to the multiple comorbid anxiety conditions seen with MDD, bipolar patients also
manifest multiple comorbid anxiety conditions (approximately 33% of bipolar prepubertal
patients and 12% of bipolar adolescent patients ) (Geller et al., 1995).

Naturalistic Course

Table 2 provides a comparison between pubertal-onset versus adult-onset episode and course

As noted in the beginning of this article, prepubertal onset manic-depressive disorder may not
present with the sudden or acute onset and improved interepisode functioning characteristic
of the disorder in older adolescents and adults. Rather, it may present with a picture of
continuous, mixed manic, rapid cycling of multiple brief episodes described in detail
by Geller et al. (1995). Thus, children may be having a laughing fit and happily doing an arts
and crafts project when, without any environmental prompt, they will suddenly become
miserable and acutely suicidal, talking about wanting to shoot themselves. Parents frequently
describe their frustration at not being able to convince practitioners that their children rapidly
cycle, sometimes numerous times in each day. Because this history has been given
independently by parents (including those from many parts of the United States who have
received Dr. Geller's name from the National Institutes of Health) who have no idea that this
cycling pattern has been described by other parents, there is no reason to disbelieve these
parental observations. Adults with mixed manic, rapid-cycling BP have a poorer prognosis
than those with discrete episodes (Keller et al., 1993). Therefore, future studies of the adult
course of BP children will be crucial for developing long-term, prophylactic treatments for
implementation during the prepubertal years. Naturalistic follow-up of bipolar adolescent
inpatients has evidenced a poor prognosis (Strober et al., 1995).

One of the issues that arises for child and adolescent manic-depressive individuals is whether
or not BP-II disorder has the same implications as it does in the adult population (Coryell et
al.,1995;Geller et al., 1994b). The switch rate from BP-II to BP-I in adults has been estimated
by Coryell et al. (1989, 1995) to be similar to the low rate reported by Geller et al. (1994b)
for switching from BP-II to BP-I among prepubertal subjects who switched during the
prepubertal period. However, it remains possible that BP-II in children and adolescents may
be an age-specific, developmental precursor to BP-I (Geller et al., 1994b). If the latter were
established, then treatment for BP children might differ from that for BP adults in whom BP-
II is often treated with the same regimen as MDD (Frank and Kupfer, 1985). Treatment for
MDD in potentially BP pediatric patients may be contraindicated because there is evidence,
albeit controversial, that antidepressant therapy may precipitate or worsen rapid cycling
(Akiskal et al., 1985, 1995; Geller et al., 1993; Wehr and Goodwin, 1979; Wehr et al., 1988).

Further research will also be needed to provide better differentiation of whether

the Akiskal et al. (1995) concept of temperamental issues (i.e., that there is essentially a
constant temperamental modulation in some patients) is only semantically different from the
mixed manic picture of BP-I and BP-II children, adolescents, and adults (Geller et al.,
1995; Keller et al., 1993).

The role of comorbid personality disorders as prognostic and course features of adolescent
BP remains a poorly studied but important area based on reported interepisode personality
trait impairments in BP adults (Solomon et al. 1996). Johnson et al. (1995) have noted cluster
II personality disorders were more prominent among BP adolescents. Other work in the area
of personality disorders among pediatric BP individuals is not yet available, in part because
of the need for further work on instrumentation (Brent et al., 1990).

Data support a higher risk of suicidality among BP adolescents compared to adolescents with
other diagnoses (Brent et al., 1988, 1993). In addition, comorbidity of mood and substance
use disorders has been correlated with higher suicide risk in older adolescents and young
adults (Rich et al., 1986, 1990). The well known high comorbidity of substance dependency
and BP in adults is especially notable because data suggest that "secondary" substance use is
more amenable to treatment and has a better prognosis (Geller, 1997a; Winokur et al. 1995).


In their classic 1986 paper, Childs and Scriver describe different genetic mechanisms for
medical illnesses that have both an early- and late-onset form, e.g., diabetes mellitus. In 1988
and 1992,Strober et al. described this phenomenon for pediatric bipolarity, noting that
prepubertal-onset bipolarity was more likely to be associated with early aggressive
hyperactivity, lithium resistance, and greater familial loading. Thus, clinically it is useful to
identify parents who may have undiagnosed bipolarity (Geller, 1996). This is best done by
asking way-of-life questions (e.g. how relatives manage money; driving histories; relatives
with more than four marriages) because patients with undiagnosed mania are unlikely to
think of themselves as ill. Vignettes of relatives with undiagnosed mania appear
in Geller (1996). Also, possible relationships of genomic imprinting (preferential maternal or
parental transmission) and mitochondrial inheritance (maternal transmission) to pediatric age
of onset of BP remain intriguing issues for future research (Grigoroiu-Serbanescu et al.
1995; McMahon et al. 1995).

