MATH 428-Fall, 2016: Induced Subgraph

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MATH 428Fall, 2016

Assignment #3Due Sep. 27

21 points

1. (4 points)
Let G be the graph defined by V (G) = {1, 2, 3, 4} and E(G) = {12, 13, 14}. Construct a
3-regular graph H such that G is an induced subgraph of H.

2. (3 points)
What is the adjacency matrix of each of the following graphs:

P6 , the path of order 6.

C6 , the cycle of order 6.
K6 , the complete graph of order 6.

3. (5 points) Let Jn be the n by n matrix with all the entries equal to 1.

Let AG be the adjacency matrix of a graph G of order n. Prove that for every i, the
(i, j)th entry of AG Jn is equal to deg(i).
Prove that G is a regular graph if and only if AJ = JA.

4. (5 points)
Let Km,n denote the bipartite graph on m + n vertices, with vertex set V = {u1 , . . . , um }
{v1 , . . . , vn } and edge set E = {ui vj |1 i m, 1 j n}. So, Km,n has size mn.

How many automorphisms does Km,n have when m 6= n?

How many automorphisms does Kn,n have?

5. (4 points) An edge e = uv of a connected graph G is called a bridge of G if G e is

disconnected. Prove that every edge of a tree T is a bridge of it.

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