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QUANTUM MECHANICS I Final, January 12, 2009 Duration: 150 minutes NAME : IDNo : Qi Q2 Q3 Q4 Qs Q6_| Bonus | Total ©Giiginal Artist Reproductionsrights,gbtainable from www, v CafoonStoskec din, oe Notes: 1) For Harmonie Oscillator : a) The operator 4 is 1 Tiina (mm tie) As and its Hermitian conjugate 1 + imo") b) Recursion relation from the solution of 1D harmonic oscillator. nj) G+) +2) As 4, 4 ¢) The energy eigenvalues are = hatne) d) And corresponding first few eigenfunctions are a [MO gemostie wo-()* 1 a (me) [20 p-moern u¢o)-(“2) were L (ee -}em= a 3 i (moi (2mo ones! u(x) = (22) (M22 -35}e an In 2) favee* = ie n00=45(%2 3) For infinite square well placed between 0 to a: we zim and vem fs ) 2ma’ a a 4) eMis defined tobe Y= a 5) Radial wave equation: vf 4(é Re) +V RY) = ERG) 6) The Pauli matrices are Co} sel 3) o,= . = > x lt o y Gio 7) Angular momentum operators L,=L,+il, and L.=L,-il, L,\Lm)= J+ 1)-m(m+DAli,m+1) L.|I,m)= J1G+1)-m(m=Dall,m—1) 8) Radial eigenfunctions of Hydrogen atom: 2 Ro = (2) ene Me 1 (22Y"(, ar) enn more (Z) (rg) L(zy"(z a 1(ZY"(Z) 206 weonaten) (EF 9) The spherical harmonies : He *°" Tag ¥, =-,2e¥ sing 8 Yo= 2 cos Yn = ee e** sin? 0 Y= 7 15 6 sin 80080 8a Yo = 6 cos’ 0-1) The spherical harmonics with negative 771 can be easily compute from those with positive m. Nem =O 1 Yn 1) A simple harmonic oscillator state at ¢ = Ois given by V(x,0) = Atdy(x) + Bu, (x) + Cu (x) where 1,(x)is the ground state, u,(x) is the first excited state and 1,(x) is the third excited state of a simple harmonic oscillator. Evaluate the following expectation values as a function of time: a)(H) —b) (p?/2m) ©) (ie? /2) a) (p) ©) (x) Els AUW + BOG) +O Re) fom neaaltaben stabs Bibs lelbed ot Ue, u L4y ve expenlehs sf LW.c! tre 0% ieee pe ( tt 7 bee tlle ae So thet buys (a+t)be Un a e hw (dio + > els 2 let) b) Now wg pa © oe (at_a) 1G date ree —A)" = - Bet (at. att_ant_ata) are And usin Bu, = Tr AA DP une Inet’ Unen The gyn Shek of Grit ces ~ — tert, wee Tots Aue +B”, cuee So Lan dh, abt, Ley (a4) Gou> M2 o2. ABI PA, CP ue L, tena (A) Ems Oc errr pth Bent)> Bue. acu, EM + at, AA Vat)= Au Ee he 2Buy rh ec uae Hance
, Aafaed fm Bos el eh 9 d 2 4b ZB So, gtk Gale pert (x) & tb). Lecath 2 Tl aheo |) (Ate 3) ie my ee ae (at) + }. apy ol pt Bet = Gu, eo * BR & ene rca Ag (xt) = BY ee +3 CU, eee 7{oke gata zr) mhe ¢ RD aie ab a) ru slant 1A*e\ Sonor +4) owe dp os ddd Ge ah d=iaral ett e) xf.” (at+a) Se kn> =| 2m latel Ges (ote dr) 2) Given the state |2,m) a) Calculate the expectation values(Z2), (Z3), and (Z2)as well as the uncertainties AL, , AL,,and AL,. b) Discuss how the uncertainties 7 in ate part related with the commutator LL, ]=ihh, A) Gace fre slate [Gad wan expeshbe of La, Lledsmm ad Ll dd = tot Boe Ly ad Ly! Leed(terl-) a by=t(L.-L.) theebre eer Gee Pa Ly f -L (ure - b+lL.~- L_t+) Stree La lamd= {deny metas) FH [Zand (d= Jalen) — atacy’ 4 VQ an1> aml belunde 2 GALLI qed so we hve and Gal Lelgads 2 allt [had co Theatre Zly2 =O ad 2ly> =o Bnd Atal Ure = Lamb iy lao = 7 Laya\ Lg be t Lobe QD Nous N Lib Wad = Le ( fetes) —M (m-t) 5 a4) chi Ue—m(m-) [lan mn 1A wd Loe nde LL (Sedma & mar) Selena [tend eda" 1am) =H Cend—matan} Lad Thuepee : Lut) = guy d= * (2e (e+) amos) v(m) | = bt ( £ (e4) *) a Herce Aly = Oly > S [a(enyont” eels es, &) From wncertamrhy relosen? Dlx by 7 LUCE Lg = BSD = Hm > Am { ee4s) +) > At ca a Bt on Te bord, mee CBA te magne | 8 Sbrfed ad feds ove Grtcsdedh, 3) A particle of mass m is constrained to move between two concentric impermeable spheres of radii r = a end r =b, There is no other potential. Find the ground state energy and normalized wave function. Let Hee radsal eave Prcten of Hh pectele: Ce) = Kt) c Ta tee calsal Sebeddayer egratrer Veeans: 3X) an Seatsiee is (g-vo)) - (ess) ¢ Xr) a0 Re. aera b Utr)zo ad mo fr ewe, Ale Gr fend shale 220. Hace u Be) 4 rb 2) 20 yt Ace ae Cae ed )|=<0| = Act 26 ea LR xXc@)=0 req ured Wa Salutoan Lids AB &A(Ki-od) Thr Ki= ASM(L (t+) =O => AGaenn 2 Ke ae N24, 23.2. bao Werce Qe tee whee ta Fue gms shle, =A ve bone G,= pe. tab 2 arn (bo) Be te growed Shte arse fanedseny Dorralmatien Conditan bo b i QO) steer -{ Cre) de =A a a = ° Sent (a8 ( \ wht tas rot %,, Ba, \ ZE, Uno EEta) Ga + Vt &, Gay + Ger Fuad (Ge + +r bt 38) Sete med Le 0 gs 2 (4e\+ 6€2) bys & a ~H4} 2 a ”~ ”) Tag. oF" Tas ey, a bth, FE (2 thee +E Bae to Te as + ch ye Beng, | Zin ee: relony Ge Shh Che [nd . Nerce. proyecto of ths: kad | Tas? ee, thf), “fF (20 a Law| Yadt ©” Laiiituad AEs ea safle a Law | Gy de ga hy ny laa} ee Here. L Pe | doul Taal = . Sma 5) Consider a spinless particle represented by the wave function yod(xty+2z)e" where A and a are real constants. a) What is total angular momentum of the particle? b) What is the expectation value of the z-component of angular momentum? ©) Ifthe z-component of angular momentum, Z, , were measured, what is the probability that the results would be Z, =-+h? The wave Panchen Ar 2A (e+ <2%) “a Wowk WN sQhectea\ Cosrdtrabes Ue od)= Ar (Gs Sao + SSO + 7 ae ee SS NAS Gnhne the angler pach of i Yose) = AL 4 [e%re*4) an0 +Lieh_a*\Gnoe 280) ot AL 4Cs 4) PSn0 + 2 (4-2) 2908 + 209] =A iA VY, 4 ii Se Nat + 298 Ye] Let!s Asralme 48 aS woh > => pt (2) Bo + GO H+ g 24 4 a) 2 Hence. : - A (s,e) = oe om Na “jz Yio Thsefre 9) wave finchen aude Melia iain fherce fee Jodal argue eee (a4. LUD = A (Lead = 2K 4 is SALAD = Sas Bh P| | et By Jz Magi < he oe +f2 ‘ie » x h Ma 7 a7 (ss) AA +)8-04,.> AaA 4 _ AtA 4 Get (UR " =O So The meatwenent of Le yrds mt (me, 0,-4) Se VK ust gobality — p . AeA erake wy" & of zl % s(Bye & At (Bs 4 Pos Awd 6) Consider a hydrogen atom at possible lowest energy state, Suppose a measurement is made which shows that L=/ and Ly=-+1. Find the wave function of this state of the hydrogen atom immediately after such a measurement in terms of the hydrogenic wave functions, Yu, LD Menuet at 1, Smee A> RA f. lowes eure, shke, Aad. He, werle Tee wavePncdern L- tus shk as: ei) = Boag +B Garo + C ay Noo, Vells check Ihe Seon meatremert: Lx (he)= ds \4 2) 1 lath 2 2 (L44L-) \ 4a> 2 z we Cen ay La luad=h keen) = ert (4 netd Le ur) = JUG) eed La we base Ly (ware CRB 4, +h Ct. + h 4 Une +B Gar) (A Gy + BU + Ch) > a -F) Ua, + (geo Bue +(@8 Cyt zo tree ; we. gt ene ret Ge he os Toe ails A Uy aR Atye #8 Ta 2A ( Yay + & Uo a: Ua) So we cer Sek A fom the wrrahabn condtbens LUA UA = 4 = At (A+ 744) => A=), aree Ge d (ty 8 he Ge) Bonus (20 points): Find all of its energy eigenvalues of the following Hamiltonian: H=Ea'a+V(ata') where F and V are constants and [a,a"]= A" is a positive constant. Hint: Consider the following transformation of the operators beuatv and bi=u'a'+v" where u and v are complex numbers. As suggested, let's clack (b, l= (uae, stat av*) 2 ur (.a,ath = ut ge So, dur ets classe Coty =4 ond asb-Y)p ard at Gwe Then = Ya, Then we ged? te & ot ae Vy (asat) =e e (uv) (bv) +Vp(bv +o vt) 2 ES (bb wv vb +e) + V@ (bed vv") Now Vetls close teal Const Dv od eeu ve far \mor loms , $ A, o\ Cancel. tu Ter ts Eg Yb oo 2 eat (Bb+y) - EE wy Bo asspbted borme ce oociWabe thar Vanna . _.) . € L

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