Familial aggregation of alcoholism among bipolar adults has been noted to be greater than
among subjects with other diagnoses (Winokur et al., 1995, 1996). A similar high prevalence
of alcoholism among first-degree relatives of prepubertal and adolescent subjects with mood
disorders has been reported (Geller, 1997a; Geller et al., 1990, 1992; Puig-Antich et al.,
1989; Todd et al., 1996). Further research on prognostic implications of familial alcoholism
among pediatric BP cases is warranted. Another promising line of investigation includes
genetically based malformation syndromes that include BP behavioral manifestations
(Papolos et al., 1996).

The few available neurobiological studies include a single case study of a hypomanic child
who had significantly different urinary methoxyhydroxyphenylglycol level from those of
normal controls (McKnew et al., 1974), a report of enlarged ventricles and increased number
of hyperintensities in a small open pilot study of bipolar children and adolescents (Botteron et
al., 1995), and a report comparing sleep and neuroendocrine parameters in depressed
adolescents with BP outcomes and those who remain depressed (Rao, 1994).

Available work on cognitive characteristics of child and adolescent bipolarity is sparse but
includes the work of Decina et al. (1983). That report noted a significant discrepancy between
Verbal and Performance IQ scores in offspring of bipolar parents but not in the normal
control group. This is consistent with neurobiological data in adult samples that support right-
sided brain impairments in manic individuals (Sackeim and Decina, 1983). Fristad (personal
communication, November, 1993) noted that bipolar subjects had higher IQs than an ADHD
control group. Also Kutcher (1993) reported a decrease in math performance based on school
records among prebipolar adolescents. This finding may be consistent with the Decina et al.
(1983) findings on lower performance IQ. It is clear that further work on cognitive
impairments and their prognostic and treatment implications is needed.

Psychopharmacological Treatment

Treatment of childhood bipolarity remains a remarkably understudied area in spite of

voluminous literature comprising more than 400 case reports, studies with small numbers,
and investigations with populations that were not diagnosed with DSM-III or higher criteria
(Botteron and Geller, 1995; Fetner and Geller, 1992; Kafantaris, 1995; Youngerman and
Canino, 1978). Thus, unless there is an expectation that childhood bipolarity completely
mimics the adult treatment considerations, separate study is warranted. Compelling
arguments, however, against the similarity of treatment of bipolarity across age groups can be
constructed by analogy to the treatment differences between childhood and adult MDD
(Geller et al., 1996). Because there is as yet only one completed double-blind, placebo-
controlled study of any medication for child or adolescent mania using rigorous methodology
and design (Geller, 1997a), the clinician will be tempted to extrapolate from studies of adults.
However, extrapolation from treatment of MDD in adults did not prove useful, i.e., tricyclic
antidepressants have never been shown to work better than placebo in any study of a child
and adolescent population (Geller et al., 1996).

The pharmacokinetics of lithium in children has been studied (Vitiello et al., 1988), and, as
expected, lithium has a shorter half-life in children than in adults. The latter is expected
because of the more efficient renal system of children. More recently, in a completed double-
blind, placebo-controlled study of lithium for adolescents who were bipolar and substance
dependent, lithium was significantly more effective than placebo by both completer and
intent to treat analyses (Geller, 1997a). Literature on lithium suggests that it can be given to
children with the same safety precautions used in adults and with similar monitoring at 6-
month intervals for renal, thyroid, calcium and phosphorus indices (Fetner and Geller,
1992; Khandelwal et al., 1984). Further, a double-blind, placebo-controlled study of lithium
for aggressive children has highlighted that there may be some children who will develop
cognitive impairment at low plasma levels (Silva et al., 1992). This was also noted in a
double-blind, placebo-controlled study of lithium for depressed children who had predictors
of future bipolarity (Geller et al., 1994a).

The safest, most rapid method of prescribing lithium is to do so pharmacokinetically using a

nomogram (Cooper et al., 1973; Fetner and Geller, 1992; Geller and Fetner, 1989).
Alternately, if obtaining a serum lithium level 24 hours after a single dose is impractical, a
300-mg total daily dose can be administered until steady state is reached (Fetner and Geller,
1992). If the lithium level at the 300-mg daily dose is not between 0.8 and 1.2 mEq/L, then a
linear proportion can be made to estimate the dose needed to reach the desired level (Geller
and Fetner, 1989). Because of genetic variation in rate of elimination of lithium, slow
eliminators can develop unacceptably high serum lithium levels and adverse effects if
nonpharmacokinetic administration such as milligram-per-kilogram dosing is used (Hagino et
al. 1995). Tactical problems and side effects with lithium are discussed in detail in Fetner and
Geller (1992).

