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MATH 428Fall, 2016

Assignment #1Due Sep. 13

40 points

1. (1 point) What is the plural of vertex?

2. (8 points) Consider the graph G = (V, E) where V = {a, b, c, d, e, f } and E =

{ab, bc, cd, de, ef, ac, df }.

a) Draw the graph defined by G. (2 points)

b) What is the size and order of G? (2 points)
c) What is the degree sequence of G? (2 points)
d) Does G have an edge, removing which would make G disconnected? (2 points)

3. (3 points) We saw in class that in every graph G, the number of vertices of odd degree
is even.

Prove that for every 0 k n with k even, with the exception of (k, n) = (0, 2),
there exists a connected graph on n vertices that has exactly k vertices of odd

4. (6 points)

Let G be a graph in which all vertices have degree at least 2. Show that G must
have a cycle. (3 points)
Let G be a graph in which all vertices are of degree 2. Show that G is a disjoint
union of cycles. (3 points)

5. (5 points) Let Gn be the graph with vertex set V (G) = {1, 2, ..., n} and E(G) =
{ij| |j i| 3}.

a) Draw G6 . (2 points)
b) Give a formula for the number of edges in Gn ? (Example: We have seen in class
that the number of edges in the complete graph Kn is n(n1)
2 ) (3 points)

6. (5 points) Use induction to prove that for any positive integer n, (n, n, n 1, n
1, . . . , 4, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1) is graphic.

7. (3 points) Consider the following statement about a graph G: If all vertices of G have
odd degree then the number of edges in G is odd.

Find a graph for which the statement is not true.

8. (4 points)

a) What is the number of different graphs with vertex set V (G) = {1, 2, ..., n}? Give
a closed form formula, and justify your answer. (2 points)
b) How many graphs are there with vertex set V = {1, 2, ..., 2n} with degree sequence
(1, 1, . . . , 1)? (2 points)

9. (5 points) Let G be a graph with degree sequence (6, 6, 6, 6, 4, 4, 4).

a) How many edges does G have? (2 points)

b) Show that there is a unique graph (up to labels of the vertices) with this degree
sequence. (3 points)

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