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Dear Primewater,

We write in behalf of our client, in connection with her complaint for [] water fees.

For the period February- December 2016, our clients bill has range from [] to [] monthly.

However, for the month of December, the bill has jumped to 32k. If only to toll the
running of penalty, our client paid the bill.

On two occasions, however, our client requested that an inspection be made on their
premises such that your good office has sent inspectors on two different occasions.

To oour clients utter shock, however, the bill for [] jumped to []. This jump, however, was
never accompanied by any increased water consumption by our clients or by any of
their tenants. Our client also assures you that there was never any increase in the
number of tenenats in the premises.

We, therefore, request that this matter be clarified and that the incorrect billing for our
client be corrected immediately. Consider this letter a protest of the current billing.

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