Lithium, however, is not a drug that can be given either to chaotic families or families who
are unable to keep multiple appointments for monitoring of lithium levels and renal and
thyroid functioning. Many young bipolar patients have at least one bipolar parent and some
(Gaensbauer et al., 1984; Grigoroiu-Serbanescu et al., 1989), but not all (Anderson and
Hammen, 1993), offspring studies attest to the negative impact bipolar parenting can
produce. Therefore, it is imperative to have choices of medications that can safely and
effectively be given in chaotic environments. Furthermore, because of the cycling and abrupt
onset of suicidality, it is also important to have medications that would be safer than lithium
if taken in overdose.

There are a few open, uncontrolled studies addressing anticonvulsant treatment of

BP. Papatheodorou and Kutcher (1993) reported that valproate showed promising
results. Himmelhoch and Garfinkel (1986) reported on the use of carbamazepine for lithium
resistant adolescents. A report by Isojarvi et al. (1993) in the New England Journal of
Medicine showed that polycystic ovarian disease developed in 89% of young females
receiving valproic acid for epilepsy compared with 27% of epileptic females who were not
receiving this preparation. In a 1996 article, Isojarvi et al. noted that valproate was associated
with onset of obesity in more than half of the women and that these individuals also
developed polycystic ovarian disease. Obviously, these would be prohibitive side effects for
most female children with manic-depressive illness. Further work on whether or not this side
effect appears only when the medication is given for epilepsy and independent replication of
these findings are warranted. Details of valproate and carbamazepine administration are
provided in Botteron and Geller (1995). Low dose chlorpromazine may be another alternative
(Botteron and Geller, 1995).

Methylphenidate has been reported, in case studies, both to worsen (Koehler-Troy et al.,
1986) and to be a first line of medication (Max et al., 1995) for bipolar children and
adolescents. At present, there is a need to use trial and error to judge which patients benefit
and which might be made worse by stimulant medication.

Due to the chronic course of childhood manic-depressive illness and because of rapid cycling,
mixed features which are known to predict poor response in older populations (Geller et al.,
1995;Himmelhoch and Garfinkel, 1986; Hsu, 1986; Keller et al., 1993), duration of antimanic
treatments is complex. Further, literature on adults suggest that intermittent lithium therapy is
worse for outcome than continuous, noninterrupted therapy and that it can be difficult to
restabilize patients on lithium after interruptions (Ahrens et al., 1995; Muller-
Oerlinghausen et al., 1992, 1994; Schou, 1995; Schou et al., 1989). Of note, Strober et al.
(1990, 1995) keep adolescents on antimanic treatments throughout the teenage
years. Strober et al. (1990) have also reported an open, uncontrolled naturalistic follow-up
study of adolescents on lithium. These data strongly support long term maintenance lithium
because subjects who discontinued lithium had a significantly higher relapse rate.

Psychosocial Treatments

As yet, this area has not been investigated for children and adolescents with BP. It may,
however, be especially important because of the known increased significance of nonshared
environmental factors during the early childhood years (Pike and Plomin, 1996). Studies
showing the relationship of negative expressed emotion to poorer outcome among bipolar
adults argue for similar investigation of nonshared environmental factors among childhood
populations (Miklowitz et al., 1988).

Among adults, impairment in psychosocial functioning between BP episodes has been

reported (Coryell et al., 1993; Gitlin et al., 1995). The latter is relevant to an ongoing
controlled study of adults who, after stabilization on medication, are randomly assigned to
either a family-focused or a combined interpersonal and social rhythm (e.g., sleep)
intervention (Miklowitz et al., 1996). It is clear that similar studies of psychosocial therapies
among younger populations will be warranted when medication maintenance studies for
pediatric BP become available.


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Differential Diagnoses and/or Comorbid Conditions

Child Adolescent Adult

Specific language

hyperactivity disorder

Oppositional defiant

Conduct disorder X X

Sexual abuse X X

Schizophrenia X X

Substance abuse X X

Antisocial personality X
Hypothesized Clinical Course by Age of Onset

Prepubertal and Young Older Adeolescent and

Adolescent Adult

Initial episode Major depressive disorder Mania

Discrete with sudden

Episode type Rapid-cycling, mixed
onsets and clear offsets

Duration Chronic, continuous cycling Weeks

Nonepisodic Improved functioning

1997 by the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. This article is reproduced here with
permission of the Academy.

Dr. Geller is Professor of Psychiatry and Dr. Luby is Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Department of
Psychiatry, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis.

Reprint requests to Dr. Geller

Washington University School of Medicine
4940 Children's Place
St. Louis, MO 63110

This work was supported by NIMH Grant R01 MH53063 "Phenomenology and Course of Pediatric Bipolarity"
to Dr. Geller.

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